Images in public folder not found after each push on heroku - ruby-on-rails

I am having issues with my Rails App on Heroku.
After every push to heroku any images I uploaded with paperclip Gem return a 404 error message.
How I resolve this?

You cannot use the local file system on Heroku to store uploaded files, because you get a new instance each time you deploy. I advise to read about Ephemeral filesystem on Heroku.
To fix your problem you show store uploaded files on an external service like Amazon S3. You might want to follow Heroku's documentation about uploading to S3


Ruby on Rails app on Heroku file upload not working

I'm new to Rails and Heroku as well.
Following tutorials I succeed to upload my app to Heroku.
My app is enable us to upload csv file to uploads folder in public.
So I can upload file in heroku deployed app and show table as I want.
But after 30 mins or so those files are removed automatically and showing error that no such file in public/uploads folder.
It is properly working on my local which is using sqlite3.
But heroku want to use psql for production mode so I changed production mode to use psql.
So if I upload csv file then it is stored in 'public/uploads' folder.
I think heroku app is automatically update to github repo even I didn't execute 'git push heroku master' command.
In my local repository files are stored but they are run on development mode.
How can I make upload functionality fully working?
Any help would be appreciate.
Ephemeral filesystem is just the way heroku works, as explained in the article - uploaded files will be removed when the instance is restarted.
What you should do is to upload those files for example to S3 (, you can achieve this with CarrierWave gem with Fog gem but there are other possibilities as explained in this thread here:

Rails - How to host static assets on S3 with Heroku

I have a rails 5 app I'm about to deploy.
the image folder is over 300 Mb (over the limit of heroku's deploy size) So I've uploaded all the images to S3 however, Heroku is still precompiling and the build is failing because of the slug size.
Can anyone point me to articles or help me solve the following problems?
Precompile Assets and send them to S3
Use CloudFront with my S3 Bucket (Do I need cloud front?)
How to Understand bucket policies and how they relate to cloud front / hosting.
Actually bypass the 300Mb limit of slug size on heroku and get this app deployed
much appreciated!
Heroku aready had a document about this. Please check it out here.
You should delete assets files was already in your repo
Ignore them from git and push to Heroku
Follow above article and check whether it works or not

After each push to Heroku I get 404 errors on images

I am having issues with my Rails App on Heroku.
After every push to heroku any images I uploaded with Carrierwave Gem return a 404 error message.
Do I need to precompile this folder or point to it ?
Does Heroku replace this folder with a blank one?
Should I create my app with all the images on locathost and then push the database?
Heroku is Read-only Filesystem
The following types of behaviors are not supported:
Caching pages in the public directory
Saving uploaded assets to local disk (e.g. with attachment_fu or paperclip)
Writing full-text indexes with Ferret
Writing to a filesystem database like SQLite or GDBM
Accessing a git repo for an app like git-wiki
You need to use an external storage solution. You can accomplish this for example by using the gem carrierwave-aws instead of the gem carrierwave, with which you can configure an Amazon S3 bucket to store your images on...

Precompiling uploaded assets

I have a rails 3.1 application where users upload pictures. I am storing them in /assets/images since that is the path image_tag looks for instead of public/images.
Everything works fine in development but I deployed to Heroku and it gives me this error:
ActionView::Template::Error (image_name.jpeg isn't precompiled)
What is the right way to handle such a situation? Is there a way to compile images after uploading or should I store them somewhere else?
You must not use the filesystem on Heroku to store uploads.
You should not use image_path with uploaded images, since that assumes it is looking at the filesystem. If you use image_tag, you must pass a complete URL, not just an image name.
Are you using carrierwave for your images uploads? You can store them on amazon S3 reasonably easy with carrier wave. Carrierwave instructions Other solutions have S3 storage easily accessible as well.
Heroku will NOT let you store files in the filesystem. Run
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
to compile you assets locally, add to git, and push to heroku but you cannot add images later via your application on heroku. If you upload them to the /temp folder they will stay there for a short while or until you re-deploy/update your code I believe.

Paperclip and Heroku without s3?

I'm trying to upload a file using paperclip in a production environment in Heroku and the log files show:
Errno::EACCES (Permission denied - /app/public/system/photos/1/small/081811-2012-honda-cbr1000rr-leaked-003.jpg):
Will I have to use s3 or similar to handle file uploads, or can I configure path permissions to store the files on Heroku?
Yes Heroku does not allows you to add files dynamically to its server.
Though if you need upload feature on a app on heroku you need to configure s3 or other similar services
Refer this for details
Yes, you must use S3 or another persistent store like Rackspace cloudfiles, Dropbox etc.
Whilst you can write to the tmp on all the stacks, the Cedar stack does let you write to the file system but it's not shared across dynos or dyno stop/restarts.
Yeah, it is true that Heroku does not allow you to upload files directly onto their servers. However, you can shove your files into your database. I used a gem created by Pat Shaughnessy:
It worked well.
