I have a binary classification problem and I'm trying to get precision-recall curve for my classifier. I use libsvm with RBF kernel and probability estimate option.
To get the curve I'm changing decision threshold from 0 to 1 with steps of 0.1. But on every run, I get high precision even if recall decreases with increasing threshold. My false positive rate seems always low compared to true positives.
My results are these:
Threshold: 0.1
TOTAL TP:393, FP:1, FN: 49
Precision:0.997462, Recall: 0.889140
Threshold: 0.2
TOTAL TP:393, FP:5, FN: 70
Precision:0.987437, Recall: 0.848812
Threshold: 0.3
TOTAL TP:354, FP:4, FN: 78
Precision:0.988827, Recall: 0.819444
Threshold: 0.4
TOTAL TP:377, FP:9, FN: 104
Precision:0.976684, Recall: 0.783784
Threshold: 0.5
TOTAL TP:377, FP:5, FN: 120
Precision:0.986911, Recall: 0.758551
Threshold: 0.6
TOTAL TP:340, FP:4, FN: 144
Precision:0.988372, Recall: 0.702479
Threshold: 0.7
TOTAL TP:316, FP:5, FN: 166
Precision:0.984424, Recall: 0.655602
Threshold: 0.8
TOTAL TP:253, FP:2, FN: 227
Precision:0.992157, Recall: 0.527083
Threshold: 0.9
TOTAL TP:167, FP:2, FN: 354
Precision:0.988166, Recall: 0.320537
Does this mean I have a good classifier or I have a fundamental mistake somewhere?
One of the reasons for this could be while training the data you have lot of negative samples than positive ones. Hence, almost all the examples are being classified as negative samples except the few. Hence, you get high precision i.e. less false positives and low recall i.e. more false negatives.
Now that we know you have more negative samples than positive ones:
If you look at the results, as and when you increase the threshold the number of False negatives are increasing i.e. your positive samples are classified as negative ones, which is not a good thing. Again, it depends on your problem, some problems will prefer high precision over recall, some will prefer high recall over precision. If you want both precision and recall to be high, you might need to resolve class imbalance, by trying oversampling (repeating positive samples so that ratio becomes 1:1) or undersampling (taking random negative samples in proportion with positive samples) or something more sophisticated like SMOTE algorithm (which adds similar positive samples).
Also, I am sure there must be "class_weight" parameter in the classifier, which gives more importance to error in the class where there are less training examples. You might want to try giving more weight to positive class than negative ones.
Having a high precision can be that your data has a pattern that your model seems to grasp easily so it's a good classifier.
Maybe your measures are incorrectly computed or the most probable : your model is overfitting. That means that your model is not learning but rather memorizing.
This can be produced by testing your model on your training set.
I have an imbalanced dataset which has 43323 rows and 9 of them belong to 'failure' class, other rows belong to 'normal' class. I trained a classifier with 100% recall and 94.89% AUC for test data (0.75/0.25 split with stratify = y). However, the classifier has 0.18% precision & 0.37% F1 score. I assumed I can find better F1 score by changing the threshold but I failed (I checked the threshold between 0 to 1 with step = 0.01). Also, it seems weired to me that usually when dealing with imbalanced dataset, it is hard to get a high recall. The goal is to get a better F1 score. What can I do for the next step? Thanks!
(To be clear, I used SMOTE to upsample the failure samples in training dataset)
Getting 100% recall is trivial in fact: just classify everything as 1.
Is the precision/recall curve any good? Perhaps a more thorough scan could yield a better result:
probabilities = model.predict_proba(X_test)
precision, recall, thresholds = sklearn.metrics.precision_recall_curve(y_test, probabilities)
f1_scores = 2 * recall * precision / (recall + precision)
best_f1 = np.max(f1_scores)
best_thresh = thresholds[np.argmax(f1_scores)]
I use a CatBoostClassifier and my classes are highly imbalanced. I applied a scale_pos_weight parameter to account for that. While training with an evaluation dataset (test) CatBoost shows a high precision on test. However, when I make predictions on test using a predict method, I only get a low precision score (calculated using the sklearn.metrics).
I think this might be related to class weights that I applied. However, I don't quite understand how a precision score is affected by this.
params = frozendict({
'task_type': 'CPU',
'loss_function': 'Logloss',
'eval_metric': 'F1',
'custom_metric': ['F1', 'Precision', 'Recall'],
'iterations': 100,
'random_seed': 20190128,
'scale_pos_weight': 56.88657244809081,
'learning_rate': 0.5412829495147387,
'depth': 7,
'l2_leaf_reg': 9.526905230698302
from catboost import CatBoostClassifier
model = cb.CatBoostClassifier(**params)
X_train, y_train,
cat_features=np.where(X_train.dtypes == np.object)[0],
eval_set=(X_test, y_test),
{'learn': {'Recall': 0.9243007537531925,
'Logloss': 0.15892360013680026,
'F1': 0.9416723809244181,
'Precision': 0.9640191600545249},
'validation_0': {'Recall': 0.914252301192093,
'Logloss': 0.1714387314107052,
'F1': 0.9357892623978286,
'Precision': 0.9642642597943112}}
y_test_pred = model.predict(data=X_test)
from sklearn.metrics import balanced_accuracy_score, recall_score, precision_score, f1_score
print('Balanced accuracy: {:.2f}'.format(balanced_accuracy_score(y_test, y_test_pred)))
print('Precision: {:.2f}'.format(precision_score(y_test, y_test_pred)))
print('Recall: {:.2f}'.format(recall_score(y_test, y_test_pred)))
print('F1: {:.2f}'.format(f1_score(y_test, y_test_pred)))
Balanced accuracy: 0.94
Precision: 0.29
Recall: 0.91
F1: 0.44
I expected to get the same precision as CatBoost show while training, however, it's not so. What am I doing wrong?
Default use_weights is set to True , which means adding weights to the evaluation metrics, e.g. Precision:use_weights=True,
To let your own precision calculator the same as his, change to Precision: use_weights=False
Also, get_best_score gives the highest score over the iterations, you need to specify which iteration to be used in prediction. You can set use_best_model=True in model.fit to automatically choose the iteration.
The predict function uses a standard threshold of 0.5 to convert the probabilities of the prediction into a binary value. When you are dealing with a imbalanced problem, the threshold of 0.5 is not always the best value, that's why on the test set you are achieving a poor precision.
In order to find a better threshold, catboost has some methods that help you to do so, like get_roc_curve, get_fpr_curve, get_fnr_curve. These 3 methods can help you to visualize the true positive, false positive and false negative rates by changing the prediction threhsold.
Besides these visualization methods, catboost has a method called select_threshold which gives you the best threshold by that optimizes one of the curves.
You can check this on their documentation.
In addition to setting the use_bet_model=True, ensure that the class balance in both datasets is the same, or use balanced accuracy metrics to account for different class balance.
If you've done both of these, and you still see much worse accuracy metrics on a test set versus the train set, it is a sign of overfitting. I'd recommend you take advantage of the CatBoost's overfitting detector. The most common first method is to set early_stopping_rounds to an integer like 10, which will stop training once an improvement in the selected loss function isn't achieved after that number of training rounds (see early_stopping_rounds documentation).
Consider the below scenario:
I have batches of data whose features and labels have similar distribution.
Say something like 4000000 negative labels and 25000 positive labels
As its a highly imbalanced set, I have undersampled the negative labels so that my training set (taken from one of the batch) now contains 25000 positive labels and 500000 negative labels.
Now I am trying to measure the precision and recall from a test set after training (generated from a different batch)
I am using XGBoost with 30 estimators.
Now if I use all of 40000000 negative labels, I get a (0.1 precsion and 0.1 recall at 0.7 threshold) worser precision-recall score than if I use a subset say just 500000 negative labels(0.4 precision with 0.1 recall at 0.3 threshold)..
What could be a potential reason that this could happen?
Few of the thoughts that I had:
The features of the 500000 negative labels are vastly different from the rest in the overall 40000000 negative labels.
But when I plot the individual features, their central tendencies closely match with the subset.
Are there any other ways to identify why I get a lower and a worser presicion recall, when the number of negative labels increase so much?
Are there any ways to compare the distributions?
Is my undersampled training a cause for this?
To understand this, we first need to understand how precision and recall are calculated. For this I will use the following variables:
P - total number of positives
N - total number of negatives
TP - number of true positives
TN - number of true negatives
FP - number of false positives
FN - number of false negatives
It is important to note that:
P = TP + FN
N = TN + FP
Now, precision is TP/(TP + FP)
recall is TP/(TP + FN), therefore TP/P.
Accuracy is TP/(TP + FN) + TN/(TN + FP), hence (TP + TN)/(P + N)
In your case where the the data is imbalanced, we have that N>>P.
Now imagine some random model. We can usually say that for such a model accuracy is around 50%, but that is only if the data is balanced. In your case, there will tend to be more FP's and TN's than TP's and FN's because a random selection of the data has more liklihood of returning a negative sample.
So we can establish that the more % of negative samples N/(T+N), the more FP and TN we get. That is, whenever your model is not able to select the correct label, it will pick a random label out of P and N and it is mostly going to be N.
Recall that FP is a denominator in precision? This means that precision also decreases with increasing N/(T+N).
For recall, we have neither FP nor TN in its derivation, so will likely not to change much with increasing N/(T+N) . As can be seen in your example, it clearly stays the same.
Therefore, I would try to make the data balanced to get better result. A ratio of 1:1.5 should do.
You can also use a different metric like the F1 score that combines precision and recall to get a better understanding of the performance.
Also check some of the other points made here on how to combat imbalance data
I am trying my own haar cascade classifier I have 2139 positive images However I have 16000 negative images This is right ? And so I have a negative numPos
numPos<=(Positive samples-negative samples)/(1+(stages number-1)(1-minhitrate)))
This is normal??
no, numPos has nothing to do with your negative samples. numPos is the number of positives you want to use in each stage. This must be a bit lower than your total number of positive samples because you'll lose all the false negatives ( = positive samples which are falsely not detected anymore by the classifier) in each stage.
For example if you sr numPos to 1000 and minHitRate to 0.999 you lose up to 1 positive sample (1000 - 1000*0.999) in each stage. So if you want to compute 2 stages you'll need up to 1001 samples when choosing numPos = 1000.
For 20 stages I roughly choose numPos to be 90% of my positive samples although that is too pessimistic for minHitRate 0.999 (fits 0.995 quite well afair). There is a formula in the openCV Q&A if you want to compute the best/max save value.
When we evaluate a classifier in WEKA, for example a 2-class classifier, it gives us 3 f-measures: f-measure for class 1, for class 2 and the weighted f-measure.
I'm so confused! I thought f-measure is a balanced measure that show balanced performance measure for multiple class, so what does f-measure for class 1 and 2 mean?
The f-score (or f-measure) is calculated based on the precision and recall. The calculation is as follows:
Precision = t_p / (t_p + f_p)
Recall = t_p / (t_p + f_n)
F-score = 2 * Precision * Recall / (Precision + Recall)
Where t_p is the number of true positives, f_p the number of false positives and f_n the number of false negatives. Precision is defined as the fraction of elements correctly classified as positive out of all the elements the algorithm classified as positive, whereas recall is the fraction of elements correctly classified as positive out of all the positive elements.
In the multiclass case, each class i have a respective precision and recall, in which a "true positive" is an element predicted to be in i is really in it and a "true negative" is an element predicted to not be in i that isn't in it.
Thus, with this new definition of precision and recall, each class can have its own f-score by doing the same calculation as in the binary case. This is what Weka's showing you.
The weighted f-score is a weighted average of the classes' f-scores, weighted by the proportion of how many elements are in each class.
I am confused too,
I used the same equation for f-score for each class depending of their precision and recall, but the results are different!
f-score different from weka claculaton