how we can test Production Push notifcation on testflight? - ios

I have tested push notifications using developer certificate and it is working well but when i tried through production certificate and make a build with IOs app store deployment profile and upload to itunes for testflight internal testing. Moreover, i am not getting any push notification using testflight how we can test production apple push notification using testflight. So is there any possibility to test that notification before app published?.

Yes you can test push notifications before publishing the app using testflight builds. Few things you have to do before uploading the build:
Make sure you have generated production push SSL certificate and replaced the development push certificate with the newly generated production certificate on the server.
Make sure you have created/renewed distribution provisioning profile
after you have generated production push certificate.
Use newly created/updated provisioning profile for the build you are
uploading to the iTunesConnect.
If you did all this steps, you should be able to test push notifications from testflight builds, at least, this is the way I do test push notifications. Hope, this was helpful.

Create Adhoc Distribution Profile from member center and take ipa file or you can use testflight.
You can test production certificate using adhoc.


How to choose the Push Notification type when buidling iOS ipa

There are two types of push notification cert.
1) sandbox
2) production
If I'm building an in-house distribution cert to build an ipa. Which push notification will work? Which one should be use?
You use both production push cert and development push certificate.
Sandbox works ONLY with development builds.
The production push notifications will automatically work when you download the app from the App Store, deliver via TestFlight or when you make an AdHoc version of your App.
P.S. Apple made it possible to create a single certificate for the two environments. The cert that works for "debug" builds will also work for production/TestFlight builds.

iOS Build fails for push notifications while giving build?

While running the app by connecting directly to Xcode, it executes well and we are able to receive notifications. But while distributing the build via diawi or dropbox by using enterprise Distribution Certificate we get notification error as
"Failed Registering for push notifications. no valid apns certificate found"
It was working fine upto last week.
Please refer the screenshot. Checked with Xcode 6.3 and 7.2. But same error exists.
Please suggest how to resolve this?
There are 2 different certificates for APNS configuration.
Development Certificate (Sandbox APNS environment) can be used only with development provisioning profile.
Production Certificate (Production environment) will be used along with production provisioning profile.
If you directly install app from Xcode (debug mode) then it will use development profile. If you archive then production provisional profile to distribute from diawi or another medium. You have to use appropriate certificate at server side for APNS implementation.

ios push certificate development/distribution issue

I tested my ios app with development certificate its working when when i run an app with xcode..Later on before submission i created a distribution certificate and changed the push settings with new p12 file and distribution certificate.. pushes were unable to reach the device after that while running from xcode .. my query is
with the distribution i able to send pushes only if the app is downloaded from app store? can't i test it by running the app from xcode before submitting?
You do need to use a distribution certificate to test the production APNS environment. You have a couple of options:
1) Create an ad hoc build.
2) Create your app store build and submit the app to TestFlight. You can then install the app with TestFlight without having to go through the app approval process. This is the best way to test production settings, APNS, CloudKit etc.
You can not debug these production builds in Xcode of course, so you may want to add some other logging etc to diagnose issues you run into.
You will have to create the IPA using the distribution certificate to test the push notifications in production environment. Its not possible to test the push notifications from the XCode build when you are signing the app with distribution certificate.

Testing production APNS certificates using adhoc build - I broke something but don't know what

I have an app store app that uses push notifications. I broke something along the way and I can't figure out what. My new versions are not receiving push notifications while old versions did. My backend server uses APNS production certificates.
To test what I broke, I am trying to build an adhoc ipa of my app - after generating the IPA and installing on my phone, its not receiving push either
Screenshots below - what am I missing?
The resulting ipa is not receiving push from APNS using production certs
My adhoc profile:
My code signing setup:
My push is on:
Exporting as adhoc:

Apple Production iOS Push Services certificate is not working for app distribution

Push notification is working fine when I was using the development provisioning profile and development push certificate.
But when I have builded my app with adhoc provisioning profile inorder to do the distribution via testflightapp.
Person who install my app via the testflightapp didn't get any push notification. I also changed the push certification to production certification with the server.
I don't understand why the push notification is not working with my testflight distribution.
This is what I understand. If there is anything wrong please correct me.
Apple Development iOS Push Services Certification use for development.
Push notification should works when the app was build with the development provisioning profile.
Apple Production iOS Push Services Certification use for production and distribution.
Push notification should works when the app was build with the adhoc or appstore provisioning profile.
The device tokens are different between development and production, have you changed it?
