Adding a view above UINavigationBar - ios

I'm trying to add a custom view above the navigation bar as displayed on the following image .
What I've tried so far is to add the view as a subview of the navigation bar - Did not work
Add the custom view first on Interface builder and then add a navigation bar manually - This seems to mess up with my navigation as the default navigation controller has it's own navigation bar.
Is this a bad approach on its own ?

If this is a view that will appear above all navigation bars in the app, why not use a Container View?
Make the Container View fill the screen, but give it a 20 point top margin to fit your custom green view. Then when you add your main view controller (wrapped in a navigation view controller) to the Container View, it will show your green view above it.
If you don't want your margin in a particular screen, do the following:
Add a constraint to the top margin and add an outlet to it so you can modify the constraint's constant in code.
Then, in any screens where you don't need the margin, access the parent view controller view and set the constraint's constant to zero.
let myParentViewController = self.parentViewController as? MyParentViewController
myParentViewController.myTopMarginLayoutConstraint.constant = 0
Don't forget to reset it to 20 (or whatever) when you go to a screen where you need the top margin again.


Unable to put view above navigation bar

I am trying to design a side menu, whose height would be equal to screen height (therefore hiding the navigation bar too). However I am unable to get the same.
I have put constraints as this:
and in viewDidLayoutSubviews()
I have mentioned - sideMenuTopConstraint.constant = -1 * (self.navigationController?.navigationBar.frame.height)!
However I see no change. Also by increasing the height of the side menu view in storyboard, I see that it is always below the nav bar. How do I make it appear above it?
You need to add the view to window as a subview, that should bring this view above the navigation bar as needed.
This is because window is the root of all the views.

Is it *possible* to make your own Tab Bar Controller?

I have a project where our tab bar has a big middle button (that extends above the tab bar) and other custom behaviors including a badge icon and colored labels.
I got "smart" and decided to just write my own tab bar and tab bar controller to go with it. The problem I've run into is that when one of the tabs is wrapped in a UINavigationController, that view always takes up the whole screen (you can't capture a UINavigationController into a small subview) and so I have to manually inset the content on those views.
Is there a smart way to handle this? It feels gross to just cut the content short on each screen by 100 points...that doesn't feel right at all.
What approach should I take...or should I just automate the content insets programmatically?
A tab bar controller is just a scroll view with a view at the bottom that toggles between the scroll view's offset. I assume you want the tab bar controller to be at the root of your app, so in the root view controller, add a UIScrollView.
Then add the views of the view controllers (the tabs) to that scroll view, and anchor them appropriately so that the scroll view scrolls. Make the heights and widths of these view controllers full screen. Before you add them to the scroll view, you must create a parent-child relationship between the root view controller and its tabs.
tabOneViewController.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
tabOneViewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
tabOneViewController.delegate = self // so that your tabs can communicate back to the controller
// add constraints
Each of these view controllers will ideally be or contain the navigation controller for that section.
Then just add the tab bar to the view of the view controller, not to the scroll view (add this after the scroll view so that it sits above the scroll view). This tab bar is just a regular UIView, most often anchored to the view controller's bottom safe area. Because its a part of the view controller's view, and not the scroll view, it has no impact on the content behind it.
The benefit of a custom tab bar setup like this is that you can navigate between tabs on tap or by pan gesture. To navigate between tabs by tapping on the buttons in the tab bar, simply change the scroll view's content offset:
// this would move to the third tab
scrollView.contentOffset = CGPoint(x: view.bounds.width * 2, y: 0)
Add your bells and whistles and you're set.

Adjust Navigation Bar width inside NavigationController

I am trying to implement a horizontal scrolling table view. I was able to accomplish this with the following layout. I have a ScrollView which contains a Container View which points to my NavigationController. Since I made the Container View wider than the ScrollView, the table is able to scroll left to right as expected.
The problem I am having is resizing the Navigation Bar's width as I do not want to have to scroll to view the Navigation Bar's title. I tried explicitly setting the width property of the Navigation Bar in ViewDidAppear however it keeps getting resized to the actual width of the table view. Is there any way I can do this without having to create my own custom view that mimics that Navigation Bar?
I ended up creating my own navigation bar that is placed on top of the actual integrated table view navigation bar.

How can I add a contraint to the root view instead of TopLayoutGuide?

My ViewController is embedded in a UINavigationController, and it has a view that should be aligned with the top of root view. The root view has dark gray background, and occupies full screen. But this is what it looks like now:
As you can see, the root view is displayed below the status bar, which is expected. But the subview (black) is displayed below a white strip. I guess this is the top layout guide, and my subview has a constraint with its top equal to the bottom of the top layout guide. After I remove this constraint, I cannot add a constraint from my subview to the root view by Ctrl-dragging, Xcode always set up the constraint with top layout guide.
My question is:
How can I add a constraint top of subview == top of root view?
Why does the top layout guide occupy the white region?
self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = true
The default value of this property is true, which lets container view controllers know that they should adjust the scroll view insets of this view controller’s view to account for screen areas consumed by a status bar, search bar, navigation bar, toolbar, or tab bar. Set this property to false if your view controller implementation manages its own scroll view inset adjustments.
You can also set this property from Interface Builder

Remove the gray bar at the bottom of view controller - iOS

The image shows the View controller and the bar I want to remove. And also the structure of the view controller:
Someone told me how to remove the grey bar present at the bottom of the view controller as shown in the image. Unable to select and delete the bar. When I try to add the tab bar in that place, it goes behind the grey bar and becomes invisible.
What do your simulated metrics look like?
Can you get rid of the bar by changing the bottom setting?
Couple of things - if you are using autolayout, just make a constraint to the bottom of the container, with 0 value for the constraint. That will take it to the bottom. Second thing I would add is a zero size table view footer to the tableview.
This is a toolbar that comes with the UINavigationController that the View Controller is embedded in. Assuming you have a Navigation Controller on the storyboard connected to the view controller, select it and in the attributes inspector deselect "Shows Toolbar". If you want to do this in code you can get and set isToolbarHidden on a UINavigationController instance.
