Firebase Chat - Peer to Peer [closed] - ios

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am currently attempting to create a chat app, powered by Firebase. Ultimately, my goal is to allow users to message each other (pretty simple).
However, I am currently stuck on how to accomplish this.
Right now, I am able to create one huge, group chat, where users can post under different usernames. But, for ideal functionality, I would need users to be able to message each other directly, and not in one huge group chat.
Any help would be appreciated!

If you go checkout JSQMessageViewController it is a pod that provides all the functionality of the messages app. They also have an example that is done by fireBase written in swift. That may be a great place to start and finish.


How can I make a chat app with nativeScript? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I need to implement a chat into my app and im not sure on what to use and how. I don't know what is required for creating a chat, do I need to use some special stuff or is it enough with posting the messages to a database and then the other user retrieve that message?
You can use Firebase MBaaS with NativeScript, to make a chat app.
Or you can also take another approach and use QuickBlox, Parley, Applozic, Connectycube, etc.

How to make iOS chat instant (real time)? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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a part of my app involves building a IM group chat. As right now, I have the whole chat working. However, the problem is that obviously is not instant. It updates in ViewDidLoad(). I know that making it instant is the hardest part in making an IM chat. I'm currently using Parse, and I initially thought of using push notifications to update the page, but Googling a little more I found out that people were saying that there are a few cons in doing that such as the fact that the user would get a crazy number of push notifications.
Do you have any idea of how could I approach this problem or how I could get my chat to be in real time?
Thanks in advance for the help.
There are 3rd party services like PubNub ( and Pusher ( that offer realtime events.

How to send an E-mail over an iOS app using Swift? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to allow users to send me emails directly through my app, and am wondering if this is possible to do?
Your best and most simple way is to bring up the send email view (or even mailto:) with your app specific email to receive comments and requests on.
Another option is to design a web page that has a couple of fields for information and then hooking it up with PHP.
Just about anything works, it all depends on how you balance user experience and easy of implementation.

JIRA Rest API - getting the list of all Projects and all issues within each project [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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what is the correct https link to get JSON data for all the projects at once?
the current link to our dashboard is like this:
Would like to get all of the projects then use another https call to get all the issues for all the projects. Then after that of course look at assignees etc etc. Looking to collect this data to put into an iOS app for R&D purposes.
I am coming at this blind but I have no idea if I also need someone to set up permissions to do this or something. Never used this API before so just doing some discovery here.
You have to speak with the API :)
Let me know if you need further help.

Sending Instagram DM with API [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I’m currently trying to find a way of sending Instagram DMs to specific users via an API (im building an iOS app and this is one of the functionality im trying to build). I know there are solutions that currently offer that (like Jarvee or Instazood) however none of them seems to offer an API that will allow me to do that in my own app. Given that Instagram current legacy of Instagram API that seems to allow DM will be discontinued on Dec 1st, I cant seem to find an option that enables me to do that. Any idea guys ?
Hey you can use to send dm's to your user.
It's written in node but you can find other libraries in other languages
