let rec findMatches str list =
let hd :: tl = list
match list with
| [] -> []
| (s, _) as hd :: tl when s = str -> hd :: findMatches str tl
| _::tl -> findMatches str tl
This is my current function and i am stuck on how to create a new list and returning the list, I would want to test my function with this
matchs "A" [("A",5); ("BB",6); ("AA",9); ("A",0)];;
and i want it to reutrn
val it : int list = [0; 5]
so i know that i need a int list returned
It is easy to achieve your goal using a recursive inner function with an accumulator argument to collect the results one by one:
let findMatches str list =
let rec inner acc = function
| [] -> acc
| (s, n) :: tl ->
inner (if s = str then n :: acc else acc) tl
inner [] list
This is a perfect candidate to use List.fold from the F# library
let toMatch = "A"
let test =
[ ("A", 5)
("BB", 6)
("AA", 9)
("A", 0) ]
let findMatches toMatch items =
(fun output item ->
if toMatch = (fst item) then
(snd item) :: output //Append if we find a match otherwise just return the same list
[] //Set initial output to the empty list
findMatches toMatch test
I have a function with a recursive function within, to count the letters in words so that "hello" returns [|("h",1);("e",1);("l",2);("o",1);|].
My code is as follows:
let letterCheck (a:string) =
let aList = a |> Seq.toList;
let rec _check (charList:char list) (result:(char * int) array) =
match charList with
| head :: tail ->
if Array.exists (fun (c,i) -> c = head) result then
let index = Array.findIndex (fun (c,i) -> if c = head then true else false) result;
Array.set result index (result.[index].[1]+1);
Array.append result [|(head,1)|];
_check tail result;
| [] -> result;
_check aList [||];
but even though I type annotated result it errors on the Array.set line with an error:
Program.fs(73,45): error FS0752: The operator 'expr.[idx]' has been used on an object of indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. Consider adding further type constraints.
How can I fix this error or am I doing something fundamentally wrong?
am I doing something fundamentally wrong?
This code looks like it's expecting to work with mutable values:
if Array.exists (fun (c,i) -> c = head) result then
let index = Array.findIndex (fun (c,i) -> if c = head then true else false) result;
Array.set result index (result.[index].[1]+1);
// new array value will be discarded
Array.append result [|(head,1)|];
_check tail result; // result will be unchanged
Array.append returns a modified array value; it doesn't mutate the input array's value. result.[index].[1]+1 looks like you're trying to get the second item from a tuple using array index syntax (use snd instead), but even if it was fixed this function would still have problems because it'll always recurse with the same/unchanged value of result.
Also, you don't need to end every line with a semicolon in F#.
Here's a version of your function that works with minimal changes and without extra type annotations:
let letterCheck (a:string) =
let aList = a |> Seq.toList
let rec _check charList result =
match charList with
| head :: tail ->
if Array.exists (fun (c,i) -> c = head) result then
let index = Array.findIndex (fun (c,i) -> c = head) result
Array.set result index (head, (snd(result.[index])+1))
_check tail result
_check tail (Array.append result [|(head,1)|])
| [] -> result
_check aList [||]
> letterCheck "hello";;
val it : (char * int) array = [|('h', 1); ('e', 1); ('l', 2); ('o', 1)|]
Or to take all the fun out of it:
"hello" |> Seq.countBy id
I have a sequence of pairs (key, value) like
[("a", 1), ("a", 2), ("a", 111), ("b", 3), ("bb", 1), ("bb", -1), ...]
, what is the most effective way to convert it into sequence like
[("a", [1,2,111]), ("b", [3]), ("bb", [1,-1])]
or similar?
The sequence has following property: it's really big (>2Gb)
This makes Seq.groupBy really ineffective and incorrect, are there any other ways to do it?
P.S.: this sequence:
[("a", 1), ("a", 2), ("a", 111), ("bb", 1), ("bb", -1), ("a", 5), ("a", 6), ...]
should be converted as
[("a", [1,2,111]), ("bb", [1,-1]), ("a", [5,6]), ...]
edit #1: Fixed incorrect sample
edit #2: Sequence is big, so lazy (or fastest) solution is preferred
If you want the option to get lazy results, then I don't think there's an elegant way without maintaining mutable state. Here's a relatively straight-forward one with mutation. You maintain a store of the last key you saw, and all the values that correspond to that:
let s = [("a", 1); ("a", 2); ("a", 111); ("bb", 1); ("bb", -1); ("a", 5); ("a", 6)]
let s2 =
let mutable prevKey = None
let mutable values = System.Collections.Generic.List<_>()
let init key value =
prevKey <- Some key
values.Add value
for (key, value) in s do
match prevKey with
| None -> init key value
| Some k when k = key -> values.Add value
| Some k ->
yield (k, List.ofSeq values)
init key value
match prevKey with
| Some k -> yield (k, List.ofSeq values)
| _ -> ()
This gives:
val s2 : (string * int list) list =
[("a", [1; 2; 111]); ("bb", [1; -1]); ("a", [5; 6])]
For lazy evaluation, replace the [ ... ] with seq { ... }
A simple recursive approach with no mutable state.
let rec chunk inseq (accumelem,accumlist) =
match inseq with
|(a,b)::c ->
match accumelem with
|Some(t) -> if t=a then chunk c (accumelem,b::accumlist) else (t,accumlist)::(chunk c (Some(a),b::[]))
|None -> chunk c (Some a,b::[])
|[] ->
match accumelem with
|Some(t) -> (t,accumlist)::[]
|None -> []
chunk [("a", 1); ("a", 2); ("a", 111); ("bb", 1); ("bb", -1); ("a", 5);("a", 6)] (None,[])
val it : (string * int list) list =
[("a", [111; 2; 1]); ("bb", [-1; 1]); ("a", [6; 5])]
Here is a recursive solution:
let test = [("a", 1); ("a", 2); ("a", 111); ("bb", 1); ("bb", -1); ("a", 5); ("a", 6)]
let groupByAdjacentElements alist =
let rec group a groupAcc prevElement adjacentAcc =
match a with
| [] -> match adjacentAcc with
| [] -> groupAcc
| _ -> (prevElement, List.rev adjacentAcc)::groupAcc
| (b, c)::tail -> if b = prevElement then
group tail groupAcc prevElement (c::adjacentAcc)
group tail ((prevElement, List.rev adjacentAcc)::groupAcc) b [c]
group alist [] (fst alist.Head) []
|> List.rev
let b = groupByAdjacentElements test
It returns: [("a", [1; 2; 111]); ("bb", [1; -1]); ("a", [5; 6])]
If you want lazy evaluation, you should consider trying LazyList
EDIT: Here's a script comparing LazyList from ExtCore to the accepted solution. It generates a large text file and then does the transformations asked for. Note that the LazyList is returned in reverse order:
open System.Diagnostics
open System.IO
open ExtCore
let fileName = "Test.txt"
let outFile = new StreamWriter(fileName)
for i in [1..20000*300] do
printfn "Finished Writing to File"
let data = System.IO.File.ReadLines(fileName)
|> (fun i -> let parts = i.Split(',')
(parts.[0], parts.[1]))
printfn "Finished Reading File"
let s2 data =
let mutable prevKey = None
let mutable values = System.Collections.Generic.List<_>()
let init key value =
prevKey <- Some key
values.Add value
for (key, value) in data do
match prevKey with
| None -> init key value
| Some k when k = key -> values.Add value
| Some k ->
yield (k, List.ofSeq values)
init key value
match prevKey with
| Some key -> yield (key, List.ofSeq values)
| _ -> ()
let groupByAdjacentElements aseq =
let alist = LazyList.ofSeq aseq
let rec group alist groupAcc prevElement adjacentAcc =
match alist with
| Cons((b, c), tail) ->
if b = prevElement then
group tail groupAcc prevElement (c::adjacentAcc)
group tail (LazyList.consDelayed (prevElement, List.rev adjacentAcc) (fun () -> groupAcc)) b [c]
| Nil ->
match adjacentAcc with
| [] -> groupAcc
| _ -> LazyList.consDelayed (prevElement, List.rev adjacentAcc) (fun () -> groupAcc)
group alist LazyList.empty (fst (alist.Head())) []
let groupByAdjacentElementsList aseq =
let alist = aseq |> Seq.toList
let rec group a groupAcc prevElement adjacentAcc =
match a with
| [] -> match adjacentAcc with
| [] -> groupAcc
| _ -> (prevElement, List.rev adjacentAcc)::groupAcc
| (b, c)::tail -> if b = prevElement then
group tail groupAcc prevElement (c::adjacentAcc)
group tail ((prevElement, List.rev adjacentAcc)::groupAcc) b [c]
group alist [] (fst alist.Head) []
|> List.rev
let main argv =
let stopwatch = new Stopwatch()
let b = s2 data
printfn "The result is: %A" b
printfn "It took %A ms." stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
System.GC.WaitForFullGCComplete() |> ignore
let b = groupByAdjacentElements data
printfn "The result is: %A" b
printfn "It took %A ms." stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
System.GC.WaitForFullGCComplete() |> ignore
let b = groupByAdjacentElementsList data
printfn "The result is: %A" b
printfn "It took %A ms." stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
I when using files of around 300MB in size, LazyList was slightly slower (83s to 94s) than the seq solution. That said LazyList has the major advantage that iterating over it is cached, unlike the sequence solution. The normal list solution was faster than both even when doing List.rev (without it was around 73s).
Grouping by adjacent keys can be also done without mutable bindings. With Seq.scan, it's possible to generate a lazy sequence with eager chunk. It already provides for one of the special cases, the first element of the sequence; by wrapping the input sequence as options followed by None we can take care of the other. Afterwards, we skip over intermediate results and strip out the state with Seq.choose.
For maximum versatility, I'd like to suggest a signature similar to Seq.groupBy,
f:('T -> 'Key) -> xs:seq<'T> -> seq<'Key * 'T list> when 'Key : equality
which takes a key projection function as first argument.
let chunkBy (f : 'T-> 'Key) xs =
// Determine key and wrap in option
seq{for x in xs -> Some(f x, x)
// Indicates end of sequence
yield None }
|> Seq.scan (fun (_, acc, previous) current ->
match previous, current with
| Some(pKey, _), Some(key, value) when pKey = key ->
// No intermediate result, but add to accumulator
None, value::acc, current
| _ ->
// New state is 3-tuple of previous key and completed chunk,
// accumulator from current element, and new previous element (fun (k, _) -> k, List.rev acc) previous, snd current |> Option.toList, current )
(None, [], None)
|> Seq.choose (fun (result, _, _) -> result)
This can be adopted to OP's requirements by providing also a result projection function.
let chunkBy2 (f : 'T-> 'Key) (g : 'T->'Result) =
chunkBy f >> (fun (k, gs) -> k, g gs)
// val chunkBy2 :
// f:('T -> 'Key) -> g:('T -> 'Result) -> (seq<'T> -> seq<'Key * 'Result list>)
// when 'Key : equality
["a", 1; "a", 2; "a", 111; "b", 3; "bb", 1; "bb", -1]
|> chunkBy2 fst snd
// val it : seq<string * int list> =
// seq [("a", [1; 2; 111]); ("b", [3]); ("bb", [1; -1])]
Seq.initInfinite (fun x ->
if (x / 2) % 2 = 0 then "a", x else "b", x)
|> chunkBy2 fst snd
|> Seq.skip 50000
// val it : seq<string * int list> =
// seq
// [("a", [100000; 100001]); ("b", [100002; 100003]); ("a", [100004; 100005]);
// ("b", [100006; 100007]); ...]
I need to pack data like this:
let data = [1; 2; 2; 3; 2; 2; 2; 4]
let packed = [(1, 1); (2, 2); (3, 1); (2, 3); (4, 1)]
Where each item say how much times it exist before the next. However, it must work with non-adjacent duplications.
I can work this with classical imperative code, but wonder how do this functionally.
Also, Seq.countBy not work because it take in account all the values
If you already have an imperative version, you can follow a set of small steps to refector to a recursive implementation.
While I don't know what your imperative version looks like, here's a recursive version:
let pack xs =
let rec imp acc = function
| [] -> acc
| h::t ->
match acc with
| [] -> imp [(h, 1)] t
| (i, count) :: ta ->
if h = i
then imp ((i, count + 1) :: ta) t
else imp ((h, 1) :: (i, count) :: ta) t
xs |> imp [] |> List.rev
This function has the type 'a list -> ('a * int) list when 'a : equality. It uses a private 'implementation function' called imp to do the work. This function is recursive, and threads an accumulator (called acc) throughout. This accumulator is the result list, having the type ('a * int) list.
If the accumulator list is empty, the head of the original list (h), as well as the count 1, is created as a tuple as the only element of the updated accumulator, and the imp function is recursively called with that updated accumulator.
If the accumulator already contains at least one element, the element is extracted via pattern matching, and the element in that tuple (i) is compared to h. If h = i, the accumulator is updated; otherwise, a new tuple is consed on acc. In both cases, though, imp is recursively called with the new accumulator.
You can call it with a list equivalent to your original tuple like this:
> pack [1; 2; 2; 3; 2; 2; 2; 4];;
val it : (int * int) list = [(1, 1); (2, 2); (3, 1); (2, 3); (4, 1)]
Once you have a recursive version, you often have the recipe for a version using a fold. In this case, since the above pack function has to reverse the accumulator in the end (using List.rev), a right fold is most appropriate. In F#, this is done with the built-in List.foldBack function:
let pack' xs =
let imp x = function
| (i, count) :: ta when i = x -> (i, count + 1) :: ta
| ta -> (x, 1) :: ta
List.foldBack imp xs []
In this case, the function passed to List.foldBack is a bit too complex to pass as an anonymous function, so I chose to define it as a private inner function. It's equivalent to the recursive imp function used by the above pack function, but you'll notive that it doesn't have to call itself recursively. Instead, it just has to return the new value for the accumulator.
The result is the same:
> pack' [1; 2; 2; 3; 2; 2; 2; 4];;
val it : (int * int) list = [(1, 1); (2, 2); (3, 1); (2, 3); (4, 1)]
My solution assumes the data collection is a list. If having it as a tuple (as per your example) was intentional then for my solution to work the tuple has to be converted to a list (an example how to do it can be found here).
let groupFunc list =
let rec groupFuncRec acc lst init count =
match lst with
| [] -> List.rev acc
| head::[] when head = init
-> groupFuncRec ((init, count)::acc) [] 0 0
| head::[] when head <> init
-> groupFuncRec ((head, 1)::acc) [] 0 0
| head::tail when head = init
-> groupFuncRec acc tail head (count+1)
| head::tail when head <> init
-> groupFuncRec ((init, count)::acc) tail head 1
let t = List.tail list
let h = List.head list
groupFuncRec [] t h 1
When I run the function on your sample data I get back the expected result:
list = [(1, 1); (2, 2); (3, 1); (4, 1)]
You can get Seq.countBy to work by including some positional information in its argument. Of course, you need then to map back to your original data.
[1; 2; 2; 3; 2; 2; 2; 4]
|> Seq.scan (fun (s, i) x ->
match s with
| Some p when p = x -> Some x, i
| _ -> Some x, i + 1 ) (None, 0)
|> Seq.countBy id
|> Seq.choose (function
| (Some t, _), n -> Some(t, n)
| _ -> None )
|> Seq.toList
// val it : (int * int) list = [(1, 1); (2, 2); (3, 1); (2, 3); (4, 1)]
I have an array like this:
let items = ["A";"B";"C";"D"]
I want to transform it into an array like this:
let result = ["AB";"AC";"AD";"BC";"BD";"CD"]
I can't find anything in the language spec that does this - though I might be searching incorrectly. I thought of Seq.Fold like this:
let result = items |> Seq.fold(fun acc x -> acc+x) ""
but I am getting "ABCD"
Does anyone know how to do this? Will a modified CartesianProduct work?
Thanks in advance
What you have there are lists, not arrays -- lists use the [...] syntax, arrays use the [|...|] syntax.
That said, here's a simple implementation:
let listProduct (items : string list) =
|> List.collect (fun x ->
|> List.choose (fun y ->
if x < y then Some (x + y)
else None))
If you put it into F# interactive:
> let items = ["A"; "B"; "C"; "D"];;
val items : string list = ["A"; "B"; "C"; "D"]
> items |> listProduct |> Seq.toList;;
val it : string list = ["AB"; "AC"; "AD"; "BC"; "BD"; "CD"]
Something like this should do it:
|> (fun x -> items |> (fun y -> (x, y)))
|> List.concat
|> List.filter (fun (x, y) -> x < y)
|> (fun (x, y) -> x + y)
|> List.sort
I don't know if it's efficient for large lists, but it does produce this output:
["AB"; "AC"; "AD"; "BC"; "BD"; "CD"]
The first step produces a list of list of tuples, by mapping items twice:
[[("A", "A"); ("A", "B"); ("A", "C"); ("A", "D")];
[("B", "A"); ("B", "B"); ("B", "C"); ("B", "D")];
[("C", "A"); ("C", "B"); ("C", "C"); ("C", "D")];
[("D", "A"); ("D", "B"); ("D", "C"); ("D", "D")]]
Second, List.concat turns the list of list into a single list:
[("A", "A"); ("A", "B"); ("A", "C"); ("A", "D"); ("B", "A"); ("B", "B");
("B", "C"); ("B", "D"); ("C", "A"); ("C", "B"); ("C", "C"); ("C", "D");
("D", "A"); ("D", "B"); ("D", "C"); ("D", "D")]
Third, List.filter removes the tuples where the first element is equal to or larger than the second element:
[("A", "B"); ("A", "C"); ("A", "D"); ("B", "C"); ("B", "D"); ("C", "D")]
Fourth, produces a list of concatenated strings:
["AB"; "AC"; "AD"; "BC"; "BD"; "CD"]
Finally, List.sort sorts the list, although in this case it's not necessary, as the list already has the correct order.
You might also consider using Seq.distinct to remove duplicates, if there are any.
You could create a function to create a list of all head/tail pairs in a list:
let rec dec = function
| [] -> []
| (x::xs) -> (x, xs) :: dec xs
or a tail-recursive version:
let dec l =
let rec aux acc = function
| [] -> acc
| (x::xs) -> aux ((x, xs)::acc) xs
aux [] l |> List.rev
you can then use this function to create your list:
let strs (l: string list) = l |> dec |> List.collect (fun (h, t) -> ((+)h) t)
I'd do it like this:
let rec loop = function
[] -> []
| x :: xs -> ((^) x) xs # loop xs
This has the advantage of not building every pair of elements from the list only to discard half. (I'll leave getting rid of the append as an exercise :-)
For me, it is a bit easier to tell what's going on here compared some of the other proposed solutions. For this kind of problem, where to process an element x you need also access to the rest of the list xs, standard combinators won't always make solutions clearer.
let items = ["A";"B";"C";"D"]
let rec produce (l: string list) =
match l with
// if current list is empty or contains one element - return empty list
| [] | [_] -> []
// if current list is not empty - match x to head and xs to tail
| x::xs ->
// (1)
// iterate over the tail, return string concatenation of head and every item in tail
for c in xs -> x + c
// apply produce to tail, concat return values
yield! produce xs
1st iteration: l = [A, B, C, D] - is not empty, in second match case we'll have x = A, xs = [B, C, D]. 'for' part of the list expression will yield [AB, AC, AD] and result of applying produce to xs.
2nd iteration:l = [B, C, D] is not empty so second match case we'll have x = B, xs = [C, D]. 'for' part of the list expression will yield [BC, BD] and result of applying produce to xs.
3rd iteration:l = [C, D] is not empty in second match case we'll have x = C, xs = [D]. 'for' part of the list expression will yield [CD] and result of applying produce to xs.
4th iteration:l = [D] contains one element -> return empty list.
Final result will be concatenation of [AB, AC, AD] ++ [BC, BD] ++ [CD]
This is an apt motivating example for implementing a List monad in F#. Using F# computation expressions, we get:
type ListMonadBuilder() =
member b.Bind(xs, f) = List.collect f xs
member b.Delay(f) = fun () -> f()
member b.Let(x, f) = f x
member b.Return(x) = [x]
member b.Zero() = []
let listM = new ListMonadBuilder()
Now, to solve the original problem we simply use our List monad.
let run = listM {
let! x = ['A' .. 'D']
let! y = List.tail [ x .. 'D']
return string x + string y
run();; in F# Interactive will return the desired result.
For another example of using the List monad, we can get the Pythagorean triples <= n.
let pythagoreanTriples n = listM {
let! c = [1 .. n]
let! b = [1 .. c]
let! a = [1 .. b]
if a*a + b*b = c*c then return (a, b, c)
Running pythagoreanTriples 10 ();; in F# interactive returns:
val it : (int * int * int) list = [(3, 4, 5); (6, 8, 10)]