Call ExtensionDelegate to create/refresh data for Complication - ios

All my data creation is done in the ExtensionDelegate.swift.
The problem is ExtensionDelegate.swift doesn't get called before the function getCurrentTimelineEntryForComplication in my ComplicationController.swift.
Any ideas? Here is my code and details:
So my array extEvnts is empty in my ComplicationController.swift:
func getCurrentTimelineEntryForComplication(complication: CLKComplication, withHandler handler: ((CLKComplicationTimelineEntry?) -> Void)) {
let extEvnts = ExtensionDelegate.evnts
Because my ExtensionDelegate.swift hasn't gotten called yet, which is what creates the data for the array:
class ExtensionDelegate: NSObject, WKExtensionDelegate, WCSessionDelegate {
private let session = WCSession.defaultSession()
var receivedData = Array<Dictionary<String, String>>()
static var evnts = [Evnt]()
func session(session: WCSession, didReceiveUserInfo userInfo: [String : AnyObject]) {
if let tColorValue = userInfo["TeamColor"] as? String, let matchValue = userInfo["Matchup"] as? String {
receivedData.append(["TeamColor" : tColorValue , "Matchup" : matchValue])
ExtensionDelegate.evnts.append(Evnt(dataDictionary: ["TeamColor" : tColorValue , "Matchup" : matchValue]))
} else {
print("tColorValue and matchValue are not same as dictionary value")
func applicationDidFinishLaunching() {
// Perform any final initialization of your application.
if WCSession.isSupported() {
session.delegate = self
Per Apple, it looks like this has something to do with it, but for some reason I have no idea how to actually implement it because I'm not able to call mydelegate.evnts:
// Get the complication data from the extension delegate.
let myDelegate = WKExtension.sharedExtension().delegate as! ExtensionDelegate
var data : Dictionary = myDelegate.myComplicationData[ComplicationCurrentEntry]!
So I've tried something like this, and still can't get it working because I'm still getting no data:
func someMethod() {
let myDelegate = WKExtension.sharedExtension().delegate as! ExtensionDelegate
let dict = ExtensionDelegate.evnts
print("ExtensionDel.evnts: \(dict.count)")

Useful question that helped me here
In the function requestedUpdateDidBegin() you can update the information that you will display in your complication. So in this method you may make a call to your parent app using a WatchConnectivity method like sendMessage:replyHandler:errorHandler: to receive new information.
You can use NSUserDefaults to store your imperative data that will be used in your ComplicationController, then load this information from NSUserDefaults for your complication. I store this data in user defaults so that I always have old data to display in case the new data fails to load.

TL/DR: Have the extension tell ClockKit to update the complication after the data is received.
First issue:
So my array extEvnts is empty in my ComplicationController.swift ... Because my ExtensionDelegate.swift hasn't gotten called yet, which is what creates the data for the array
Your array is empty because the data hasn't been received at that point.
You can't (get the complication controller to) force the watch (extension) to receive data which may not have even been transmitted yet.
If you look at the WCSession Class Reference, transferUserInfo queues data to be transferred in the background, when the system decides it's a good time to send the info.
Remember that background transfers are not be delivered immediately. The system sends data as quickly as possible but transfers are not instantaneous, and the system may delay transfers slightly to improve power usage. Also, sending a large data file requires a commensurate amount of time to transmit the data to the other device and process it on the receiving side.
Second issue:
You're trying to combine updating your app and your complication based on data sent from your phone. But your app and your complication don't necessarily run together. It's not surprising or unexpected that the watch updates the complication before any data has even been sent/received. The App Programming Guide for watchOS mentions that
Complications exist entirely in the WatchKit extension. Their user interface is not defined in the Watch app. Instead, it is defined by an object implementing the CLKComplicationDataSource protocol. When watchOS needs to update your complication, it launches your WatchKit extension. However, the Watch app’s executable is not launched.
There's no mechanism for the complication controller to say, "Wait, I'm not ready to provide an update. The complication controller can't wait on (or as mentioned, force) the watch extension to receive data.
It's only responsibility is to immediately return data based on what's currently available to it. If there's no data, it must return an empty timeline.
Approaching this problem:
You shouldn't necessarily think of app updates and complication updates as the same thing. The first is not budgeted, but the second is budgeted. If you update your complication too often, you may exceed your daily budget, and no further updates will occur for the remainder of the day.
Complications aren't meant to be frequently updated. Complications should provide as much data as possible during each update cycle. You shouldn't ask the system to update your complication within minutes. You should provide data to last for many hours or for an entire day.
Having covered that, you could wait until your extension has received data, then can ask ClockKit to extend your timeline, so new entries can be added to it. extendTimelineForComplication: is documented in the CLKComplicationServer Class reference.
As an aside, if your data is urgent, you should use transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo. It's a high-priority message, which is placed at the head of the queue, and the extension is woken up to receive it. See this answer for a comparison between it and transferUserInfo.
You also could setup a singleton to hold your data which the watch app and complication controller both use. This was mentioned in an answer to an old question of yours, and also recommended by an Apple employee on the developer forums.


How to handle first time launch experience when iCloud is required?

I am using CloudKit to store publicly available data and the new NSPersistentCloudKitContainer as part of my Core Data stack to store/sync private data.
When a user opens my app, they are in 1 of 4 states:
They are a new user with access to iCloud
They are a returning user with access to iCloud
They are a new user but do not have access to iCloud for some reason
They are a returning user but do not have access to iCloud for some reason
States 1 and 2 represent my happy paths. If they are a new user, I'd like to seed the user's private store with some data before showing the initial view. If they are a returning user, I'd like to fetch data from Core Data to pass to the initial view.
Determining new/old user:
My plan is to use NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore. My concern with this is handling the case where they:
download the app -> are recorded as having launched the app before -> delete and reinstall/install the app on a new device
I assume NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore will take some time to receive updates so I need to wait until it has finished synchronizing before moving onto the initial view. Then there's the question of what happens if they don't have access to iCloud? How can NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore tell me if they are a returning user if it can't receive the updates?
Determining iCloud access:
Based on the research I've done, I can check if FileManager.default.ubiquityIdentityToken is nil to see if iCloud is available, but this will not tell me why. I would have to use CKContainer.default().accountStatus to learn why iCloud is not available. The issue is that is an asynchronous call and my app would have moved on before learning what their account status is.
I'm really scratching my head on this one. What is the best way to gracefully make sure all of these states are handled?
There's no "correct" answer here, but I don't see NSUbiquitiousKeyValueStore being a win in any way - like you said if they're not logged into iCloud or don't have network access it's not going to work for them anyway. I've got some sharing related stuff done using NSUbiquitiousKeyValueStore currently and wouldn't do it that way next time. I'm really hoping NSPersistentCloudKitContainer supports sharing in iOS 14 and I can just wipe out most of my CloudKit code in one fell swoop.
If your app isn't functional without cloud access then you can probably just put up a screen saying that, although in general that's not a very satisfying user experience. The way I do it is to think of the iCloud sync as truly asynchronous (which it is). So I allow the user to start using the app. Then you can make your call to accountStatus to see if it's available in the background. If it is, start a sync, if it's not, then wait until it is and then start the process.
So the user can use the app indefinitely standalone on the device, and at such time as they connect to the internet everything they've done on any other device gets merged into what they've done on this new device.
I struggled with this problem as well just recently. The solution I came up with was to query iCloud directly with CloudKit and see if it has been initialized. It's actually very simple:
public func checkRemoteData(completion: #escaping (Bool) -> ()) {
let db = CKContainer.default().privateCloudDatabase
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "CD_entityName = 'Root'")
let query = CKQuery(recordType: .init("CD_Container"), predicate: predicate)
db.perform(query, inZoneWith: nil) { result, error in
if error == nil {
if let records = result, !records.isEmpty {
} else {
} else {
print(error as Any)
This code illustrates a more complex case, where you have instances of a Container entity with a derived model, in this case called Root. I had something similar, and could use the existence of a root as proof that the data had been set up.
See here for first hand documentation on how Core Data information is brought over to iCloud:
to improve whistler's solution on point 3 and 4,
They are a new user but do not have access to iCloud for some reason
They are a returning user but do not have access to iCloud for some reason
one should use UserDefaults as well, so that it covers offline users and to have better performance by skipping network connections when not needed, which is every time after the first time.
func isFirstTimeUser() async -> Bool {
if UserDefaults.shared.bool(forKey: "hasSeenTutorial") { return false }
let db = CKContainer.default().privateCloudDatabase
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "CD_entityName = 'Item'")
let query = CKQuery(recordType: "CD_Container", predicate: predicate)
do {
let items = (try await db.records(matching: query)).matchResults
return items.isEmpty
} catch {
return false
// this is for the answer's simplicity,
// but obviously you should handle errors accordingly.
func showTutorial() {
print("showing tutorial")
UserDefaults.shared.set(true, forKey: "hasSeenTutorial")
As it shows, after the first time user task showTutorial(), UserDefaults's bool value for key "hasSeenTutorial" is set to true, so no more calling expensive CK... after.
if await isFirstTimeUser() {

Core Data fetch request with WatchConnectivity

I'm currently trying to get CoreData data from my iOS app to the watchOS extension. I'm using the WatchConnectivity Framework to get a dictionary via the sendMessage(_ message: [String : Any], replyHandler: (([String : Any]) -> Void)?, errorHandler: ((Error) -> Void)? = nil) function. The basic connection is working fine. The iOS app is reachable and if I try to reply a sample dictionary everything is working.
So far so good, but as I start doing a fetch request on the iOS app in background, the Watch App never receives data. After a while I just get this error: Error while requesting data from iPhone: Error Domain=WCErrorDomain Code=7012 "Message reply took too long." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Reply timeout occurred., NSLocalizedDescription=Message reply took too long.}
If I open the iOS app on the iPhone and relaunch the Watch App the reply handler is getting the result. But forcing the user to actively open the iOS app on the iPhone is useless.
Can someone explain why this is happen? And what's the right way to do it? App Groups seem to be obsolete since watchOS 2.
I'm using Swift 4 btw…
On Apple Watch:
import WatchConnectivity
class HomeInterfaceController: WKInterfaceController, WCSessionDelegate {
// (…)
func session(_ session: WCSession, activationDidCompleteWith activationState: WCSessionActivationState, error: Error?) {
session.sendMessage(["request": "persons"],
replyHandler: { (response) in
print("response: \(response)")
errorHandler: { (error) in
print("Error while requesting data from iPhone: \(error)")
On iPhone:
import CoreData
import WatchConnectivity
class ConnectivityHandler: NSObject, WCSessionDelegate {
var personsArray:[Person] = []
// (…)
func session(_ session: WCSession, didReceiveMessage message: [String : Any], replyHandler: #escaping ([String : Any]) -> Void) {
// only using the next line is working!
// replyHandler(["data": "test"])
if message["request"] as? String == "persons" {
var allPersons: [String] = []
for person in personsArray {
replyHandler(["names": allPersons])
// this seems to be never executed (doesn't matter if it's in an extra function or right in the didReceiveMessage func)
func fetchAllPersons() {
do {
// Create fetch request.
let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<Person> = Person.fetchRequest()
// Edit the sort key as appropriate.
let sortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: #keyPath(, ascending: true)
fetchRequest.sortDescriptors = [sortDescriptor]
personsArray = try DatabaseController.getContext().fetch(fetchRequest)
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to fetch: \(error)")
After looking into this problem I found the solution by myself. The problem was that I'm using the sendMessage(_:replyHandler:errorHandler:) protocol. This is only used for transferring data when both apps are active.
Use the sendMessage(_:replyHandler:errorHandler:) or sendMessageData(_:replyHandler:errorHandler:) method to transfer data to a reachable counterpart. These methods are intended for immediate communication between your iOS app and WatchKit extension. The isReachable property must currently be true for these methods to succeed.
If you want to transfer data in the background you have to use updateApplicationContext(_:) or transferUserInfo(_:) depending on your needs. That's exactly what I needed!
Use the updateApplicationContext(_:) method to communicate recent state information to the counterpart. When the counterpart wakes, it can use this information to update its own state. For example, an iOS app that supports Background App Refresh can use part of its background execution time to update the corresponding Watch app. This method overwrites the previous data dictionary, so use this method when your app needs only the most recent data values.
Use the transferUserInfo(_:) method to transfer a dictionary of data in the background. The dictionaries you send are queued for delivery to the counterpart and transfers continue when the current app is suspended or terminated.
Now if the iPhone App counterpart opens the ApplicationContext or UserInfo queue is passed trough and I can add the data to my core data library.
Sadly, most WatchConnectivity methods have a time limit (as told you by the error) and it seems your CoreData request is taking too much time and hence it exceeds the time limit. According to this Q&A it seems that you need to take specific precautions for doing CoreData queries in the background, so that might be the cause for your issue.
However, for best user experience I would recommend you to stop using CoreData and the WatchConnectivity framework, since the latter requires your iOS app to be running at least in the background, hence making the watchOS app dependent on the state of the iOS app and degrading the user experience on watchOS. I'd recommend you switch to Realm, since Realm supports watchOS fully and hence your watchOS app can be fully independent from your iOS app, making the user experience more fluid, since the user won't have to start the iOS app and wait for the data transmission through BLE using the WatchConnectivity framework.

Update Firebase local data with observeSingleEvent

so I have a function to retrieve the user information from a given user id:
func getUserDataFrom(_ userID: String, completion: #escaping (_ userData: DBUser) -> Void) {
ref.child(usersTable).child(userID).observeSingleEvent(of: .value) { (snapshot) in
if let userDic = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary {
let userData = DBUser(with: userDic)
The problem is that this returns the local data instead of reading from Firebase. I'd like to retrieve the data from the server (as long as there's internet connection) and only read from disk if it's not available.
I know that the easiest way to accomplish this would be using a listener, but I'm making a Today Extension and they use way too much memory increasing the chances of a crash.
I've also researched about keepSynced feature but since the database reference to the users table will have a lot of children I don't know if this will affect the memory of my extension.
Long story short: I'd like to read data from Firebase once, and only read from disk if there isn't internet connection with the minimum memory usage possible.
Thank you in advance.
I retrieve some explanation, I think it might help you in your case :
ObserveSingleEventType with keepSycned will not work if the Firebase
connection cannot be established on time. This is especially true
during appLaunch or in the appDelegate where there is a delay in the
Firebase connection and the cached result is given instead. It will
also not work at times if persistence is enabled and
observeSingleEvent might give the cached data first. In situations
like these, a continuous ObserveEventType is preferred and should be
used if you absolutely need fresh data.
I think you don't have the choice to use a continuous listener. But to avoid performance issues why you don't remove yourself your listeners when you don't it anymore.
In the fresh project I created and added your code, it retrieves data from Firebase when there's a connection and when not, from local storage. Because of that, we conclude the above code is correctly fetching Firebase data from their server.
However, in my experience observeSingleEvent and offline persistence has been a tad intermittent (perhaps a 'feature'?). To fix it, force the data at the reference to stay sync'd
let usersTableRef = Database.database().reference(withPath: usersTable)
let thisUsersTableRef = usersTableRef.child(userId)
//optional: thisUsersTableRef.child("temp").setValue(true)
thisUsersTableRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value)
See Offline Capabilities for a bit more info and further examples.
Also see this post from 2015 for some insight on observers/listeners.

Firebase observe by value fetches old value from cached data

I have been facing some issues with firebase persistence once enabled, I had a chance to read through the rest of posted questions and reviewed there answers but still haven't got things to work as expected.
I have enabled firebase persistence and using observe by value to fetch recent update of particular node. Not only it keeps fetching old values but also once I leave a particular view controller and go back to that view controller the value changes to recent one.
Is there a proper way to request for recent value at first call?
Code I have tried:
// MARK: Bill authenticate function
func authenticateBill(completion: #escaping (_ bill: Double?, _ billStatus: BillError?) -> Void) {
// Observe incase bill details exist for current case
let billRef = self.ref.child("bills").child((caseRef?.getCaseId())!)
billRef.observe(FIRDataEventType.value, with: { (billSnapshot) in
if !billSnapshot.exists() {
completion(nil, BillError.unavailable)
if let billDictionary = billSnapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject] {
let cost = billDictionary["cost"] as! Double
print("Cost: ", cost)
completion(cost, nil)
No, with persistence enabled, your first callback will contain the immediately-available value from the cache (if any), followed by updates from the server (if any). You can't indicate to the SDK that you want either cached or fresh data.
If you want to keep a particular location up to date all the time while persistence is enabled, you can use keepSynced to indicate to the SDK it should always be listening and caching the data at that location. That comes at an indeterminate cost in bandwidth, depending on how frequently the data changes.
You can use the REST API to request fresh data without going through any caching mechanisms.

Having to call fetch twice from CoreData

Both on simulator and my real device, an array of strings is saved upon app termination. When I restart the app and fetchRequest for my persisted data (either from a viewDidLoad or a manual button action), I get an empty array on the first try. It isn't until the second time I fetchRequest that I finally get my data.
The funny thing is that there doesn't seem to be a time discrepancy involved in this issue. I tried setting various timeouts before trying to fetch the second time. It doesn't matter whether I wait 10 seconds to a minute -- or even immediately after the first fetch; the data is only fetched on the second try.
I'm having to use this code to fetch my data:
var results = try self.context.fetch(fetchRequest) as! [NSManagedObject]
while (results.isEmpty) {
results = try self.context.fetch(fetchRequest) as! [NSManagedObject]
return results
For my sanity's sake, here's a checklist:
I'm initializing the Core Data Stack using boilerplate code from Apple:
I'm putting my single DataController instance in a static variable at the top of my class private static let context: NSManagedObjectContext = DataController().managedObjectContext
I'm successfully saving my context and can retrieve the items without any issue in a single session; but upon trying to fetch on the first try in a subsequent session, I get back an empty array (and there lies the issue).
Note** I forgot to mention that I'm building a framework. I am using CoreData with the framework's bundle identifier and using the model contained in the framework, so I want to avoid having to use logic outside of the framework (other than initalizing the framework in the appDelegate).
The Core Data stack should be initialized in applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions located in appDelegate.swift because the psc is added after you're trying to fetch your data.
That boilerplate code from Apple includes:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
/* ... */
do {
try psc.addPersistentStoreWithType(NSSQLiteStoreType, configuration: nil, URL: storeURL, options: nil)
} catch {
fatalError("Error migrating store: \(error)")
The saved data isn't available until the addPersistentStoreWithType call finishes, and that's happening asynchronously on a different queue. It'll finish at some point but your code above is executing before that happens. What you're seeing isn't surprising-- you're basically looping until the async call finishes.
You need to somehow delay your fetch until the persistent store has been loaded. There are a couple of possibilities:
Do something sort of like what you're already doing. I'd prefer to look at the persistent store coordinator's persistentStores property to see if any stores have been loaded rather than repeatedly trying to fetch.
Post a notification after the persistent store is loaded, and do your fetch when the notification happens.
