Auto layout with navigation bar and container view - ios

so, I'm pretty sure I have my auto layout constraints set up correctly... And I have my view controller embedded in a navigation controller. I put all of the things inside of a uiview that's constrained to the 4 sides of the phone (including the bottom of the navigation bar) but this is happening.
I have the picture constrained to the vertical center of the view, and at a 1:3 ratio to it's height. the buttons are constrained on the sides
the problem is that (as you can see by the button borders and the button text being off centered) everything seems to be larger than it should be and is causing an overlap, when the buttons are supposed to be flush against the bottom and top of the image view, but instead overflow on top of it (again, shown by the button borders)

ah, I'm just an idiot. Image View wasn't clipping subviews. Auto Layout's working just fine! Thanks. My b.


Scrollview not working properly on iPad in xcode(iOS)

Recently, i've been building and app which requires a scrollview, for all the content to fit. I've had a few difficulties creating my scrollview. I've tried a few different methods for building it, but ended up building it in storyboard with autolayout. I've set the height of the view controller to 1000, and therefore also the simulated size to freeform. The width of the content view inside the scrollview, I've to the same as the view which contains the scrollview.
The hierarchy goes like this:
-View controller scene
-Top layout guide
-Bottom layout guide
-Scroll view
-Content view
-Label with text here
-And so on
I've been replicating the process in this link, to create the scrollview:
When running the application on the simulator, I get the following result:
The scrollview is not working properly on the iPad. It seems like the scrollview doesn't adapt to the changes in the width, which happens when its ran on an iPad, since it's bigger. When the app is ran on the iPad, the scrollview stays the same width as if it were shown on the iPhone.
This is how it looks in the editor. The view controller on the left is the view controller which has the scrollview implemented, and the one on the right doesn't. The first image shows the storyboard, when I view it with the iPhone 8, and the second image is when I view it with an 9,7" iPad:
It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could give me a hint to whats going on!
Left side is what it looks like, and right side is what it should look like:
Add the UIScrollView to your main view
Set Top, Left, Right, Bottom constraints all to Zero
Add a UILabel inside the scroll view
Set number of lines to Zero
Set Top, Left, Right, Bottom constraints all to Zero
Set the label's width constraint equal to the scroll view's width
That should do it :)
This will keep the label's text aligned to the top of the scroll view. If you add enough text to fill more than the full screen, it will scroll vertically.

Button is being covered by tabbar

I have a save button that is supposed to be located right above the tab bar and right under the table view, but it does not appear in the view when I switch to a smaller screen. There is auto layout on all the elements, and the button is centered horizontally, equal width to the view, and has vertical spacing between the table view and bottom. Any ideas on how to make sure the save button always appears in the position stated above? Auto layout was done through storyboard not code.
set height of UIButton, and do not set height of UITableView.

Gap between main view and scroll view using Auto Layout in navigation controller

I'm experiencing some trouble managing a scroll view embed inside a navigation view controller. I'm using Auto Layout and I'll try to explain the problem the best I can.
I embed a scroll view in the controller's main view and pinned the top, left, bottom and right borders to main view's borders.
I embed a standard UIView inside the scroll view and gave it a fixed height of 800 points. This should act as a container for all my controls (let's name it content view). Then again I pinned its top, left, bottom and right borders to the scroll view's borders. Because the bottom space constraint of scroll view's descendant view was negative, I adjusted it bringing it back to 0.
For the width, I CTRL-dragged from the content view to the main view and added a Equal widths constraint.
Finally, I added an image view and placed it at the top center of my content view adding some further trivial constraint.
The storyboard for the situation I've just depicted is shown above (in the document outline you should see all the constraints I've defined).
My scroll view works, it scrolls fine and the image view is well-centered where it's supposed to be. However, there's a gap between the end of the navigation bar and the start of the scroll view and I can't figure out why. It seems to be as high as the navigation bar, but I have no idea about how to fix it. The image shown below should make you understand what I'm talking about (the content view is highlighted in grey for clarity).
I didn't write a single line of code to achieve this result. I would really appreciate any kind of help and I'm ready to give you all the information you need to help me address the problem.
I think you should uncheck Adjust Scrollview Insets property of your viewcontroller to get rid of this....
you have to uncheck Adjust Scrollview Insets

Why auto layout constraints not working?

I'm setting constraints in IB like
But when i run the app on iPhone4 it shows
Why last three buttons not shown properly on iPhone4 screen?is there any mistake in my constraints ?
Edit:- This is my view hierarchy:-
UITabbarControlle -> UINavigationController -> UIViewController and tab bar controller is rootviewcontroller.
Edit:- FYI there is no effect of any constraints on the screen(basically autolayout not working for me).
You have designed the buttons on 4 inch and you don't have enough space on 3.5 for all of them.
One way to do this is to place scroll view over your view controller's view and add the buttons on the scroll view.You have to add constraint on the scroll view , to be fixed on each side (without width/height).
After that grab all the buttons and add constrains on each side and sizes , so they will be fixed
If you , on other hand, have enough space for all the buttons to fit in 3.5' without any top/bottom margins you can add the button in UIView (instead of scroll view). Place the buttons in the view and set fixed width/height on that view.Center the view and it will keep his size (with the buttons inside on both screen sizes)
There is an issue in your constraints, you have to update them.
You can do as is shown on the image bellow:
Once done, you will see, the Orange lines under your buttons turned to blue.
I wish that helps you!
Your view is probably within a UIScrollView which will extend your total contentheight. It is not related to the absolute height of your viewport.
However, what do you expect? Your 3 buttons would overlay to the next buttons, if your theoretical approach would work.
What you need to to do is to wire all buttons to each other and give the view a top and bottom constraint to the top and bottom layout. You probably need to adjust your view to be on full screen and not to extend to the bottom.
Hint: as long as something is 'yellow' you need to add further constraints.

iOS - How to resize views with auto layout?

I am new to auto layout and need to resize some views when it rotates to landscape.
My view hierarchy from top to bottom is:
Toolbar (user info)
Toolbar (scroll view #1 title)
Scrollview #1
Toolbar (scroll view #2 title)
Scrollview #2
All views are adjacent to each other and when rotated stay in the same layout.
However, I need to shrink both scroll views by a small amount so everything fits onto the screen when in landscape mode.
What is the proper way to do this?
I have tried manually changing the scrollview frames in a orientation change method, but the view size doesn't change.
Give the toolbars explicit heights.
Pin the top tool bar to top and sides.
Pin bottom scrollView to sides and bottom
Make the height of the 2 scrollViews the same.
Make all of the view have vertical spacing constraints between them (you should get this automatically, if you put them right on top of each other when you drag them in).
This should be sufficient to define every views size and position. When the view gets smaller on rotation, the only thing free to change will be the scroll view heights.
