Jenkins Plugin that Aggregates/Summarizes Reports for a Build - jenkins

I'm searching for an existing Jenkins plugin or something close to it. This is my ideal:
Provides a link to the side on a build page
Clicking the link will open up a page with a summary of the various reports (ideally configured)
Reports could include:
Static analysis
There will be links to the full report pages from the other plugins as well as a few columns providing basic info like Status, Details, and another column or two maybe
This seems basic enough that I would think it already exists, but I haven't found anything yet.

The existing Cobertura, JUnit and various Static Analysis plugins for Jenkins will already add links to each build page, pointing to a summary of the results of each tool.
For other tools, you can use the HTML Publisher plugin to add more links to each build page.
But I don't believe there is another plugin which will build some sort of summary from a list of arbitrary reports.


Reports get wrong links and cannot be found in Jenkins

In the build.xml of my Jenkins (PHP) project (hosted on a Windows Server) multiple reports are defined (PMD Warnings, Duplicate Code, JDepend, Checkstyle Warnings, Coverage Summary Report, PHPUnit_Code_Coverage, PHPDox). All the needed plug-ins are installed and the links of the most of the reports in the menu and on the dashboard
lead to the appropriate report pages.
Only two links (PHPUnit Code Coverage and PHPDox) don't work and show a 404 page:
Though they seem to be set correctly:
Why does this issue occurs and how to make Jenkins add the reports correctly to the project's menu/dashboard?

Aggregate Issue list from multiple builds in TeamCity

I have a TeamCity server building our deployments which is linked in with our issue trackers (both JIRA and TeamCity). If I put the right tag on the check-in comment this automatically links the build to an issue in the tracker and I can see a list of issues resolved in this build.
I'd like to aggregate this list of Issues across multiple builds. Basically, I'd like to automatically generate documentation for releases, which might comprise multiple builds. Is there any way to do this?
Issue tracker in teamcity only shows you the relevant tickets in a build. If you know the build number from where to start you can filter the list starting from that build to get an aggregate list.
Alternatively you can use a third-party tool that does something similar. Not sure what version control system you are using but we are using GitReleaseNotes to extract tickets from commits and link to Jira.

Is there a Jenkins code coverage plugin for Perl?

We have our software product which is written in perl. We have setup a Jenkins build for that which runs the automated tests, to get the coverage values we run the unit tests under Devel::Cover, and get the coverage values for each module. But I find it very difficult to go and check the coverge values for each module individually, also it doesn't tell us where are we heading as far as coverage is concerned (increasing/decreasing trend). So what I'd like is to have a history or graph of those values, so that I can have a better picture of where our coverage values are and how do they compare to, say a month ago.
Is there a plug-in available that would do this thing?
I searched the Internet and found some plugins like cobertura and emma that I hope would achieve that purpose, but they are for Java. Is there a good alternative for Perl?
Also, would it be worth it to develop our own tool to display such plots? We already have the coverage data in Jenkins, and all we need is just to get that data and plot it.
You can with luck use Devel::Cover's HTML output formatting, put by default in the cover_db directory by:
$ cover -test
The install and configure the HTML Publisher Plugin.
Configure it as so:
HTML directory: cover_db
index page: coverage.html
Report title: Coverage Report
I written up my notes for setting this up, and they are available at:
I am currently looking into the Jenkins Plugin Clover, since Devel::Cover can also output in Clover format. I will update my notes soon.
You can with luck use my CPAN distribution Task::Jenkins, installing all of the CPAN dependencies needed for the setup on the referenced wiki page.

Is jenkins a code inspector?

Hi im using jenkins but i need to ask if it is a code ispector ?
Or does it has more functions that I can use because I cant find them and its important ?
Jenkins itself is not a code inspector. It is more of a Continuous Integration server that provides a plugin API so that it can be expanded to do different things. There are alot of plugins available, so it really depends on your language and what you want your inspector to do ( static analysis, code coverage, etc )
A quick search provided this page Jenkins Plugins
I have Jenkins installed ( I do not have network access to it at the moment ) and it has a plugins page you can go to to see the available plugins. That would probably be the most up to date list.
We currently use Jenkins with a number of plugins to do builds and analysis on every commit. If you want to just run an analysis, you may want a standalone analysis tool.

Jenkins manual Trigger for successful build

I need help with Jenkins.
I want trigger over an button in the already successful builded 'build' page (where the testresults, artefacts etc. are listed) one target in an ant script.
Is that possible over an plugin or do I have there to do more?
This is the closest I can see you can get at the moment.
A combination of the Jenkins Batch Task Plugin:
This plugin adds batch tasks that are not regularly executed to
projects, such as releases, integration, archiving, etc. In this way,
anyone in the project team can execute them in a way that leaves a
and Sidebar-Link Plugin:
This simple plugin adds an Additional Sidebar Links section in the
main Jenkins configuration page, with settings for link URLs, texts
and icons. These links will be shown in the top-level Jenkins pages
(main page, user list, build history, My Projects and other project
view tabs). Sidebar links for particular jobs may also be added in the
job configuration pages.
You can use the Sidebar-Link Plugin to add these to the project page, but it doesn't appear to support adding it to the build page as of yet - might be worth raising a JIRA ticket and requesting this as it was part of the original ticket.
In the Batch Task Plugin you can define a task - that might well be an Ant invocation - this example is called 'release'.
Then you can run the task from the web interface:
And records of these post-build tasks are kept and accessible:
