Navigation Item in XIB file is not visible - ios

I'm in XCode 7.2.1 and I am trying to make a view that is reusable and should have some custom elements in the navigation bar.
If I would add a view to my storyboard, connect it via a segue to the navigation controller and make sure there is a "Navigation Item" in the view, I could see the navigation bar and edit my items in it.
If I manually add a Navigation Item to a XIB however I can't see anything. Even if I switch in the simulated metrics settings Top Bar to something else than Inferred or None.
I don't want to use the storyboard, if possible. Is there a descent way to make the navigation item visible and edit it?
Thanks in advance.

I don't think you link your View Controller correctly with Navigation Controller. When you link it, you should choose with root View Controller. If you link it correctly, you don't have to add NavigationItem manually.
By the way, you shouldn't do the customization for Navigation bar directly in xib. All you can do is only to set the Title, Prompt and Back Button text.
Do it in code! I think you won't have different styles for navigation bar in different views, right? That would be too silly.


Toolbar disappears after segue - Swift

When using a segue from a slide out menu to other view controllers, my toolbar and navigation bar both disappear. I fixed the navigation bar disappearing by segueing to a navigation controller, which then set the desired view controller as the root of the navigation controller. However this does not fix the toolbar issue. Should this not have fixed the toolbar disappearing as well? Either way, what is the best solution to my issue?
I have had this problem using SWRevealViewControllerLibrary. In your storyboard make sure you are using "Reveal View Controller Push Controller" segue. If you have multiple segues, when you click on them you may find some things like the toolbar disappearing from the storyboard. If so then simply make a new one in the storyboard.
As for the second part of the question, from what I can tell toolbars are not by default part of a navigation controller's 'root' view, and so may change across controllers - just like how if you created a button or label in your first view, they would also change.

How to Add a Bar Button Item on a Disappeared Navigation Bar using Storyboard?

I want to add a bar button item on the navigation bar. (Say View 1 here.) The view that will segue to View 1 is embedded in a navigation controller.
However, the navigation bar is not showing in this view.
If I use attribute inspector to add a opaque/ translucent navigation bar, there will be a navigation bar in View 1. But if I drag in a bar button item, it cannot be shown in the storyboard. Though the bar button is in the document outline, it cannot be shown on the storyboard. Also, if I run the application, it is not on the screen.
When running the application in the simulator, View 1 will have a navigation bar on the top of it, since I use "Show" rather than "Show Details" to show View 1. I tried to embed View 1 in a navigation controller again, but it won't help much.
Can anyone tell me how to add a bar button in this situation using storyboard? And why the navigation bar is missing from the storyboard?
Thanks in advance.
I figure it out by myself.
Drag a Navigation Item from the object list, and then add bar button item to it.
Thanks to rdelmar for his idea, though drag out a navigation bar won't work in the way I thought it should work.
In my situation, View 1 is a table view. Drag a navigation bar to the view will cause it to be the header view for the table, rather than a navigation bar I had expected. Then there will be two navigation bar in the view when I run the application.
Of course we can drag out a navigation bar and add a button to it, it might work different with your expectation. As I had said, it might leads to a view which contains two navigation bars.
You can fix this by drag out the Navigation Item (contains the bar button you had added) inside the Navigation Bar out. In my situation, I drag it out and put it the same level with the table view inside the document outline. Then it won't become the header view for the table view.
After that, we can just delete the navigation bar from the document outline.
I have no idea why the navigation bar disappears in my storyboard. If anyone has some idea for this, please let me know.
It sounds like you're adding the navigation bar by using the Simulated Metrics. If so, this doesn't add one at run time, it's only for layout purposes in IB. You should drag out a navigation bar from the objects list, and add your button to it.

Navigation Bar on Modal View Controller

I have a view controller that executed by a modal view (no Navigation Controller connected). I want to have a Navigation Bar on top and be able to change the buttons and title dynamically depending on what the user has selected on the view controller.
I have read that you can set the View Controllers Simulated Metrics to include either a Translucent or Opaque Navigation Bar.
However, after I select this and add a navigation item to it, I can't get it to show the buttons or title and also don't know how to reference it in code.
Can anyone help walk me through it?
Simulated metrics are a design aid to help in laying out your views; the navigation bar you add that way isn't actually added to your controller at run time. You need to drag out a navigation bar from the object list, and add it to your controller's view.
Simulated Metrics is only to simulate, nothing is changed on your app. If you need a Navigation Bar create it programatically or drag out a navigation bar from the object list.

How to add buttons to navigation controller visible after segueing?

I have set up a view controller in Storyboard which is embedded in a navigation controller. In this nav controller I have checked Shows Navigation Bar and Shows Toolbar and enabled a navigation bar and toolbar in Top Bar and Bottom Bar respectively in Simulated Metrics. I then "Show e.g. Push" segue from the view controller to another view controller. On both view controllers I've set up Simulated Metrics the same way, so both the navigation bar and toolbar are visible on all three controllers.
The problem is, I can add bar button items to the first view controller to both the navigation bar and the toolbar, but I cannot add a bar button item to the navigation bar on the second view controller. When I drop a button on the navigation bar, it's added to the toolbar instead. And I cannot double click the nav bar to add a title. In the outline I see there is no navigation item on the second view controller, but it is there in the first view controller.
I can probably add buttons to the navigation bar programmatically, but I want to do this visually in Storyboard. My question is, what is wrong with this setup, or is this a bug with Xcode?
For XCode 6, the UINavigationItem for the 2nd view controller onwards is not added automatically on the View Controller Object inside the storyboard. You will have to drag the UINavigationItem onto the Navigation Bar for that view Controller Object before adding UIBarButtonItem on top of it.
I am not sure why it is designed that way. I only discovered about this a few weeks ago.
If you have a ton of view controllers and very little custom auto-layout stuff in place, you can disable size classes, then re-enable it will add all missing nav bars across your storyboard.
Obviously not recommended if you have a ton of custom auto layout stuff linked up.
If you have just a single UIViewController that's missing a nav bar, just drop a UINavigationItem onto it.
If you're using Xcode 7 beta 4/5, try restarting Xcode it solved the issue for me
I just bumped into this issue and it seems to be affected by the segue that shows the view controller.
If "Kind" setting in segue is "Show (e.g. Push)", it's not possible to drag the item to top right corner. However, if you explicitly change "Kind" setting to "Push", this can be done.
Edit: actually I just noticed that "Push" is deprecated. Not sure what Apple is thinking here. However, you can just change it back to "Show" after adding the button and it seems to work :D
For second view controller in hierarchy, you can setup title in attributes, without adding "navigation item"
I think it is a bug. I had the same problem.I fixed this problem by disable the size classes, then enable it.
You can disable and enable the size classes in Interface builder doc.
It's very simple. You just need to use navigaitonItem first as the holder of the buttons and then you can add barButtonItems on top of that.

Using UITableViewController in a navigation bar

I'm new to iOS, but I know the basis. I want to host 3 UITableViewController in a UITabBarController using the storyboard.
I dragged a UITableViewController from the object list(?) and control dragged creating a seguel. Now the tab shows successfully the table view controller.
The issue is the rows are taking the space of the status bar. So I want a navigation bar(?) there, with a title. Since I'm new to iOS I don't know the following:
Given the fact that UITabBarController is the first controller ever, the hosted UITableViewController should not have a back button, obviously. So is it correct to use a navigation bar to display a title (and possible add/edit buttons)
If so, I tried dragging the Navigation Bar but it doesn't work.
What am I missing or doing wrong?
hope this helps
actually it is done for another answer. but it will be handy to u too
You will want to add in 3 UINavigationControllers. Have each tab in the tab bar controller segue to a different navigation controller. Then set the root view controller for each navigation controller to one of the table view controllers.
