How to make a function atomic in Swift? - ios

I'm currently writing an iOS app in Swift, and I encountered the following problem: I have an object A. The problem is that while there is only one thread for the app (I didn't create separate threads), object A gets modified when
1) a certain NSTimer() triggers
2) a certain observeValueForKeyPath() triggers
3) a certain callback from Parse triggers.
From what I know, all the above three cases work kind of like a software interrupt. So as the code run, if NSTimer()/observeValueForKeyPath()/callback from Parse happens, current code gets interrupted and jumps to corresponding code. This is not a race condition (since just one thread), and I don't think something like this can solve this problem.
There is a specific function B called in all three cases to modify object A, so I'm thinking if I can make this function B atomic, then this problem is solved. Is there a way to do this?

You are making some incorrect assumptions. None of the things you mention interrupt the processor. 1 and 2 both operate synchronously. The timer won't fire or observeValueForKeyPath won't be called until your code finishes and your app services the event loop.
Atomic properties or other synchronization techniques are only meaningful for concurrent (multi-threaded) code. If memory serves, Atomic is only for properties, not other methods/functions.
I believe Parse uses completion blocks that are run on a background thread, in which case your #3 **is* using separate threads, even though you didn't realize that you were doing so. This is the only case in which you need to be worried about synchronization. In that case the simplest thing is to simply bracket your completion block code inside a call to dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()), which makes all the code in the dispatch_async closure run on the main, avoiding concurrency issues entirely.


What is the default thread

In iOS, we have GCD and Operation to handle concurrent programming.
looking into GCD we have QoS classes, and they're simple and straight forward, this question is about why DispatchQueue.main.async is commonly used to asynchronies X tasks in the Main Thread.
So when we usually handle updating something in the UI we usually use that function since to prevent any irresponsiveness from the application.
makes me think is writing code inside the UIViewController usually executed in the main thread ?
but also knowing that callback & completionHandler usually execute without specifying on what thread they are in, and the UI never had a problem with that !! so it is on the background ?
How Swift handles this ? and what thread am i writing on by default without specifying anything ?
Since there are more than one question here, let's attempt to answer them one by one.
why DispatchQueue.main.async is commonly used to asynchronies X tasks
in the Main Thread.
Before mentioning a direct answer, make sure that you don't have confusion of understanding:
Serial <===> Concurrent.
Sync <===> Async.
Keep in mind that DispatchQueue.main is serial queue. Using sync or async has nothing to do with determining serialization or currency of a queue, instead they refer to how the task is handled. Thus saying DispatchQueue.main.async means that:
returns control to the current queue right after task has been sent to
be performed on the different queue. It doesn't wait until the task is
finished. It doesn't block the queue.
cited from: (I'd recommend to check it.)
In other words, async means: this will happen on the main thead and update it when it is finished. That's what makes what you said:
So when we usually handle updating something in the UI we usually use
that function since to prevent any irresponsiveness from the
seems to be sensible; Using sync -instead of async- will block the main.
makes me think is writing code inside the UIViewController usually
executed in the main thread ?
First of all: By default, without specifying which thread should execute a chunk of code it would be the main thread. However your question seems to be unspecific because inside a UIViewController we can call functionalities that are not executed on the main thread by specifying it.
but also knowing that callback & completionHandler usually execute
without specifying on what thread they are in, and the UI never had a
problem with that !! so it is on the background ?
"knowing that callback & completionHandler usually execute without specifying on what thread they are in" No! You have to specify it. A good real example for it, actually that's how Main Thread Checker works.
I believe that there is something you are missing here, when dealing when a built-in method from the UIKit -for instance- that returns a completion handler, we can't see that it contains something like DispatchQueue.main.async when calling the completion handler; So, if you didn't execute the code inside its completion handler inside DispatchQueue.main.async so we should assume that it handles it for you! It doesn't mean that it is not implemented somewhere.
Another real-world example, Alamofire! When calling
Alamofire.request("").responseJSON { response in
// what is going on here work has to be async on the main thread
That's why you can call it without facing any "hanging" issue on the main thread; It doesn't mean its not handled, instead it means they handle it for you so you don't have to worry about it.

What happens when NSTimer kicks in

I have a iOS construction where I get callbacks from an underlying class.
This callback make changes to a NSMutablearray.
At the same time I have a NSTimer that makes a callback to a method that makes changes to the same NSMutable array.
I see a potential problem here if the callbacks "collide" working with the NSMutablearray.
I am not sure how to deal with this. Could NSLock do the trick or should I instantiate my NSMutablearray as atomic?
You should make sure that any change to the mutable array occurs on the same thread. This will make sure there can be no 'collisions'. If your timer fires on the main thread, and your callback also occurs on the main thread, everything is good.
If the timer and the callback are on different threads, you can serialize the access to the array using a serial GCD-queue. When you do this, ANY AND ALL access to this array should be done on this queue (keep a reference to this queue in a property for instance).
NSLock might help you, but if you are working on the main thread, this is usually not a good idea, as you might be blocking the main queu, which affects user-interaction / scrolling behviour.
Also, atomic only means that getting or setting the pointer to the array is thread safe, i.e.: a valid value will be returned or set (dors not mean it will be the correct value though). Any operations you do on it have nothing to do with the property being atomic or nonatomox.

ReactiveCocoa - Stop the triggering of subscribeNext until another signal has been completed

I'm pretty new to FRP and I'm facing a problem:
I subscribe to an observable that triggers subscribeNext every second.
In the subscribeNext's block, I zip observables that execute asynchronous operations and in zip's completed block I perform an action with the result.
let signal: RACSignal
let asynchOperations: [RACSignal]
var val: AnyObject?
// subscribeNext is trigered every second
signal.subscribeNext {
let asynchOperations = // several RACSignal
// Perform asynchronous operations{
val = $0
}, completed: {
// perform actions with `val`
I would like to stop the triggering of subscribeNext for signal (that is normally triggered every second) until completed (from the zip) has been reached.
Any suggestion?
It sounds like you want an RACCommand.
A command is an object that can perform asynchronous operations, but only have one instance of its operation running at a time. As soon as you tell a command to start execute:ing, it will become "disabled," and will automatically become enabled again when the operation completes.
(You can also make a command that's enabled based on other criteria than just "am I executing right now," but it doesn't sound like you need that here.)
Once you have that, you could derive a signal that "gates" the interval signal (for example, if:then:else: on the command's enabled signal toggling between RACSignal.empty and your actual signal -- I do this enough that I have a helper for it), or you can just check the canExecute property before invoking execute: in your subscription block.
Note: you're doing a slightly weird thing with your inner subscription there -- capturing the value and then dealing with the value on the completed block.
If you're doing that because it's more explicit, and you know that the signal will only send one value but you feel the need to encode that directly, then that's fine. I don't think it's standard, though -- if you have a signal that will only send one value, that's something that unfortunately can't be represented at the type level, but is nonetheless an assumption that you can make in your code (or at least, I find myself comfortable with that assumption. To each their own).
But if you're doing it for timing reasons, or because you actually only want the last value sent from the signal, you can use takeLast:1 instead to get a signal that will always send exactly one value right at the moment that the inner signal completes, and then only subscribe in the next block.
Slight word of warning: RACCommands are meant to be used from the main thread to back UI updates; if you want to use a command on a background thread you'll need to be explicit about the scheduler to deliver your signals on (check the docs for more details).
Another completely different approach to getting similar behavior is temporal recursion: perform your operation, then when it's complete, schedule the operation to occur again one second later, instead of having an ongoing timer.
This is slightly different as you'll always wait one second between operations, whereas in the current one you could be waiting anywhere between zero and one seconds, but if that's a not a problem then this is a much simpler solution than using an RACCommand.
ReactiveCocoa's delay: method makes this sort of ad-hoc scheduling very convenient -- no manual NSTimer wrangling here.

How to dispatch_after in the current queue?

Now that dispatch_get_current_queue is deprecated in iOS 6, how do I use dispatch_after to execute something in the current queue?
The various links in the comments don't say "it's better not to do it." They say you can't do it. You must either pass the queue you want or dispatch to a known queue. Dispatch queues don't have the concept of "current." Blocks often feed from one queue to another (called "targeting"). By the time you're actually running, the "current" queue is not really meaningful, and relying on it can (and historically did) lead to dead-lock. dispatch_get_current_queue() was never meant for dispatching; it was a debugging method. That's why it was removed (since people treated it as if it meant something meaningful).
If you need that kind of higher-level book-keeping, use an NSOperationQueue which tracks its original queue (and has a simpler queuing model that makes "original queue" much more meaningful).
There are several approaches used in UIKit that are appropriate:
Pass the call-back dispatch_queue as a parameter (this is probably the most common approach in new APIs). See [NSURLConnection setDelegateQueue:] or addObserverForName:object:queue:usingBlock: for examples. Notice that NSURLConnection expects an NSOperationQueue, not a dispatch_queue. Higher-level APIs and all that.
Call back on whatever queue you're on and leave it up to the receiver to deal with it. This is how callbacks have traditionally worked.
Demand that there be a runloop on the calling thread, and schedule your callbacks on the calling runloop. This is how NSURLConnection historically worked before queues.
Always make your callbacks on one of the well-known queues (particularly the main queue) unless told otherwise. I don't know of anywhere that this is done in UIKit, but I've seen it commonly in app code, and is a very easy approach most of the time.
Create a queue manually and dispatch both your calling code and your dispatch_after code onto that. That way you can guarantee that both pieces of code are run from the same queue.
Having to do this is likely because the need of a hack. You can hack around this with another hack:
id block = ^foo() {
[self doSomething];
[self doSomehingOther];
Instead of usleep() you might consider to loop in a run loop.
I would not recommend this "approach" though. The better way is to have some method which takes a queue as parameter and a block as parameter, where the block is then executed on the specified queue.
And, by the way, there are ways during a block executes to check whether it runs on a particular queue - respectively on any of its parent queue, provided you have a reference to that queue beforehand: use functions dispatch_queue_set_specific, and dispatch_get_specific.

slow memory release (refcounted structure) - Is my workaround a good way?

in my program i can load a Catalog: ICatalog
a Catalog here contains a lot of refcounted structures (Icollections of IItems, IElements, IRules, etc.)
when I want to change to another catalog,
I load a new Catalog
but the automatic release of the previous ICatalog instance takes time, freezing my application for 2 second or more.
my question is :
I want to defer the release of the old (and no more used) ICatalog instance to another thread.
I've not tested it already, but I intend to create a new thread with :
ErazerThread.OldCatalog := Catalog; // old catalog refcount jumps to 2
Catalog := LoadNewCatalog(...); // old catalog refcount =1
ErazerThread.Execute; //just set OldCatalog to nil.
this way, I expect the release to occur in the thread, and my application not
beeing freezed anymore.
Is it safe (and good practice) ?
Do you have examples of existing code already perfoming release with a similar method ?
I would let such thread block on some threadsafe queue(*), and push the interfaces to release into that queue as iunknowns.
Note however that if the releasing touches a lock that your memory manager uses (like a global heapmanager lock), then this is futile, since your mainthread will block on the first heapmanager access.
With a heapmanager with per thread pools, allocating many items in one thread and releasing it in a different thread might frustrate coalescing and reuse of (small) blocks algorithms.
I still think the way you describe is generally sound when implemented properly. But
this is from a theoretic perspective to show that there might be a link from the 2nd thread to the mainthread via the heapmanager.
(*) Simplest way is to add it to a tthreadlist and use tevent to signal that an element was added.
That looks OK, but don't call the thread's Execute method directly; that will run the thread object's code in the current thread instead of the one that the thread object creates. Call Start or Resume instead.
