'Display Zoom' iPhone 6/6s setting blurs graphics - ios

I'm writing a project in Xcode 7 / Swift 2 that it is optimized for iPhone 6/6s (i.e. the project has a launch screen file and launch screen images for iPhone 6/6s).
Fortunately or unfortunately, iPhone 6 users have the ability to turn on the ‘Display Zoom’ setting on device which enlarges elements of the interface. When turned on, this setting effectively enlarges a standard iPhone 5 screen size to fit in the iPhone 6 screen space, upsampling to x1.171875. This upsampling causes elements that are raster based such as images, icons, or views that contain UIBezierPath() drawings to display blurred (mildly but noticable).
A few questions:
Appreciate any experienced responses on this conundrum. Thanks.
1 - How can I instruct elements (e.g. a UIView) on the Storyboard in code to disregard the Display Zoom setting when the user has turned it on?
2 - What techniques are there to ensure pixel perfect accuracy remains when Display Zoom is on? (e.g. Is it possible to render graphics using OpenGL rendering, if so, how?)
3 - Is it possible to replace a x2 image with a x4 image to reduce any blurring when Display Zoom is on? (i.e. will iOS downsample a x4 image to x2 image on iPhone 6?)
4 - How can UIBezierPath() drawings maintain pixel perfect accuracy when Display Zoom is on?

There's nothing you can do about this. A user who chooses zoomed mode is deliberately throwing away pixel accuracy. The points in the drawing no longer match the pixels on the screen one-to-one (or one-to-two or one-to-three or any integral ratio). This choice therefore blurs the screen for everything the user does, not just your app.
Nor can you detect what is happening, because in effect zoomed iPhone 6 is presented to your app as an iPhone 5 (and a zoomed 6 Plus is presented to your app as a 6).

As #matt says, there's nothing you can do about this for normal UIKit content
However, for Open GL ES or Metal content, you are able to opt-out of the sampling that the device does, and render straight into the device's physical coordinates - allowing for pixel perfect drawing.
In a graphics app that uses Metal or OpenGL ES, content can be easily rendered at the precise dimensions of the display without requiring an additional sampling stage. This is critical in high-performance 3D apps that perform many calculations for each rendered pixel. Instead, create buffers to render into that are the exact resolution of the display.
Open GL ES
Set the contentsScale of the CAEAGLayer to the [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.nativeScale, or use a GLKView which will automatically do this.
You will then want to create your framebuffer with the size of the device's physical coordinates.
Set the contentsScale of your CAMetalLayer to the [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.nativeScale, or use an MTKView which will automatically do this.
You will also want to adjust the drawable size to account for the scale (lifted from the docs):
CGSize drawableSize = self.bounds.size;
drawableSize.width *= self.contentScaleFactor;
drawableSize.height *= self.contentScaleFactor;
metalLayer.drawableSize = drawableSize;
See also this interesting blog post on how the iPhone 6 Plus renders content, plus the follow-up post specifically about Display Zoom.


How can I use GLKView to draw at a lower resolution?

I have an app based on "OpenGL Game" Xcode template, for everyday testing/dev I would like to render full screen but at lower resolution in simulator (e.g. 1/2 or 1/4). Any efficient/savvy way to put this in place?
(in case anybody wonder, I want to do this because my app is running very slow in simulator, so rendering at a smaller resolution would make testing/debugging a lot more programmer-friendly)
The contentScaleFactor of the view is 2.0 by default on a Retina display. If you reduce the scale factor, GLKView automatically uses a smaller framebuffer and scales its contents up to screen size for display.
Scale factor 1.0 is half size (or the same number of pixels as a non-Retina screen). 0.5 would be quarter size — big, chunky pixels on any display. Non-integral scale factors between 1.0 and 2.0 work, too, and can be a great way to compromise between quality and performance on a Retina display.
Update: just had a vote remind me of this answer. I'm surprised I wouldn't have said this originally, but I may as well add it now...
The iOS Simulator runs OpenGL ES using a software renderer (i.e. on the host Mac's CPU, not its GPU). That's why it's slow. Performance characteristics and rendering results can vary from renderer to renderer, so never trust the simulator for anything OpenGL/GPU-related (except perhaps in very broad strokes).

My Views are only 320px across and I get poor resolution images on iPhone 5?

I have a big problem that is causing all sorts of complications. I want to make native-resolution graphics for my iPhone 5 app using the 326ppi Retina Display quality graphics. However, all of my Views seem to be defaulting at 320px width! So the only option I've been able to find is to make my graphics much larger, and then use the 'redraw' graphics option to make the graphics look somewhat nice.
However, I would much rather just use pixel-for-pixel native resolution images. What can I do to get xcode to show my views with retina display resolutions? I am using the latest xcode and programming for iOS 6.1
In UIKit views are measured in points:
(CGSize){width, height}
. . where width and height are measured in points. On an iPhone 3GS (normal display), this gives the following widths:
(CGSize){320, 480} //screen resolution is 320x480
On an iPhone 4:
(CGSize){320, 480} //screen resolution is 640x960
. . ie - exactly the same. To draw a pixel at position {1,1} on an iPhone 4, the point would be:
(CGPoint}{0.5, 0.5}
Since the resolution on a retina display is exactly double, it makes drawing very easy between devices. UIKit will work out what pixel to set, given the hardware, when you supply floating point numbers. (Similar to the way OpenGL works). . . . it gets a little more complicated when supported 3.5 vs 4 inch screens.
For image assets, just name the resources as follows:
myResource.png - regular
myResource#2x.png - retina display
myResource-568#2x.png - retina display, especially for 4 inch screen. (Eg backgrounds, etc).

iOS webview scaling to match retina display

I'm using a full screen UIWebView to house/render an HTML5 application under iOS. Very much like Cordova/phonegap although I'm not using those. I try to make my webview size match the underlying display. Unfortunately, on retina displays, the value returned by self.view.bounds relies on the UIScreen scaling factor. So I get 1024x768 instead of 2048x1536. Not a huge problem except I then instantiate the UIWebView using the smaller bounds (after adjusting for the status bar) and some things get a bit jaggy. In particular, I use canvas at a couple of points and also rounded borders appear thick. To be clear, this isn't a case of scaled raster resources.
I'm not getting the full resolution of the screen using that UIWebView. Ideally, I'd like to set the screen scale to 1.0 but that doesn't appear to be supported. Any suggestions on how best to get full advantage of the screen?
The problem is most noticeable on the iPhone 5 simulator. I don't have that hardware to test on. iPad/new iPad I think has the problem but the jaggies aren't as noticeable.
Update: The more I look at this, the more I think it may be restricted to canvas.
Solution: In case anyone else gets here. Based on the answer below, I created all of my canvas elements with width and height multiplied by window.devicePixelRatio and then set their style attribute to have the original (device independent) size.
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/7736803/341994. Basically you need to detect that you've got double resolution and effectively double the resolution of the canvas.

Tile size, retina vs non-retina, iPad vs iPhone

Kind of a fun question. I am hoping that is generates a lot of good thinking.
I am in the design, early alpha stage of my current orthogonal game project. I am experimenting with different tile sizes. A few questions as I would like to step off on the right foot.
Should we differentiate tile size (80x80, 32x32 etc) on retina vs. non retina displays, iPhone vs iPad displays?
What is a good recommended tile size that accommodates both the designer and the artist... and why?
I would like to a clean, crisp visuals no matter the display format. Cartoony, colorful 16bit to 32bit images no matter the display.
I would like to keep to a 1024x1024 texture size for my atlas. I am hoping this will give me enough tiles to make the world look good and not crush my tile map system.
My current map size is 200 tiles wide x 120 tiles high. The map will be a a low detail (nautically focused) mercator projection of Earth.
Thanks in advance for all the good advice.
I usually try to make my games for iPad screen aspect where I'm making sure that the important elements are in a smaller Safe Zone. And the UI can be anchored on specified distance from the edges. Then for iPhone screen aspect I crop a small portion of the screen and layout the UI accordingly.
So if you are working in landscape here are the sizes you need to support:
480x320 - iPhone (0.5)
960x640 - iPhone Retina (1)
1024x768 - iPad (1)
2048x1736 - iPad Retina (2)
The number in brackets indicate the scale. I just like picking iPad (1024x768) for my ingame units. At this point I have all textures in 3 sizes, since I'm using OpenGL I use different mipmaps for each resolution I need. My texture loading function can skip mipmap levels so that on devices that I don't need high res I safe memory and loading time.
Depends if you need to click on individual tiles. In case you need to I'll suggest using 64x64 on iPhone (480x320) 256x256 on iPad Retina (2048x1736). Having all your art in power of 2 is always good. If the size is too large then consider 48x48 for iPhone and 192x192 for iPad Retina. If your game requires you can have smaller tiles but consider having larger active zone around the entities that you have to click (hopefully not every tile will be clickable).
I faced a similar issue a while ago and realized I was tackling the problem from the wrong angle.
You first need to consider the average finger/thumb size of the user and determine how many pixels/points consume that space.
From there you can derive the non-Retina Display pixel units and Retina Display point units to use.
N.B. that a game that might play well on the iPad might not work on the iPhone if the user's fingers obscure the view.

Content Scaling with a non-dynamic world size in Corona SDK

I am using the Corona SDK to create a game in which I want a non-dynamic world size across all of the devices (i.e. 1440 x 960). However, the auto-scaling in Corona is not allowing me to do this consistently. For example, on the iPhone the screen moves two screens (480 * 2) pixels to the right (landscape mode), which is effectively 1440 px. However when switching to the iPad the scrolling is still moving two screen sizes to the right because it's viewing the iPad as 480 and not 1024 (the config file is set to 480 height and 320 width). Is there anyway to do this without turning off the content scaling? If I have to turn off content scaling, does that negate the advantages of the Corona SDK and the ability to code without thinking about the device?
The point of Corona content scaling is exactly to not code multiple values on the logic...
So you have to either ignore the device size (if your world is "2 screen wide" it will be "2 screen wide" in ANY device) or turn off the scaling and handle the screen size manually...
I would not use the second option unless you want to torture users of smaller phones, that will see only a very small area of your playfield.
