I have Coffeescript file in the following format. I have to generate all the possible combinations using the : :. I have already written the code for combinations. It is working fine. But, somehow the configuration file is changed & I have to modify that code. So, could anyone please help me to solve this problem?
version: 4
groups: [
default: 1
us: 0.90
me: 0.0
value: "LessPopularityEPC"
default: 0
us: 0.1
value: "CtrEpcJob"
default: 0
me: 1.0
value: "RandomPerVisitor"
I would like to have the data formatted in the following format:
I am using the following code here :
END_REGEXP = /# Routes/
def Automate_AB_tests.abTestParser(input_file,output_file)
raise "Source File doesn't exist at provided path" unless File.exists?(input_file)
flag = false #setting default value of flag=FALSE to parse the data between two REGEX
File.open(output_file, "w") do |ofile| #opening destination file in WRITE mode
File.foreach(input_file) do |iline| #Reading each lines of source file
flag = true if iline =~ START_REGEXP
ofile.puts(iline.sub(" ", '').sub("value:",'')) if flag && (iline =~ /value/ || iline=~ /,/ || iline =~ /]/) unless (iline =~ COMMENT_EXP or iline =~ COMMA_REGEXP)
flag = false if iline =~ END_REGEXP
Assuming that what you want is to take each key under abTests, e.g. ProductRanking, and return a hash with those keys having the value of the value key in their first group, then like so:
data['abTests'].each_with_object({}) do |(key, testData), resultingHash|
resultingHash[key] = testData['groups'].first['value']
However, if that's not what you want, then you need to be a bit more clear. Try working through the operations you want to achieve on paper, and break down your thought process step-by-step. The two operations that tend to be most useful when processing list or hash data are map and reduce (each_with_object being a form of reduction). Look through the documentation of the Enumerable module of Ruby for more info.
Assume that you have a ruby hash, which can be rewrite as
data = {:abTests=>{:productRanking=>{:version=>4, :groups=>[{:ratio=>{:default=>1, :us=>0.9, :me=>0.0}, :value=>"LessPopularityEPC"}]}}}
you can loop over this data hash to get your desired result
for eg:
result_hash = {}
data[:abTests].each do |key, value|
result_hash = {k.to_sym => value[:groups][0][:value]}
puts result_hash
puts result_hash[:productRanking] //outputs "LessPopularityEPC"
I would like to compare two hashes and forces them to be equal:
one with Symbols on keys and values
the second with only strings.
sym_hash = {:id=>58, :locale=>:"en-US"}
string_hash = {"id"=>58, "locale"=>"en-US"}
Try like this does not work:
> sym_hash == string_hash
=> false
I first tried to symbolized the string_hash:
> string_hash.deep_symbolize_keys
=> {:id=>58, :locale=>"en-US"}
But it is still false because sym_hash still has : in front of locale var.
Then I tried to stringified the sym_hash:
> sym_hash.with_indifferent_access
=> {"id"=>58, "locale"=>:"en-US"}
But when I test for equality it is still false for the same reasons.
To answer many comments abouy why I wanted those hashes to be equal here, I'll explain what I'm trying to do.
I'm using Reque to manage my jobs. Now I wanted to do a class to avoid having the same* job running, or being enqueued twice in the same time.
(same: for me the same job is a job having the same parameters, I would like to be able to enqueu twice the same jobs having differents ids for instance.)
For that I'm a using the plugin resque-status, so far I'm able to know when a job is running or not. Beside, when I save the params using set I notice that the message written to Redis(because resque-status is using Redis to keep track of the job's status) is not properly saved with symbols.
Here is my class:
# This class is used to run thread-lock jobs with Resque.
# It will check if the job with the exact same params is already running or in the queue.
# If the job is not finished, it will returns false,
# otherwise, it will run and returns a the uuid of the job.
class JobLock
def self.run(obj, params = {})
# Get rid of completed jobs.
# Check if your job is currently running or is in the queue.
if !detect_processing_job(obj, params)
job_uuid = obj.create(params)
job_name: obj.to_s,
params: params)
def self.detect_processing_job(obj, params = {})
Resque::Plugins::Status::Hash.statuses.detect do |job|
job['job_name'] == obj.to_s && compare_hashes(job['params'], params)
def self.compare_hashes(string_hash, sym_hash)
[sym_hash, string_hash].map do |h|
h.map { |kv| kv.map(&:to_s) }.sort
end.reduce :==
And here how I can use it:
JobLock.run(MyAwesomeJob, id: 58, locale: :"en-US")
As you can see I used #mudasobwa's answer but I hope there is a easier way to achieve what I am trying to do!
How about this?
require 'set'
def sorta_equal?(sym_hash, str_hash)
return false unless sym_hash.size == str_hash.size
sym_hash.to_a.to_set == str_hash.map { |pair|
pair.map { |o| o.is_a?(String) ? o.to_sym : o } }.to_set
sym_hash= {:id=>58, :locale=>:"en-US"}
sorta_equal?(sym_hash, {"id"=>58, "locale"=>"en-US"}) #=> true
sorta_equal?(sym_hash, {"locale"=>"en-US", "id"=>58 }) #=> true
sorta_equal?(sym_hash, {"id"=>58, "local"=>"en-US", "a"=>"b" }) #=> false
sorta_equal?(sym_hash, {"id"=>58, "lacole"=>"en-US"}) #=> false
sorta_equal?(sym_hash, {"id"=>58, [1,2,3]=>"en-US"}) #=> false
sorta_equal?({}, {}) #=> true
class A; end
a = A.new
sorta_equal?({:id=>a, :local=>:b}, {"id"=>a, "local"=>"b"}) #=> true
You could try to convert both hashes to JSON, and then compare them:
require 'json'
# => true
sym_hash = {:id=>58, :locale=>:"en-US"}
# => {:id=>58, :locale=>:"en-US"}
string_hash = {"id"=>58, "locale"=>"en-US"}
# => {"id"=>58, "locale"=>"en-US"}
sym_hash.to_json == string_hash.to_json
# => true
The version below works as PHP force-coercion equality:
[sym_hash, string_hash].map do |h|
h.map { |kv| kv.map(&:to_s) }.sort
end.reduce :==
BTW, it’s not a one-liner only because I respect people with smartphones. On terminals of width 80 it’s a perfect oneliner.
To coerce only symbols to strings, preserving numerics to be distinguished from their string representations:
[sym_hash, string_hash].map do |h|
h.map { |kv| kv.map { |e| e.is_a?(Symbol) ? e.to_s : e } }.sort
end.reduce :==
The value of locale in sym_hash is a Symbol :"en-US",
while the value of locale in string_hash is a String.
So they are not equal.
Now if you do:
sym_hash = {:id=>58, :locale=>"en-US"}
string_hash = {"id"=>58, "locale"=>"en-US"}
sym_hash == string_hash
=> true
Finaly, to answer my problem I didn't need to force comparaison between hashes. I use Marshal to avoid the problem
class JobLock
def self.run(obj, params = {})
# Get rid of completed jobs.
# Check if your job is currently running or is in the queue.
if !detect_processing_job(obj, params)
job_uuid = obj.create(params)
job_name: obj.to_s,
params: Marshal.dump(params))
def self.detect_processing_job(obj, params = {})
Resque::Plugins::Status::Hash.statuses.detect do |job|
job['job_name'] == obj.to_s && Marshal.load(job['params']) == params
Anyway, I let this question here because maybe it will help some people in the future...
This is a slight deviation from the original question and an adaptation of some of the suggestions above. If the values can also be String / Symbol agnostic, then may I suggest:
def flat_hash_to_sorted_string_hash(hash)
hash.map { |key_value| key_value.map(&:to_s) }.sort.to_h.to_json
this helper function can then be used to assert two hashes have effectively the same values without being type sensitive
assert_equal flat_hash_to_sorted_string_hash({ 'b' => 2, a: '1' }), flat_hash_to_sorted_string_hash({ b: '2', 'a' => 1 }) #=> true
by mapping a hash, the result is an array
by making the keys / values a consistent type, we can leverage the Array#sort method without raising an error: ArgumentError: comparison of Array with Array failed
sorting gets the keys in a common order
to_h return the object back to a hash
NOTE: this will not work for complex hashes with nested objects or for Float / Int, but as you can see the Int / String comparison works as well. This was inspired by the JSON approach already discussed, but without needing to use JSON, and felt like more than a comment was warranted here as this was the post I found the inspiration for the solution I was seeking.
I have a Rake task in my Rails app which looks into a folder for an XML file, parses it, and saves it to a database. The code works OK, but I have about 2100 files totaling 1.5GB, and processing is very slow, about 400 files in 7 hours. There are approximately 600-650 contracts in each XML file, and each contract can have 0 to n attachments. I did not paste all values, but each contract has 25 values.
To speed-up the process I use Activerecord's Import gem, so I am building an array per file and when the whole file is parsed. I do a mass import to Postgres. Only if a record is found is it directly updated and/or a new attachment inserted, but this is like 1 out of 100000 records. This helps a little, instead of doing new record per contract, but now I see that the slow part is XML parsing. Can you please look if I am doing something wrong in my parsing?
When I tried to print the arrays I am building, the slow part was until it loaded/parsed whole file and starts printing array by array. Thats why I assume the probem with speed is in parsing as Nokogiri loads the whole XML before it starts.
require 'nokogiri'
require 'pp'
require "activerecord-import/base"
namespace :loadcrz2 do
desc "this task load contracts from crz xml files to DB"
task contracts: :environment do
actual_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__).to_s
Dir.foreach(actual_dir+'/../../crzfiles') do |xmlfile|
next if xmlfile == '.' or xmlfile == '..' or xmlfile == 'archive'
page = Nokogiri::XML(open(actual_dir+"/../../crzfiles/"+xmlfile))
puts xmlfile
cons = page.xpath('//contracts/*')
contractsarr = []
#c =[]
cons.each do |contract|
name = contract.xpath("name").text
crzid = contract.xpath("ID").text
procname = contract.xpath("procname").text
conname = contract.xpath("contractorname").text
subject = contract.xpath("subject").text
dateeff = contract.xpath("dateefficient").text
valuecontract = contract.xpath("value").text
attachments = contract.xpath('attachments/*')
attacharray = []
attachments.each do |attachment|
attachid = attachment.xpath("ID").text
attachname = attachment.xpath("name").text
doc = attachment.xpath("document").text
size = attachment.xpath("size").text
arr = [attachid,attachname,doc,size]
attacharray.push arr
#con = Crzcontract.find_by_crzid(crzid)
if #con.nil?
#c=Crzcontract.new(:crzname => name,:crzid => crzid,:crzprocname=>procname,:crzconname=>conname,:crzsubject=>subject,:dateeff=>dateeff,:valuecontract=>valuecontract)
#con.crzname = name
#con.crzid = crzid
attacharray.each do |attar|
#at = Crzattachment.find_by_attachid(attachid)
if #at.nil?
if #con.nil?
#a.attachid = attachid
#a.attachname = attachname
#a.doc = doc
#a.size = size
if #c.present?
contractsarr.push #c
#p #c
#p contractsarr
puts "done"
if contractsarr.present?
Crzcontract.import contractsarr, recursive: true
FileUtils.mv(actual_dir+"/../../crzfiles/"+xmlfile, actual_dir+"/../../crzfiles/archive/"+xmlfile)
There are a number of problems with the code. Here are some ways to improve it:
actual_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__).to_s
Don't use to_s. dirname is already returning a string.
actual_dir+'/../../crzfiles', with and without a trailing path delimiter is used repeatedly. Don't make Ruby rebuild the concatenated string over and over. Instead define it once, but take advantage of Ruby's ability to build the full path:
File.absolute_path('../../bar', '/path/to/foo') # => "/path/bar"
So use:
actual_dir = File.absolute_path('../../crzfiles', __FILE__)
and then refer to actual_dir only:
This is unwieldy:
next if xmlfile == '.' or xmlfile == '..' or xmlfile == 'archive'
I'd do:
next if (xmlfile[0] == '.' || xmlfile == 'archive')
or even:
next if xmlfile[/^(?:\.|archive)/]
Compare these:
'.hidden'[/^(?:\.|archive)/] # => "."
'.'[/^(?:\.|archive)/] # => "."
'..'[/^(?:\.|archive)/] # => "."
'archive'[/^(?:\.|archive)/] # => "archive"
'notarchive'[/^(?:\.|archive)/] # => nil
'foo.xml'[/^(?:\.|archive)/] # => nil
The pattern will return a truthy value if it starts with '.' or is equal to 'archive'. It's not as readable but it's compact. I'd recommend the compound conditional test though.
In some places, you're concatenating xmlfile, so again let Ruby do it once:
xml_filepath = File.join(actual_dir, xmlfile)
which will honor the file path delimiter for whatever OS you're running on. Then use xml_filepath instead of concatenating the name:
xml_filepath = File.join(actual_dir, xmlfile)))
page = Nokogiri::XML(open(xml_filepath))
FileUtils.mv(xml_filepath, File.join(actual_dir, "archive", xmlfile)
join is a good tool so take advantage of it. It's not just another name for concatenating strings, because it's also aware of the correct delimiter to use for the OS the code is running on.
You use a lot of instances of:
Don't do that. xpath, along with css and search return a NodeSet, and text when used on a NodeSet can be evil in a way that'll hurtle you down a very steep and slippery slope. Consider this:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<EOT)
doc.search('//node/data').class # => Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet
doc.search('//node/data').text # => "foobar"
The concatenation of the text into 'foobar' can't be split easily and it's a problem we see here in questions too often.
Do this if you expect getting a NodeSet back because of using search, xpath or css:
doc.search('//node/data').map(&:text) # => ["foo", "bar"]
It's better to use at, at_xpath or at_css if you're after a specific node because then text will work as you'd expect.
See "How to avoid joining all text from Nodes when scraping" also.
There's a lot of replication that could be DRY'd. Instead of this:
name = contract.xpath("name").text
crzid = contract.xpath("ID").text
procname = contract.xpath("procname").text
You could do something like:
name, crzid, procname = [
'name', 'ID', 'procname'
].map { |s| contract.at(s).text }
I'm trying to find a specific text segment within a text file and than a specific line within the text segment. The algorithm should be as follow:
1)First, search for a line which contains the keyword "Macros"
2)The next found line must contain the keyword "Name"
3)And finally print me the next line
As pseudo code I mean something like this:
File.open(file_name) do |f|
f.each_line {|line|
if line.include?("Macros")
and if next line.include?("Name")
print me the line after
Any suggestions?
I would use boolean flags to remember that I already matched the parts of the condition:
File.open(file_name) do |file|
marcos_found = false
name_found = false
file.each_line do |line|
if line.include?('Macros')
marcos_found = true
elsif found_marcos && line.include?("Name")
name_found = true
elsif marcos_found && name_found
puts line
break # do not search further or print later matches
You could use a regex:
r = /
\bMacros\b # Match "Macros" surrounded by word breaks
.*?$ # Match anything lazily to the end of the line
[^$]* # Match anything lazily other than a line break
\bName\b # Match "Name" surrounded by word breaks
.*?\n # Match anything lazily to the end of the line
\K # Discard everything matched so far
.*?$ # Match anything lazily to the end of the line
/x # Extended/free-spacing mode
text = <<-_
You can use
Macros in C
to replace code.
Ruby doesn't
have Macros.
"Name That Tune"
was an old TV
Let's write this to file:
FName = "test"
File.write(FName, text)
#=> 104
read it back into a string:
str = File.read(FName)
#=> "You can use\nMacros in C\nto replace code.\nRuby doesn't\nhave " +
# "Macros.\n\"Name That Tune\"\nwas an old TV\nshow.\n"
and test the regex:
text.scan r
#=> ["was an old TV"]
I am trying to create Hash with dynamic key and respective values. For example like this
hash = {1 => 23.67, 1 => 78.44, 3 => 66.33, 12 => 44.2}
Something like this in which 1,2,12 are array index. I hope it is understandable. I am trying with the syntax from ROR tutorials.
Like this
test = Hash.new
for i in 0..23
if (s.duration.start.hour == array[i].hour)
s.sgs.each do |s1|
case s1.type.to_s
when 'M'
test ={i => s1.power} # here I am trying to create hash like give example in which i is for loop value
when 'L'
puts "to be done done"
puts "Not Found"
Updated code
test = Hash.new
for i in 0..23
if (s.duration.start.hour == array[i].hour)
s.sgs.each do |s1|
case s.type.to_s
when 'M'
puts s1.power;
test[i] = s1._power
when 'L'
puts "to be done"
puts "Not Found"
on traversing
for t in 0..array.size
puts test[t]
Results :
t = 68.6 # which is last value
and expected
t = 33.4
t = 45.6 etc
Sample logs
after assign {23=>#<BigDecimal:7f3a1e9a6870,'0.3E2',9(18)>}
before assign {23=>#<BigDecimal:7f3a1e9a6870,'0.2E2',9(18)>}
after assign {23=>#<BigDecimal:7f3a1e9ce550,'-0.57E2',9(18)>}
before assign {23=>#<BigDecimal:7f3a1e9ce550,'-0.57E2',9(18)>}
if any other optimised solution is there would be good thanks
You are re-assigning test with a new hash on each iteration. You should add to it, so instead of
test ={i => s1.power}
you should do:
test[i] = s1.power
This sets the value of key i to s1.power
If you want to keep an array of all the values for a given key, I would suggest the following (more ruby-ish) solution:
hour_idx = array.find_index { |item| s.duration.start.hour == item.hour }
values = case s.type.to_s
when 'M'
when 'L'
puts "to be done"
puts "Not Found"
test = { hour_idx => values }
What I'm doing here is:
Find the hour_idx which is relevant to the current s (I assume there is only one such item)
Create an array of all the relevant values according to s.type (if it is 'M' an array of all the _power of s.sgs, for 'L' whatever map you need, and nil otherwise)
Create the target hash using the values set in #1 and #2...
I want to check weather variable contains a valid number or not.
I can validate correctly for null and blank but can not validate text as a "Integer"...
I tried:
if(params[:paramA].blank? || (params[:paramA].is_a?(Integer)) )
I have also tried is_numeric, is_numeric(string), is_number? and other ways...
but did not get success...
I saw such patch:
class String
def is_number?
true if Float(self) rescue false
if (params[:paramA].blank? || !params[:paramA].is_number?)
Or without the patch:
if (params[:paramA].blank? || (false if Float(params[:paramA]) rescue true))
It supports 12, -12, 12.12, 1e-3 and so on.
If your parameter is for an ActiveRecord model, then you should probably use validates_numericality_of. Otherwise...
You only want integers, right? How about:
if (params[:paramA].blank? || params[:paramA] !~ /^[+-]?\d+$/)
That is, check whether the parameter consists of an optional + or -, followed by 1 or more digits, and nothing else.
If the thing you want to do is this:
I want to check weather variable contains a valid number or not.
You can get it with regex. See it here
s = 'abc123'
if s =~ /[-.0-9]+/ # Calling String's =~ method.
puts "The String #{s} has a number in it."
puts "The String #{s} does not have a number in it."
In rails you can use the numeric? method on a String or Integer or Float which does exactly what you need.
# => true
# => true
# => true
# => true
# => false
My bad, I had a dirty environment, the above works if mongoid version 3 and above is loaded.