How to create autocomplete text field in Swift - ios

What I want to be able to create is an auto complete text field in iOS.
I have a form for selecting a client, wherein the user must select a client once using a text field . What I want to happen is when the user writes the first three letters on the text field, I want some service to run a remote web service query using the entered text and present the query results as auto complete suggestions.
Below is my current code for my app (iPad only).
import UIKit
class AddClientViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var clientTextField: UITextField!
var foundList = [String]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
let listUrlString = "\(clientTextField)"
let myUrl = NSURL(string: listUrlString);
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL:myUrl!);
request.HTTPMethod = "GET";
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) {
data, response, error in
if error != nil {
do {
let json = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: .MutableContainers) as? NSArray
if let parseJSON = json {
self.foundList = parseJSON as! [String]
} catch {
Here is the json output that my web service provides.
["123,John", "343,Smith", "345,April"]
Separated by commas, the first parameter is the client ID and the second parameter is the name of the client. John is the name so it should be presented in the auto complete suggestions, which if selected will set the text of the clientTextField to John.
The current text content of the clientTextField is passed as a GET parameter to my webservice.
I don't know how to do this. The user could be typing and not yet finished, while multiple queries could already have been sent.

I did something like this in my app for looking up contacts. I will pseudo code this out for you to understand the concept:
1) Capture the characters entered into the textfield by the enduser
2) At some character count entered decide to query the server to return all entries that match - choose the character count you are comfortable with (I chose around 3-4 characters). Fewer returns more, more returns less obviously...up to you, perf and UX considerations.
3) Put the results of this server query into an array on the client. This will be your superset from which you will offer the suggestions to the user.
4) After each subsequent character entered into the text field you will now filter the array (array.filter()) by character string entered to this point.
5) tableView.reloadData() against the filtered array at each character entered.
6) I use a dataFlag variable to determine what datasource to show in the tableview depending on what the user is doing.
Note: You only query the server once to minimize perf impact
// this function is called automatically when the search control get user focus
func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController) {
let searchBar = searchController.searchBar
if searchBar.text?.range(of: "#") != nil {
if searchController.searchBar.text?.characters.count == 0 && dataFlag != "showParticipants" {
dataFlag = "showInitSearchData"
if dataFlag == "showInitSearchData" && searchController.searchBar.text?.characters.count == 2 {
self.loadInitialDataSet() {
self.dataFlag = "showFilteredSearchData"
if dataFlag == "showFilteredSearchData" {
// filter results by textfield string
func filterDataForSearchString() {
let searchString = searchController.searchBar.text
self.filteredContacts = self.contacts.filter({
(contact) -> Bool in
let contactText: NSString = "\(contact.givenName) \(contact.familyName)" as NSString
return (contactText.range(of: searchString!, options: NSString.CompareOptions.caseInsensitive).location) != NSNotFound
DispatchQueue.main.async {

Using Trie like structure will be a better option here. Based on entered string, trie will return top keywords (lets say 10) starting with the entered string. Implementing this trie on server side is better. When UI makes http call, calculations will be done on server side and server will send top results to UI. Then, UI will update TableView with new data.
You can also do this with hashmap/dictionary but performance will be worse. Using trie/prefix tree approach will give you the best performance when you have thousands or millions of strings to check.


I can't get array and put in the another array swift from Firebase storage

I want get folders and images from Firebase storage. On this code work all except one moment. I cant append array self.collectionImages in array self.collectionImagesArray. I don't have error but array self.collectionImagesArray is empty
class CollectionViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var collectionImagesArray: [[String]] = [[]]
#Published var collectionImages = [""]
init() {
var db = Firestore.firestore()
let storageRef ="img")
storageRef.listAll { (result, error) in
if error != nil {
for prefixName in result.prefixes {
let storageLocation = String(describing: prefixName)
let storageRefImg = storageLocation)
storageRefImg.listAll { (result, error) in
if error != nil {
for item in result.items {
// List storage reference
let storageLocation = String(describing: item)
let gsReference = storageLocation)
// Fetch the download URL
gsReference.downloadURL { url, error in
if let error = error {
// Handle any errors
} else {
// Get the download URL for each item storage location
let img = "\(url?.absoluteString ?? "placeholder")"
If i put self.collectionImagesArray.append(self.collectionImages) in closure its works but its not what i want
The problem is caused by the fact that calling downloadURL is an asynchronous operation, since it requires a call to the server. While that call is happening, your main code continues so that the user can continue to use the app. Then when the server returns a value, your closure/completion handler is invoked, which adds the URL to the array. So your print("\(self.collectionImagesArray)") happens before the self.collectionImages.append(img) has ever been called.
You can also see this in the order that the print statements occur in your output. You'll see the full, empty array first, and only then see the print("\(self.collectionImages)") outputs.
The solution for this problem is always the same: you need to make sure you only use the array after all the URLs have been added to it. There are many ways to do this, but a simple one is to check whether your array of URLs is the same length as result.items inside the callback:
if self.collectionImages.count == result.items.count {
Also see:
How to wait till download from Firebase Storage is completed before executing a completion swift
Closure returning data before async work is done
Return image from asynchronous call
SwiftUI: View does not update after image changed asynchronous

Adding a custom object to an array in Firestore

I am making an ordering app for customers to order their specific specs. When the user logs in they can go to a tab that contains a tableview with all their specs, once they click on a cell it will take them to a new view controller that will display more information on the spec. Once on this view controller they will have the ability to add x amount of pallets/rolls/etc of that item. I am able to add the spec to Firestore, but I cannot get it to an array in Firestore which I need. My goal is that on anther tab the user can view all the current specs they are trying to order until they hit submit. I am currently using the user.uid to get to that specific customers orders inside Firestore.
#IBAction func addPallet(_ sender: Any) {
// Get the current user
let user = Auth.auth().currentUser
if let user = user {
_ = user.uid
if spec != nil {
// Get the qty ordered for that spec
let totalQty: Int? = Int(palletsToAddTextField.text!)
let qty = spec!.palletCount * totalQty!
let specToAdd = Spec(specNumber: spec!.specNumber,
specDescription: spec!.specDescription,
palletCount: spec!.palletCount,
palletsOrdered: qty)
let specAdded: [String: Any] = [
"SpecDesc": spec!.specDescription,
"SpecNum": spec!.specNumber,
"PalletCount": spec!.palletCount,
"PalletsOrder": qty
db.collection("orders").document(user?.uid ?? "error").setData(specAdded) { err in
if let err = err {
print("Error writing document: \(err)")
} else {
print("Document successfully written!")
code for spec:
struct Spec: Codable {
// Properties
var specNumber: String
var specDescription: String
var palletCount: Int
var palletsOrdered = 0
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case specNumber
case specDescription
case palletCount
case palletsOrdered
I need something added like the below picture. The user will add x amount of pallets, then going to the next spec they want and add it to the array in Firestore as well.
Ok i guess i get what you want to do. Try:
db.collection("orders").document(userID).setData(["allMyData" : myArray])
"allMyData" will be the name of the field in which you want to save your array and myArray would be your array (specAdded). Thats what you are looking for?
If the document already exists you will want to use .updateData instead of .setData to keep all other fields that might already exist in that specific doc.
Kind regards

Creating a flexible API class in Swift

I'm trying to design an API helper function for an app. The idea is that I'll be able to call the function from a viewController, using code such as:
let api = APIController();
api.delegate = self
Here's the class so far:
import Foundation
protocol APIControllerProtocol {
func didReceiveAPIResults(originalRequest: String, status: Bool, data: String, message: String)
class APIController {
var delegate: APIControllerProtocol?
let url = ""
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let deviceID = "EXAMPLEDEVICE"
func request(req:String)-> Void {
let urlString = "\(url)?request=\(req)"
let combinedUrl = NSURL(string: urlString)
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: combinedUrl!)
request.HTTPMethod = "POST"
let stringPost="app_id=\(appID)&device_id=\(deviceID)"
let data = stringPost.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
request.timeoutInterval = 60
let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request) {
(data, response, error) -> Void in
do {
let jsonData = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options:NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers ) as! NSDictionary
let statusInt = jsonData["status"]! as! Int
let status = (statusInt == 1)
let data = String(jsonData["data"])
let message = String(jsonData["message"])
self.delegate?.didReceiveAPIResults(req,status: status,data: data,message: message)
} catch _ {
The difficulty I'm having is that the 'data' parameter might one of the following:
A string / number, such as the number of purchases a customer has made
An array of items, such as a list of products
A dictionary, such as the customer's details
I've set the data parameter to String as that allowed me to do some testing, but then converting it back into something usable for a tableView got very messy.
Are there any experts on here that can advise me the best way to do this? Perhaps showing me how I'd use the results in a cellForRowAtIndexPath method? Here's an example response from the API, in case it's useful:
One function doing too many things at once makes a really messy code. Also you don't want too many if statements or enums - your View controller will grow really fast.
Id suggest splitting request and parse logic. Your API class would be then responsible only for requests. It would return data to another class, that would be responsible for parsing. Then in the Parser class you could add methods like toDictionary() or toArray(), toArrayOfClasses() and so on. That would be the basic API structure.
If you want to expand it a little bit, you could add another class layer that would handle all that logic so your View Controller doesn't know if it uses API or another data source - this way you could easy implement new things in the future, like Core Data or migrate from your API class to some framework, maybe - this layer gives you flexibility.
Example structure:
API - requests
Parser - parsing API response
DataManager - Send request to API and return parsed response.
or if you don't want this third point, you can just request & parse in the view controller.

Entering Zip Code Switchies View Controller If Found In Parse (Swift and XCode)

So I'm trying to create a registration page with availability by Zip Code.
For instance, a user can only register if the service is available in their area (zip code).
So far I have a Text field for Zip Code and a button labeled "Check Availability".
I have a Parse Backend and I tested a connection to it using their setup guide and it works.
How can I go about adding Zip Codes to Parse and when a user types in that zip code that matches it'll open a new View Controller and they can register.
First method is to save zipCode that the user entered from the TextField:
var zipcodeFromUsers = customTextfield.text.toInt()
var savingObject = PFObject(className: "nameoftheclass")
savingObject["username"] = PFUser.currentUser()?.username
savingObject["zipcode"] = zipcodeFromUsers
savingObject.saveEventually { (success:Bool, error:NSError?) -> Void in
if error == nil
// data was saved
Second Method is to retrieve all the zipcodes from parse. So lets say that we want to query all 2344 zip codes
var needToFoundZipcode = 2344
var queryFromParse = PFQuery(className: "nameoftheclass")
queryFromParse.whereKey("zipcode", equalTo: needToFoundZipcode)
queryFromParse.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock { (objects:[AnyObject]?, error:NSError?) -> Void in
if error == nil
if let objects = objects as? [PFObject]
for SingleZipcode in objects
var singlezipcodeFound = SingleZipcode["zipcode"] as! Int
// now you could whatever you want

TwitterKit - TWTRSearchTimelineDataSource Search Query Formatting

I am retrieving and displaying a list of tweets in a table view. The following code grabs a bunch of tweets from a search and displays them. This works fine!
Twitter.sharedInstance().logInGuestWithCompletion { session, error in
if let _ = session {
let client = Twitter.sharedInstance().APIClient
self.dataSource = TWTRSearchTimelineDataSource(searchQuery: "cats", APIClient: client)
} else {
print("error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
However, when I change the search query in order to get tweets referring to a specific user, I just get a blank screen.
Twitter.sharedInstance().logInGuestWithCompletion { session, error in
if let _ = session {
let client = Twitter.sharedInstance().APIClient
self.dataSource = TWTRSearchTimelineDataSource(searchQuery: "#mtasummit", APIClient: client)
} else {
print("error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
I've trying to encode the '#' symbol a couple of ways, and that didn't seem to work either. What am I doing wrong?
I overlooked a small detail in the API:
"Also note that the search results at may return historical results while the Search API usually only serves tweets from the past week." (
The reason I was not seeing any tweets, was because my search term "#mtasummit" only contained results several months old, so they weren't being retrieved.
