CakePHP 3 routing dynamic url - url

I have an eCommerce website and need to create some custom URLs. These URLs will be generated dynamically. The structure will be
Example URL:
Here the category name is dynamic. It will change for each product, it can be or so on
In any case these URLs should be redirected to
I tried the following script:
['controller' => 'Products','action' => 'productDetail'],
['type' => '\b(?:(?!admin)\w)+\b'],
'slug' => '[A-Za-z-]+',
'pass' => [
['type' => '\b(?:(?!admin)\w)+\b'] is to exclude the other controllers. In this case 'Admin'. This works but the parameters passed through the URL (product-title) is not getting in the controller function(productDetail)
Any help will be appreciated.
It is fixed. Updated script below.
['controller' => 'Products','action' => 'productDetail'],
'type' => '\b(?:(?!admin)\w)+\b',
'pass' => ['slug']

According to the API the connect() function only accepts 3 parameters and you are actually passing 4. See Cake Routing Router - Connect
I have not tested this at all, but I think you should re-write it like this:
['controller' => 'Products','action' => 'productDetail'],
'type' => '\b(?:(?!admin)\w)+\b',
'slug' => '[A-Za-z-]+',
'pass' => ['slug']


Yii2 does not create nice url - parameter

I use the URL manager in Yii2 to create nice urls, which works, as long as there are no parameters on the url.
I set up the following config:
urlManager' => [
'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
'showScriptName' => false,
'rules' => [
Url::to(array('crtl/action', 'paramx' => 'computer:net', 'paramy' => 'abc')) results in the following url:
But what I need is the following:
How can I prettify the url paramters to?
If your argument is number then rule of URL manager will be:
'<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:\d+>' => '<controller>/<action>'
If your argument is text then rule of URL manager will be:
'<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<name:\w+>' => '<controller>/<action>'
In case we declare pretty url, if we need result followed by '/' then we also need to define url rules for routing
'urlManager' => [
'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
'showScriptName' => false,
'rules' => [
'<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:\w+>/<ids:\w+>' => '<controller>/<action>',
So we can call this routing as :
<a href="<?php echo \yii\helpers\Url::base(true)."/site/testing/5/8"?>">
<a href="<?php echo \yii\helpers\Url::to(['site/testing','paramx'=>'x1','paramy'=>'y1'])?>">
In first case we had created the url as we want.
In second case we had used url:to for routing as we can see we had provided paramX and param y in parameter.
For both of this,the result will be,
public function actionTesting() {
}//will get the query params that we had sent
Output will be:Array ( [paramx] => x1 [paramy] => y1 ) ;
As the case you are asking is not the url routing pattern for yii2,this is the preferred way for yii2

Yii url manager only ID in url

i have in YII for example domain:
how to set rules in urlManager and how to use controller/action/id
If you want to use this url
and suppose 'index' is the name of the action of the 'user' controller that will handle the request
Then create a rule like
Now if you will use Yii::app()->createUrl('user/index',array('id'=>'product-url-1234'))
then it will give you the desired result.
And if you Visit this Url, User/Index will handle the request.
You are trying forward all request to one controller at root level.
I Assumed that all your request are redirected product/view route
in your config go to URL section,
'urlManager' => array(
'urlFormat' => 'path',
'showScriptName' => false,
'rules' => array(
'(.*)' => 'product/view',
'post/<id:\d+>/<title:.*?>' => 'post/view',
'posts/<tag:.*?>' => 'post/index',
'<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>' => '<controller>/<action>',
that means you are capturing all your root requests to product controllers view action
Where you can get using
Yii::app()->request->requestUri in product/view
but this is not good way to capture all your incoming request to a single controller, the better way would be as follows.
then you have to change the configuration
'urlManager' => array(
'urlFormat' => 'path',
'showScriptName' => false,
'rules' => array(
'product/<product:.*?>' => 'product/view',
'post/<id:\d+>/<title:.*?>' => 'post/view',
'posts/<tag:.*?>' => 'post/index',
'<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>' => '<controller>/<action>',
in your view action, you can get the url through $_GET['product']

Adding parameters to URL in ZF2

I am trying to construct url which looks like this:
Followed the suggestion given in this link:
How can you add query parameters in the ZF2 url view helper
Initially, it throws up this error
Query route deprecated as of ZF 2.1.4; use the "query" option of the HTTP router\'s assembling method instead
Following suggestion, I used similar to
$name = 'index/article';
$params = ['article_id' => $articleId];
$options = [
'query' => ['param' => 'value'],
$this->url($name, $params, $options);
Now, I am getting syntax error saying,
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /var/www/test/module/Dashboard/view/dashboard/dashboard/product.phtml on line 3
My module.config.php is configured like this:
'browse_test_case' => array(
'type' => 'Literal',
'options' => array(
'route' => '/browse-case[/:productId]',
'defaults' => array(
'controller' => 'Test\Controller\Browse',
'action' => 'browse-test-case',
'may_terminate' => true,
'child_routes' => array(
'query' => array(
'type' => 'Query',
Any Idea, please help!
Your url view helper call is wrong. First parameter is the name of a defined route, second parameter is an array with your route parameters. Your array syntax should also be correct. e.g.
array("param1" => "value1", "param2" => "value2")
In your example the correct url view helper call should be something like this:
$this->url('browse_test_case', array('productId' => '1')); which "1" could be an database table row identifier, for example.
The Query child-route in your route definition, allows you to use also other url paramaters, than specified within the route. But each of these child-routes start with "/browse-case[/:productId]".
There you find the reference example of ZF2:

How to handle GET params within urlManager's rule in Yii?

I pass a query string to SearchController::actionDefault in form of GET parameter q:
However I need to define a rule that would automatically initialize this parameter with some value or define another param.
If I'll request I need get the same content like in /search/?q=*
This is what I've tried:
'/showall' => '/search/default/index/?r=*',
I solved this!
there is possible to set defaultParams in urlManager, and finaly it looks like in application config file:
'components' => array(
'urlManager' => array(
'rules' => array(
'/show_all' => array( '/search/default/index', 'defaultParams' => array('show_all'=>'-') ),
The accepted answer also works when you are getting different requests and you need to map it to the same GET param.
For example I want all of these requests:
to actually generate: user/index?content=photos.
This might be one of a way to go:
'<controller:user>/(<content:photos>|pics|pictures)' => array('<controller>/index', 'defaultParams'=>array('content'=>'photos')),

Url routing for custom controller in yii

I'm new in yii framework and have a problem with url routing.
I have one controller - StaticPage and actions index (default) and send.
Thats my config:
'urlManager' => array(
'showScriptName' => false,
'urlFormat' => 'path',
'rules' => array(
'call' => 'staticPage/index',
'call/send' => 'staticPage/send'
When i try set pattern like this 'call/<_a>' => 'staticPage/<_a>' i get 404 error, why ?
Always put the more specific rules on top. After a rule matches all following rules will not be checked anymore. That means in your case, if you try the URL /call/send, the first rule will match and route to staticPage/index.
If you want to add 'call/<_a>' => 'staticPage/<_a>' make this the first rule and remove the 'call/send' rule.
This works for me:
'call' => 'staticPage/index',
'call/<action:\w+>' => 'staticPage/<action>',
//or 'call/<action:(send|abc|something)>' => 'staticPage/<action>',
