Updating label in a cell of UITableView - ios

My UITableViewCell has a cell template which is created from another nib file. The cell has a UIlabel object. Now, once the UITableView has loaded and the text has been displayed, and if I want to change its value by clicking a button from another cell, How should I do it ?
I have updated the text of the UIlabel but how to show it on the screen? Should I reload the entire table? Kindly let me know if there is any good way to do it.

You can use KVO for this purpose. Each cell observes the model, and when it changes, update some fields.


Is it possible to change attribute of individual UITableViewCell?

Is it possible to make changes to a particular UITableViewCell? For example, change the text in one cell of a table view with a button click?
It's possible, but you should not do that.
As you said in your comment, you can ask the table view for a cell and then make changes to that cell, but don't do that.
You should do what HHumorous said, and change your data model, then tell the table view to reload the affected cell.
If you simply change the appearance of the cell, then when the user scrolls that cell off-screen and then back on-screen the changes will be lost.

UITableView within UITableViewCell does not get updated

I have tried to create a custom cell that would display a list of items. To achieve this I tried to create a custom cell with UITableView inside it with scroll disabled.
The problem I have with this is when i try to apply changes to the cells in the inner UITableView data just does not get updated and the cell stays as it was. I have tried calling [tableView reloadData], [cell setNeedsDispaly], [cell setNeedsLayout] to no avail.
It seems like the data that has been applied when the cell was initialised persists through any attempts to change it. Though, when I create a breakpoint in cellForRowAtIndexPath: the data does get updated but is not rendered.(e.g. text property of UILabel has new value, but text is old on the screen.)
You need to nil the cell and then reload the table view. For some reason iOS caches table view data and stuff doesn't get updated correctly.
You could try overriding UITableViewCell's prepareForReuse(): in that method you can set all the cell's outlets/properties to nil. You would do this for the cells in the main cell's table view. I am assuming those are custom cells as well and that you have a custom UITableViewCell subclass for them.
Refer [I have two views on one cell, when I click on a cell it will be hidden and one edit form will be expanded on that. How to resolve that? ..check in accepted answer methods ...
[tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:ll withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic] in didSelectRowAtIndexPath

How to integrate a "like" button in swift tableviewCell

What is the logic i should follow to integrate a like button in a tableview cell?
How do you update a text label inside the cell signaling how many likes it has in real time IE: when you click the like button it either adds a like or removes a like?
The button also is highlighted when current_like = true
and not highlighted when current_like = false
Where do I update that kind of stuff?
How can you update a cells label and display the new label from within the cell? or is it NECESSARY to reload cell for row at Index Path?
The two main problems/steps you have to achieve are:
- Update the label with the new like
- Update the datasource of the table to keep the data persistent.
So, what I would make:
Set your custom UITableViewCell as target for the Button, so the cell can know when the button was clicked. In the target function/selector you should update the label.
Now, you have to inform the datasource of your table that the cell has a new like. You can create a protocol in UITableViewCell and set the TableDataSource as its delegate. Then, when the button was clicked you can notify the delegate.
You can achieve the same behavior with NSNotificationCenter, instead delegation.
Regards ;)
To change the cell's content without reloading you need to create a pointer to that cell. You can change your cell's parameters directly using a pointer without reloading cell. So it would be something like
self.myCell.label.text = something
And to assign the pointer to your cell you must put something like this in your cell adding method:
self.myCell = yourLikeCounterCell

change the position of textfield inside an expandable uitableview cell in iOS

Hi, I am new to iOS and i am trying to have two text fields inside a custom table view cell and the cells are dynamic, so I will be having two text fields in each cell and when a cell is selected the cell will expand
How can I reposition the text field when the cell expands? One text field should be on the top and the other one on the bottom inside the tableview cell.
How can i access the uitext field delegate inside uitable view delegate
textFieldShouldBeginEditing inside tableView:didDeselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath
Thanks in advance
I would suggest having two different custom UITableViewCells - one for viewing and one for editing. When didSelectRowAtIndexPath is called, replace the selected cell with the second custom cell designed for editing. When the user is finished, replace it again with the original custom cell type.
For your second question about accessing subviews of the UITableViewCell, you have several options. I'm going to assume you're using storyboards.
If you created a custom class for your UITableViewCells, you can add the UITextView as a class property and connect it as a outlet from your storyboard to your class by making it an IBOutlet. That way you can access it via self.nameOfTextView.
If you don't want to create a custom class for your UITableViewCells, you can assign the subviews tags and access them via (UITextView *)[cell.contentView viewWithTag:1]. This second option can also be used if you aren't using storyboards.

UIPickerView in UITableViewCell - how to select values instead of scrolling TableView?

I've got a custom UITableViewCell that has a label and a UIPickerView. Display works fine, but when I want to select a value in the Picker, the TableView scrolls. What can I do so that the gestures in the cell go to the Picker instead of the whole TableView?
The only solution I could come up with was to set the whole TableView to scrollEnabled = NO. This works for the Picker, but now I can't get to the cells under the custom cell. Control has to be more fine-grained.
If you can get hold of the UIGestureRecognizer for each of the two gestures, and tell one it needs to wait for the other to fail. With one in every cell, that becomes over-wieldy.
Perhaps you should add a control or have the accessory view "bring up" the picker, and then dismiss it when done.
