HP Quality Center - jenkins

I am investigating a way to automate some of our build processes using Jenkins and HPQC. Currently, we have a process where, once a change to fix a defect has been checked in we set its status to "Fixed" and then reassign defect in HPQC from the individual developers to a team lead.
The team lead is tasked with manually deploying a build for the deliverable to the test environment and when he does this he will then update all of the defects assigned to him this way reassigning them to the test lead, who can assign them to individual testers.
I would like to automate this process where I can. Does HPQC have a web API of some kind? So that a remote system (such as a Jenkins build server) could run a post-build action script to gather a bunch of defect numbers (those included in the build) find each defect in HPQC and then update its status and owner?

There is a REST API for ALM / Quality Center, info is accessible:
You will have to sign up for an account with HP to access it. Ugh, troglodytes.
Search for "ALM REST API", download and read the newest guide and reference for your version of QC.
(We also use QC at my work. It's pretty damn bad. I should try and convince them to get or build something better.)

The answer above is a good one, I found the reference he mentions, but making use of that is not very intuitive, probably because I am such a newb. For my fellow unenlightened you might want to use another reference I found for how to use the reference :
The key piece of information for me was that inside all of these class files they give you in the "Example Applications" folder there is a reference to a package :
package org.hp.qc.web.restapi.docexamples.docexamples.infrastructure;
This is just another name for all the files located in the guide in the "infrastructure" subfolder. You do not need to go find this out on github or something.


Release powerapp solution to new environment with devops

I am interested in any information about or experiences with deploying PowerApps solutions to new environments within the same tenant.
In my solution I have a canvas-app and several flows between the app and sharepoint. I have used connection references to all connections (sharepoint, mail, etc.). On the devops side I have a build pipeline from my development environment, very much in line with Microsoft's recommendations for ALM. In addition, I have a release pipeline to publish the solution in another environment, e.g. a test environment. I can publish the release but when I access the solution in the new environment all flows have been turned off and all connections to sharepoint have been severed. When I inspect the flows it throws an error that it was unable to locate the connection Id. What strikes me as odd here is that the connection references that are visible in the new solution cannot be selected. However, what I can do is to add a new connection (from each flow), whereafter I can turn the flow back on and activate each of them in the canvas app.
What I am asking for here, is any documentation, guide, tutorial, help, etc. to make this release a little more automatic, so I won't have to re-add connections for every single action from each of my flows.
I think you are in luck 😊 and you should check out the latest PA community call. I think the last demo is the thing you are looking for (especially from that moment I suppose🤔) and is now one of the targets in Power Platform.
If you are considering to introduce source control as well (like git), currently there is a cool experiment going on in the community in that direction which I think is quite promising and you may check this article. But please consider this pack/unpack tool as an experiment and don't just remove the original .msapp files yet 😉.
I think I have finally found a working solution. I'll document my steps here for other ALM hopefuls.
When pushing to the target environment for the first time I need to click on each of the connection references, click on solutions layers, ) use the breadcrumb path to go one step back ] and from here I can assign the correct connection. Subsequent deployments now work without any hassle.
Also, first time deployment, I have learned cannot activate workflows. However, future deployments can activate workflows by managing the setting the the Import Solution build tool

VSTS, create build definition gets AllowScriptsAuthAccess error

long time listener, first time caller!
I've spent two days searching for an answer to this so hopefully someone here may be able to help.
I've set up a personal/free VSTS instance and created a project.
One of the first tasks I want to do is setup the build pipeline, so create a new pipeline, define the agent pool as VS2017, connect to my Github repo etc, all of which is fine.
Next I try to add an Agent Job, again choosing VS2017 as the agent. With no other options chosen, if I try to save the build definition I get the following error message (and cannot save it);
The AllowScriptsAuthAccess build option is not supported in API versions greater than 4.0.
Allow scripts to access the OAuth token is unchecked on the Agent job configuration under phases and on the Build/Options tab (slider set to disabled)
I've googled and searched for all sorts of stuff to try and find someone with the same problem but it's almost like I'm the first to discover this - which is highly unlikely!! It has almost driven me to using Bing to search for a solution, but let's not get carried away.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
So it turns out that turning off the "New YAML pipeline creation experience" and "New Navigation" under preview features fixes the problem, insofar as I can now create and save a build pipeline without the error.
Also, if you have "Build YAML Pipelines" enabled under preview features for the Organisation, you get the "View YAML" link that I was missing also.
Thanks all for your help. I'd be interested to know the root cause of this still. I'll update the Microsoft support ticket with the same and post back here if they have any insights.
There's an similar issue here:https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/123012/getting-multiconfiguration-build-option-not-suppor.html
Seems the build template was broken. So, you can try with other build templates or starting over with an empty template, then add the needed tasks manually to check if that works.
Besides, you can try below things:
Clean the caches on your client machine, also clean the browser
caches, then check it again. See How to clear the TFS cache on
client machines.
Create a new team project and create a new build pipeline within the
new team project to check if that works
I am assuming this is a bug in the VSTS system and it will likely be fixed soon. But for the time being, I found a workaround:
I was also getting the AllowScriptsAuthAccess error and struggled with it for hours. I don't think any of the configuration settings you mentioned have anything to do with it (free account, GitHub, OAuth token unchecked).
To solve it, I converted the Agent Job to YAML (which is as easy as clicking "View YAML" in the upper right). Save the code to a file named .vsts-ci.yml, and save this in the root folder of your solution. Commit/push the new file, then queue the build. (Note that the conversion to YAML is one-way, so you may want to Clone your build.)
That should get rid of the AllowScriptsAuthAccess error. After that I had to add a few variables, but then it's just a matter of following the error messages.
I hope this helps. Sorry I can't answer this more authoritatively. Please post a comment if I am missing any steps.
I had this issue and it turned out that I didn't have Build Admin permissions in VSTS for the project. Not a very helpful error message for this.

How to version assemblies—pre-build—based on work items

I'd like to automatically increment my assembly versions based on this ruleset:
Revision is always 0
Build is incremented when the only WIT in the release is a Bug fix
Minor is incremented when the release contains any WIT other than a Bug fix; Build is then always set to 0
Major is never automatically incremented
Naturally this will require a build step that can interact in some way with the project.
My first thought was to build a small Windows Service that utilizes the TFS SDK to construct the version number based on these rules and return it via a WCF call, etc. But I run into a problem there with a business requirement that all code and functionality must be replicated into a VSTS project as well (the customer owns the code and must be able to proceed without me). There's no installing such a service there, of course.
I then considered installing the service on his server, in turn making it available to VSTS. This would pass the Rube Goldberg test with flying colors.
Is there an easier way of accomplishing this task? One that can work in both environments?
I found this, but it's doubtful that the TFS SDK is registered in the GAC for VSTS.
Can someone confirm? Is the TFS SDK available to build scripts running on VSTS?
Well now that didn't take long.
I found this and this for using PowerShell to query the REST API. No GAC/SDK needed.
-- EDIT -----------------
I've intentionally excluded content from the pages behind these links as the solutions provided are exceedingly complex; it's not possible to cover the concepts here in a single post. In case the pages disappear or the URLs change, here are the links at archive.org:
1. PowerShell and vNext Builds
2. VSTS/TFS REST API: The basics and working with builds and releases
In any case, the concept is popular and well-covered—in the event these two become inaccessible, there are many others available on the same subject matter. As quickly as I found these, someone could find more.

Using subversion across visual studio and Xcode [duplicate]

It seems that all of the initial Google results for "using subversion with xcode" are actually just tutorials for installing and configuring svn and Xcode, as opposed to actually using the two (i.e. interacting with svn via Xcode's GUI).
Is anyone aware of a good guide that teaches the tricks and pitfalls of working with svn via Xcode's GUI? Something that bridges the gap between the most excellent Version Control with Subversion book and the Xcode IDE (as in pure Xcode GUI without any terminal command use)?
We all love our terminal commands, and we all love Eclipse but (and I mean this in the nicest possible way) neither is really the point of the question. I’d prefer to use svn via Xcode’s IDE instead of via terminal just as I prefer (well, for this case) to code in Xcode’s IDE instead of using vim and gcc. Apple engineers spent a good bit of time implementing that SCM menu in Xcode; someone has to have seen a usage guide somewhere.
I used this page as a reference for setting up my XCode projects with SVN. It is a good starting point, but I'll give a short walkthrough of what I did (since the page isn't really all that helpful!).
A couple notes: I'm using XCode 3.1.2 and Subversion 1.4.2. I've heard of problems with using SVN 1.5, but there are ways around that which I wont get into.
First off, I had a repository already set up and created the XCode project afterwards.
In XCode you need to set it up to know about your repository using the SCM tab in the preferences window. Enter:
A Name (this is arbitrary and used for reference with XCode)
The scheme (http or svn)
The host (i.e. svn.example.com)
The path (the exact path to the SVN repository located on the host)
The port (only if it isn't the default)
And a username and password used to access the repository.
The URL will be auto-filled as you enter the other fields. Hit "OK" when all the fields are good and XCode says it can connect.
Then open your project and do a "Get Info" (Round blue icon with an exclamation mark) on the project itself. Under the "General" tab down at the bottom is an option for SCM, select the repository you made in 1 and close the window.
Now open SCM in the menu-bar and go to "Repositories." Hopefully you've built your repository right using branches, trunk, and other directories at the base level because XCode doesn't have support for checking out the root directory. So go one directory at a time down the list and click the "Checkout" button and select a directory to check it out to (I recommend a "Code" or "Source" or "SVN" directory inside your XCode project directory). You cannot checkout multiple directories at once, but you can tell the next directory to checkout before the first has finished and XCode with queue the commands.
Once that is all done go back to your XCode project window and "Add -> Existing Files..." to your project. Select the directory you've checked out the repository to and I recommend using the "Create folder references" option instead of the "Recursively create groups" option because added and removed items will be automatically reflected in a Folder Reference but not in a Group.
Now you've imported your SVN repository into an XCode project. From here any time you make a change, simply Right-Click (Control-Click if you only have 1 button) in the file and at the bottom of the context menu are the SCM options for comparing, committing, updating, and discarding (reverting) the file. You can also use the SCM menu in the menubar for file or project-wide updates/commits/reverts.
I second the comment by the_mandrill, SVN support from within XCode is very limited, especially if you're used to Eclipse.
I also don't understand why everyone seems to need visual clients. I keep a terminal window open on my project directory and I have no problems interacting with SVN from the command line.
I know this is not quite what you asked, but I wouldn't rely much on the use of SVN from Xcode as what you can do with it is very limited. It's useful for being able to do a diff or annotate direct from the IDE but not a great deal else. I don't think it's any substitute for using a separate standalone client such as SmartSVN or Versions.
You also have to jump through a number of hoops to get Xcode to work with SVN version 1.5 onwards, so that's something to be aware of before installing a standalone client. If in doubt, check out a sandbox first.
Here is one of the best tutorials to configure subversion in XCode - http://iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com/2009/03/version-control-is-your-friend.html
It also teaches even to create repository in local MAC.
if you want to work with svn through a gui interface then i suggest you use eclipse + subclipse plugin (which have more features and much more reliable and easy than svn on xcode)..
you will work in xcode as normal but you will use eclipse only as an svn client (by creating a general project in eclipse and make it points to your xcode project directory )
and here is a tutorial of how to install subclipse
A lot of people have problems using the build in svn client, especially to get a new project into svn and that it works.
I created a straight foreward tutorial on how to do this, along with a very well known pitfall (works for Xcode up till the latest version of xcode incl. Iphone 4 sdk)
I myself looked up for some good resources and one of the best I've found is a quite recent video from the WWDC 2012 :
Sign in here if it's not already the case : https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2012/
Then there is a video called :Session 411 - Source Control Management in Xcode
It explains how to use version control both with GIT and Subversion. It's really nice !
Hope it helps!
As has been mentioned in many other answers, the svn client with Xcode is quite weak (and that is being kind).
Personally, I think that running Eclipse just to get access to a svn client is a bit heavy handed.
I would suggest two answers:
Use a dedicated svn client for the Mac (Versions and Cornerstone are both very good, albeit not free... there are free ones, such as svnX)
If you are not wildly comfortable with the terminal, you can script a couple of the key commands that you want to use and add them to your Xcode user scripts folder, then you can trigger them from a menu item of from a keystroke, just as if you were using the Xcode native client. There's a ton of examples on how to do this available via Google.
I came across these - no idea how well they work, but wanted to add some resources if I could:
With XCode4 you can perform almost all of your SCM tasks from within the IDE itself, this is a great step forward.
Here is a link to the official guide :
Unfortunately you still have to use the Terminal command line to add a new project to SCM, this is also clearly documented in the link above.
What it does not tell you is that you also need to manually add ignore instructions to your SCM configuration otherwise you are going to end up with user settings and build outputs in your repositories. I am currently figuring out the list and I will update this answer once I have it finalised.
PS :
I know this question is quite old now but I have added this for those of you who arrive here looking for answers like I did.
Terminal command line increases probability of human error, takes longer, is more complex and is less transparent to end users. Overall the omission of being able to add projects to SCM from within XCode is poor design, I expected better from Apple who are usually good at simplifying UI. For the command line fans out there you might feel L337 but try managing a team of programmers and being responsible for their code, command line is not your friend.

Teambuild / MSBuild and stamping QA-approved builds

We have an automated build and QA process for our software, using tfs/teambuild and msbuild, and we want to be able to know (for audit purposes) whether a component has gone through that process or not.
For example, if a library is installed on a user's machine, I'd like to be able to inspect it in some way to tell that it went through the build. In particular, I want to be able to distinguish it from components built directly on a developer's machine, and then manually installed.
What is the best way to do this? Code signing as part of the build process seems closest to these requirements, but presumably this would not cover any 3rd-party libraries that might be used? I also read about the ILMerge tool to merge all assemblies into one, but then I don't know enough to work out whether they can then be signed or not?
I'm sure we're not the first people to have the requirement, so casting around for any ideas or hints from others who might have done such a thing
Our developer builds are set to keep the versions at "", but our build server marks the build based on a pre-configured version and automagically generated build string. "1.0.3.xxx". Your build server doesn't allow for this?
Your build process should be updating each of your projects assemblyinfo.cs files (or a global linked equivalent), you can do this with the TFS changeset number, so like the previous poster indicated you end up with the property on each dll of 1.0.changeset.buildno or something similar. You can do this easily in msbuild.
You could have the values of each assembly info file set in source control to be something obvious like 0 or 999.
A lot of what your asking is about process and training as well though.
If your using installers or zips to package your deliverables then you can also label them with the build number as part of your build process.
But if you have changeset you have the link from dll to code, so traceable, coupled with links to third party dll references as defined in each csproj.
