How to show "33 minutes ago" on Grafana dashboard with InfluxDB? - influxdb

I have recently set up Grafana with InfluxDB. I'd like to show a panel that indicates how long it has been since an event took place.
Server last reported in: 33 minutes ago
Last user sign up: 17 minutes ago
I can get a single metric pretty easily with the following code:
SELECT time, last("duration") as last_duration FROM custom_events ORDER BY time DESC
But I can't seem to get Grafana to do what I want with the time field.
Any suggestions?

Since Grafana(4.6.0) this is now possible with singlestat panels.
GoTo the Options-Tab
Select Value -> Stat -> Time of last point
Select Value -> Stat -> Unit -> Date & time -> From Now

Its currently(4.0.3) not possible to show the last timestamp in singlestat panels. But there is an issue for supporting this. Hopefully we will find time to implement this in the future.

In 8.4.0 There is a unit selection that allows you to do this, make sure your timestamp is in milliseconds since the epoch and select From Now as the unit in the dropdown menu
singlestat pannel expressing time since


How to mark a delay of 2 *working days* (or more) in a task?

We're using the following rule to mark work items that delay 2 days or more:
Changed Date <= #Today - 2
Work Item Type = Task
State = In Progress
(Then, color the task in red)
The problem is that when a task gets started on Friday, on Monday it will be red, even though only one working day has passed.
Is there a way around this?
This is not available to do this. For Changed Date field:
Change Date
The date and time when a work item was modified.
Reference name=System.ChangedDate, Data type=DateTime.
Since using data time type, it's not able to auto exclude weekends, this is by designed for now.
State Change DateThe date and time when the value of the State field changed.
= , <> , > , < , >= , <= , =[Field], <>[Field], >[Field], <[Field], >=[Field], <=[Field], In, Not In, Was Ever Macros: #StartOfDay, #StartOfWeek, #StartOfMonth, #StartOfYear, and #Today; each of these
macros can be specified with a +/- n interger.
There has also been a related feature request:
Add option to exclude weekends when setting up Styling rules using the 'Changed Date' field rule criteria
You could vote up it and our PM will kindly review it. Unfortunately, we do not have any perfect solution/workaround, you may have to manually change/update the colored task based on those tasks which get started on Friday.

How can I select the data between some specific hours in a specific month?

I already have InfluxDB working and getting monitoring data about some services (the value is just 1 for up and 0 for down). For the management I need to select the values from the database that are in a specific month and either night time or day time. For example: I want to select all the data from April 2019 (doesn't matter if it 1 or 0) between 08:00AM and 07:00PM (day time)
Here is what I've tried:
SELECT value FROM probe_success
WHERE "instance" = 'https://myservice/api' AND time >= '08:00:00' AND time < '19:00:00'
AND time >= '2019-04-01' AND time <= '2019-04-30'
But I've got an error:
{"results":[{"statement_id":0,"error":"invalid operation: time and
*influxql.StringLiteral are not compatible"}]}
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong or point me in the right direction?
Thank you very much!
Ok, so after some research I've found that it is not possible to use the "OR" statement in a "WHERE" clause to specify multiple time ranges. See this. I solved this problem by sending separate requests for each day in a for loop and then concatenate all the results. It's not the best solution, I admit, but since they say it's not possible I guess this is the workaround.

Query InfluxDB for specific hours every day

What is the best way to query InfluxDB for specific hours every day, for example, I have a Series that have checkin/checkout activities, and I need to see them between hour 2PM - 3PM every day for last month, am aware that there's no direct way to do this on the query language -current version 1.2- Not sure if there is a work around or something ?
I have been searching for the same and found your question. As you say, the syntax does not seem to allow to do it.
My closest attempt was trying to use a regular expression for a time WHERE clausule, which is not currently supported by InfluxDB.
So that should probably be the answer, and I would not post an answer to just say that.
However, working on a different problem, I have found a way that may or may not help you in your specific case. It is a workaround that is not very nice, but it seems to work in the case that you can formulate an aggregation/selection of what you want to see in that given hour so that you end up with having one value per hour. For example, (mean/max/count number of checkin-checkouts in that hour for a given person, which may be what you are looking for, or that you may use to identify the days that you would like to them individually query to see what happened there).
For example, I want to obtain the measurement of electricity consumption daily from 00:00 to 06:00 a.m. I make a first subquery that divides the measurements grouping by 6 hours starting at 00:00 of a given date. Then in the main query, I group by 24 hours and I select the first value. Like this
SELECT first("mean") FROM (SELECT mean("value") FROM "Energy" WHERE "devicename" = 'Electricity' AND "deviceid" = '0_5' AND time > '2017-01-01' GROUP BY time(6h) ) WHERE time > '2017-01-01' GROUP BY time(24h)
If you want 2-4 pm, so 14:00-16:00, you need to first group by 2 hours in the subquery, then offseting the set by 14h so that it starts at 14:00.
SELECT first("mean") FROM ( SELECT mean("value") FROM "Energy" WHERE "devicename" = 'Electricity' AND "deviceid" = '0_5' AND time > '2017-01-01T14:00:00Z' GROUP BY time(2h) ) WHERE time > '2017-01-01T14:00:00Z' GROUP BY time(24h,14h)
Just for checking it. In my 1.2 InfluxDB this is the final result:
time first
2017-01-01T14:00:00Z 86.41747572815534
2017-01-02T14:00:00Z 43.49722222222222
2017-01-03T14:00:00Z 81.05416666666666
The subquery returns:
time mean
2017-01-01T14:00:00Z 86.41747572815534
2017-01-01T16:00:00Z 91.46879334257974
2017-01-01T18:00:00Z 89.14027777777778
2017-01-01T20:00:00Z 94.47434119278779
2017-01-01T22:00:00Z 89.94305555555556
2017-01-02T00:00:00Z 86.29542302357837
2017-01-02T02:00:00Z 92.2625
2017-01-02T04:00:00Z 89.93619972260748
2017-01-02T06:00:00Z 87.78888888888889
2017-01-02T08:00:00Z 50.790277777777774
2017-01-02T10:00:00Z 0.6597222222222222
2017-01-02T12:00:00Z 0.10957004160887657
2017-01-02T14:00:00Z 43.49722222222222
2017-01-02T16:00:00Z 86.0610263522885
2017-01-02T18:00:00Z 86.59778085991678
2017-01-02T20:00:00Z 91.56527777777778
2017-01-02T22:00:00Z 90.52565880721221
2017-01-03T00:00:00Z 86.79166666666667
2017-01-03T02:00:00Z 87.15533980582525
2017-01-03T04:00:00Z 89.47988904299584
2017-01-03T06:00:00Z 91.58888888888889
2017-01-03T08:00:00Z 41.67732962447844
2017-01-03T10:00:00Z 16.216366158113733
2017-01-03T12:00:00Z 25.27739251040222
2017-01-03T14:00:00Z 81.05416666666666
If you would need 13:00-15:00, you need to offset the subquery in the previous example by 1h.
For 14:00-15:00:
SELECT first("mean") FROM ( SELECT mean("value") FROM "Energy" WHERE "devicename" = 'Electricity' AND "deviceid" = '0_5' AND time > '2017-01-01T14:00:00Z' GROUP BY time(1h) ) WHERE time > '2017-01-01T14:00:00Z' GROUP BY time(24h,14h)
Hope this helps :)

How to format a duration as HH:mm?

In the new Google sheets there's a way of formatting a number as a duration. Format -> Number -> Duration.
1 is formatted as 24:00:00
1.2 is formatted as 28:48:00
1.5 is formatted as 36:00:00
0.03125 is formatted as 0:45:00.
I don't need the seconds in the duration representation, because they bloat my timesheet.
How can I format a duration as HH:mm (without using a formula to calculate hours and minutes and concatenate that with a colon). Is there a way of using the TEXT formula.
This is how I would like it:
1 is formatted as 24:00
1.2 is formatted as 28:48
1.5 is formatted as 36:00 (I don't need 12:00 which datetime-formatting would accomplish)
0.03125 is formatted as 0:45
There is no need to use formulas for that, you can define your own custom formats.
Just go to Format -> Number -> More formats -> More date and time formats. It will open a window with several date and time formats to choose from. You can define your own as well, using the upper text area:
Click on the small arrow on the left, and select the first element you want to add: elapsed hours. Notice there are two different "hours", one for time and another for durations.
Type your separator text :
Click on the arrow again and add the second element: Elapsed Minutes.
Finally, click on each element you added, to determine the correct format (trailing zeros or not, for example).
The answer from Hot Licks and spex worked for me in Google sheets - enclosing the h in [] , as in TEXT(A2,"[h]:mm:ss"), allows a duration larger than 24 hours. Without the [], 28 hours shows up as 4, with the [h], 28 hours shows as 28.
In Excel it's "Custom" then [hh]:mm.
(I'm not quite sure how I figured this out, but it's in a spreadsheet I've been using for a year or so.)
Select Format > Number > More Formats > Custom number format.
Enter [h]:mm and click Apply.
Basically Menu choices are:
Format > Number > Custom Date and time
Then, choose duration properties putting commas between them
To display 1.00 [Hrs] when you enter 1 ...
Navigate to: Format > Number > Custom number format
In the formula bar use the following:    #,##0.00 "[Hrs]"
"[Hrs]" can be replaced with anything, just make sure you keep the "double quotes"
You should get the following displayed
1    =>   1.00 [Hrs]
1.5   =>   1.50 [Hrs]
15.2 => 15.20 [Hrs]

evaluate difference between 2 dates to make a transition possible

Is this possible to evaluate the duration between a specified date on a form of a workflow, and the system date ? that what I want to do, in order to show (if this possible too) a short message if 1 day occurs since the specified date above, forbidding the transition of the status Closed to Reopened...
Thanks a lot,
I think the Script Runner has a validator that does something like this but I can't find it. Then you could write a post function with the Script Runner. Otherwise it's back to creating a custom validator, as described in my book Practical JIRA Plugins (O'Reilly)
You can use the ScriptRunner plugin in addition with the following script in the validator section for the Reopened transition:
Date now = new Date()
Date cfDate = new Date(cfValues['YourCustomField'].getTime())
new Date(now.getYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate()).compareTo(cfDate) <= 0
Replace YourCustomField with the name of your custom field. This will ensure that the transition will check whether the current date is beyond the date set in the custom field, and blocks it if it is.
First of all, thank you for your answer.
It works to allow transition when dates are similar, but my purpose was modified by my responsible. He would like to allow the transition if dates are similar or if the duration between them is only 1 day or less.
Example :
System date is 09/07/2013 (Paris)
My date (dd/mm/yyyy format) Transition allowed Why
07/07/2013 NO my date is former to system date
08/07/2013 NO my date is former to system date
09/07/2013 YES my date and system date equals
10/07/2013 YES only 1 day occur between 2 dates
11/07/2013 NO 2 days occur between 2 dates
Here is the code I wrote in order to do that, but it does'nt work (maybe a Java syntax error?) :
Date now = new Date()
Date cfDate = new Date(cfValues['Date de clôture réelle de la demande'].getTime())
new Boolean(((now.getTime() - cfDate) / 86400000) <= 1) && (now.getTime() >= cfDate ))
Excuse me for my english. I'm french, and I try to improve my English.
Thanks a lot.
