How do I pass an argument into Async.RunSynchronously? - f#

How do I pass an argument into Async.RunSynchronously?
I am attempting to do the following:
Async.RunSynchronously (moveAsync brick)
Of course, this does not compile:
The value or constructor 'brick' is not defined
I updated my code but am still running into the same issue regarding passing in an argument into Async.RunSynchronously
open LegoCommands
let main argv =
connectAsync |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore
moveAsync |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore
speakAsync |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore
0 // return an integer exit code
Currently my code works by setting an external member variable and having my functions refer to it.
let brick = Brick(UsbCommunication())
I don't want this.
module LegoCommands
open Lego.Ev3.Core
open Lego.Ev3.Desktop
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Arguments
let brick = Brick(UsbCommunication())
let awaitTask (task: Task) = task |> Async.AwaitIAsyncResult
|> Async.Ignore
let connectAsync = async {
do! brick.ConnectAsync() |> awaitTask }
let moveAsync = async {
do! brick.DirectCommand.TurnMotorAtPowerForTimeAsync(motors, power, uint32 duration, breakEnabled) |> awaitTask }
let speakAsync = async {
do! brick.DirectCommand.PlayToneAsync(volume, frequency, duration) |> awaitTask }

On the third line of "client" you're using brick, which is not yet defined at that point.
Async.RunSynchronously (connectAsync brick)
Same happens on the last line of "domain":
Async.RunSynchronously (moveAsync(brick))
The error message tells you exactly this: brick is not defined.

I'm not sure what I did wrong.
But I no longer observe the error.
open LegoCommands
open Lego.Ev3.Core
open Lego.Ev3.Desktop
let main argv =
let brick = Brick(UsbCommunication())
brick |> connectAsync |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore
brick |> moveAsync |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore
brick |> speakAsync |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore
0 // return an integer exit code
module LegoCommands
open Lego.Ev3.Core
open Lego.Ev3.Desktop
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Arguments
let awaitTask (task: Task) = task |> Async.AwaitIAsyncResult
|> Async.Ignore
let connectAsync (brick:Brick) = async {
do! brick.ConnectAsync() |> awaitTask }
let moveAsync (brick:Brick) = async {
do! brick.DirectCommand.TurnMotorAtPowerForTimeAsync(motors, power, uint32 duration, breakEnabled) |> awaitTask }
let speakAsync (brick:Brick) = async {
do! brick.DirectCommand.PlayToneAsync(volume, frequency, duration) |> awaitTask }
module Arguments
open Lego.Ev3.Core
let volume = 50
let frequency = uint16 3000
let duration = uint16 333
let power = 100
let motors = OutputPort.B ||| OutputPort.C
let breakEnabled = false


FSharpPlus : the fsi blocks when I try to combine two transformers

The fsi blocks when I try to combine these two transformers, without any warning or error message.
open FSharpPlus
open FSharpPlus.Data
type MyError = | Err of string
let f : WriterT<ResultT<Async<Result<_, MyError>>>> = monad {
do! liftAsync <| Async.Sleep 30
do! tell ["abc"]
let! r0 = lift<| ResultT.hoist (Ok 25)
return r0 + 5
let g = monad {
let! r1 = f
do! tell ["def"]
do! liftAsync <| Async.Sleep 50
let! r2 = lift<| ResultT.hoist (Ok 2)
return r1 + r2
let runStackT stack = stack |> |> |> Async.RunSynchronously
#time "on"
let finalResult = runStackT g
#time "off"
What is the problem and how to make this code work?
As stated in the comments, this is an F# bug.
Your code is correct, and even if it wasn't there's no reason why the F# compiler should hang.
I've found a workaround, if you change these lines:
let g: WriterT<ResultT<Async<Result<_, MyError>>>> = monad {
let! r1 = f
let! _ = tell ["def"]
let! _ = liftAsync <| Async.Sleep 50
let! r2 = WriterT.Lift <| ResultT.hoist (Ok 2)
it will work.
Note that changing a do! for a let! _ = is a trick I use frequently to improve type inference.

Enforcing one Async Observable at a time in F#

I have an observable sequence of things that need to be mapped to
a C# task. These C# tasks should not run concurrently, but one after
another. Basically, I need to achieve the F# equivalent of this C#
Enforcing one async observable at a time
Naively translating this C# code gives something like the following:
let run (idx:int) (delay:int) =
async {
sprintf "start: %i (%i)" idx delay |> System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine
let! t = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(delay) |> Async.AwaitTask
sprintf "finish: %i" idx |> System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine
Observable.generate (new Random()) (fun _ -> true) id (fun s -> s.Next(250, 500))
|> Observable.take 20
|> Observable.mapi(fun idx delay -> idx, delay)
|> Observable.bind(fun (idx, delay) -> Observable.ofAsync (run idx delay))
|> Observable.subscribe ignore
|> ignore
Which does not work as expected because I don't wait for a result anywhere. Is there even
a way to do this in F# without blocking a thread, just like C#'s await would?
There's a handy library that exists in F# called AsyncSeq:
It's very similar to IAsyncEnumerable<T> that was added to C# 8.0, this gives you a nice solution to what you are after.
open System
open FSharp.Control
open FSharp.Control.Reactive
let main _ =
let run (idx:int) (delay:int) =
async {
sprintf "start: %i (%i)" idx delay |> Console.WriteLine
do! Async.Sleep delay
sprintf "finish: %i" idx |> Console.WriteLine
Observable.generate (new Random()) (fun _ -> true) id (fun s -> s.Next(250, 500))
|> Observable.take 20
|> Observable.mapi(fun idx delay -> idx, delay)
|> AsyncSeq.ofObservableBuffered
|> AsyncSeq.iterAsync (fun (idx,delay) -> run idx delay)
|> Async.RunSynchronously
AsyncSeq.ofObservableBuffered does the work of subscribing to your Observable and acts as AsyncSeq source which you can pipeline on top of. Finally we call Async.RunSynchronously to kick it off and wait on the entrypoint thread.
Note: I also update run as it was returning Async<Async<unit>> and I assume that wasn't intended.

How do I set up multiple observables from an event in F#?

I'm trying to learn about the Observable module in F# by writing a program that connects to a web socket, listens for messages, and then handles them in some set of streams based on Observables. However, I'm having a hard time understanding the actual behavior.
First, I set up a web socket like this:
open System
open System.Net.WebSockets
open System.Threading
let connectFeed =
let feedUrl = "blah blah"
let buffer : byte array = Array.zeroCreate 1024
let segment = ArraySegment(buffer)
let socketEvent = new Event<string>()
let task = async {
let random = Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond)
use socket = new ClientWebSocket()
let! token = Async.CancellationToken
do! Async.AwaitTask (socket.ConnectAsync(Uri(feedUrl), token))
while not token.IsCancellationRequested do
let! result = Async.AwaitTask (socket.ReceiveAsync(segment, token))
socketEvent.Trigger (Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer))
Array.fill buffer 0 buffer.Length 0uy
(task, socketEvent.Publish)
let deserializeMsg (raw:string) =
// returns a MsgType based on the received message
let tryGetData (msg:MsgType) =
// returns Some data for specific kind of message; None otherwise
let main argv =
let feedProc, feedStream = connectFeed
let msgStream = feedStream |> deserializeMsg
msgStream |> Observable.subscribe (fun m -> printfn "got msg: %A" m) |> ignore
let dataStream = feedStream |> Observable.choose tryGetData
dataStream |> Observable.subscribe (fun d -> printfn "got data: %A" d) |> ignore
Async.RunSynchronously feedProc
I'm expecting to see a printout like:
got msg: { some: "field" }
got msg: { some: "other" }
got msg: { some: "data" }
got data: { // whatever }
got msg: ...
Instead, only the "got msg" messages appear, even though there are messages that would cause tryGetData to return Some.
What's going on here? How do I set up multiple Observable streams from a single event?
Update: I've updated my code with this:
let isMsgA msg =
printfn "isMsgA"
match msg with
| MsgA -> true // where MsgA is a member of a DU defined elsewhere, and is the result of deserializeMsg
| _ -> false
let isStringMsgA msg =
printfn "isStringMsgA"
if msg.StartsWith("{ \"type\": \"msga\"") then true else false
let main argv =
let feedProc, feedStream = connectFeed
let msgStream = feedStream |> deserializeMsg
|> Observable.filter isMsgA
|> Observable.subscribe (fun m -> printfn "got msg MsgA")
|> ignore
|> Observable.filter isStringMsgA
|> Observable.subscribe (fun m -> printfn "got string MsgA")
|> ignore
And I get a screen full of "isStringMsgA" and "got string MsgA" messages, but exactly one each of "isMsgA" and "got msg MsgA".
I am baffled.
Here is a trimmed-down, reproducible example for anyone interesting in fiddling with it:
Update 2: looks like I may be seeing this behavior due to an exception being thrown in the deserializeMsg function. Still digging...
I do not see any obvious reason why this should be happening - can you add some logging to tryGetData to check what inputs it gets and what results it returns?
When using the Observable module, you construct a description of the processing pipeline and Observable.subscribe creates a concrete chain of listeners that do the work and attach handlers to the primary event source. However, the events do not get "consumed" - they should be sent to all the observers.
For example, try playing with the following minimal demo:
let evt = Event<int>()
let e1 = evt.Publish |> Observable.choose (fun n ->
if n % 2 = 0 then Some "woop!" else None)
let e2 = evt.Publish |> (fun n -> n * 10)
e1 |> Observable.subscribe (printfn "E1: %s")
e2 |> Observable.subscribe (printfn "E2: %d")
If you run this, it prints the expected result:
E2: 10
E1: woop!
E2: 20

Call async method in an inner lambda? "This construct may only be used within computation expressions"

I have the following code
let rec consume() : Async<unit> = async {
|> Seq.iter(fun i ->
let listB : seq<...> option =
let c = getListB a b
match c with
| Some d -> Seq.filter(....) |> Some
| None -> None
match listB with .....
Now the function getListB is converted to return async<Seq<B>> instead of Seq<B>. So the code was converted to the following. However, the getListB blocked the execution. How to rewrite it nonblocking? Simply convert the line to let! c = getListB a b won't work because the code is in an inner lambda? The error message is "This construct may only be used within computation expressions".
let rec consume() : Async<unit> = async {
|> Seq.iter(fun i ->
let listB : seq<...> option =
let c = getListB a b |> Async.RunSynchronously
match c with
| Some d -> Seq.filter(....) |> Some
| None -> None
I believe the problem you are describing boils down to how to convert an seq<Async> to an Async<seq>. This is described comprehensively in this post by Scott Wlaschin.
This is a poor man's implementation of the concepts described in his post which are far more powerful and generic. The general idea is that we want to delay the creation of the sequence until we have the values promised by the instance of Async<_>
let traverseSequence ( seqAsync : seq<Async<'a>>) =
let promiseOfAnEmptySequence = async { return Seq.empty }
let delayedCalculation (asyncHead : Async<'a>) (asyncTail : Async<seq<'a>>) =
async {
let! calculatedHead = asyncHead
async {
let! calculatedTail = asyncTail
return calculatedHead |> Seq.singleton |> Seq.append(calculatedTail)
Seq.foldBack delayedCalculation seqAsync promiseOfAnEmptySequence
The answer depends on whether you want to run each element of the sequence sequentially or in parallel.
In both cases, start by using instead of Seq.iter, then you can put another async block inside the lambda such that the result of the map is seq<Async<'a>>.
For this, you need define some extra functions in an extra Async module.
module Async =
let map f x =
let! x = x
return f x
let lift2 f x1 x2 =
let! x1 = x1
let! x2 = x2
return f x1 x2
let return' x = async { return x }
let mapM mFunc sequ =
let consF x ys = lift2 (fun h t -> h::t) (mFunc x) ys
Seq.foldBack(consF) sequ (return' [])
|> map (Seq.ofList)
let sequence sequ = mapM id sequ
You might have seen mapM called traverse elsewhere, they are basically just different names for the same concept.
The sequence function is just a special case of mapM where the supplied binding function is just the identity (id) function. It has type seq<Async<'a>> -> Async<seq<'a>>, i.e. it flips the Async from being inside the Seq to being outside.
You then simply pipe the result of your to the sequence function, which gives you an async value.
Your example code isn't complete so I made up some example code to use this:
let sleep = Async.Sleep 100
let sleeps = Seq.init 15 (fun _ -> sleep)
let sequencedSleeps = Async.sequence sleeps
Async.RunSynchronously sequencedSleeps
Real: 00:00:01.632, CPU: 00:00:00.000, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
val it : seq<unit> =
[null; null; null; null; null; null; null; null; null; null; null; null;
null; null; null]
To execute each element of the sequence in parallel, instead of sequentially, you could do:
let pSequence sequ = Async.Parallel sequ |> (Seq.ofArray)
Example test code:
let pSleeps = pSequence sleeps;;
Async.RunSynchronously pSleeps;;
Real: 00:00:00.104, CPU: 00:00:00.000, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
val it : seq<unit> = seq [null; null; null; null; ...]
Note how the execution time depends on the chosen approach.
For the cases where you're getting back a seq<unit> and so want to ignore the result it can be useful to define some extra helper functions, such as:
let sequenceIgnore sequ = sequ |> Async.sequence |> (ignore)
let pSequenceIgnore sequ = sequ |> pSequence |> (ignore)
That lets you return a single unit rather than a superfluous sequence of them.

http download to disk with and async workflows stalls

The following .fsx file is supposed to download and save to disk binary table base files which are posted as links in a html page on the internet, using Fsharp.Data.dll.
What happens, is that the whole thing stalls after a while and way before it is done, not even throwing an exception or alike.
I am pretty sure, I kind of mis-handle the CopyToAsync() thingy in my async workflow. As this is supposed to run while I go for a nap, it would be nice if someone could tell me how it is supposed to be done correctly. (In more general terms - how to handle a System.Threading.Task thingy in an async workflow thingy?)
#r #"E:\R\playground\DataTypeProviderStuff\packages\FSharp.Data.2.2.3\lib\net40\FSharp.Data.dll"
open FSharp.Data
open Microsoft.FSharp.Control.CommonExtensions
let document = HtmlDocument.Load("")
let links =
document.Descendants ["a"] |> Seq.choose (fun x -> x.TryGetAttribute("href") |> (fun a -> a.Value()))
|> Seq.filter (fun v -> v.EndsWith(".cp4"))
|> List.ofSeq
let targetFolder = #"E:\temp\tablebases\"
let downloadUrls =
links |> (fun name -> "" + name, targetFolder + name )
let awaitTask = Async.AwaitIAsyncResult >> Async.Ignore
let fetchAndSave (s,t) =
async {
printfn "Starting with %s..." s
let! result = Http.AsyncRequestStream(s)
use fileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(t,System.IO.FileMode.Create)
do! awaitTask (result.ResponseStream.CopyToAsync(fileStream))
printfn "Done with %s." s
let makeBatches n jobs =
let rec collect i jl acc =
match i,jl with
| 0, _ -> acc,jl
| _, [] -> acc,jl
| _, x::xs -> collect (i-1) (xs) (acc # [x])
let rec loop remaining acc =
match remaining with
| [] -> acc
| x::xs ->
let r,rest = collect n remaining []
loop rest (acc # [r])
loop jobs []
let download () =
|> fetchAndSave
|> makeBatches 2
|> List.iter (fun l -> l |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore )
|> ignore
Note Updated code so it creates batches of 2 downloads at a time and only the first batch works. Also added the awaitTask from the first answer as this seems the right way to do it.
News What is also funny: If I interrupt the stalled script and then #load it again into the same instance of fsi.exe, it stalls right away. I start to think it is a bug in the library I use or something like that.
Thanks, in advance!
Here fetchAndSave has been modified to handle the Task returned from CopyToAsync asynchronously. In your version you are waiting on the Task synchronously. Your script will appear to lock up as you are using Async.RunSynchronously to run the whole workflow. However the files do download as expected in the background.
let awaitTask = Async.AwaitIAsyncResult >> Async.Ignore
let fetchAndSave (s,t) = async {
let! result = Http.AsyncRequestStream(s)
use fileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(t,System.IO.FileMode.Create)
do! awaitTask (result.ResponseStream.CopyToAsync(fileStream))
Of course you also need to call
do download()
on the last line of your script to kick things into motion.
