Two Filters in Crystal Report - crystal-reports-xi

I am developing a Crystal report and I am bringing the data based on Order No and Mobile No.
I need a data even when Mobile No. does not exist but when I provided two condition together and Mobile No is not available then I am not able to bring the data based on Order no.
Can you please help me to solve this problem?

If you're using two conditions on one table you probably have something like this:
{Order Condition} and {Mobile Condition}
and need something like this for always with the order and sometimes Mobile:
{Order Condition} and ( isnull({Mobile}) or {Mobile Condition})


How to merge streams in flutter?

I'm trying to query 2 collections from firebase and put it in a streambuilder.
There are lot of questions like this,but a lot of them are unsolved,or I just didn't really found the right one.
So,I got a users,and a salons collection in Firebase.
user1 contains his name,age,etc and he have another collection called favsalons. In salons are the description of salons like name,owner,etc
In app I want to list out the favsalons with their datas.
In SQL it would look something like this : Select,salons.owner From salons,user Where userID=user1 and favsalonsID=salonsID
Since I'm new to flutter,and to the non SQL databases,I got no clue how to do it.
Is there a simple solution?
You can't... You need to modify the structure of your data.
Watch the firebase team explanation.
Solved with simply nesting two streambuilders.

Meteor publish-with-relations VS collection-helpers for joins?

What's the best way to do joins in Meteor/mongo? Use one of these packages, or something else:
I'm very familiar with PWR, but collection-helpers is new to me. It looks like the two are complimentary.
PWR solves the somewhat complex problem of publishing documents to the client via a reactive join based on arbitrarily complex relationships. See this question for more details.
collection-helpers appears to be a set of convenience functions added to the client to be used when traversing collection relationships inside of a template (given that the required documents have already been published). For example, if you have books and authors in separate (but related) collections, you can immediately get inside of a template without having to type out the extra find for the author.
currently the top popular solution in atmosphere seems to be publish-composite

asp:listbox how to provide data?

I'm having some trouble with in my MVC-View. The data for the listbox is passed by the controller and accessible via Model.templateList. So now I have to pass these data to the asp:listbox. Is there any way to do this or do I have to use some sort of DataProvider. What would be bad in terms of SoC. I considered using the Html-Helper Html.ListBox but I have no idea how to get actions like double-click and so on to work with it. Hope there are many smart people with some knowledge about this.
Thank you for reading
To bind to the list box you would using something like this
#Html.ListBox("ListBoxName", new SelectList(Model,"dataValueField", "dataTextField"));
with regards to the the actions you would need to use JavaScript. A google query like "listbox double click javascript" will help you get to the next level.

Delphi Search Edit Component

I need a delphi component for Delphi 2007 win32 that have features like Google search text box.
** While User writing search key it should fill/refresh the list with values, and user can select one of them.
**User can go up and down list and can select one of them.
**List should contain codes and text pair, so user can select text and I can get code for database operations.
(Google can highlight the search text in List but I think it is not possible with Delphi 2007, so it is not expected.)
I tried Dev Express TcxMRUEdit, however it doesn't meet my needs
Since you have DevExpress, why don't you try the cxLookupComboBox in lsEditMode and with ImmediateDropDown = True?
Check out woll2woll components. The TLookupcombobox has done this since Delphi 3 (or earlier). This is not spam, I just use the library.
I also had the same problem and unfortunately didn't find a suitable component. I was also inspired from google.
So it turned out to be easier for me to "simulate a component" by using an editbox and a grid placed under it. As the user types something in the editbox the query refreshes and the proper resulst are shown in the grid. I have many columns in the grid, the query results try to match all the fields (so if I type 'po', the query will return all records where any field is like 'po%'). I also added a delay of 500ms after the user types to avoid to run too many unnecessary queries (another aproach could be to kill the thread as the user strikes a new key, if the query is run in a thread).
In this way I obtained the required functionality, even if without higlighting the search text, anyway my users are delighted by this.
In every place I am using this "component" I am attaching a query at runtime so it can be used in many different forms.
I somehow was also inspired by the skype UI: when you display the lsit of contacts you can type something and the contacts will be filtered accordingly (skype uses an editbox + grid/listbox).

How to design a system like google base with dynamic attributes? in Ruby on Rails

I am wanting to create an application that can allow users to add products for sale.
I want to make it so that a user can add whatever type of product he/she likes and let them also create stored and searchable attributes for their products - alot like google base does.
Does anyone know of the best way to do this ie model it.
I don't really want a table for each category as this would be possibly 1000s of tables.
What is the best way to do this? has anyone got good / bad experiences of this?
Is there any plugins that does this?
Any help would be great
It sounds like what you want is a tag system.
If you want something more flexible you might want to look at using a document store instead of a database, for example CouchDB.
If you don't want to keep this in a relational database I'd suggest creating a Model called "Descriptor" that would contain the ID of the item being added, the name of the attribute "Color" and the value "Red".
To help keeps things consistent you could also structure pre-set groups of descriptors (for cars: make, model, color) as well as provide auto-completes for the value entry text fields.
