Is it possible to have same resource names (for resw) in different directories? - localization

Normally, when you read about localization resources (RESW) for a universal application you are asked to create a single resource file for each language with Resource.resw name or in a most advanced scenario they advice to create two or three like Errors.resw, Messages.resw and that's about it. We have completely different approach (let's don't argue upon this, for us it proved to be good). We have a separate RESW file matching a CS file where we have resources which needs to be localized. We mimic the same folder structure in the Resource(language)\ folders as we have in the source code. The whole pattern came from Windows Phone Silverlight application and worked perfect with RESX. I have concerns regarding this in universal app. The problem is that even though a RESW file is located deep in the directory structure like
it is referred as if it is located in the language root at Res\it. For example to get this resource in the code the code would look like this
resourceLoader = ResourceLoader.GetForCurrentView(currentAssemblyName + "/MusicDetails");
Getting back to windows phone silverlight app the path in a similar case looks like "\Controls\Browser\MusicDetails.resw" and it is definitely not an issue for the RESX resources.
Is there something we are missing or it is a hard RESW limitation and all RESW files no matter where they are located in the directory structure are treated as if they are at the root of the language directory? I foresee a problem if in the future we have exactly the same RESW name in different directory branches. How to work around this?

I think is not possible to do that, I tried to do something like you before with Windows 8.1 and it was not possible now with UWP is the same we need follow the guidelines here
I did this steps and it works like a charm.
UWP apps have restrictions they are not like traditional apps (Win32 apps)


setup for multiple swagger API files

I am working on a project where we rewrite the interfacing of an existing application, porting everything to swagger/openAPI.
Right now, each feature has its own yml file right now, which is a standalone spec. But there are some drawbacks:
duplicated content in the yml files (e.g. models which could be shared accross files)
duplicated program code (which is generated from those yml files).
having to process each yml file individually when using tools.
Ideally we would like to have a seperate folder for each service, with the models and service description for that specific service close together, but separated from the other services. Of course there are also shared models, which we then want in a different folder (e.g. "/shared-models"). And finally we want all those files to be included by 1 main yml root file.
So, we have been looking at splitting/importing files with a $ref attribute. But it is tricky to come up with a full-scale file and folder structure, because the spec seems to allow usage of $ref on some places, but not all places. You can't just split and structure files any way you like. So, we will probably need some kind of trade-off.
I was especially wondering how other companies do this setup. (e.g. an example of a setup that uses an enterprise level structure of swagger files, would be excellent.) We like to keep things simple and whenever possible according to standards or popular conventions.
(For clarity: my question is not: "how to use $ref")

Scan directory for file names in MVC

I'm developing a MVC5 web app, hosted through azure, that lets you manage your movies (it's just for myself at the moment). I'm trying to find a way to scan a local folder on the users pc for a list of file names. I do realise the security/permissions issues I might run into. I do not need the file uploaded, only the full file name.
It would work by the user being able to select a folder where they store their movies and it will take in all the file names, including the ones in any sub directories.
I tried a multiple file upload form but quickly ran into issues with the max request limit which I tried messing around with but it proved redundant in the end. I can settle for the user selecting multiple files but would rather it done the directory way.
I know this might prove impossible in the end but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Absolute path for img and js excluding project folder name Visual Web Dev

I've this little but annoying issue in my project in Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. I'm developing a website with .aspx files located in a large folder structure i.e., the root folder contains a "styles" (for css), "images" and "js" (for javascripts) folder. I've read a lot about base tag, absolute and relative path today. Finally I realized "absolute path" is the best choice for me.
The main problem is that when I preview (locally) my site in browser the absolute links for image, css, and js are not working, I'm using src="/js/gl.jquery.js" which I believe is correct and will work online.
The source code of the page for the javascript says http://localhost:61700/js/gl.jquery.js, when I switch to relative path script src="../../../js/gl.jquery.js" and preview the website, it works fine, and the source code for the javascript path says http://localhost:61700/ProjectName/js/gl.jquery.js (Notice Visual Studio added the ProjectName in the path) So I'm taking my guess that when the project goes online (on a main domain) it will work correctly, but right now I need to keep developing locally without this issue. Is there a way to fix this in Visual Web Developer? maybe some tag for the web.config file that I can remove when goes online, or some website property?
I know a quick solution will be develop with the relative path, and modify the code when goes online to absolute path, but I'm looking for some cleaner method, as aditional information I didn't choose base tag because I read cause troubles with anchors links (href=xx.html#question3) and I need to use them at some big files. And avoid the relative path because it's possible that the company ask me to move some files in the future and I don't wanna be updating relative paths.
Thanks a Lot!
Problem solved! This is the solution I found Thanks to ScottGu's Blog.
I quote the main thing:
when opened a web-site and run the project, VWD launch and run the built-in web-server using a virtual app path that equals the project’s root directory name. For example: if you have a project named “Foo”, it will launch and run in the built-in web-server as http://localhost:1234/Foo/Default.aspx.
One downside to this is that it makes it hard to fully qualify things like static CSS and image files within your site (for example: using root qualified paths like /images/myphoto.jpg or /css/mycss.css). Note that you can use the “~” app path trick for dynamic resources – but static resources still end up being a pain (js, css, images files.) (This was my issue)
Here is the guy entire post: Click Here
Here is the main solution:
1) Using the solution explorer within Visual Studio, select the web-site project node, (the one with the World icon)
2) There is a properties named "Virtual path" at the bottom. Change the "virtual path" setting it to / to run as a root web-site.
And that's it, setting up the / I can manage my files easily.

How to migrate my files from one folder location to another with full user visibility

For years I've put my application data files in c:\MyCompany\MyDataFileFolder\App where 'App' is my application name. I made this choice in the early days of Wild-West-Windows when Microsoft seemed to keep changing its own mind (My Documents, Documents, Program Data etc). As I've learnt more about how to do things correctly, and as Windows has now 'settled down' and is more picky about permissions I'd like to move my files. Users have got used to where they are though, and what I'd really like to do is to implement something like Windows does with 'special folders' where there are several synonymous names, thus in my legacy folder I'd like to put something in (or change a folder to) an alias for the real location which will now be something descended from Program Data. This way, the files are in a good place with the correct permissions and if we run a utility expecting or modifying files in the 'old' place this gets changed transparently to the 'new' place (thus a simple shortcut wont work).
Is this possible? Is there are recognised technique for this? I'm using Delphi XE2.
What you are looking for is either a Symbolic Link or a Reparse Point.

Moving global resources to custom folder

I have an ASP.NET MVC2 application where I need to support not only multiple languages, but also potentially multiple versions of each language. I usually solve localization requirements by using resx files in the App_GlobalResources folder, and this works well as long as I do not need to support multiple resource-sets for the same language.
This is an issue because each customer shall be able to specify a set of resources, and they may use the same language.
My initial thought was to have a file structure where every customer has a separate folder located under for instance App_Data. In this customer folder I would put configuration files and resources. But then I would need a way to tell the application that it should look for resources in this particular folder instead of App_GlobalResources.
So my question is: Is this doable, and what do I have to do to make it work? Is this a bad way to solve a problem like this, and if that seems to be the case: Does anyone have suggestions for a better solution?
Will be thankful for all input.
I usually use a custom ResourceProviderFactory to store the resources in the database. Creating a custom provider to look in specific folders should not be to hard if you can distinguish the different customers by virtualpath.
But then I would need a way to tell the application that it should look for
resources in this particular folder instead of App_GlobalResources.
You might consider compiling your resources so that they are deployed as DLLs rather than compiled at runtime. To do this you have to move your resources our of the standard App_GlobalResources.
This post has a good explanation of the benefits of doing this:
