Jenkins BUILD now issue - jenkins

In the jenkins applications ,I accidentally clicked on the " Build Now " instead of "Build with Parameters" link while trying to Build the application and now its stuck . I am unable to cancel this Build. I tried building the application again however I am unable to promote my new build because the previous Build is still not complete. Is there any way I can abort the previous build ?

in Jenkins Script console (/jenkins/script) try:

Check if you are logged in and you have permissions for aborting the build (should be at job's configuration page)
Jenkins could need some time to process the abortion request.
If you notice that Jenkins is definitely stacked, check the reason.
It could be memory, CPU or space issue.
These Linux commands are highly recommended:
df -h
The last and the most unpleasant way is rebooting Jenkins and starting the new job. NEVER try that on production machine :)


Jenkins job pauses for 15 minutes

I have a job running on a WindowsServer2012R2 agent. The job is pausing between 2 plugins (BuildNameSetter v1.6.8 and DiscardOldBuilds v1.0.5) as you can see below:
13:05:25 Set build name.
13:05:25 New build name is '5.0.811.0'
13:20:21 Discard old builds...
I've started to notice this strange behavior after upgrading Jenkins Master from 2.89 to 2.190.3.
It's frustrating to see your job taking a 15 minutes nap!
Is this a server side issue or a agent side one?
Can someone give me some hints about how to tackle this problem?
Did you experience something similar?
you could have a look at jenkins central logs /log/all to see if there is any java stacktrace error in there
Then you should first try to isolate the issue. try deactivating the build name setter step first. then try to disable the discard old build. then enable build name setter again and keep discard old build deactivated
now you know which plugin is causing the issue try to downgrade or upgrade the plugin that makes your build hang
if the issue comes from discard old build, I would try to remove clean the job's workspace and remove builds manually
look for your issue on jenkins's jira system, upvote. create a ticket if you have not found another user experiencing the same issue
Finally you should be able to find workarounds for these plugins
Today I've upgraded Jenkins to a newer version (2.263.2) on the Jenkins server and the 15 minutes pause dissapeared.

bitbucket-build-status-notifier plugin for jenkins reports wrong status

Jenkins should notify bitbucket if a job that is linked to a branch has passed or falied, and it does:
But for some reason, in the branch view, it doesn't notify about the result of the last build, and says it failed even if the last build has passed:
How do I make it refer to the result of the last build only?
Today it was released a new version of the plugin for jenkins bitbucket-build-status-notifier which allows exactly what you need to avoid the problem you describe. It's new config option "Only show latest build status", just ensure this checkbox is checked and enjoy it.
Hi I'm the maintainer of the bitbucket-build-status-notifier for Jenkins. Actually the plugin creates a new build status for every jenkins build execution for a given commit. That means that if you exec a build for a given commit id and it failed and later exec a new build for the same commir id and success, both status success and failed will remain in bitbucket, that's find and not an issue. Anyways I understand your problem or desires and you are not the only one since there's already a issue
for solving it.
At the moment I've not much time for developing this new features but I'll do it as soon as possible.

Jenkins - Copy build log from master to a shared drive

Can someone direct me here? I have a simple job configured in Jenkins on a WINDOWS environment (master and all slaves running on windows) and the job is supposed to run on a particular slave. When you build the job, the build log ( log.log) gets stored in ” %JENKINS_HOME%\jobs\\builds\%BUILD_NUMBER%\” on the master.
I do have a Jenkins workspace (which is required when you add a slave node) set on the slave for this job–where nothing gets stored when the job runs.
With this scenario, I would like to copy the build log (log.log file that’s available on the master) to a share drive. Please advise me the way to get this done. I have tried few plugins “Copy to slave”, “Copy Artifact Plugin” and ArtifactDeployer Plugin…I could not get them working to meet what I need.
Use a second build action with the execute batch option. Put the copy command there to copy the log to another location.
The following command kind-of works:
curl ${BUILD_URL}consoleFull -o ${TargetDir}/Log.txt
BUILD_URL and WORKSPACE are set by Jenkins. Unfortunately Jenkins doesn't copy the whole log. I've tried consoleText and gotten the same result: partial logs files. :-(

How to store jenkins build output with artifacts?

I have a Jenkins (which I'm new to) system that has a few constraints imposed on it:
master/slave arrangement
slave is Windows 7
installing plugins is likely to experience significant resistance
builds are to be archived to a Windows share
The goal is to have the output of the build and the log of the build archived to:
I'm using the post-build step Send build artifacts to a windows share to push the binaries to the archiving server, but I've yet to find a way to arrange for the build log to end up there too. I have discovered that the console output is available at http://jenkins/job/$jobTitle/$buildNumber/consoleText, but I'm not sure how useful that is going to be - I can't cause anything to run on the archive server to run. I'd like to maintain the separation that the master Jenkins knows about the slave and the archive, but the slave and archive are unaware of each other (that's assuming the Send build artifacts... step is running on the master rather than being pushed down to the slave to action).
Another approach I explored was to have Jenkins store the artifacts locally (via Archive the artifacts), but then I don't see a way to promtply push the result + log to the external server.
It seems that Jenkins is very flexible and that this scenario is likely already catered for, but I've yet to find out how.
Using the Post Build Task plugin, you can get the console output with a wget command:
wget -O console-output.log ${BUILD_URL}consoleText

Jenkins slaves go offline or hang when archiving artifacts

In the job post build action, am archiving the artifacts. 90% of the time, when the jenkins job reaches this step, the slave on which it is running hangs (or) goes offline (or) the job hangs and if I kill the job it throws a "Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error.
Am running Jenkins ver 1.560.
Has anyone seen this or is aware of a fix for this? Any help is appreciated.
It looks like you're running into which started in version 1.560 and will be fixed in 1.563.
It's always a good idea to browse the Jenkins change log, especially the Community Ratings section, when you install a new version.
Whenever Hudson master will run out of space, slaves will disconnect and will have to be restarted.
You need to check Hudson master box and see how much space is allocated to the drive where hudson is running.
Another thing to note is that even if a job is running on slave, artifacts are archived always on master. So space allocation on master should be done properly.
I ran into this issue with 1.560v of Jenkins. Right now I have disabled the archiving of the maven artifacts from the "Build" section.
