How to compare collection item using createCriteria? - grails

Registration domain has a collection of discounts.
static hasMany = [ discounts: Discount]
I want to extract all Registrations that have a particular discount applied.
In the following code i want to get all registrations whose collection has the discount of id disid. How can i achieve that? I appreciate any help!
def disid = Discount.get(1).id
def regs = Registration.createCriteria().list(){
eq('compositeEvent', cod.compositeEvent)

Try this:
def disid = Discount.get(1).id
def regs = Registration.withCriteria() {
discounts {
eq 'id', disid


grails - org.hibernate.QueryException (could not resolve property)

I'm trying to get the list of a specific rental from the current user.
Code in controller:
def index() {
if (isLoggedIn()) {
String username = getPrincipal().username
def accountInstance = Account.findByUsername(username)
def rentalInstanceList = Rental.findAll("from Rental as r where r.account_id=:accountid", [accountid:])
account_id is a foreign key.
After running I get the error:
could not resolve property: account_id of: ers.Rental
What am I doing wrong?
Generally, in HQL you have to use the field names as defined in your domain classes. So, your query should look like:
def list = Rental.findAll("from Rental where accountId=:accountid", [accountid:])
def list = Rental.findAllByAccount accountInstance
or even
def list = Rental.findAllByAccount getPrincipal()
if the return type of getPrincipal() has the id field.
findAll is not limited to instances of the calling class so I use executeQuery instead.

findAllWhere and List fetch

So I have the domain class as follows:
class Enrollment {
Course course
Date date
User user
static constraints = {
In my controller, I have this action :
def persons = Enrollment.list(fetch :[user : "a"])
render persons
I am trying to fetch only a user named "a" and its corresponding map. But it displays all..I tried FindAllWhere but throws an error
No such property: user for class: tester.EnrollmentController
I am assuming that the User class has a name property.
What about:
def user = User.findByName("a")
def persons = user ? Enrollment.findAllByUser(user) : []
Assuming here that you can find a unique user (name probably isn't unique enough), otherwise I would do something like:
def persons = Enrollment.createCriteria().list{
user {
eq('name', "a")

GORM findAll doesn't work

A have class Product:
class Product {
static hasMany = [attributeValues: ProductAttributeValue]
String productId
String manufacturer
BigDecimal price
static constraints = {
productId unique: true, blank: false
manufacturer blank: false
price min: BigDecimal.ZERO
I want to find all products, which productId contains substring 'filter'.
I wrote next code:
Product.findAll {it.productId.contains(filter)}
But it doesn't work. Why?
this should't work at all!
you have 2 options here:
1) you use propper GORM techniques like criteria query or HQL, the would look like:
Product.findAllByProductIdIlike( "%${filter}%" ) // dyn-finders
Product.withCriteria{ ilike 'productId', "%${filter}%" } // criteria
Product.findAll{ ilike 'productId', "%${filter}%" } // criteria
Product.findAll( "from Product where productId like '%?%'", [ filter ] ) // hql`
2) or use filtering on the whole dataset in grails app's memory (instead of the db) - NOT recommended:
Product.list().findAll{ it.productId.contains(filter) }
You can use regex,
Try this :
def yourProductIsWithFilter = '123filter456'
def matchingPattern = 'filter'
//def patternToMatch = /\b${matchingPattern}/\b
//def patternToMatch = /[A-Z_0-9${matchingPattern}/]
def patternToMatch = ~/.${matchingPattern}/
Product.findAll{it.productId =~ patternToMatch }
Note: I haven't tested the code.
Hope it gives you a heads up.

Grails CRUD list order by a field

I have a domain class Project as below
class Project {
String projectName
String projectCode
String techLead
String projectManager
Date deliveryDate
String currentPhase
Integer priority
I have controller as below
class ProjectController {
def scaffold = Project
def index = {
def list = {
// displays only 10 records per page
if (!params.max) params.max = 10
[ projectList: Project.list( params ) ]
I would like to display the list of projects in the sorting order or priority. How can I implement that ?
change your list action to the below
def list = {
// displays only 10 records per page
if (!params.max) {
params.max = 10
params.sort = "priority"
params.order = "asc" // change to "desc" to sort in the opposite direction
[projectList: Project.list(params)]
A much shorter and more idiomatic way of doing this would be to use the dynamic methods on list that provide ordering:
def list = {
[projectList: Project.listOrderByPriority(max: params.max ?: 10)]

How can I get a set of field values in groovy?

class Book {
String title
def book = new Book(title: 'title1')
def book = new Book(title: 'title2')
def book = new Book(title: 'title3')
How can I get the set of titles? Something like titleSet = ['title1', 'title2', 'title3']
I thought maybe something like def titleSet = Book.findTitles(); would work but I can't find anything like that.
I know I could do:
def books = Book.list()
def titleSet
for(def book : books)
But I'm looking for a groovier way.
This goes through all the books for their title and creates a Set instead of a List.
Book.all.title as Set
The above will fetch all Book instances which might be heavy if you only need title. You can also try using criteria or HQL to get only list of titles.
def titleSet = Book.createCriteria().listDistinct {
projections {
Set titleSet = books*.title
Set titleSet = books.collect { it.title }
