Log4j2 not loading log4j2.xml - log4j2

I have a problem concerning log4j2 which does not load the log4j2.xml configuration file in a project.
The project is bundled into an uber jar file. When running the application using java -jar jarfile.jar the application starts but log4j prints the following error to the console:
ERROR StatusLogger No log4j2 configuration file found. Using default
configuration: logging only errors to the console.
I checked the jar and it definitely contains a log4j2.xml file in the root location.
Because I could not figure out why this does not work I debugged to log4j2 bootstrap code. I found out that log4j never tries to read the log4j2.xml. This should happen in org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.ConfigurationFactory.Factory#getConfiguration.
Unfortunately the list of factories used in this method is empty thus the method always returns null.
Any ideas on this?
If you want to check this clone https://github.com/cryptomator/cryptomator, cd to the main directory in the cloned repo and run mvn clean install -DskipTests -P uber-jar afterwards you will find the jar file in question under main/uber-jar/target.

I suspect this is the same issue as Log4j2 configuration not found when running standalone application builded by shade plugin since it sounds like you are building an uber jar.

I have a similar issue, but not using shade.
I have a jar file, with dependencies in /lib
I have a log4j2.xml file in the same location as the main jar file.
I can (obviously) run the jar file by calling:
java -Dlog4j2.configurationFile=.\log4j2.xml -jar myjar.jar
However, in Windows, it's possible simply to double-click the jar file to load it. Everything loads and works, except that it doesn't find the log4j2.xml file - so no logfile is written.
What I would like to be able to do is have a simple jar file I can hand to someone and have it run on their machine, with the ability to configure logging in the event they run into issues.
To do that, you need to amend your code thus:
public class MyClass
System.setProperty("log4j.configurationFile", "log4j2.xml");
private final static Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger();
Thanks to Load Log4j2 configuration file programmatically for the answer.


How to set log4j.property to .jar location

I'm Setting up Log4j2 in a Spring-boot application. I now want to create a /log directory exactly where the .jar file is located.
This is needed as we start the java application from a startup script and the configuration should work on both windows and unix developer machines as well as a server.
I already tried with:
<RollingFile name="FileAppender" fileName="./logs/mylog.log"
which just creates a log folder at the directory where the jar gets started.
then I read i should use .\log/mylog.log as .\ points to the directory of the jar file.
But then it just creates a folder called .\log.
I also tried with configuration with jvm arguments and calling them at the log4j2.xml with: ${logFile}. Now a directory gets created called '${logFile}.
The only ${} command working is the directory of the log4j configuration file. But as this is inside the jar it just gets me a pretty useless folder structure
Thanks in Advance
EDIT: In the End what I did was setting up two configuration files, log4j2.xml and log4j2-prod.xml
The log4j2.xml took the system property as Vikas Sachdeva mentioned, while the prod.xml got the location hard coded.
Not really the solution I was looking for but made it work.
One solution is to pass log directory location through system properties.
Configuration file will look like -
<RollingFile name="FileAppender" fileName="${sys:basePath}/mylog.log"
Now, pass VM argument basePath with absolute path of directory containing JAR file -
java -jar myapp.jar -DbasePath=/home/ubuntu/app

Grails 2.4 won't read config file from /opt

Please note: Although I'm using the Grails Shiro plugin I believe this to be a core Grails problem, having nothing to do with the plugin whatsoever.
Mac (Yosemtie) and Grails 2.4.5 here. Here's the top 2 lines from my Config.groovy:
String configFileAbsPath = System.getProperty('configFileAbsPath')
grails.config.locations = [ "file:${configFileAbsPath}" ]
So to run locally I do something like:
grails -DconfigFileAbsPath=/Users/myuser/tmp/myapp.properties run-app
When I run this exact invocation, my app starts up and behaves just fine.
However, in non-local environments I want my config file to live under /opt/myapp/myapp.properties. So on my local machine I create a /opt/myapp directory, and then ran chmod -R 777 /opt/myapp. I then copy myapp.properties to it and run:
grails -DconfigFileAbsPath=/opt/myapp/myapp.properties run-app
This produces the following stack trace:
| Error Error generating web.xml file (NOTE: Stack trace has been filtered. Use --verbose to see entire trace.)
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: shiro for class: java.lang.String
at ShiroGrailsPlugin$_closure4_closure30_closure34.doCall(ShiroGrailsPlugin.groovy:248)
at ShiroGrailsPlugin$_closure4_closure30_closure34.doCall(ShiroGrailsPlugin.groovy)
at ShiroGrailsPlugin$_closure4_closure30.doCall(ShiroGrailsPlugin.groovy:243)
at ShiroGrailsPlugin$_closure4_closure30.doCall(ShiroGrailsPlugin.groovy)
at ShiroGrailsPlugin$_closure4.doCall(ShiroGrailsPlugin.groovy:242)
I seriously doubt that the location of an external config file, or the file permissions set on the config file (or its parent dir) would break the Grails Shiro plugin. I think this is just a misleading Grails/Groovy exception. Most likely some kind of security exception is causing something to not load/populate correctly (and fail silently), and then when Grails Shiro kicks in during run-app, its missing something that should be there and is causing run-app to die.
Any ideas as to what is going on, or what the fix is?
Update: Running grails clean, grails clean-all and/or grails refresh-dependencies prior to invoking grails run-app do not help/solve this error either.
I generally prefer to have .groovy file for external config rather than .properties because I can write printlns into it to check whether the file is loaded or not.

Can't access JasperReports after deploying Grails WAR to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I have a Grails 2.4 application that uses JasperReports to produce PDF vouchers. I have everything working fine I run as dev environment on localhost.
I want to deploy to AWS on an Elastic Beanstalk instance but once I have uploaded the WAR and deployed it, everything works fine apart from JasperReport creation. When I click on the PDF icon if waits for some time and then give the error "An error has occurred" and no report is downloaded.
I have researched and found that the web-app/reports directory (this is where my jasper report files are) is not by default included in WAR creation so I have included the following in my BuildConfig.groovy and now the WAR contains the jasper report files correctly.
grails.war.copyToWebApp = { args ->
fileset(dir:"web-app") {
include(name: "js/**")
include(name: "css/**")
include(name: "WEB-INF/**")
include(name: "reports/**")
include(name: "images/**")
After deploying again it still does not work and it seems that the app cannot access them.
Do I need to include any other files / directories in the WAR file I might be missing?
Is there a change in a config file I need to make to make this work - for example does deploying to a WAR change the directory structure in anyway that might effect a path in config file?
Just to add for clarity - I have compile ":jasper:1.11.0" in my BuildConfig.groovy already.
I couldnt find an actual solution to this on Elasticbeanstalk but I have fixed the problem for me by changing to use an EC2 instance of Ubuntu and installing apache, tomcat, java etc myself and deloying there and I know have it working no problems.

DataSource.groovy classpath

def encryptedUid = getClass().getClassLoader()
This code in the dataSource.groovy file works fine when I run it in a windows environment, but when I check the code in and Jenkins tries to load DataSource.groovy I get:
Error loading DataSource.groovy: Cannot invoke method getText() on null object.
The user.txt file is in the root of the src/java folder, and I know that it is built into the war file in a windows build. It just doesn't even get to building the war file on the Linux box.
Any ideas?
Apparently you're trying to configure the database username/password, but don't want to put them in DataSource.groovy directly for security reasons. Here's how I handle this:
Put the secret configuration in a file /grails-app/conf/secret.properties. The contents of this file are shown below:
# other secret configuration
Include this file in the grails configuration by adding the following to Config.groovy
grails.config.locations = ["classpath:secret.properties"]
If you want to be able to override the config. in secret.properties on a per-environment basis, change this to
grails.config.locations = [
You can then (optionally) add a file secret-DEVELOPMENT.properties that will override the configuration in secret.properties in the dev environment, and likewise for the other environments.
Of course, in order for this to work, the secret*.properties files must be present when building the war (or executing run-app) and should not be checked into VCS.
You're not restricted to placing these config. files in a relative location to the classpath. You can put them anywhere on the file system by using the file: prefix instead of classpath:. Finally, you can put the secret configuration in a .groovy config. file instead of a .properties file.

Grails Config: include another config file

I have in my main config something like:
grails.config.locations = ["file:grails-app/config/Jawr.groovy"].
When running the application with grails run-app, everything is OK.
But, on deployment (creating the war archive) this does not work anymore, as the file "Jawr.groovy" is not kept anymore on the filesystem (it should be only in the war).
Do you have a solution for that? Hw do you include external files into the grails main configuration file?
Okay, a few things here.
First, because you don't have a leading slash on your config path, that is a path relative to who knows where. I played with this in Tomcat, and that path ends up being relative to the working directory you were in when starting the Tomcat server. If you start Tomcat, shut it down, change directories, then start it again, you are going to get two different config paths.
Second, the grails-app directory only exists within the source tree of your Grails project. The structure of an unpacked WAR file is more like the web-app folder of your Grails source tree, with folders like WEB-INF, META-INF, js, images, etc.
Third, you probably want to avoid putting your externalized config file inside the folder of your webapp. The next time you deploy your app, that configuration is going to get wiped away with the old version of the app. One of the points of the externalized config is so that you can redeploy without having to reconfigure.
A simple, but less than ideal, solution would be to use a static, fully qualified path, like /etc/yourApp/conf.groovy, then put that in the documentation. There is also a plug-in that handles this.
I haven't used it, but the description makes it sound like it does sensible things.
see this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6341117/is-it-possible-that-grails-xxconfig-groovy-as-a-script-no-compile
Then I put it into /shared, and
grails.config.locations =
grails.war.resources = { stagingDir, args ->
copy(todir: "${stagingDir}/WEB-INF/shared"){
In my work, our team often use a system properties to save the path to the config file (often in home folder of the user running the app - for privilege sake). Then we manually copy the config file into that path
To identify that it's the production environment, we use the following code in Config.groovy:
if (System.properties["${appName}.config.location"]) {
grails.config.locations = ["file:" + System.properties["${appName}.config.location"]]
This article suggests allowing the user to specify the location of the config file as an environment variable or as a java property --- meaning you can simply specify it with -D on the command-line. This can be used in addition to all the other methods.
