Issues with Jenkins 1.67 URL set up - jenkins

I am trying to set a new Jenkins instance (version 1.67) on to a Windows Server 2012 r2.
I am trying to configure a custom URL instead of using
I have set Jenkins URL as
But I cannot access it via that url, I get presented with a message "Remote Web Access is turned off" it only allows me to connect when I follow the URL with the port number;
I am sure that Remote web access is completely different from what my goal is.

By default, Jenkins launches its own built-in webserver, listening on port 8080.
Changing the URL in the Jenkins configuration does not change the port that the running webserver listens on, but rather the URL that is shown within the UI, or in emails sent to users etc.
In order to access Jenkins at just (i.e. running on port 80), you would first have to disable Windows Remote Web Access, which is currently occupying port 80.
You would then need to stop Jenkins and start it again with the flag --httpPort=80; these options are documented on the Jenkins wiki.
If Jenkins was started as a Windows Service, you can edit the jenkins.xml file as shown in these answers.

Just wanted to say, after setting Jenkins.xml to run on port 80, and then via the Jenkins web interface using
'install as service'
I found that this process seemed to create a new jenkins.xml along with the default httpPort which is stored within the Jenkins.war.
I get around this I installed as a service, ensured that the service was not set to start on start up. Rebooted the machine
On start up I re-edited the jenkins.xml httpPort value back to 80. Started the service and now running very happy!


Jenkins : Unable to access jenkins in local machine

I'm trying to create a Test automation Pipeline to run my selenium scripts, I installed Jenkins in windows Remote Server 2012. Used following cmd($ java -jar jenkins.war) to start jenkins. It is working fine in Remote server with url:http://localhost:8080/
But when I'm trying to access it outside Remote server(my local machine) it is not working. am getting error message "This site can’t be reached"
My local laptop and Remote server is under the same proxy org network.
Can someone help how to resolve this issue , so that other folks can access it and run jobs when required from their laptops
Thanks in advance
Access Windows Firewall.
Add an inbound rule to allow port 8080 and
try accessing the url from any machine in the network.
you could allow/restrict access to all IPs, range of IPs or allow all. But to nullify the issue and confirm if its an issue with whitelisting IPs, I'd first allow access from all IPs with the wildcard *
for Debugging if its a port whitelisting issue, you could also telnet from the machine that you are trying to access this machine -
telnet remote machines IP Port
note: do not use a colon for port input just use a space

Jenkins not accessible with http://<hostname>:8080 in Windows server 2012

I have installed Jenkins in Windows server 2012 64-bit machine and want to make it available in internal network.
I have added --httpListenAddress to and restarted Jenkins and tried to access it with http://hostname:8080 but no page shows up(though It showing Jenkins icon in URL bar). However http://localhost:8080 works fine.
Further I checked the firewall inbound rule for the Jenkins but seems it has no issues.
I tried to catch the listening ports with "netstat -aon | find /i "8080" and found <host ip address>:8080 FIN_WAIT_2 which sign towards that the request is stuck(May be I am wrong).
I am clueless what exactly is blocking to use hostname with jenkins. Please share your solution if you already fixed this issue.
You might try adding a Windows Firewall rule. Go to Windows Firewall, Advanced Configuration, Inbound Rules rule and create an Allow rule for the specific version of java.exe you have installed.
This worked for us with the drawback that every time you upgrade Java, you must also modify the firewall rule. This is because Java creates a new subfolder for every version. We've tried using %JAVA_HOME% in firewall rules but it doesn't seem to work. We were on Windows Server 2012R2 at the time.
Similar answer here:
On the server open a new command prompt and type
You should get a list of ips. Open a browser and type each up followed by 8080 for e.g.
If Jenkins opens up, from another computer ping the ip and see if you can get a ping reply
If you get a ping reply, you can access jenkins from any pc on the network by typing in the ip and port number.
Now to get to the hostname,you need to edit your host file
Type in the ip followed by the hostname jenkins
If you can't get through, you need to open port 8080. See
You cannot access from outside the machine because Jenkins Service does not have credentials to use that machine, only from localhost is accessible.
This is how to enter the credentials in Jenkins service.
In the Windows search bar, type services then enter.
Then scroll down to Jenkins and double-click on it.
In Jenkins Properties, select the tab "Log On".
Select Check box "This account"
Update your username and password.
Voila! Now Jenkins web can connect to the Jenkins machine via Jenkins service.

JIRA Usage on AWS

I just set up JIRA on my ec2 instance after installing it via .bin installer file. But when I hit the ec2 url:
It is hitting the test success page for apache2 which I installed after JIRA installation.
How do I get to determine the correct URL for JIRA and hit the JIRA app?
JIRA defaut http port is 8080. So you need access it via
if you are not following the detault setting, then you need make sure which port are set by this document Changing JIRA's TCP Ports
You may need open the firewall port 8080 and set in one security group which you assign port 22 to be opened. Otherwise, you can't directly access that port.
Apart from the previous answer you may wish to ensure the following:
Your AWS EC2 Instance security group have the port opened
Your AWS VPC ACL allows TCP traffic on this port
Your VPC have an internet gateway
Your VPC have the routes configured
Your Apache proxy is configured to point to the Tomcat port
Your Tomcat is configured
You have enabled port allocation using setcap utility
Your local machine firewall enables the connection (in Red Hat ipconfig is enabled by default and blocks the connections)
As you can see it may be tricky to install Jira on AWS. It may be a good idea to use a deployment service like Deploy4Me to do this quickly.

call jmx operation on a local running process

I have a java process on a linux server, which runs with this option:
So I cannot just connect to this process via jconsole running on my local pc (because neither port nor options are set up).
But still, how can I connect to the application and run some operations over some of its MBeans? It this possible? I have a ssh access to the server and would be able to run it "locally" on the server (but not changing the options unfortunately)
According to JMX documentation the option
Enables the JMX remote agent and local monitoring via JMX connector published on a private
interface used by jconsole. The jconsole tool can use this connector if it is executed by
the same user ID as the user ID that started the agent. No password or access files are
checked for requests coming via this connector.
The naming is a bit unfortunate because it in fact enables the local monitoring only.
Since you can not change the options but can access the server via SSH the only option is to use X server forwarding (ssh -X ...) and run jconsole (or better yet jvisualvm which has specific optimisations for running remotely).

What does "Jenkins URL" means in configuration settings?

On Jenkins configuration page in section "Jenkins URL" I've set this option to "http://name_of_my_machine.jenkins:8080/"
Usually I open jenkins by: "http://localhost:8080/"
But this new option did not work for me - Jenkins does not open. So what does it mean?
Jenkins can't determine its URL on its own. So when it needs to create full links that's where the URL is taken from. In general even if you specify the wrong URL it should not affect the way Jenkins works in any significant way. It certainly has no effect on the URL that you enter in your browser to connect to Jenkins server. You can either specify http://localhost:8080 (when connecting from your machine and assuming that you started Jenkins on port 8080) or http://<machine_hostname>:8080 when connecting from anywhere.
So no matter what you specify it has no effect on connecting to Jenkins, therefore http://name_of_my_machine.jenkins:8080/ won't work, as .jenkins is not part of the name (e.g. ping name_of_my_machine.jenkins won't find the host).
Whenever Jenkins needs to create a URL that points to itself, Jenkins picks it up from the "Jenkins URL" setting in the global configuration.
Jenkins could try to guess the URL by e.g. getting the hostname and combining that with the port it is running on. But sometimes the hostname is not the same as the DNS name. And what if you have placed a front-end or proxy before Jenkins that e.g. terminates SSL connections and you would really like people to use Jenkins at Jenkins running in port 8080 cannot know about the front-end. The only reliable way for Jenkins to get the URL to itself is for an administrator setting it in Jenkins configuration.
Jenkins needs to know it's own URL when it is creating links that point back to itself. It does this e.g. when it sends out emails containing direct links to build results. Also, if you have a JNLP type slave, the slave initiates the connection to the master and the master returns a message which contains a link back to Jenkins for downloading the slave agent software.
Do you mean the option in the E-mail configuration section? This is only to generate the links in emails Jenkins sends (see the help for the option -- click the symbol with the question mark). If after changing it you cannot access your server anymore, it must be something else.
