How to Reduce the time delay for streaming RTSP uing player(WINDOWS) - vlc

I have a rtsp address from ip camera and i want to display it in player like VLC, QuickTime or RealPlayer. the problem is when i tried to display it through the player, there are a few second time delay between the the player and the real video. Is there any specific setting to reduce the time delay?

try vlc --network-caching 150 --clock-jitter 0 --clock-synchro 0 rtsp://your-ip-address:8554/mystream


How to get wifi or 3G internet speed programmatically in ios

I need a custom video player which play based on internet speed and I have four video urls which is hd,high,medium and low quality here what I am doing is I am playing high resolution video when internet speed with certain limit and something like fast and want to play based on wifi or 3G speed and here the problem is I am not able to get internet speed. I searched lot of sites for this. and one more point is while playing I have to check internet spped for every 10 secs.
Assuming you are using AVFoundation for video playback, an easier solution to your problem is rather than creating four video files, convert the video for use with HTTP Live Streaming, which allows the player select the most appropriate bitrate media stream.

iOS AVPlayer too slow when streaming online video

I'm using AVPlayer to play online video content. Server supports byte ranges as according to RFC 2616.
Thing is that it takes too long for AVPlayer to have playable status.
For a 1GB video (duration = 1h 45min) it takes 1min-2min to start playback. I notice that seek works rather good after that.
Playing same video on default Android media player takes 15sec to start.
It seems as if AVPlayer downloads chunks in different parts of media space for better seek support. But I want video to start as soon as possible. Is such a thing possible - to configure AVPlayer for quicker play?

AVPlayer doesn't switch from Audio-Only to Video stream

I'm using AVPlayer to play the HTTP Live stream. Often I observed that AVPlayer switches to Audio-Only mode when the network is Low, but when the network recovers to High, it doesn't switch to Video stream or takes very long to switch to Video stream.
I did a test to observe the behaviour closely by simulating the Low network conditions using "Network Link Conditioner" in my iPad and my observations are same i.e AVPlayer doesn't switch to Video stream or takes a very long time.
Is anyone else facing this problem? or Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance,

Increase video buffer for HLS (Apple HTTP Live Stream), possible?

We're using Wowza 3.5 in our server to stream videos, and JW Player for the player.
The streaming of videos are working fine when viewed in iPhone and iPad.
What we are trying to do now is, when a video is playing on an iOS device and a user paused it we would like the video to buffer (download) while it is paused so even if the user lost connection to the internet he could still watch the video until. Currently it is only buffering for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
How could we increase this buffer time to possibly buffer / download the whole video while the player is paused?
Is this even possible in HLS?
This is not possible when you're playing a video using HLS in a webpage using the default browser.
You need to create your own app to control the video buffer when playing videos using HLS.
There is an App with Wowza called nDVR, you can pause, play and record using nDVR. Also I think you can increase the buffer length in application.xml, make sure.

IOS - Live streaming using MPMoviePlayerController losing video but not audio

I am Streaming a live video (.m3u8) with MPMoviePlayerViewController, however during playback sometimes the video is lost and only the Quicktime logo is displayed, however the audio still goes on.
This happens at random times, sometimes never, maybe when the internet is not as strong as it needs, but console doesn't log any errors or changes in the playback.
Is there a way to notice when this happens and to recover the video image from the streaming?
This is how HTTP live streaming is designed to work. It will progressively choose higher or lower quality streams based on the strength of the internet connection. If the connection is not fast enough the "last resort" is to continue to play audio but no video. The only way to recover the video image in this case is to improve the speed of the internet connection.
