overload dereference (!) and assignment (:=) operators in f# - f#

I'm trying to overload the dereference (!) and assignment (:=) operators but not globally. I still want to keep the usual ref op overloads. Here's some code to illustrate the issues:
type MyVar<'a>(init:'a) =
let mutable _value = init
member __.Get() = _value
member __.Set x = _value <- x
//static member (!) (s:MyVar<'a>) = s.Get() // compiles, doesn't work
//static member (:=) (d:MyVar<'a>, s) = d.Set(s) // warning, doesn't work
//let inline (!) (x :MyVar<'a>) = x.Get() // overrides !ref
//let inline (:=) (x :MyVar<'a>) (v :'a) = x.Set(v) // overrides ref := v
let inline (!!) (x :MyVar<'a>) = x.Get() // works but ugly
let inline (.=) (x :MyVar<'a>) (v :'a) = x.Set(v) // works ... meh
let test_myvar() =
let mv = new MyVar<_>("wee")
let r = ref 100
let x = !mv
let y = !!mv
let z = !r
mv .= "haaa"
r := 42
#Carsten's solution is what I was looking for & works. However, it turns out that I am using Websharper which compiles using Quotations and #Carstens solution becomes a little more complex. Since Websharper.UI.Next includes that solution, all I had to was include in my project, and it works!

you can get this to work with static constraints - by overloading the (!) and (:=) operators as you tried:
type MyVar<'a>(init:'a) =
let mutable _value = init
member __.Value with get () = _value and set v = _value <- v
let inline (!) a =
(^a : (member Value : ^b) a)
let inline (:=) a v =
(^a : (member Value : ^b with set) (a, v))
I removed your accessors because I only need the same as Ref<'a> has (but you can re-add them)
Here is an F#-interactive session demonstrating this with your values:
val mv : MyVar<string>
val r : int ref = {contents = 100;}
> !mv;;
val it : string = "wee"
> !r;;
val it : int = 100
> mv := "It works";;
val it : unit = ()
> !mv;;
val it : string = "It works"
> r := 50;;
val it : unit = ()
> !r;;
val it : int = 50
I'm not sure if I would really do this though - you only reinvent the Ref-cell (as an class) and gain nothing and of course it might be hard to read for others - so treat with care.


Generic values in F# modules?

Consider a generic container like:
type Foo<'t> =
Foo : 't
This generic function works OK:
module Foo =
let inline emptyFoo () =
Foo = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
But this value does not:
module Foo =
let emptyFoo =
Foo = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
This is because the compiler infers emptyFoo to have type Foo<obj>.
However, the standard library has generic values like List.empty, so how is that achieved there?
You have to make it explicitly generic.
List.empty is implemented like this:
let empty<'T> = ([ ] : 'T list)
You could implement a List by yourself, with an empty. It looks like this.
type L<'a> =
| Null
| Cons of 'a * L<'a>
module L =
let empty = Null
let xs = Cons(1, Cons(2, L.empty))
let ys = Cons(1.0,Cons(2.0,L.empty))
So, why does L.empty in this case works in a generic way? Because the value Null has no special value attached to it. You could say, it is compatible with every other generic.
In your Record on the other hand, you always must produce a value. LanguagePrimitive.GenericZero is not some Generic value. It help so to resolve to a special zero value, and this value is determined by the other code you write.
For example
let x = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
is also obj
let x = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero + 1
will be int. And
let x = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero + 1.0
will be float. So in some case you can think of GenericZero just as a placeholder for zero for the special type you need, but the code needs to determine at this point, which type you want.
You could change your type, with an option to provide a real empty.
type Foo<'t> = {
Foo: 't option
module Foo =
let empty = { Foo = None }
let x = Foo.empty // Foo<'a>
let y = { x with Foo = Some 1 } // Foo<int>
let z = { x with Foo = Some 1.0 } // Foo<float>
Zero Member
Maybe you want a Zero Member on some types. For example
type Vector3 = {X:float; Y:float; Z:float} with
static member create x y z = {X=x; Y=y; Z=z}
static member (+) (a,b) = Vector3.create (a.X + b.X) (a.Y + b.Y) (a.Z + b.Z)
static member Zero = Vector3.create 0.0 0.0 0.0
static member DivideByInt(a,b) =
(LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt a.X b)
(LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt a.Y b)
(LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt a.Z b)
then you can write
let xs = [1;2;3]
let ys = [Vector3.create 1.0 1.0 1.0; Vector3.create 1.0 1.0 1.0]
let inline sum xs =
List.fold (fun a b -> a + b) LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero xs
let sumx = sum xs // int: 6
let sumy = sum ys // Vector3: 2.0 2.0 2.0

F# operator overloading riddle

In F# operator overloading seems powerful but also tricky to get right.
I have following class:
type Value<'T> =
static member inline (+) (a : Value<'U>, b: Value<'U>) : Value<'U> =
do stuff
If i define another overload for + with :
static member inline (+) (a : Value<'U>, b: 'U) : Value<'U> =
do stuff
It works. But if i want a symmetric operator:
static member inline (+) (b: 'U, a : Value<'U>) : Value<'U> =
do stuff
The compiler complains:
let a = Value<int>(2);
let b = a + 3 // ok
let c = 3 + a //<-- error here
Error 3 Type inference problem too complicated (maximum iteration depth reached). Consider adding further type annotations
Is there a way around this and stay generic?
I am using F# 3.1
The compiler never has a choice: When you apply the (+) operator, you either give it something of type int or something of type Value<'U>. Something of type int cannot be considered of type Value<'U>, and vice versa.
Let's try this in the interpreter. I made the two implementations output A and B so we can tell which is being called:
> type Value<'T> =
- { a : 'T }
- with
- static member inline (+) (a : Value<'U>, b: Value<'U>) : Value<'U> =
- printfn "A"; a
- static member inline (+) (a : Value<'U>, b: int) : Value<'U> =
- printfn "B"; a
- ;;
type Value<'T> =
{a: 'T;}
static member ( + ) : a:Value<'U> * b:Value<'U> -> Value<'U>
static member ( + ) : a:Value<'U> * b:int -> Value<'U>
Now we have a type. Let's make a value of it.
> let t = { a = "foo" };;
val t : Value<string> = {a = "foo";}
We can now try the overloads. First int:
> t + 4;;
val it : Value<string> = {a = "foo";}
Ok. Now Value<string>:
> t + t;;
val it : Value<string> = {a = "foo";}
As stated in another answer, my preferred solution would be to use a base class for some overloads:
type BaseValue<'T>(v : 'T) =
member x.V = v
type Value<'T>(v : 'T) =
inherit BaseValue<'T>(v : 'T)
static member inline (+) (a : Value<_>, b: Value<_>) = Value(b.V+a.V)
type BaseValue with
static member inline (+) (a: BaseValue<_>, b) = Value(b+a.V)
static member inline (+) (b, a: BaseValue<_>) = Value(b+a.V)
// test
let v = Value(2)
let a = v + v
let b = v + 3
let c = 3 + v
let d = Value(Value 7) + Value(Value 10)
let e = 5 + 7
Note that this problem disappears if you use the same type argument on your members as you do on the class itself:
type Value<'t when 't : (static member (+) : 't * 't -> 't)> = V of 't with
static member inline (+)(V(x:'t), V(y:'t)) : Value<'t> = V(x+y)
static member inline (+)(V(x:'t), y:'t) : Value<'t> = V(x+y)
static member inline (+)(x:'t, V(y:'t)) : Value<'t> = V(x+y)
This means that you can't create instances of type Value<obj> any more, but might meet your needs.
This operator definition is not sensible, though interestingly, neither is the compiler's reaction.
First of all, think about the intended return type of adding two Value<_> objects. It could be Value<Value<_>>! Language semantics aside, there is no reason to assume that a fully generic type like this shouldn't be nested within itself. This + operator is ill-defined. Type inference will always fail on the overload that adds two Value<_> instances, as the compiler will be unable to resolve the ambiguity.
But the more fundamental question is: what does this operator even mean? Add values and maybe wrap them in an extra type? Those are two entirely different operations; I don't see the merit of combining them, let alone implicitly and in a possibly ambiguous manner. It might save a lot of hassle to only define addition for two Value instances and construct them explicitly where needed.
That aside, it looks like the compiler is quite unintuitive in this case. Someone who knows the F# specification in detail may be able to tell whether it's a bug or inconsistent design, but look at how similar variants behave:
type Value<'T> =
{ Raw : 'T }
static member inline (+) (v, w) = { Raw = v.Raw + w.Raw }
static member inline (+) (v, a) = { Raw = v.Raw + a }
static member inline (+) (a, v) = { Raw = a + v.Raw }
let a = { Raw = 2 }
let b = a + 3 // ok
let c = 3 + a // ok
let d = { Raw = obj() } // No problemo
Too far off? Try this:
type Value<'T> =
val Raw : 'T
new (raw) = { Raw = raw }
static member inline (+) (v : Value<_>, w : Value<_>) = Value(v.Raw + w.Raw)
static member inline (+) (v : Value<_>, a) = Value(v.Raw + a)
static member inline (+) (a, v : Value<_>) = Value(a + v.Raw)
let a = Value(2)
let b = a + 3 // OK
let c = 3 + a // OK
let d = Value(obj) // No problemo
Not sure what is going on here, but it's not very consistent.

F# operator overloading riddle 2

In F# operator overloading seems powerful but also tricky to get right.
I have following class:
type Value<'T> =
static member inline (+) (a : Value<'U>, b: Value<'U>) : Value<'U> =
do stuff
If i define another overload for + with :
static member inline (+) (a : Value<'U>, b: 'U) : Value<'U> =
do stuff
It works. But if i want a symmetric operator:
static member inline (+) (b: 'U, a : Value<'U>) : Value<'U> =
do stuff
The compiler complains:
let a = Value<int>(2);
let b = a + 3 // ok
let c = 3 + a //<-- error here
Error 3 Type inference problem too complicated (maximum iteration depth reached). Consider adding further type annotations
Is there a way around this and stay generic?
I am using F# 3.1
Removing the type annotations will solve the issue you pointed out, but you didn't notice there is another issue: try invoking the first overload, the compiler will not know which overload to call. It's a shame the overload resolution doesn't pick up the right one.
One tricky way to get everything working at compile time is to declare only the first overload into the type, and for the rest use the trick of redefining the (+) operator using an intermediate type:
type Value<'T> = Value of 'T with
static member inline (+) (Value a, Value b) = Value (a + b)
type Sum = Sum with
static member inline (?<-) (Sum, a, b) = a + b
static member inline (?<-) (Sum, Value a, b) = Value (a + b)
static member inline (?<-) (Sum, b, Value a) = Value (a + b)
let inline (+) a b :'t = (?<-) Sum a b
// test
let v = Value(2)
let a = v + v
let b = v + 3
let c = 3 + v
let d = Value(Value 7) + Value(Value 10)
let e = 5 + 7
I've found another workaround which I prefer since it does not require redefining the (+) operator, the trick is to create a base class and move some overloads there:
type BaseValue<'T>(v : 'T) =
member x.V = v
type Value<'T>(v : 'T) =
inherit BaseValue<'T>(v : 'T)
static member inline (+) (a : Value<_>, b: Value<_>) = Value(b.V+a.V)
type BaseValue with
static member inline (+) (a: BaseValue<_>, b) = Value(b+a.V)
static member inline (+) (b, a: BaseValue<_>) = Value(b+a.V)
// test
let v = Value(2)
let a = v + v
let b = v + 3
let c = 3 + v
let d = Value(Value 7) + Value(Value 10)
let e = 5 + 7
I think the problem lies in the fact that there is no way to resolve between the first and, say, the second overload when the second parameter to the second overload is a Value<'T> itself.
Here is a complete version that causes the error:
type Value<'T>(v : 'T) =
member x.V = v
static member inline (+) (a : Value<'U>, b: Value<'U>) : Value<'U> =
static member inline (+) (a : Value<'U>, b: 'U) : Value<'U> =
static member inline (+) (b: 'U, a : Value<'U>) : Value<'U> =
let a = Value<int>(2);
let b = a + 3
let c = 3 + a
I'd say write one operator overload, and do pattern matching on type inside it? Ugly, I know.

Alternative approach to avoid "Incomplete pattern match" warning

I have written a function that takes an array as input and returns an array of equal size as output. For example:
myFunc [| "apple"; "orange"; "banana" |]
> val it : (string * string) [] =
[|("red", "sphere"); ("orange", "sphere"); ("yellow", "oblong")|]
Now I want to assign the results via a let binding. For example:
let [|
( appleColor, appleShape );
( orangeColor, orangeShape );
( bananaColor, bananaShape )
|] =
myFunc [| "apple"; "orange"; "banana" |]
Which works great...
> val orangeShape : string = "sphere"
> val orangeColor : string = "orange"
> val bananaShape : string = "oblong"
> val bananaColor : string = "yellow"
> val appleShape : string = "sphere"
> val appleColor : string = "red"
...except it produces a warning:
warning FS0025: Incomplete pattern matches on this expression. For example, the value '[|_; _; _; _|]' may indicate a case not covered by the pattern(s).
The source and reason for the warning has already been covered, I'm just looking for a succinct work-around. This function call occurs near the top of my function, and I don't like the idea of putting the entire function body inside a match:
let otherFunc =
match myFunc [| "apple"; "orange"; "banana" |] with
| [|
( appleColor, appleShape );
( orangeColor, orangeShape );
( bananaColor, bananaShape )
|] ->
// ... the rest of my function logic
| _ -> failwith "Something impossible just happened!"
That just smells bad. I don't like the idea of ignoring the warning either - goes against my better judgment. Are there any other options open to me, or do I just need to find a different approach entirely?
One possibility if you expect this kind of calling pattern to be frequent is to make wrappers that act on the sizes of tuples you expect, e.g.
myFunc3 (in1,in2,in3) =
match myFunc [|in1;in2;in3|] with
[|out1;out2;out3|] -> out1, out2, out3
_ -> failwith "Internal error"
etc. But all it does is move the ugly code to a standard place, and writing out the wrappers will be inconvenient.
I don't think there's any better option with this API, because there's no way to tell the compiler that myFunc always returns the same number of elements it is passed.
Another option might be to replace myFunc with an IDisposable class:
type MyClass() =
let expensiveResource = ...
member this.MyFunc(v) = ...calculate something with v using expensiveResource
interface IDisposable with
override this.Dispose() = // cleanup resource
and then use it in a block like
use myClass = new MyClass()
let appleColor, appleShape = myClass.MyFunc(apple)
Adapting #Ganesh's answer, here's a primitive way to approach the problem:
let Tuple2Map f (u, v)
= (f u, f v)
let Tuple3Map f (u, v, w)
= (f u, f v, f w)
let Tuple4Map f (u, v, w, x)
= (f u, f v, f w, f x)
let Square x = x * x
let (a,b) = Tuple2Map Square (4,6)
// Output:
// val b : int = 36
// val a : int = 16
But I guess something even more primitive would be this:
let Square x = x * x
let (a,b) = (Square 4, Square 6)
And if the function name is too long, e.g.
// Really wordy way to assign to (a,b)
let FunctionWithLotsOfInput w x y z = w * x * y * z
let (a,b) =
(FunctionWithLotsOfInput input1 input2 input3 input4A,
FunctionWithLotsOfInput input1 input2 input3 input4B)
We can define temporary function
let FunctionWithLotsOfInput w x y z = w * x * y * z
// Partially applied function, temporary function
let (a,b) =
let f = (FunctionWithLotsOfInput input1 input2 input3)
(f input4A, f input4B)

immutable in F#

I know that variables in F# are immutable by default.
But, for example in F# interactive:
> let x = 4;;
val x : int = 4
> let x = 5;;
val x : int = 5
> x;;
val it : int = 5
So, I assign 4 to x, then 5 to x and it's changing. Is it correct? Should it give some error or warning? Or I just don't understand how it works?
When you write let x = 3, you are binding the identifier x to the value 3. If you do that a second time in the same scope, you are declaring a new identifier that hides the previous one since it has the same name.
Mutating a value in F# is done via the destructive update operator, <-. This will fail for immutable values, i.e.:
> let x = 3;;
val x : int = 3
> x <- 5;;
x <- 5;;
stdin(2,1): error FS0027: This value is not mutable
To declare a mutable variable, add mutable after let:
let mutable x = 5;;
val mutable x : int = 5
> x <- 6;;
val it : unit = ()
> x;;
val it : int = 6
But what's the difference between the two, you might ask? An example may be enough:
let i = 0;
while i < 10 do
let i = i + 1
Despite the appearances, this is an infinite loop. The i declared inside the loop is a different i that hides the outer one. The outer one is immutable, so it always keeps its value 0 and the loop never ends. The correct way to write this is with a mutable variable:
let mutable i = 0;
while i < 10 do
i <- i + 1
x is not changed, it's just hidden by next declaration.
For example:
> let x = 4;;
val x : int = 4
> let x = "abc";;
val x : string = "abc"
You're not assigning 5 to x, you are defining a new variable.
The following example shows that there are two distinct variables.
(It also shows that you can "access" the old x if it is in a closure, used by another function):
let x = 5;;
let f y = y+x;;
f 10;;
let x = 0;;
f 10;;
val x : int = 5
val f : int -> int
> val it : int = 15
val x : int = 0
> val it : int = 15
as you see, both calls to f use the first variable x. The definition let x = 0;; defines a new variable x, but does not redefines f.
Here's a minimal example illustrating identifier "shadowing" (i.e. hiding) in F#:
let x = 0
do //introduce a new lexical scope
let x = 1 //"shadow" (i.e. hide) the previous definition of x
printfn "%i" x //prints 1
//return to outer lexical scope
printfn "%i" x //prints 0, proving that our outer definition of x was not mutated by our inner definition of x
Your example is actually a bit more complex, because you are working in the F# Interactive (FSI). FSI dynamically emits code that looks something like the following in your example:
module FSI_0001 =
let x = 4;;
open FSI_0001 //x = 4 is now available in the top level scope
module FSI_0002 =
let x = 5;;
open FSI_0002 //x = 5 is now available in the top level scope, hiding x = 4
module FSI_0003 =
let it = x;;
open FSI_0003
//... subsequent interactions
