Misaligned custom navigation view on iPhone 5 & 4 - ios

I'm having an issue where my custom navigation view misaligns when the left and right buttons are different sizes. I'm using size classes and the constraints I've set are shown below:
This method has worked extremely well for me in the past but my designer requires that the right button be a rounded "save" instead of simple text. When viewed on iPhone 5 or 4 devices (narrow width) it misaligns and gets pushed to the left. Here is an example of how this looks on the device and in View Debugger.
I'm trying to avoid redoing all of my button images to be the same width and hoping there is a simple IB fix that I can add.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

you can add 'Horizonatally in Container' constrain to Navigation Bar Title View.
Thenceforth you can add trailing edges constrain(with or without margin) between save button and its superview.
Similarly you can add leading edges constrain between back button and its superview. Take care that superview of all 3 views should be same. Hope it helps. Happy Coding. !!
You can refer my ans here and for customisation here.


An image view on an Image View xcode

I'm developing an app using Xcode 8.1 and and swift 3.0.
Using storyboard I've expanded an image view to take up the whole view and set a picture to it to be used as a background image (using self.view.background doesn't give the image the same layout).
This works. I have defined the constraints for it plus added 2 textboxes and a button that also have constraints.
Now I try to add a new image on top of the background image, but then I cannot define the constraints for the front-most image view. I get something like this with two errors telling me to define the constraints but when I do nothing happens.
The way it looks you as per the screenshot, you should just give the padding (spacing to nearest neighbour) for left , right and top in your storyboard.
If there are any warnings just set the current constraints to supersede other views. This can be achieved by selecting the warning and then update constraints and check the box apply to all views in container. It should work.
You need to pin the imageView, what constraints have you set so far?
Just set the constraints for the front image view (as on the your screenshot as well). I don't see any problems.
have you set below constrains
1. Top Layout
2. Bottom layout
3. Leading
4. trailiing
5. height
horizontal in center
vertical in center

How to adjust this view with constraints

I'm totally new to Swift and in general, to iOS development. I just want to center a rounded profile picture with a table view above. In iPhone 5 it looks centered, but in iPhone 6 and 7 it look aligned to left, I don't know how to fix with constraints, I'm a little bit confuse.
This is my constraint tree:
How it looks storyboard for iPhone5
How it looks storyboard for iPhone 6/7
This is how it looks in emulator with iPhone 6
Can you guys help me to figure out what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
It looks like you've set the width and height of your image view to hard-coded values, which will result in it looking centred for some views, but not all.
Reset your constraints, then set your distance from each of the four sides to zero. That'll centre your image!
Go to Editor -> Resolve Auto Layout Issues -> Reset to Suggested Constraints...
...then click that button down the bottom right and set each of your four sides' distances to zero.
Make sure you set Update Frames to "All Frames in Container" before clicking "Add 4 Constraints".
Try setting horizontal constrain between your My UI Image View and HeaderView. You can set centre hozintal with HeaderView.
Go to button down the bottom right and set centre vertical and centre horizontal to your My UI Image View.
Hope it helps. Happy Coding!!

Xcode constraints is pushing everything on the view to the very top (behind navigation bar)

I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I set where I want the items to be using constraints and when I run and build the app it seems to push everything to the top. This occurs even when I don't put any constraints on any items. I've attached pictures if they help at all.
Have you tried setting the Top Constraint of your topmost subview to "Top Layout Guide" as seen in this screenshot? (Looks like your Top constraint is to the 'Superview' instead!)
Making sure your view is selected go click on the triangle constraint button in the bottom right and select clear constraints under all views.
Place the views where you want them. Then for each element click the square constraint button on the bottom right and do this:
Uncheck constrain to margins
Pin to top bottom and both sides
Check width and height
Then select the triangle and choose update frames for selected view.
Fine tune position by by selecting the view you want to move and updating the constraint value.
Because sometimes its just easier to start again than to try and fix constraints.
I've figured out a solution. Somal was on the right track in terms of the Top Layout Guide. I simply had to right click each individual object to drag onto the view and select Vertical Spacing to Top Layout Guide (See picture) or I could of simply delete the entire ViewController and start from scratch with no copying and pasting from the old View.

iOS multiple screen not working?

I just started iOS programming and I want to make a login screen. I want to align center horizontally the everything on all devices like the iPhone 5 and iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus but it's not working. I just put the elements on the screen. Anything else i need to do?
There are a few ways you can do this...auto layout as #ozgur said is your friend.
what I would do is throw them into a Stack View
To do that tap each horizontal group so for example "username" label AND the text field to the right and while they are both selected tap the icon at the bottom right that is on the left of the 4 icons (it has a downward arrow)...now do the same for the password...now do the same for the login button...now select all 3 stackviews and tap stackview again...
NOW....on the left navigation select the topmost stackview and then again on the bottom this time tap the small icon to the right of the stackview button...to make it simple and in the center tap horizontally in container and vertically in container then add the 2 constraints....
you will also need a height and width so now once more with the whole thing selected tap the |o| looking icon to the right...now give it the height and width you like but before you tap add 2 contraints at the bottom of that menu is a drop down menu..tap it and select "update all frames in container"
that should do it
Use AutoLayOut Constraints to fix your issue.
Contraints will set the spacing with the view.You have to apply it on every single element of your view.
if you only want every thing in center no different spacing for different iPhone use stack View. it will provide the best solution for you.
stackView means collection of your objects. it act as group of your elements so only apply constraints to your stackview.
Rule of thumb is to use Stack views and then use auto layout. Just put the Username and the text field in a stack view (horizontal stack view), same for the other) and then apply necessary spacing and/or autolayout constraints.
You need to learn how to work with Autolayout (I read you just started) and it could be hard concept to grasp at first (it was for me at least) but with practice, you'll master it.
If you do not use the stack view, you need to learn auto layout and size class for adapting the screen.
auto layout began in iOS 6, sizeclass began in iOS 8.
Here is the official apple documentation, to study it. https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/AutolayoutPG/

Why auto layout constraints not working?

I'm setting constraints in IB like
But when i run the app on iPhone4 it shows
Why last three buttons not shown properly on iPhone4 screen?is there any mistake in my constraints ?
Edit:- This is my view hierarchy:-
UITabbarControlle -> UINavigationController -> UIViewController and tab bar controller is rootviewcontroller.
Edit:- FYI there is no effect of any constraints on the screen(basically autolayout not working for me).
You have designed the buttons on 4 inch and you don't have enough space on 3.5 for all of them.
One way to do this is to place scroll view over your view controller's view and add the buttons on the scroll view.You have to add constraint on the scroll view , to be fixed on each side (without width/height).
After that grab all the buttons and add constrains on each side and sizes , so they will be fixed
If you , on other hand, have enough space for all the buttons to fit in 3.5' without any top/bottom margins you can add the button in UIView (instead of scroll view). Place the buttons in the view and set fixed width/height on that view.Center the view and it will keep his size (with the buttons inside on both screen sizes)
There is an issue in your constraints, you have to update them.
You can do as is shown on the image bellow:
Once done, you will see, the Orange lines under your buttons turned to blue.
I wish that helps you!
Your view is probably within a UIScrollView which will extend your total contentheight. It is not related to the absolute height of your viewport.
However, what do you expect? Your 3 buttons would overlay to the next buttons, if your theoretical approach would work.
What you need to to do is to wire all buttons to each other and give the view a top and bottom constraint to the top and bottom layout. You probably need to adjust your view to be on full screen and not to extend to the bottom.
Hint: as long as something is 'yellow' you need to add further constraints.
