Phonegap Enterprise iOS App without app store - ios

I am developing a Phonegap Enterprise App for iPad. I have two questions...
Can I use the Apple Developer Enterprise Program for a Phonegap application?
Is there an alternative solution within the Phonegap framework for this (like build)?
I'm a bit of a newb to Phonegap so apologies if these are silly questions.

To answer your questions
1) Can I use the Apple Developer Enterprise Program for a Phonegap application?
Yes. The apple developer enterprise program allows you to sign and distribute applications within your own company and not necessarily the store at large. They will give you the appropriate keys and such. PhoneGap can be used to compile it.
2) Is there an alternative solution within the Phonegap framework for this (like build)?
Yes-ish. But it would be very hacky. Apple's bread and butter is apps so phonegap Developer is the best you can get like this but it will always be cumbersome. The real route will be to pay the $299 per year or whatever they charge.


Is there any free way to use Phonegap to develop for an iOS device?

I'm trying to figure out how to get PhoneGap to work for cross-platform development. Android is fairly straightforward, but when it comes to iOS, I haven't found a solution that isn't expensive.
I know you can use to do it over the cloud, but you need a provisioning profile, which I can't access unless I pay $100 to Apple. I have a free developer account so I had access to my certificates at least, but I can't go further than that unfortunately. I'm just trying to do a homework assignment and I'd rather not pay that much for it.
I'm currently on a Windows 10 laptop, but also I have a Virtual Machine that is running OSX Mojave if that makes a difference.
Or does anyone know if there are any free alternatives that allow me to use HTML/CSS/JS to create apps cross-platform?
Thank you :)
Seems like there is no other way to do this other than purchasing a full developer account.
Unfortunately, there is no free or even inexpensive solution for developing applications on iOS.
You need a developer account (99$) and if it is for a serious project, a virtual machine will not be enough to debug.
For your need of make a crossplatform application with HTML/CSS/JS you can see with PWA.
These are not native applications but once installed, the user won't notice anything.
Here is a list of links that can help you :
How to create :
And apple in there?

Is it possible to run an iOS app store?

I would like to know that is it possible to implement and run a new app store for iOS apps? I know, iOS devices must download apps only from AppStore, but is there any way to run an independence iOS AppStore website or app?
The answer is NO. period.
3.2.2 Unacceptable
(i) Creating an interface for displaying third party apps, extensions, or plug-ins similar to the App Store or as a general-interest collection.
App Store Guidelines
Jailbreak app stores: something like Cydia. You can do pretty much anything with / on jailbroken devices.
You can easily create a website that is a subset of the official AppStore with different filters / rankings / search capabilites etc. In the end you can only support the apps available in the real AppStore since that is the only place to install apps from
Create an entire development environment and ecosystem to create apps which can be installed inside your new AppStore2.0 app. But good luck doing that complex task and good luck getting it through the apple review process.
Enter to Apple enterprise program -

Phonegap: key required for iOS

I have started trying Phonegap. While it gives the .apk and .xap, but not for iOS and blackberry and asks for a key.
Can someone provide useful links for developing in iOS and understanding what are the keys mentioned?
In order to develop for iOS, you need an Apple Developer Account. This is costs $99/year, and you can find out the specifics here:
I've never gone through the process myself, but as I understand it, once you sign up to be an Apple developer, they'll give you a key (or some way of generating one) that every program that can build apps for iOS will require before it can build successfully. There is no way to develop for iOS without first subscribing to the developer program.

Deploying MonoTouch-App on jailbroken iPad

I am learning to create Apps for the iPad via monoTouch by now.
For testingreasons I wanted to try out my app on the physical device (I know I need a pro/enterprise-licence from xamarin, and I will buy one). As we are not sure by now, what apple-dev.-program we want to subscrbe (pro, enterprise etc.), I wanted to try the stuff out by now on my iPad2 with jailbreak.
Is it possible to build for and debug on an iPad2 with monoTouch, without certificates and provisining files? And if how? All manuals I found are for XCode or are the "normal" way to build your apps when you are already enrolled at apples dev-program.
Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: I am not talking about using MonoTouch without a license. I am talking about using a paid and activated version of MonoTouch without an Apple-Developer-Subscription. Sorry for the obfuscation.
Is there no possibilty to install your bought MonoTouch and start debugging on your device without being enrolled at an paid apple-subscription?
In my opinion, developing for Cydia is pretty poorly documented--and will definitely have no documentation for MonoTouch. This question discusses how to do it from XCode. Also, checkout saurik's site, he discusses alot about Cydia on there.
You are in untested waters, but you might want to try signing with ldid and use the --nosign option in MonoTouch.

MonoTouch Trial adaquate to submit to App Store?

I am enrolled in the Apple Developer Program ($99/year) and I have the trial (free) version of MonoTouch. Am I able to submit MonoTouch apps to the App Store with what I have now or do I need to get one of the paid versions of MonoTouch first? I know that one of the differences between the free version of MonoTouch vs. the paid versions is the ability to run your apps on your iOS hardware during development but doesn't the Apple Developer Program get you some kind of ability to do this as well? Just a bit confused.
Note: If this belongs in another StackExchange site, please let me know and I will move it.
I think you're getting confused...
MonoDevelop is free, its MonoTouch that has the trail/paid versions. Basically you'll need to purchase either MonoTouch Professional or MonoTouch Enterprise in order to get your iPhone app into the App store as the trail version only allows to run the app in the simulator. - see first paragraph
EDIT: Being part of the Apple Dev Program provides you with a Developer Certificate which allows you to upload applications to the App Store (generally, be it obj-c based or other) whereas the paid versions of MonoTouch provides you with the mechanism to get your application in a state where it can be deployed to a device and the app store - and also a cunning way of generating money. Because whose going to develop iPhone apps without a desire to distribute them ;)
without a license, you can only run MonoTouch apps in the simulator. You cannot deploy them to a device or the App Store.
