Receive can packets with a specific id - beagleboneblack

is there method to receive packets from can only with specific id or match mask? Example: if packet has id 0x123 it has to ignore.
I want to do it by driver level.

Yes, you can configure the mailbox to receive the messages from an intended message ID. You can change it in the library or driver of beagleboard


Multiple producers for one consumer or request

I can see that I can route one request to a responder and that there's different implementations like fireAndForget and all that but I have a case where producers are responsible for their subset of data. Specifically, the producers are actually just Kafka Consumers who are assigned a unique set of partition of the overall topic.
Is there a way to basically route the request to all these producers, and let the producer decide if they have something to send in response or not? A "findAllUsers()" request would need data from all of them, so all of them would need to contribute a portion of the response. Is this possible with Rsocket or does it only support 1:1 connections?
Only peer to peer. I guess you want this.
// Create connections to all producers.
Flux<RSocket> rSockets = Flux.from(...)
Request request = ...
// Merge all results from producers.
Flux.merge(rSockets.flatMap(r -> r.requestStream(DefaultPayload.create(request...))))

Microsoft GraphMail Message - how do I tell if it is sent or received?

I'm using Graph notifications to get Inbox and Sent items.
From the mail ID I fetch the messessage of type ...
... but how can I tell if it is sent or received? Both createdDateTime and receivedDateTime has values.
There are a couple of ways you could do it, if you use the parentFolderId of the Item and just get the Folder in question is the simplest. Another method that wouldn't require any extra calls is use the PidTagSentMailEntryId extended property on the message . This will only be set on a Message that is sent and save to the store eg'user#domain')/messages('AAM...')/?$select=ReceivedDateTime,Sender,Subject,IsRead,parentFolderId,&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=(Id%20eq%20'Binary%200x0E0A'))
if the extended property is returned then you know its a SentItem if no property is returned then its received.
received emails have the property internetmessageheader
while sent emails don't
For instance you can ask it with the following GET Graph request :$select=internetMessageHeaders
It will retrieve a JSon array representing a colection of emails :
an email with a non empty internetmessageheader property is a received email
an email with a missing internetmessageheader property is a sent item
I think this this is the most reliable way because those headers are added by email servers while emails are sent.
(you can base your choice on other inputs like the parent mailfolder but anyone can move an email to another mailfolder)

synchronize between publisher and subscriber

I am working on test program which subscribes to one topic published by main program. There is only single message on this topic published by main program. Now it might happen that my subscriber is not alive when publisher is publishing a message and it will get lost. One way to avoid it is put while inside main program till numsubcribers are not zero. but I cannot put while inside my main program. How do i achieve it?
So since you say that there is only a single message send by the main program, this is probably a job for the latch argument when you allocate the publisher:
latch [optional]
Enables "latching" on a connection. When a connection is latched, the last message published is saved and automatically sent to any future subscribers that connect. This is useful for slow-changing to static data like a map. Note that if there are multiple publishers on the same topic, instantiated in the same node, then only the last published message from that node will be sent, as opposed to the last published message from each publisher on that single topic.
Just give your publisher the argument as described here, and ROS handles the message passing to your subscriber when it comes up:
bool latch = true;
ros::Publisher advertise(topic, latch)

Filtering is not working on C API

Solace filtering is not working , able to publish but not able to consume. the selector just ignore my messages while posting. please give me the solution for that.
When a Solace selector is used, a consuming client only receives a message if the selector evaluates to true when the message’s header field and property values are substituted for their corresponding identifiers in the selector. The Solace message broker filters out messages that do not match.
Solace selectors can only be set for consumers or browsers that are bound to a queue or a durable topic endpoint.
To publish a message that will match a selector, the selector string must be contained in the user property map, or in a specific message header field. The Destination property on a message defines where the message is published to. This will be either a topic or a queue. It cannot be used to match a selector.
For a list of message headers that can be used to match a selector, and its corresponding selector identifier string, please see the Solace Messaging API documentation page here:
If your consumer is not receiving the message while using a selector, please ensure that the selector string matches what is contained in the header property or user property map of the message.

Sending message with CAPL and dbc signal values

I am using CAPL to simulate a test envirmonet for some small tests and i am having problems sending messages or more specific setting up the values.
I am able to read Signal Values with $SignalName, also i am able to set signal values like that.
If i am using this code to send a message the message data is always 0:
on key 't'
message MessageName msg;
write("Value: %d",i);
Witch makes kinda sence becouse i think the message objects are intended to be used to send bytes witch you can access through msg.byte()
I know that i can set signals in messages by msg.SignalName, but again this seems not the right way. I think there should be a way to send a message and all the signals contained in the message are set to the values set by SetSignal() function. Otherwise the SetSignal Funktion is a bit useless
Maybe somebody has an idea.
Thank you
I am using CANalyzer version 8.2 and I do not have the option to use SetSignal(signal, value) function. Setting the signal values by accessing the message selectors seems to be a reasonable approach. However you used the function outport! You need to use the output function to transmit messages.
on key 't' {
message MessageName msg;
msg.signal1 = value1;
For this method the database has to be configured so that the message msg contains all the necessary signals (signal1).
If you want to set all signal values to the start values configured in the database use the function:
setSignalStartValues(message msg);
You can set up an interaction layer that will handle the messages as defined in the CAN database (DBC file) assigned to the node. The interaction layer will need some attributes in the database to define how the messages have to be sent. If not already present you may have to add these attributes. If the Tx messages are not sent as expected, check the attributes.
Function output() is useful if you want to implement (and fully control) the sending of the message yourself.
Instead of using SetSignal() it is also possible to write the signal using $SignalName = value;
See this support note:
You may have to guess and experiment a bit. In the DBC files provided by a customer I found attribute values that are not mentioned in this document.
