Changing tintColor to default (blue) in NavBar - ios

I can change the tintColor for my App (everywhere) in a setting pane.
When I change the tintColor, and after that try to return to the default tint color, some buttons in NavBar don't return to blue, how can I handle this?
To verify:
- create a new project Master/Detail
- In the detail view: add Two buttons, named: "Red Interface" and "Blue interface"
- In DetailViewController, add the actions
#IBAction func tapRed(sender: AnyObject) {
view.window!.tintColor = UIColor.redColor()
#IBAction func tapBlue(sender: AnyObject) {
view.window!.tintColor = nil
Now run the application, create a timestamp, go to detail, tap redInterface, then blue interface
That's OK in the Detail View, but when you return to Master, the "+" button item is red, not blue.
I can fix the problem by setting a real blue color instead of nil, but that's not a long term solution, if Apple change the default tintColor.
Is this a bug? Is there something I can do to bypass this problem?

A quick workaround would be to fetch the default tint color once on the initial app load and store it somewhere (i.e. in the user defaults)
From Apple's iOS 7 UI Transition Guide (Specifically under the Using Tint Color section).
By default, a view’s tint color is nil, which means that the view uses its parent’s tint. It also means that when you ask a view for its tint color, it always returns a color value, even if you haven’t set one.

That's a good workaround!
In fact, I don't even need to store the color.
If I change to
#IBAction func tapBlue(sender: AnyObject) {
view.window!.tintColor = UIButton(type:UIButtonType.System).titleColorForState(.Normal)
That gives me the correct blue color, even if I changed the tintColor (probably because I don't address a button in the view hierarchy)


Is UISegmentedControl just not usable currently?

Our application has a "dark" palette, with mostly black or charcoal backgrounds. This is creating a major problem in Apple controls that ignore (or don't even offer) control over text and background color.
UISegmentedControl is a particularly good example. It's drawn with often illegible, seemingly arbitrary text/background combinations. These controls are all set up with the exact same properties in IB, and yet you never know if they'll be legible from one view controller to the next.
Most of these are OK in "dark" mode in our app, but "light" mode is shambolic. I've spent a day experimenting with themes, UIAppearance, and setting appearance in IB and programmatically. I'm fed up with it. Does anyone actually know how to guarantee legibility in these things?
Try this,
let seg:UISegmentedControl = {
let seg = UISegmentedControl()
seg.insertSegment(withTitle: "tab 1", at: 0, animated: true)
seg.insertSegment(withTitle: "tab 2", at: 1, animated: true)
seg.selectedSegmentTintColor = .red //you can replace the colours you want
seg.backgroundColor = .lightGray //you can replace the colours you want
return seg
Dark Mode
Light Mode

Bar section in iOS is extended unnecessarily

In the image shared, the orange section is the bar section , which is having unnecessary height, I am not able to resolve this issue by myself.
the views are like this
Parent Controller = View Controller
Child views = green view, black tableview
Please help to correct the height of the orange bar.
Seems like you have enabled prefersLargeTitles.
Make it false in your viewWillAppear()
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = false
You can also disable it from the storyboard.
Select your Navigation Controller -> Navigation Bar -> Uncheck prefers large titles
it seems like you're using the largeTitles on the navigationBar,
var prefersLargeTitles: Bool { get set }
When this property is set to true, the navigation bar allows the
title to be displayed out-of-line and using a larger font. The
navigation item used to build the bar must specify whether it wants
its title displayed in the large or small format. Use the
largeTitleDisplayMode property to configure the title's appearance.
When the property is set to false, the navigation bar displays the
title inline with the other bar button items.
try to disable it by:
navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = false
or you can do this as well:
navigationItem.largeTitleDisplayMode = .never
hope this helps:)

iOS Swap Colors to Change Theme of App

I'm trying to implement a color-blind mode for my iOS app. Right now, I have 3 global variables for red, green, and blue defined as such:
var red : UIColor = UIColor(...)
var green : UIColor = UIColor(...)
var blue : UIColor = UIColor(...)
Now, I have a UIButton that the user can press to change to color-blind mode. Once this happens, I'm changing the global variables as such:
red = newRed
green = newGreen
blue = newBlue
However, this does not update the colors for any existing views that have already been loaded. Is there a way for me to update all controls that were red to the new red, green to the new green, and blue to the new blue without reloading the entire app? Thanks!
Update to post my button action:
func changeColor(sender: AnyObject) {
red = UIColor(...) //this is different from the previous red
green = UIColor(...) //this is different from the previous green
blue = UIColor(...) //this is different from the previous blue
//if I call viewDidLoad() again, then the colors are changed for all objects. However, I don't think this is the correct thing to do.
Never directly call viewDidLoad(). You need to ensure that your IBOutlets are attached to your views inside of your view controller. Also, ensure that you are directly changing the backgroundColor property of the view. For example:
myView.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()

How do I make a view controller be presented with partial transparency?

I have the code below which shows a popup. The popup has a main view which is black, and one subview which is white, and that subview has some labels, button and stuff the user interacts with. I want the surrounding black part to be partially transparent (alpha = 0.7), but the white part inside it to be fully opaque (alpha = 1.0). I could not achieve that, for some reason the value of the parent overrides its child values, and I get either a fully opaque view, or a view where also the labels and buttons are partially transparent.
What Can I do?
The code which shows the popup:
#IBAction func getLocation(sender: AnyObject) {
var p = PopupViewConrtoller(list: list, callback)
var x = UINib(nibName: "PickerPopup", bundle: nil).instantiateWithOwner(p, options: nil)
self.presentViewController(p, animated: false, completion: nil)
I changed opacity only in the attributes inspector.
It seems, it is not possible to make main view partially transparent without affecting the subviews added to main view.
What you can do is,
-set mainView background color as clear color
-add one more subview1 to mainView with size same as main view and set the background color as blackColor with desired transparency(alpha=0.7 as in required)
-add your subview2(which is having labels, buttons etc.) to mainView but above subview1 in layer order.
I hope it will help you to achieve what you want.
I figurred it is impossible to do it the way I was trying to. Rajeev has a good idea, but the best (and the one that apple reviewers will probably approve) is using popovers. This tutorial and this tutorial were helpful.

Change colour of dark grey highlight when holding down custom UIButton?

I have a custom UIButton which is a cloud, transparent black and white .png file, with no down state, just one image. When tapping and holding the finger over it, it turns dark grey. I'm trying to change that dark grey to something a little less oppressive. The button is out in the open in a view, not in a tab bar, tool bar, or navigation controller.
I've already tried setting tintColor (which the documentation helpfully informs me is only suitable for 'some' types of buttons, which no indication as to which).
I've also tried changing everything I can find in Interface Builder relating to highlight colours, default states, etc. Nothing has made a difference at all.
I've even tried setting the button's own image for its UIControlStateHighlighted state, but even this causes the dark grey overlay to appear when I hold my finger over it.
How can I change that colour? I've looked at numerous other issues here on SO and have been unable to find a solution that works for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: I Solved the problem using a category of UIImage which adds a method that uses CoreGraphics to apply a tint to a provided UIImage. I then set THAT image as the highlight, and all is well. Seems a lot of hoop-la to change a colour Apple should've let us change, but c'est la vie.
You said you set a custom image for the UIControlStateHighlighted state. This should disable the default behaviour.
If you still have problems you can disable this effect by setting the adjustsImageWhenHighlighted property to NO and use whatever custom effect you want.
If adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = NO is not working,
set Button-Type to Custom (IB or programmatically).
Default Button-Type: System, changes behavior of highlighted button.
Swift 3:
myButton.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = false
I was having a similar issue with a custom UIButton when the button was highlighting in grey every time it was pressed. I solved that problem by subclassing UIButton and in the implementation I overrode a single method, (void)setHighlighted: method and kept it empty:
- (void)setHighlighted:(BOOL)highlighted
// Leave empty to prevent super from doing whatever
// that it is doing to show the grey highlight.
That stopped any type of highlighting as I was not doing anything in the method. It's a better approach if all that you're trying to do is remove any highlighting effect.
So in your code, create a subclass of UIButton, override the setHighlighted method, and then make your custom button a subclass of this custom class.
You can write a custom button that does it
class ActionButton: UIButton {
var originalBackgroundColor: UIColor!
override var backgroundColor: UIColor? {
didSet {
if originalBackgroundColor == nil {
originalBackgroundColor = backgroundColor
override var isHighlighted: Bool {
didSet {
guard let originalBackgroundColor = originalBackgroundColor else {
backgroundColor = isHighlighted ? originalBackgroundColor.darken() : originalBackgroundColor
