Is the DCEF3 being kept up to date? - delphi

When I go to chrome://version/ in my chromium wrapper component (DCEF3) I get this:
My question is: Are these versions up to date or dcef3 project is not active?
I want to start a windows project with Chromium, I prefer Delphi for this but CefSharp seems a more active project. I'm wonder if it would be more advantageous to use it instead DCEF3.

Unfortunately this project seems to be dead. I could contact the owner by email sometime ago, i even offered to donate to help, but at the time he did not have a paypal account.
It's sad because it's a very good and stable component, but if no updates are made, at least using new Chromium versions, it will become obsolete soon.


How to do floating Native UI (Android) using cordova-ace plugins?

I am looking for documentation for Ace to do "Floating UI" , i want to to like facebook "Chat Heads". So far there is no documentation only mentioning coming soon , which means avaliable but undocumented right?. Is it already available in github latest master?
They decided to close the support for this project:
As of December 2016, this project is no longer maintained by Microsoft. We built ACE to provide developers with an “escape hatch” to access native code from within JavaScript. After nearly a year in production, we learned that most developers are satisfied with the access granted by Cordova’s Plugin Model. Thus, we’ve discontinued active development. We appreciate your interest in the project and hope you found it exemplary of Microsoft’s commitment to experimentation and open source software. if you're interested in continuing this project, please feel free to fork it. As of December 2016, we will no longer monitor or respond to open issues. You can keep up with other projects from Microsoft’s Cordova team by visiting Thanks for your support!
I was also looking some plugin to implement "chat heads" in Cordova, without any luck :(

Zeos 7 Failing to install

I have installed the Zeos 7 Beta on my own machine but it fails on my client's laptop. We're both running Delphi xe2, his is Entreprise, mine is Pro. His machine is running 64-bit windows 7, mine is running Window 7 32-bit.
When I do Compile all on ZeosDbo or ProjectGoup16 it seems to get through ZCore.dpk but then shows 2 fatal errors:
ZCore.dpk(1) E2225 Never-build package 'ZCore' must be recompiled
ZParseSQL.dpk(33) E2202 Required package 'ZCore' not found
This is production code we are working on, so I hope we can find a solution and get back to working on this
Zeos forum thread:
That is one error, the 1st one. The second is merely post-effect.
Perhaps you can do better than downloading beta ZIPs: until they have mature release you just can download each day "nightly" changes by version-control tools, like Git or SVN or whatever Zeos team is using.
Such errors are usually quickly fixed (they are simple) but long released(they are so moot that no one would bother making release for them).
Just open and read where to get most instant updates and how to report problems.
Actually - there it is,
Install TortoiseSVN and be on the edge until 7.0.1 or 7.0.2 final release
The page also says: Please report bugs for this version to our brand new bugtracker on sourceforge
Please do. Open Source is about participating. At least participate by registering bugs.
About the essence of problem read official documentation and "See Also" section.
Someone should decide about package binary update strategy. And the decision should be kept for all packages (okay, you can mix it in some conditions, but that is not to be suggested). So basically you have three choices:
Make your own decision and put all Zeos packages into the strategy of your choice. That puts the responsibility upon yourself to maintain this fork for a while until you come back to vanilla ZeosDB.
Report the bug to ZeosDB team and ask their suggestion, then change those settings for all the packages as suggested by them.
Report the bug to ZeosDB team and wait until they'd fix it in their SVN and then do SVN Update.
Personally i'd go with 1 option, but i am ready to be FLOSS libraries co-developer.
Option 3 would be the most slow yet the most easy for you.
Option 2... well... i can not see why you should choose that, except for trying to avoid version controls at any cost, which is bad idea per se.
I also suggest you to read
That would help you effectively communicate at ZeosDB forums - and you'd have to if you want to be "on the edge" (and if you do not - then wait for public release like 7.0.2).

Is Symfony2 Preview Release Ready For Production?

I have used Symfony 1.4 since it's release, but I now have the option to upgrade to Symfony2 for my next project. Does anyone have any experience? Is anybody currently building a production app on Symfony2 or have in the past few months?
EDIT: yes, Symfony2 website has been put up with a clear message saying the framework will be released tomorrow! There is no 'beta talk' but it does clearly state on the installation page that you should use 1.4 for new projects.
EDIT: somebody voted to close because this question is apparently 'too localized'. Is that not what tags are for?!
Symfony2 should be released in March and I'm guessing it should be in the next few days. The Preview Release always had a note next to it that it is not ready for production. I cannot tell how much is that really true and how much is that just the usual "beta talk".
If you've noticed, they changed the symfony2 page that now doesn't go to the preview page but to the instead. Also some new tutorial(s) came up. And the download page shows a promising "Will be available tomorrow" message!
I tried out playing around with the symfony2 sandbox but before porting my application to it, I've decided to wait for the release version. If your project is not pressing, I'd suggest the same. Should be around the corner.
Just my two cents ;)
EDIT: Btw, if you look in the blog, you can see that
The public API of Symfony2 will be
frozen in just a few days. Therefore,
this week developers committed some of
the last big impact changes to the
code repository: the Response was
removed from DIC, CompatAssetsBundle
was removed in favor of AsseticBundle,
and the boostrap files were also
This can only mean a stable version out soon!
I would say yes, as long as you're aware that it's a preview release and take the necessary precaution i.e. keeping an eye on the error logs.
There are alot of sites using symfony2 in production including the VPS control panel at ServerGrove and OpenSky (developed by the creator and main contributor to doctrine orm and odm projects).
The Release Candidate comes this month sometime, which signifies the API becoming stable! Hooray!
This link from the Symfony2 blog outlines the road map for the Symfony2 release.
There's also the Symfony2 Bundles site which is a collection of bundles that already exist for Symfony2
They said it will be available soon.
But you already can download it from github and start learning it and migrating to it. I've been doing that since December last year and the only problem was changes in API. But now it must be more stable and it's safe to migrate to it.
The 'is not ready for production' note meant no support and no guarantees that everything works and tomorrow something won't change. And if it changes, it was your problem to find out what and how.
While the original plan was to release a stable release candidate last week around the Symfony Live conference in Paris, it was announced there that it would be delayed for what I guess should be at least a couple of more weeks, which I agree is a good thing.
That means that the API is not stable yet and might change, and that those changes might break BC. The standard package which is now available for download on the new website is a PR like the previous releases were.

Is there a replacement component for dcmemo (Dream Company) for Delphi?

I've used a component called dcmemo which is part of a component pack from Dream Company which went out of business a few years ago. Now that I'm upgrading to the latest Delphi I can't install this component dispite having the source and making tons of fixes to it.
After looking around on the web everyone pretty much says it's extremely difficult to upgrade the dream company components to work with the latest delphi which leaves me looking for a replacement which can do almost the same stuff.
I'm sure someone has had this exact same problem before. What can I replace dcmemo with?
Try SynEdit. It's free and has been under development for a long time. I'd advise you use the latest sources which includes a code folding and tested and working code/dpks for most every version of delphi.
If you have svn installed, use the command below to get all the files.
svn co synedit
I've used TPlusMemo for many years and have found it well worth the price. It has been recently upgraded for XE.
Good luck!

Better Indy for Dephi 2007

Which better is using default indy10 that's comes with Delphi 2007 or upgrade it to latest snapshot version and why ?
Thank you
Always keep up with the latest version. It contains bug fixes. If you report a problem with the stock version supplied with Delphi, the first advice you'll get is to upgrade to the latest version because your bug has probably already been fixed.
Do not always keep up with the latest version. Download latest version now and start your project with it. Then do not keep up until you have a good reason or enough time to recheck all the functionality. Otherwise, you depend on vendor and trust him that he will never break existing code in his bug fixes or new features introduces. Having that much trust is too much for me. Of course, you should check from time to time for new versions and decide if it's worth upgrading.
Always keep up with the latest version.
Oh no, it isn't for novices. For exapmle, 21 august 2010 I've downloaded latest snapshot of Indy 10.5.7 and it doesn't works with cookies at all! Yes, I've found an error and patch it, but you must realize that you can lost a great part of functionality using snapshots under active development. So, I'm using Indy for many years and have a lot of patches in my projects folder. Every update is a headache! Sorry, Remy Lebeau, but it's true.
