Rails 4 - Low-level Caching Still Querying Database [duplicate] - ruby-on-rails

My version is:
Rails: 3.2.6
dalli: 2.1.0
My env is:
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true
config.cache_store = :dalli_store, 'localhost:11211', {:namespace => 'MyNameSpace'}
When I write:
Rails.cache.fetch(key) do
User.where('status = 1').limit(1000)
The user model can't be cached. If I use
Rails.cache.fetch(key) do
it can be cached. How to cache query result?

The reason is because
User.where('status = 1').limit(1000)
returns an ActiveRecord::Relation which is actually a scope, not a query. Rails caches the scope.
If you want to cache the query, you need to use a query method at the end, such as #all.
Rails.cache.fetch(key) do
User.where('status = 1').limit(1000).all
Please note that it's never a good idea to cache ActiveRecord objects. Caching an object may result in inconsistent states and values. You should always cache primitive objects, when applicable. In this case, consider to cache the ids.
ids = Rails.cache.fetch(key) do
User.where('status = 1').limit(1000).pluck(:id)
You may argue that in this case a call to User.find it's always executed. It's true, but the query using primary key is fast and you get around the problem I described before. Moreover, caching active record objects can be expensive and you might quickly end up filling all Memcached memory with just one single cache entry. Caching ids will prevent this problem as well.

In addition to selected answer: for Rails 4+ you should use load instead of all for getting the result of scope.

Rails.cache.fetch caches exactly what the block evaluates to.
 User.where('status = 1').limit(1000)
Is just a scope, so what gets cached is just the ActiveRecord::Relation object, ie the query, but not its results (because the query has not been executed yet).
If you want something useful to be cached, you need to force execution of the query inside the block, for example by doing
User.where('status = 1').limit(1000).all
Note that on rails 4 , all doesn't force loading of the relation - use to_a instead

User.where("status = 1").limit(1000).all
should work.


Mark as persistent an ActiveRecord item recovered from serialisation

I have a situation where a set of items, known to be in the database, is recovered from a serialised json array, including their ids, so they can be reshaped to ActiveRecord model instances just calling new, without access to the database:
for itm in a do
item = Item.new(itm)
itmlist << item
Now, the problem is, how to tell ActiveRecord that these elements are already persisted and not new? If item.new_record? is true, a item.save will fail because Rails will insert instead of update.
The goal is to make sure that Rails does update, without any extra queries to the database. The closest thing I have got is
item = Item.new(itm)
item.instance_variable_set(:#new_record, false)
with plays with ActiveRecord Internals
Not sure I completely understand the question but if you just want to update all the items the following will work
a.each do |item_hash|
If the Item may or may not exist then
a.each do |item|
item = Item.find(item_hash["id"]) || Item.new
Neither one of these options will handle validation failures. Depending on your usage the following could be useful
all_items = a.map do |item_hash|
item = Item.find(item_hash["id"]) || Item.new
pass,fail = all_items.partition(&:save)
If you only care about the failures you can change this to: fail = all_items.reject(&:save)
If there are a substantial number of items there are more performant alternatives as well that avoid so many queries. e.g. Item.where(id: a.map {|i| i["id"]})
Apparently, reload-ing works:
thing = Thing.last
thing_attributes = thing.attributes
same_thing = Thing.new(thing_attributes)
same_thing.new_record? # => true
same_thing.new_record? # => false
From the question, I see that your concern is only about ActiveRecord performing an INSERT query instead of the intended UPDATE, so reloading shouldn't be a problem. But, if my guess is wrong and you don't even want to reload, then it might be difficult without fiddling with the internals of ActiveRecord since it doesn't provide any way to instantiate already persisted records.
Possible alternate solution
Pardon me if the solution won't work in your case, but instead of serialising the entire objects, just serialise an array of IDs. So that you can re-fetch them in one go:
Thing.where(id: the_array_of_ids)

ActiveRecord: Check Number of Database Calls

For demo purposes, suppose that I have a class called DemoThing with a method called do_something.
Is there a way that (in code) I can check the number of times that do_something hits the database? Is there a way that I can "spy" on active record to count the number of times that the database was called?
For instance:
class DemoThing
def do_something
retVal = []
5.times do |i|
retVal << MyActiveRecordModel.where(:id => i)
dt = DemoThing.new
stuff = dt.do_something # want to assert that do_something hit the database 5 times
ActiveRecord should be logging each query in STDOUT.
But for the above code, it's pretty obvious that you're making 5 calls for each iteration of i.
Queries can be made more efficient by not mixing Ruby logic with querying.
In this example, gettings the ids before querying will mean that the query isn't called for each Ruby loop.
ids = 5.times.to_a
retVal = MyActiveRecordModel.where(id: ids) # .to_a if retVal needs to be an Array
Sure is. But first you must understand Rails' Query Cache and logger. By default, Rails will attempt to optimize performance by turning on a simple query cache. It is a hash stored on the current thread (one for every active database connection - Most rails processes will have just one ). Whenever a select statement is made (like find or where etc.), the corresponding result set is stored in a hash with the SQL that was used to query them as the key. You'll notice when you run the above method your log will show Model Load statement and then a CACHE statement. Your database was only queried one time, with the other 4 being loaded via cache. Watch your server logs as you run that query.
I found a gem for queries count https://github.com/comboy/sql_queries_count

Ruby on Rails instance variable caching based on parameters

I am storing users miscellaneous data in user_data table and when I am retrieving that data with the association I defined and then I am actually caching it using Ruby instance Variable caching like this.
def user_data(user_id)
#user_data || = User.find(user_id).data
but instance variable #user_data will be allocated value only first time when it's nil and once it hold data for a user lets say for user_id equal to 1,and when I am passing user_id 2 in this method it's returning data for user_id 1 , because it will not allocate new value to it so my question is how can I cache it's value based on parameters of function.
Take a look at the Caching with Rails guide. Rails can cache data on multiple levels from full page caching to fragment caching, I strongly advise you to read all this page so you can make a perceived choice.
For the low-level caching you can do this:
#user_data = Rails.cache.fetch("user_#{user_id}", expires_in: 1.hour) do
By default Rails stores cache on disk, but you can setup for memcache, memory store, and etc.
You can use a hash for a key-based intance-variable-cache. I think that does what you want.
def user_data(user_id)
#user_data ||= {}
#user_data[user_id.to_i] || = User.find(user_id).data

Rails cache & ActiveRecord eager fetching - Fetch only if the fragment hasn't been cached

I have a controller method which currently looks like:
#people = Person.where(conditions).includes(eager_fetch).all
I'm now trying to make the controller cache-aware. Since the eager fetch is rather expensive, I want to avoid loading as much data as possible. If it's relevant, the output is XML from an RPC style endpoint. I've arrived at:
#people = Person.where(conditions).all
#fragments = {}
#people.dup.each do |person|
cache_key = "fragment-for-#{person.id}-#{person.updated_at.to_i}"
fragment = Rails.cache.fetch(cache_key)
unless fragment.nil?
#fragments[person.id] = fragment
#people.delete person
#people = Person.where(:id => #people.collect(&:id)).includes(eager_fetch).all
There's another possibility, which is very much the same, except instead of re-querying on the last line,
Person.send :preload_associations, #people, eager_fetch
Am I missing an important piece of API for handling this correctly? Currently on Rails 3.0.12, but will be upgrading to 3.2.x, so a solution that only works with 3.2.x would be fine. Neither of my solutions seem elegant to me.
(I've anonymized and simplified this code, apologies if I've left out anything important)
Don't rely on ActiveRecord's eager loading. It will load everything that isn't in the ActiveRecord per-request query cache.
Instead query for your primary object, and then use your own crafty method to fetch the cached things and query the slower datastore for the missed ID's.

Confusion caching Active Record queries with Rails.cache.fetch

My version is:
Rails: 3.2.6
dalli: 2.1.0
My env is:
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true
config.cache_store = :dalli_store, 'localhost:11211', {:namespace => 'MyNameSpace'}
When I write:
Rails.cache.fetch(key) do
User.where('status = 1').limit(1000)
The user model can't be cached. If I use
Rails.cache.fetch(key) do
it can be cached. How to cache query result?
The reason is because
User.where('status = 1').limit(1000)
returns an ActiveRecord::Relation which is actually a scope, not a query. Rails caches the scope.
If you want to cache the query, you need to use a query method at the end, such as #all.
Rails.cache.fetch(key) do
User.where('status = 1').limit(1000).all
Please note that it's never a good idea to cache ActiveRecord objects. Caching an object may result in inconsistent states and values. You should always cache primitive objects, when applicable. In this case, consider to cache the ids.
ids = Rails.cache.fetch(key) do
User.where('status = 1').limit(1000).pluck(:id)
You may argue that in this case a call to User.find it's always executed. It's true, but the query using primary key is fast and you get around the problem I described before. Moreover, caching active record objects can be expensive and you might quickly end up filling all Memcached memory with just one single cache entry. Caching ids will prevent this problem as well.
In addition to selected answer: for Rails 4+ you should use load instead of all for getting the result of scope.
Rails.cache.fetch caches exactly what the block evaluates to.
 User.where('status = 1').limit(1000)
Is just a scope, so what gets cached is just the ActiveRecord::Relation object, ie the query, but not its results (because the query has not been executed yet).
If you want something useful to be cached, you need to force execution of the query inside the block, for example by doing
User.where('status = 1').limit(1000).all
Note that on rails 4 , all doesn't force loading of the relation - use to_a instead
User.where("status = 1").limit(1000).all
should work.
