Setting a policy for RabbitMQ as a part of Dockerfile process - docker

I'm trying to make a Dockerfile based on the RabbitMQ repository with a customized policy set. The problem is that I can't useCMD or ENTRYPOINT since it will override the base Dockerfile's and then I have to come up with my own and I don't want to go down that path. Let alone the fact if I don't use RUN, it will be a part of run time commands and I want this to be included in the image, not just the container.
Other thing I can do is to use RUN command but the problem with that is the RabbitMQ server is not running at build time and also there's no --offline flag for the set_policycommand of rabbitmqctl program.
When I use docker's RUN command to set the policy, here's the error I face:
Error: unable to connect to node rabbit#e06f5a03fe1f: nodedown
attempted to contact: [rabbit#e06f5a03fe1f]
* connected to epmd (port 4369) on e06f5a03fe1f
* epmd reports: node 'rabbit' not running at all
no other nodes on e06f5a03fe1f
* suggestion: start the node
current node details:
- node name: 'rabbitmq-cli-136#e06f5a03fe1f'
- home dir: /var/lib/rabbitmq
- cookie hash: /Rw7u05NmU/ZMNV+F856Fg==
So is there any way I can set a policy for the RabbitMQ without writing my own version of CMD and/or ENTRYPOINT?

You're in a slightly tricky situation with RabbitMQ as it's mnesia data path is based on the host name of the container.
root#bf97c82990aa:/# ls -1 /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia
For other image builds you could seed the data files, or write a script that RUN calls to launch the application or database and configure it. With RabbitMQ, the container host name will change between image build and runtime so the image's config won't be picked up.
I think you are stuck with doing the config on container creation or at startup time.
Creating a wrapper CMD script to do the policy after startup is a bit complex as /usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/rabbitmq-server runs rabbit in the foreground, which means you don't have access to an "after startup" point. Docker doesn't really do background processes so rabbitmq-server -detached isn't much help.
If you were to use something like Ansible, Chef or Puppet to setup the containers. Configure a fixed hostname for the containers startup. Then start it up and configure the policy as the next step. This only needs to be done once, as long as the hostname is fixed and you are not using the --rm flag.
At runtime, systemd could complete the config to a service with ExecStartPost. I'm sure most service managers will have the same feature. I guess you could end up dropping messages, or at least causing errors at every start up if anything came in before configuration was finished?

You can configure the policy as described here.
Docker compose:
image: rabbitmq:3.7.8-management
container_name: rabbitmq
- ~/rabbitmq/data:/var/lib/rabbitmq:rw
- ./rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf:/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf
- ./rabbitmq/definitions.json:/etc/rabbitmq/definitions.json
- "5672:5672"
- "15672:15672"


Docker editing entrypoint of existing container

I've docker container build from debian:latest image.
I need to execute a bash script that will start several services.
My host machine is Windows 10 and I'm using Docker Desktop, I've found configuration files in
docker-desktop-data wsl2 drive in data\docker\containers\<container_name>
I've 2 config files there:
config.v2.json and hostcongih.json
I've edited the first of them and replaced:
"Entrypoint":null with "Entrypoint":["/bin/bash", "/opt/"]
I have done it while the container was down, when I restarted it the script was not executed. When I opened config.v2.json file again the Entrypoint was set to null again.
I need to run this script at every container start.
Additional strange thing is that this container doesn't have any volume appearing in docker desktop. I can checkout this container and start another one, but I need to preserve current state of this container (installed packages, files, DB content). How can I change the entrypoint or run the script in other way?
Is there anyway to export the container to image alongside with it's configuration? I need to expose several ports and run the startup script. Is there anyway to make every new container made from the image exported from current container expose the same ports and run same startup script?
Docker's typical workflow involves containers that only run a single process, and are intrinsically temporary. You'd almost never create a container, manually set it up, and try to persist it; instead, you'd write a script called a Dockerfile that describes how to create a reusable image, and then launch some number of containers from that.
It's almost always preferable to launch multiple single-process containers than to try to run multiple processes in a single container. You can use a tool like Docker Compose to describe the multiple containers and record the various options you'd need to start them:
# docker-compose.yml
# Describe the file version. Required with the stable Python implementation
# of Compose. Most recent stable version of the file format.
version: '3.8'
# Persistent storage managed by Docker; will not be accessible on the host.
# Actual containers.
# The database.
# Use a stock Docker Hub image.
image: postgres:15
# Persist its data.
- dbdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
# Describe how to set up the initial database.
# Make the container accessible from outside Docker (optional).
- '5432:5432' # first port any available host port
# second port MUST be standard PostgreSQL port 5432
# Reverse proxy / static asset server
image: nginx:1.23
# Get static assets from the host system.
- ./static:/usr/share/nginx/html
# Make the container externally accessible.
- '8000:80'
You can check this file into source control with your application. Also consider adding a third container that build: an image containing the actual application code; that probably will not have volumes:.
docker-compose up -d will start this stack of containers (without -d, in the foreground). If you make a change to the docker-compose.yml file, re-running the same command will delete and recreate containers as required. Note that you are never running an unmodified debian image, nor are you manually running commands inside a container; the docker-compose.yml file completely describes the containers, their startup sequences (if not already built into the images), and any required runtime options.
Also see Networking in Compose for some details about how to make connections between containers: localhost from within a container will call out to that same container and not one of the other containers or the host system.

How to auto restart a docker container with compose after reboot or failed attempt?

I want to my docker container deconz to restart after a reboot or the container failed to start.
My compose file is
version: "3.3"
image: marthoc/deconz
container_name: deconz
network_mode: host
restart: "always"
- /sharedfolders/media/AppData/deconz:/root/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ
- /dev/ttyACM0
I use the command docker-compose up -d to start the container. now I assume that after a reboot the container starts before the USB device is recognized. I want docker to keep trying to restart until successful. I assumed that restart: always or restart: unless-stopped does it but apparently I am mistaken.
Docker (docker-compose) will not help you directly in this task. The only thing that the docker orchestrator is doing is to recognize that the container had failed and to create new container to replace it.
Other orchestrators like Kubernetes have improved handling of the lifecycle, by allowing the orchestrator to recognize the internal state of the containers. Based on the internal state, the orchestrator will manage the lifecycle of that container and also the lifecycle of the related containers.
In your particular case, even just by moving to Kubernetes will not really help you, since it is container's task to recognize if he has all the resources ready to start working.
What you need to do is to create a startup script for the container that will recognize that all of the required resources are ready and it can proceed with the start. When you prepare the script, you can choose to exit from the script after waiting certain time (in which case Docker will detect it as container failure and will handle it based on restart rules) or to wait forever, until the resources are ready. I prefer the approach to wait for a while and then fail if resources are still not ready. This makes it more easier for the administrator to recognize that the container is not healthy.
Most trivial example of the script would be:
while :
if [ -e "$testfile" ]
echo "drive is mounted."
echo "drive is still not ready, waiting 10s"
Make sure you have sleep for certain amount of time to go easy on the system resources.

Putting file into HDFS using docker-compose

Is there a way to put some file, let's say data.json, into HDFS automatically right from Docker-compose/Dockerfile?
When I start namenode and datanode I can enter into containers with
docker exec -it namenode [datanode] bash, and use
hdfs dfs -put data.json hdfs:/ (when safe mode is finished)
and that works, but I need a way to run this automatically. When I try to build containers from Dockerfile and put comands:
FROM bde2020/hadoop-namenode:1.1.0-hadoop2.8-java8
ADD hdfs_writer/data.json /data
# ADD /data
CMD ["hdfs dfsadmin -safemode wait && hdfs dfs -put ./data.json hdfs:/"]
# CMD ["python"]
Container namenode immediately terminates. I also tried with the python script, that I add to container and run it with CMD.
import time
import os
os.system("hdfs dfsadmin -safemode wait")
os.system("hdfs dfs -put -f data.json hdfs:/")
while True:
in that case, container is running, but if I check logs and try to list hdfs with hdfs dfs -ls hdfs:/, there is following error
safemode: Call From 662aae005e8b/ to namenode:8020 failed on connection exception: Connection refused; For more details see:
19/04/18 14:36:36 WARN ipc.Client: Failed to connect to server: namenode/ try once and fail.
I read recommended link from error log, and to be honest, I am not sure that I understand what should I do.
Any your suggestions or ideas about possible solution is highly valuable for me, as I am new to this field and I don't have much experience.
If you need some more info, I will be happy to provide it.
docker-compose.yml (just part of it)
#docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile are in the dame directory
build: .
- ./data/namenode:/hadoop/dfs/name
- CLUSTER_NAME=cluster
- ./hadoop.env
- 50070:50070
image: bde2020/hadoop-datanode:1.1.0-hadoop2.8-java8
- namenode
- ./data/datanode:/hadoop/dfs/data
- ./hadoop.env
You can't write to networked services in a Dockerfile. Imagine running docker build, running your combined application, tearing it down, and running it again. You'll reuse the same built image without re-running the Dockerfile steps; only the content in the image itself is kept. In most cases you need some minor amount of setup to communicate between services (Docker Compose can do this for you) but that is not set up during a build sequence. This is the same answer as "you can't run database migrations from a Dockerfile", but it applies equally to Hadoop.
A container only does one thing. Your sample Dockerfile sets a different CMD that waits for the namenode to be running and sets it up. This happens instead of starting the namenode process. A Docker container runs one main command and one main command only; there is not a way to run a main command and also a side support script of some form. The container you show would probably work, but you'd need to run it as a separate container alongside the namenode container.
You don't need to be "in Docker" to access Docker-hosted services. You can use a Docker Compose ports: directive to make services visible to the host, at which point you can use ordinary clients to interact with them. The docker exec path is the equivalent of "I ssh to my server as root, and then...", which isn't how you normally deal with any service at all.
Your server containers should only run servers. In your example you're both trying to launch an HDFS namenode and also populate the server from the same container; you'd be better off having the namenode container only be the namenode and running the setup job from another container or from the host. (See the standard postgres image's entrypoint script for some idea of the gyrations required otherwise.)
Docker Compose isn't great for one-off jobs. Every time you run docker-compose up it will discover that your setup container isn't running and try to start it again. Other more powerful orchestrators could be a better fit; for example, a Kubernetes Job is a reasonable fit for what you're describing.

Container failed to start. Failed to start and then listen on the port defined by the PORT environment variable

I built my container image, but when I try to deploy it from the gcloud command line or the Cloud Console, I get the following error: "Container failed to start. Failed to start and then listen on the port defined by the PORT environment variable."
In your code, you probably aren't listening for incoming HTTP requests, or you're listening for incoming requests on the wrong port.
As documented in the Cloud Run container runtime contract, your container must listen for incoming HTTP requests on the port that is defined by Cloud Run and provided in the $PORT environment variable.
If your container fails to listen on the expected port, the revision health check will fail, the revision will be in an error state and the traffic will not be routed to it.
For example, in Node.js with Express, you should use :
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log('Hello world listening on port', port);
In Go:
port := os.Getenv("PORT")
if port == "" {
port = "8080"
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%s", port), nil))
In python:"PORT", 8080)),host='',debug=True)
One of the other reason may be the one which I observed. Docker images may not have the required code to run the application.
I had a Node application written in TypeScript. In order to dockerize the application all I need to do is compile the code tsc and run docker build but I though that gcloud builds submit will be taking care of that and picking the compiled code as the Dockerfile suggested in conjunction to the .dockerignore and will build my source code and submit to the repository.
But what all it did was to copy my source code and submitted to the Cloud Build and there as per the Dockerfile it dockerized my source code as compared to dockerizing the compiled code.
So remember to include a build step in Dockerfile if you are doing a source code in a language with require compilation.
Remember that enabling the build step in the Dockerfile will increase the image size every time you do a image push to the repository. It is eating the space over there and google is going to charge you for that.
Another possibility is that the docker image ends with a command that takes time to complete. By the time deployment starts the server is not yet running and the health check will hit a blank.
What kind of command would that be ? Usually any command that runs the server in dev mode. For Scala/SBT it would be sbt run or in Node it would be something like npm run dev. In short make sure to run only on the packaged build.
I was exposing a PORT in dockerfile , remove that automatically fixed my problem. Google injects PORT env variable so the project will pick up that Env variable.
We can also specify the port number used by the image from the command line.
If we are using Cloud Run, we can use the following:
gcloud run deploy --image<PROJECT_ID>/<APP_NAME>:<APP_VERSION> --max-instances=3 --port <PORT_NO>
<PROJECT_ID> is the project ID
<APP_NAME> is the app name
<APP_VERSION> is the app version
<PORT_NO> is the port number
The Cloud Run is generating default yaml file which has hard-coded default port in it:
containerConcurrency: 80
timeoutSeconds: 300
- image:
- name: http1
containerPort: 8080
memory: 256Mi
cpu: 1000m
So, we need to expose the same 8080 port or change the containerPort in yaml file and redeploy.
Here is more about that:
A possible solution could be:
build locally
push the image on google cloud
deploy on google run
With commands:
docker build -t
docker push
gcloud run deploy tag-name --image

Test restart policy - how to crash a container such that it restarts

I have a docker-compose file that creates 3 Hello World applications and uses nginx to load balance traffic across the different containers.
The docker-compose code is as follows:
version: '3.2'
image: rafaelmarques7/hello-node:latest
restart: always
image: rafaelmarques7/hello-node:latest
restart: always
image: rafaelmarques7/hello-node:latest
restart: always
image: nginx:latest
restart: always
- backend1
- backend2
- backend3
- '80:80'
- ./container-balancer/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro
I would like to verify that the restart: always policy actually works.
The approach I tried is as follows:
First, I run my application with docker-compose up;
I identify the containers IDs with docker container ps;
I kill/stop one of the containers with docker stop ID_Container or docker kill ID_Container.
I was expecting that after the 3rd step (stop/kill the container. this makes it exist with code 137), the restart policy would kick in and create a new container again.
However, this does not happen. I have read that this is intentional, as to have a way to be able to manually stop containers that have a restart policy.
Despite this, I would like to know how I can kill a container in such a way that it triggers the restart policy so that I can actually verify that it is working.
Thank you for your help.
If you run ps on the host you will be able to see the actual processes in all of your Docker containers. Once you find a container's main process's process ID, you can sudo kill it (you will have to be root). That will look more like a "crash", especially if you kill -13 to send SIGSEGV.
It is very occasionally useful for validation scenarios like this to have an endpoint that crashes your application that you can enable in test builds and some other similar silly things. Just make sure you do have a gate so that those endpoints don't exist in production builds. (In old-school C, an #ifdef TEST would do the job; some languages have equivalents but many don't.)
You can docker exec into the running container and kill processes. If your entrypoint process (pid 1) starts a sub process, find it and kill it
docker exec -it backend3 /bin/sh
ps -ef
Find the process that pid 1 is its parent and kill -9 it.
If your entrypoint in the only process (pid 1), it cannot be killed by the kill command. Consider replacing your entrypoint with a script that calls your actual process, which will allow you to use the idea I suggest above.
This should simulate a crashing container and should kick the restart process.
See explanation in
See why not run NodeJS as pid 1 in
