how Jenkins pipeline multibranch plugin work with gerrit trigger plugin? - jenkins

I want to know if Jenkins pipeline multibranch plugin can work with gerrit trigger plugin.
Right now, it seems this plugin can only support the build with the commit has been merged into different branches.

Only gerrit-trigger plugin (as of 2.15.0) is currently compatible with Pipeline.


How to trigger a multi-branch Jenkins pipeline when artifact is published in Jfrog Artifactory

I'm trying to trigger a Jenkins multi-branch pipeline using the "Artifactory Trigger" plugin.
I have set the "Enable Artifactory Trigger" in jenkins multi-branch Pipeline as follows but even when new artifacts are published to the path that is being watched, I never have a new Jenkins job triggered.
Am I missing something here? Do I need to set something up on the Artifactory end too?
Multibranch triggering is supported since Jenkins Artifactory plugin 3.12.1. (Release notes)
By looking at your screenshot, I suspect that your version is lower than that.
It looks like the Branches to trigger field is missing:
Read more about triggering pipelines here:
Scripted pipeline example
Declarative pipeline example

trigger a Jenkins from bamboo

My requirement:
My build pipeline is in Bamboo and Test integration pipeline is implemented in Jenkins. So once CI pipeline is completed in Bamboo, there should be a trigger from Bamboo to Jenkins job.
I'm aware this can be done via API call to Jenkins, however I also saw that there is some kind of plugin in Bamboo which can integrate with Jenkins.
I could not find the name of that plugin anywhere, can someone of you help me is providing the plugin name ?
Please do let me know for more question.
You might be referring to the following plugin: However, this plugin is for Bitbucket and not Bamboo. As far as I'm aware, there is no Jenkins specific plugin for Bamboo.
There is however a generic webhooks plugin for Bamboo:, which can be configured to trigger Jenkins at the end of a build.

How to write jenkins pipeline for Jira Release Version parameter

I have freestyle Jenkins job with Jira Release Version Parameter:
I need to migrate this job to use Jenkins pipeline instead of freestyle job. Can somebody give me a piece of pipeline code (in declarative language) which does that?
After some investigation, we figured out that at this moment it is not possible to implement this plugin in the pipeline job.

Trigger Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline Scan from another job

Is it possible to trigger Scan Multibranch Pipeline Now action for a Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline from another Job? I have certain issues integrating my old version of Gitlab with Pipeline Jobs in Jenkins and came upon such a workaround.
Alternatively, would it be possible to trigger Scan Multibranch Pipeline Now with a notifyCommit web hook?
The purpose of this would be to Scan Multibranch Pipeline whenever a change occurs in the Git repo, so that new branches are detected after such a change.
Another purpose, which I am unable to achieve otherwise (except for periodic polling per branch which is plain evil to me), is to trigger build of branches affected by given changeset. I use old GitLab (7.8) which does not work with the ordinary Gitlab plugin and the Gitlab Hook plugin does not work with pipeline jobs, so my workaround would be to have an non-Pipeline Job to be triggered by Gitlab Hook plugin and this job would in turn trigger Scan Multibranch Pipeline.
Turned out that simple notifyCommit web hook did the job

Diffrence between buildflow, multijob and pipeline plugin

what is the difference between buildflow, multijob and pipeline plugin.
If i have jobs need to run on the same node sequentially, which one should i use and why?
I have some parameters that are to be shared by all the jobs. I can do it using multijob and build flow also. which one is preferable?
I am confused.
Use the Pipeline plugin.
From the Build Flow plugin page:
"Deprecated: Users should migrate to"
If you're starting from scratch, the answer is basically the same for the Multijob plugin (prefer the pipeline plugin). The Multijob plugin was created pre-jenkins-2, and the pipeline plugin has implemented much of its functionality. Pipeline is one of the default plugins and is being actively maintained by multiple developers. Here is someone migrating from Multijob to Pipeline in 2016.
