Should I close a handle with IcmpCloseHandle? - delphi

I try to write a ping thread searching for connected devices to a local network. I need to avoid indy because it works on an administration account in windows.
I translated c++ example of msdn. Should I use IcmpCloseHandle? If so why should I close the handle which is just a cardinal variable. If not so what's the method for?
function IcmpSendEcho(ICMPHandle: Cardinal; DestinationAddress: Integer; RequestData: Pointer; RequestSize: Word; RequestOptions: Pointer; ReplyBuffer: Pointer; ReplySize: Cardinal; TimeOut: Cardinal): Cardinal; stdcall; external 'icmp.dll';
function TForm1.Ping(IPAddress: string; TimeOut: Integer): Integer;
ICMPHandle: Cardinal;
DestinationAddress: Integer;
ReplyBuffer: pICMPEchoReply;
RequestData: array[0..31] of AnsiChar;
ReplySize: Cardinal;
ICMPHandle := IcmpCreateFile;
DestinationAddress := inetaddr(pansichar(AnsiString(IPAddress)));
RequestData := 'data buffer';
ReplySize := SizeOf(ticmpechoreply) + SizeOf(RequestData);
ReplyBuffer := AllocMem(ReplySize);
IcmpSendEcho(ICMPHandle, DestinationAddress, #RequestData, SizeOf(requestdata), nil, ReplyBuffer, ReplySize, TimeOut);
Result := replybuffer.Status;

The documentation for IcmpCreateFile is rather weak. It should make the point that an handle successfully returned by IcmpCreateFile should be closed with a call to IcmpCloseHandle when it is no longer needed. So yes, you do need a call to IcmpCloseHandle.
You are mistaken in thinking that IcmpCreateFile returns a Cardinal. A Cardinal is a 32 bit type, but IcmpCreateFile returns HANDLE which is a pointer sized type. Your code will fail when compiled on 64 bit. Some of the other types that you use in your IcmpSendEcho header translation look dubious. If I were you I would either bone up on how to translate Win32 header files, and find and use trustworthy header translations.
I would also like to stress that your code makes no attempt whatsoever to handle errors. You are playing with fire here. We see this so many times here on SO, and I am sure I have personally told you this very thing on a number of early occasions. So, read the documentation for each API function that you call, and handle errors appropriately.
Unless you are an expert in Win32 API header translations and use, then you are likely to produce code that has defects. It might be prudent to use a third party header translation from, for instance, JEDI.


E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'StrPas' that can be called with these arguments

My code :
function ThisModuleName: Char; //bulo String
p: array [0..512] of char;
fileNamePart: pchar;
GetModuleFileName(HInstance, #p[0], 512);
GetFullPathName(#p[0], 512, #p[0], fileNamePart);
result := StrPas(WideString(#p[0])); //stalo WideString
In Delphi 7 compiles.
In Delphi 10.2 it gives an error:
[dcc32 Error] verinfo.pas(98): E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'StrPas' that can be called with these arguments
This code is wrong on all Delphi versions. I doubt it compiles anywhere. I'm guessing that the code you presented is not the Delphi 7 code, but rather the code after you've hacked at it for a while.
The return type should be string and not char. Furthermore, the cast to WideString is bogus. Finally, a zero-based array of characters can be treated as PChar.
Your function should be translated like so:
function ThisModuleName: string;
p: array [0..511] of Char;
fileNamePart: PChar;
GetModuleFileName(HInstance, p, Length(p));
GetFullPathName(p, Length(p), p, fileNamePart);
Result := p;
Having said all of that, while this is a faithful translation of the code in the question, it does not return a module name. I really don't know what your code is trying to do, but the call to GetFullPathName appears to be wrong in your code.
My guess is that you are trying to convert potential short 8.3 file names to long names. I believe that you need an extra buffer to make that work. Here's what that code looks like, with some error checking added:
function ThisModuleName: string;
ModuleFileName, Buffer: array [0..511] of Char;
FilePart: PChar;
Win32Check(GetModuleFileName(HInstance, ModuleFileName, Length(ModuleFileName))<>0);
Win32Check(GetFullPathName(ModuleFileName, Length(Buffer), Buffer, FilePart)<>0);
Result := Buffer;
Instead of asking a question for every problem you encounter in your porting project it might pay dividends to learn a bit more about Unicode Delphi.
Instead of calling the API directly, you can call System.SysUtils.GetModuleName, which simply returns a string.
It wraps GetModuleFilename, and by doing so it also shows how to call that function. I hope I'm allowed to quote a couple of lines from the unit mentioned above. It also uses the MAX_PATH constant, which contains the maximum length of a path.
Note that GetModuleFilename already returns a fully qualified path, so calling GetFullPathName afterwards is redundant.
function GetModuleName(Module: HMODULE): string;
ModName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
SetString(Result, ModName, GetModuleFileName(Module, ModName, Length(ModName)));
This is mainly useful if you want the path of a dll, if you're interested in the main executable, you can simply use Application.ExeName.

How to use "Native Wifi API" Windows API functions with Delphi

Im trying to use a function from Windows API on delphi, functions for Windows Wlanapi.dll (Native WIFI API)
DWORD WINAPI WlanOpenHandle(
__in DWORD dwClientVersion,
__reserved PVOID pReserved,
__out PDWORD pdwNegotiatedVersion,
__out PHANDLE phClientHandle
DWORD WINAPI WlanHostedNetworkQueryProperty(
__in HANDLE hClientHandle,
__out PDWORD pdwDataSize,
__out PVOID *ppvData,
__out PWLAN_OPCODE_VALUE_TYPE *pWlanOpcodeValueType,
__reserved PVOID pvReserved
I trying to use this functions and others for hours, reading the MSDN references and others sites, but I just can't get this working.
My attempt
TWlanOpenHandle = function( dwClientVersion:DWORD;
):DWORD; stdcall;
function apiWlanOpenHandle( dwClientVersion:DWORD;
function apiWlanOpenHandle ( dwClientVersion:DWORD; pReserved:Pointer; pdwNegotiatedVersion:PDWORD; phClientHandle:PHANDLE ):DWORD;
WlanOpenHandle: TWlanOpenHandle;
DLL: Cardinal;
WlanOpenHandle := GetProcAddress(DLL, 'WlanOpenHandle');
if Assigned(WlanOpenHandle) then
WlanOpenHandle(dwClientVersion, pReserved, pdwNegotiatedVersion, phClientHandle);
else begin
ShowMessage('Function not found');
I'm trying to translate this API, seems a lot of work, and I'm just a beginner in delphi, I read a lot of stuff on the web, how do I deal with this OpCode parameter, seems a C Struct with constants, and PWLAN_OPCODE_VALUE_TYPE?
You didn't actually show how you called apiWlanOpenHandle which would, I think, explain what the problem is. However, there's one very common mistake that is most likely what is confusing you.
Consider the C declaration of the API:
DWORD WINAPI WlanOpenHandle(
__in DWORD dwClientVersion,
__reserved PVOID pReserved,
__out PDWORD pdwNegotiatedVersion,
__out PHANDLE phClientHandle
The parameters that I suspect are causing you problems are the final two. Let us consider pdwNegotiatedVersion. This is a pointer to a DWORD. Because this is an out parameter you must supply a pointer to valid memory. I suspect you are just declaring a variable of type PDWORD and passing that.
NegotiatedVersionPtr: PDWORD;
WlanOpenHandle(...., NegotiatedVersionPtr, ...);
The function WlanOpenHandle then de-references that pointer and tries to write to the memory. If you have not given a valid pointer then this will fail.
The naive solution is to change the calling code to look like this:
NegotiatedVersion: DWORD;
NegotiatedVersionPtr: PDWORD;
NegotiatedVersionPtr := #NegotiatedVersion;
WlanOpenHandle(...., NegotiatedVersionPtr, ...);
This will work but there is a much cleaner way. Declare the API import like this:
function WlanOpenHandle(
dwClientVersion: DWORD;
pReserved: Pointer;
out NegotiatedVersion: DWORD;
out ClientHandle: THandle
): DWORD; stdcall; external 'Wlanapi.dll';
An out parameter of type DWORD is actually passed as a pointer to the DWORD that you supply as the argument to the function call. You can then change your calling code to look like this:
ReturnValue: DWORD;
NegotiatedVersion: DWORD;
ClientHandle: THandle;
ReturnValue := WlanOpenHandle(2, nil, NegotiatedVersion, ClientHandle);
if ReturnValue<>ERROR_SUCCESS then
//respond to error
Note that I have also added some error checking which you really ought to be doing.
The reason that the Windows API function is declared using pointers is that the C language only supports parameter passing by value. It simply does not have pass-by-reference, i.e. out or var in Delphi terms. Languages that do support pass-by-reference should make use of them when they can.
Some Windows API functions have optional parameters declared as pointers. When this is the case passing NULL as the pointer is the way to signal that you do not wish to pass a parameter. Translating those APIs to Delphi is more complex. You need to implement a version using pointers to allow callers to opt-out of supplying the parameter. But it can be helpful to supply an overloaded version that uses out or var for convenience to the caller. The Delphi Windows unit contains many such examples.
As for WlanHostedNetworkQueryProperty, I would declare it like this:
wlan_hosted_network_opcode_connection_settings = 0;
wlan_hosted_network_opcode_security_settings = 1;
wlan_hosted_network_opcode_station_profile = 2;
wlan_hosted_network_opcode_enable = 3;
wlan_opcode_value_type_query_only = 0;
wlan_opcode_value_type_set_by_group_policy = 1;
wlan_opcode_value_type_set_by_user = 2;
wlan_opcode_value_type_invalid = 3;
function WlanHostedNetworkQueryProperty(
hClientHandle: THandle;
OpCode: Integer;
out DataSize: DWORD;
out Data: Pointer;
out WlanOpcodeValueType: Integer;
Reserved: Pointer
): DWORD; external 'Wlanapi.dll' delayed;
I have used the delayed facility because this is a Windows 7 and up API. You will presumably want your program to run on older versions of Windows and so delay loading is needed. For more information on delay loading in Delphi, see this answer, and particularly the onward links.
Note that the documentation in the MSDN topic to which you link is incorrect. The pWlanOpcodeValueType parameter is declared incorrectly in the MSDN topic. The correct definition, the one to be found in wlanpi.h is this:
__out PWLAN_OPCODE_VALUE_TYPE pWlanOpcodeValueType,

Is it safe to pass Delphi const string params across memory manager boundaries?

Subj. I'd like to use strings instead of PChar because that spares me much casting, but if I just do
procedure SomeExternalProc(s: string); external SOMEDLL_DLL;
and then implement it in some other project with non-shared memory manager:
library SeparateDll;
procedure SomeExternalProc(s: string);
//a bla bla bla
//code here code here
I have (formally) no guarantee Delphi does not decide for whatever reason to alter the string, modify its reference counter, duplicate or unique it, or whatever else. For example
var InternalString: string;
procedure SomeExternalProc(s: string);
InternalString := s;
Delphi increments refcounter and copies a pointer, that's it. I'd like Delphi to copy the data. Does declaring the parameter as "const" make it safe for that reason? If not, is there a way to do it? Declaring parameter as PChar doesn't seem to be a solution because you need to cast it every time:
procedure SomeExternalProc(s: Pchar); forward;
procedure LocalProc;
var local_s: string;
SomeExternalProc(local_s); //<<--- incompatible types: 'string' and 'PAnsiChar'
That would probably work, as long as you only ever use your DLL from code compiled in the same version of Delphi. The internal format of string has been known to change between releases, and you have no formal guarantee that it won't change again.
If you want to avoid having to cast everywhere you use it, try wrapping the function, like this:
procedure SomeExternalProc(s: Pchar); external dllname;
procedure MyExternalProc(s: string); inline;
Then in your code, you call MyExternalProc instead of SomeExternalProc, and everyone's happy.
If both the app and the DLL are written in the same Delphi release, just use shared memory manager (more details here).
If one side is written in a different language than there's no other way but to use PChar or WideString (WideStrings are managed by the COM memory manager).
Or you can write a wrapper function:
procedure MyExternalProc(const s: string);
Just to add a single fact:
Delphi allows you to simply assign PChar to a string so on the DLL side you don't need any typecast:
function MyDllFunction(_s: PChar): integer;
s: string;
s := _s; // implicit conversion to string
// now work with s instead of the _s parameter
This also applies for passing PChar as a parameter to a function that expects a (by value) string.
I recommend to use an alternative memory manager such as RecyclerMM or FastMM. They doesn't require any external shared MM dll's and allows you to pass strings to the dlls safely. As a bonus, you may get a nice performance improvement in whole application.
FastMM is used as a default memory manager in Delphi 2006 and above. Also it's a good tool to search the memory-leaks.

Getting size of a file in Delphi 2010 or later?

Delphi 2010 has a nice set of new file access functions in IOUtils.pas (I especially like the UTC versions of the date-related functions). What I miss so far is something like
TFile.GetSize (const Path : String)
What is the Delphi 2010-way to get the size of a file? Do I have to go back and use FindFirst to access TSearchRec.FindData?
I'm not sure if there's a "Delphi 2010" way, but there is a Windows way that doesn't involve FindFirst and all that jazz.
I threw together this Delphi conversion of that routine (and in the process modified it to handle > 4GB size files, should you need that).
function FileSize(const aFilename: String): Int64;
info: TWin32FileAttributeData;
result := -1;
if NOT GetFileAttributesEx(PChar(aFileName), GetFileExInfoStandard, #info) then
result := Int64(info.nFileSizeLow) or Int64(info.nFileSizeHigh shl 32);
You could actually just use GetFileSize() but this requires a file HANDLE, not just a file name, and similar to the GetCompressedFileSize() suggestion, this requires two variables to call. Both GetFileSize() and GetCompressedFileSize() overload their return value, so testing for success and ensuring a valid result is just that little bit more awkward.
GetFileSizeEx() avoids the nitty gritty of handling > 4GB file sizes and detecting valid results, but also requires a file HANDLE, rather than a name, and (as of Delphi 2009 at least, I haven't checked 2010) isn't declared for you in the VCL anywhere, you would have to provide your own import declaration.
Using an Indy unit:
uses IdGlobalProtocols;
function FileSizeByName(const AFilename: TIdFileName): Int64;
You can also use DSiFileSize from DSiWin32. Works in "all" Delphis. Internally it calls CreateFile and GetFileSize.
function DSiFileSize(const fileName: string): int64;
fHandle: DWORD;
fHandle := CreateFile(PChar(fileName), 0, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);
if fHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
Result := -1
else try
Int64Rec(Result).Lo := GetFileSize(fHandle, #Int64Rec(Result).Hi);
finally CloseHandle(fHandle); end;
end; { DSiFileSize }
I'd like to mention few Pure Delphi ways. Though i think Deltics made a most speed-effective answer for Windows platform, yet sometimes you want just rely on RTL and also make portable code that would work in Delphi for MacOS or in FreePascal/Virtual Pascal/whatever.
There is FileSize function left from Turbo Pascal days.
The sample above lacks "read-only" mode setting. You would require that to open r/o file such as one on CD-ROM media or in folder with ACLs set to r/o. Before calling ReSet there should be zero assigned to FileMode global var.
It would not work on files above 2GB size (maybe with negative to cardinal cast - up to 4GB) but is "out of the box" one.
There is one more approach, that you may be familiar if you ever did ASM programming for MS-DOS. You Seek file pointer to 1st byte, then to last byte, and check the difference.
I can't say exactly which Delphi version introduced those, but i think it was already in some ancient version like D5 or D7, though that is just common sense and i cannot check it.
That would take you an extra THandle variable and try-finally block to always close the handle after size was obtained.
Sample of getting length and such
Aside from 1st approach this is int64-capable.
It is also compatible with FreePascal, though with some limitations
You can also create and use TFileStream-typed object - which was the primary, officially blessed avenue for file operations since Delphi 1.0
As a side note, this avenue is of course integrated with aforementioned IOUtils unit.
This is a short solution using FileSize that does the job:
function GetFileSize(p_sFilePath : string) : Int64;
oFile : file of Byte;
Result := -1;
AssignFile(oFile, p_sFilePath);
Result := FileSize(oFile);
From what I know, FileSize is available only from XE2.
System.Classes, System.IOUtils;
function GetFileSize(const FileName : string) : Int64;
Reader: TFileStream;
Reader := TFile.OpenRead(FileName);
result := Reader.Size;

Indy Write Buffering / Efficient TCP communication

I know, I'm asking a lot of questions...but as a new delphi developer I keep falling over all these questions :)
This one deals with TCP communication using indy 10. To make communication efficient, I code a client operation request as a single byte (in most scenarios followed by other data bytes of course, but in this case only one single byte). Problem is that
var Bytes : TBytes;
SetLength (Bytes, 1);
Bytes [0] := OpCode;
FConnection.IOHandler.Write (Bytes, 1);
ErrorCode := Connection.IOHandler.ReadByte;
does not send that byte immediately (at least the servers execute handler is not invoked). If I change the '1' to a '9' for example everything works fine. I assumed that Indy buffers the outgoing bytes and tried to disable write buffering with
but it did not help. How can I send a single byte and make sure that it is immediatly sent? And - I add another little question here - what is the best way to send an integer using indy? Unfortunately I can't find function like WriteInteger in the IOHandler of TIdTCPServer...and
WriteLn (IntToStr (SomeIntVal))
seems not very efficient to me. Does it make a difference whether I use multiple write commands in a row or pack things together in a byte array and send that once?
Thanks for any answers!
EDIT: I added a hint that I'm using Indy 10 since there seem to be major changes concerning the read and write procedures.
Write buffering is disabled by default. You can check write buffering to see if it's active in your code by testing the fConnection.IOHandler.WriteBufferingActive property.
As far as the best way to send an integer... 'it depends' on your protocol and overall goals. Specifically, use FConnection.IOHandler.Write() as there are overloaded methods to write just about any type of data, including an integer.
Taken from IdIOHandler:
// Optimal Extra Methods
// These methods are based on the core methods. While they can be
// overridden, they are so simple that it is rare a more optimal method can
// be implemented. Because of this they are not overrideable.
// Write Methods
// Only the ones that have a hope of being better optimized in descendants
// have been marked virtual
procedure Write(const AOut: string; const AEncoding: TIdEncoding = enDefault); overload; virtual;
procedure WriteLn(const AEncoding: TIdEncoding = enDefault); overload;
procedure WriteLn(const AOut: string; const AEncoding: TIdEncoding = enDefault); overload; virtual;
procedure WriteLnRFC(const AOut: string = ''; const AEncoding: TIdEncoding = enDefault); virtual;
procedure Write(AValue: TStrings; AWriteLinesCount: Boolean = False; const AEncoding: TIdEncoding = enDefault); overload; virtual;
procedure Write(AValue: Byte); overload;
procedure Write(AValue: Char; const AEncoding: TIdEncoding = enDefault); overload;
procedure Write(AValue: LongWord; AConvert: Boolean = True); overload;
procedure Write(AValue: LongInt; AConvert: Boolean = True); overload;
procedure Write(AValue: SmallInt; AConvert: Boolean = True); overload;
procedure Write(AValue: Int64; AConvert: Boolean = True); overload;
procedure Write(AStream: TStream; ASize: Int64 = 0; AWriteByteCount: Boolean = False); overload; virtual;
Another question you had was "Does it make a difference whether I use multiple write commands in a row or pack things together in a byte array and send that once?" For the majority of cases, yes it makes a difference. For highly stressed servers you are going to have to get more involved in how bytes are sent back and forth, but at this level you should abstract out your sends into a separate protocol type class that builds the data to be sent and sends it in a burst and have a receiving protocol that receives a bunch of data and processes it as a complete unit instead of breaking things down to sending/receiving an integer, character, byte array, etc..
As a very rough quick example:
TmyCommand = class(TmyProtocol)
property Command:Integer read fCommand write fCommand;
function Serialize;
procedure Deserialize(Packet:String);
function TmyCommand.Serialize:String;
//you'll need to delimit these to break them apart on the other side
result := AddItem(Command) +
AddItem(Parameter) +
AddItem(DestinationID) +
AddItem(SourceID) +
procedure TMyCommand.Deserialize(Packet:String);
Command := StrToInt(StripOutItem(Packet));
Parameter := StripOutItem(Packet);
DesintationID := StripOutItem(Packet);
SourceID := StripOutItem(Packet);
Whatever := StrToInt(StripOutItem(Packet));
Then send this via:
On the other side you can receive the data via Indy and then
I'm not familiar with Indy, but you might want to look around its API for a TCP_NODELAY option (you might want to grep the Indy source tree for something like that - case insensitive for "delay" should do it.)
Edit: Rob Kennedy pointed out that the property I was referring to is TIdIOHandlerSocket.UseNagle - thanks!
The problem is inherent in the nature of TCP. TCP does guarantee data delivery in the same order as it was emitted but does not guarantee message boundaries. In other words, the operating system of the source, of the target, and any routers along the way are free to coalesce packets from the connection or to fragment them at will. You must look at a TCP transmission as a stream, not as a series of individual packets. Thus you will have to implement a mechanism by which you either delimit the individual messages (by a magic byte, for example, which you must escape if it can also occur in your message data), or you could send the length of the following message first, then the actual message.
I've always used UDP coupled with a naive ACK/retransmission scheme when I needed to send messages where the message boundary was important, such as is your case. Might want to take that into account. UDP is much better suited for command messages.
Sounds like you have to flush your buffer. Try this:
If you don't want a write buffer, use this:
According to the help, this first calls ClearWriteBuffer, to clear the buffer and then calls CloseWriteBuffer.
The best way to send an integer (using Indy 10) is using TIdIOHandler.Write (according to Indy 10 help Write is overloaded to handle different kinds of data, including Integers)
