Quantstrat: sell at next bar (custom) - trading

I am working on modifying the built-in functions in quantstrat which are related to stop-limits. I want to test a system which sells only when closing price is below the stoplimit. I was able to change the comparison data so it sells when close < stoplimit.
However, the sale transaction occurs on the same day that the close triggers the sale. This is a problem I'm working on.
How to change this code to sell on the next day?
if(orderType == 'stoplimit')
txnprice <- min(orderPrice, Op(mktdataTimestamp)[,1])
txnprice <- orderPrice
txntime = timestamp

Here's the code I used to control order price:
txnprice = try(getPrice(x=mktdata[curIndex+1L], prefer=prefer)[,1])
The +1L adds a day before the getPrice acts on the curIndex. This is nice because it also takes prefer.
I haven't figured out how to change txntime to the next market day. I can just delay it a day:
txntime = timestamp+1

A message from Ilya Kipnis:
The ordertype argument is the order type. For most of my demos that I’ve presented thus far, I’ve mostly used “market” type orders, which are the simplest. Market orders execute at the next bar after receiving the signal. They do not execute on the signal bar, but the bar after the signal bar. On daily data, this might cause some P/L due to gaps, but on intraday data, the open of the next bar should be very similar to the close of current bar. One thing to note is that using monthly data, quantstrat uses current-bar execution.


Trying to COUNTIFS date = this week (sunday-saturday)?

I'm building a spreadsheet that automatically gets a row added when I get an application on my form. Here is the link to the sheet. As you can see, the first tab is just a list of applications, with the location they've applied for, and the date. The second tab is a daily count for each location, which is eventually sent out as an email each night. I'd like to include weekly numbers, and maybe even an ongoing weekly comparison. e.g. # of apps today, this week (so far), last week, etc.
I'm no expert with this stuff and it's getting a bit over my head possibly. Any ideas on how to get this done smoothly?? Thanks a ton in advance!
Your problem (like many) is primarily a problem with the organization of your raw data.
On a new tab called MK.Help, I've put the following formula in cell A2:
=ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(Applications!A2:A&"|"&Applications!S2:S&"|"&FLOOR(Applications!S2:S-2,7)+2&"|"&Applications!B2:R),"|",0,0),"where Col4 is not null and Col2>="&I2))
Then I made a simple table on the right with some fairly straightforward COUNTIFS() that look like this:
The layout of the data vertically is what's making the formulas relatively simple for the summary.

better design for fact table where each row has a Start & End Date

My fact table contains details for clients who attend a course.
To ensure i can get a list of clients registered on any particular day, I have not related the date dimension to the fact table.
Instead i created a measure that does basic between logic (where startDate <= selectedDate && endDate >=SelectedDate)
This allows me to find all clients registered on one single selected day.
There are a few drawback to this however:
-I have to ensure the report user only selects a single day, i.e. they cannot select a date range.
-I cant easily do counts for samePeriodLastMonth or Year.
Is there a better design i should consider that will still allow me to see counts of registered clients on any given day, along with allowing me to use SamePeriodLastMonth/Year functionality?
Would you mind uploading the structure of your fact and dim tables?
Just a thought bubble: if you would like to measure counts for a program over calendar years, I believe you would definitely need to create a Date dimension. Also depending on your reporting needs you might want to consider whether you need an Accumulating Snapshot Fact table.
Please find further details on this:

How to add Data to Firebase?

My goal is to add +1 every day to a global variable in Firebase to track how many days have passed. I'm building an app that give new facts every day, and at the 19:00 UTC time marker, I want the case statement number (the day global day variable) to increment by +1.
Some have suggested that I compare two dates and get the days that have passed that way. If I were to do that, I could hard code the initial time when I first want the app to start at 19:00 some day. Then when the function reached1900UTC() is called everyday thereafter, compare it to a Firebase timestamp of that current time which should be 19:00. In theory, it should show that 1 day or more day has passed.
This is the best solution so far, thanks to #DavidSeek and #Jay, but I would still like to figure it out with concurrent writes if anyone has a solution in that front. Until then, I'm marking David's answer as the correct one.
How would I make it so it can't increase more than +1 if multiple people call this? Because my fear is that, when say, 100 people calls this function, it increases by + 1 for every person that has called it.
My app works on a global time, and this function is called every day at 19:00 UTC. So when that function is called I want the day count to increase by one.
You should use transactions to handle concurrent writes:
You may know this but Firebase doesn't have a way to auto-increment a counter as there's no server side logic, so having a counter increment at 19:00 UTC isn't going to be possible without interaction from a client that happens to be logged on at that time.
That being said, it's fairly straightforward to have the first user that logs in increment that counter - then any other clients logging in after that would not increment it and would have access to that day's new content.
Take a look at Zapier.com - that's a service that can fire time based triggers for your app which may do the trick.
As of this writing, Zapier and Firebase don't play nice together, however, there are a number of other trigger options that Zapier can do with your app while continuing to use Firebase for storage.
One other thought...
Instead of dealing with counters and counting days, why not just have each day's content stored within a node for each day and when each user logs on, the app get's that days content:
fact: "The Earth is an Oblate Spheroid"
fact: "Milli Vanilli is neither a Milli or a Vanilli. Discuss."
fact: "George Washington did not have a middle name"
This would eliminate a number of issues such as counters, updates, concurrent writing to Firebase, triggers etc.
It's also dynamic and expandable and a user could easily see that day's facts or the fact for any prior day(s)
I'm trying to split your question into different sections.
1) If you want to use a global variable to count the days from, let's say, today. Then I would set a timestamp hardcoded into the App that sets the NSDate.
Then In my App, when I need to know the days that have been passed by, I would call a function counting the days from the timestamp to NSDate().
2) If you have a function in your App that counts a +1 into a Firebase, then your fear is correct. It would count +1 for every person that uses the App.
3) If you want every User to have a variable count since when they use their App, then I would handle User registration. So I have a "UserID" and then I would set a Firebase tree like that:
-------> Date
That way you could handle each User's first open.
Then you are able to set a timestamp AND call +1 for every user independently. Because then you set the +1 for every user into their UserID .child

Maintaining a Relative Order of Flex Tasks in a SQL DB

I have a task scheduling app that allows people to create 2 types of tasks...
•Strict- tasks with a set start time and duration
•Flex- tasks that have a duration, but no specific start time
Its also important to understand how flex tasks operate- Flex tasks will continuously reschedule themselves throughout your day in the nearest time you have open...so for example if the only task on your schedule today is a flex task like "Go workout - duration:60mins" and you open the app at 4pm it will have "Go workout" scheduled from 4-5pm for you , if you dont click the checkbox indicating you completed the task and open the app again at 5PM "Go workout will be rescheduled to 5-6pm so that the stuff you are meaning to get done is constantly in your face and trying to fit itself into the gaps of your life.
When a user views their schedule here are the steps I go through:
•Grab a array of all strict tasks
•Grab a array of all flex tasks
•Loop through each strict task and figure out how big of a time gap there is between the task currently being looped's end time and the next tasks start time.
•if a gap exists loop through the flex tasks and see if any of them will fit in the time gap in question. if a flex task is small enough to fit in the time gap add it to the strictTasksArray between the task being currently looped and the next task.
This works great as long as there is no need for any kind of ordering when it comes to flex tasks, but now we have added the ability for users to drag and drop flex tasks into a specific relative order aka if I have Task A,B,C,D
and I drag Task D & B to the front so that its now D,B,A,C it needs to save that ordering so that if you close and reopen the app the app will still remember to try to fit task D in , followed by B, A & C .....but im having big trouble thinking of a efficient way to do considering the ordering is relative and not strict...any ideas how to save relative ordering in a SQLIte DB without having to update every tasks's DB record every time a user drag/drops a task and changes the relative ordering?
If you have ever coded in Basic, you might remember numbering code lines. It was advisable to number in increments of 10 so that if later on you would have to insert a line or two you won't have to re-number all the code, just assign a new number in-between those of the previous and the next lines.
So, in your situation I would create a numeric field for Rank and for each new Flex task assign Rank = max(Rank) + 1024 (for example). Afterwards if the tasks are rearranged I would update just one "moved" task's Rank with the average Rank of it's new previous and next neighbours. That way any Rank change would be an update for one row only. Of cause if the Rank is int and I run out of integers in-between two tasks I would have to update them all, but that should be a rear occasion and I would just re-Rank them in new increments of 1024.
Sounds like you'd need some sort of either priority or order_number column to set the order in which the tasks come in. Just make it an int, and weight them accordingly. If you needed the DBMS to keep them in order using a query, you'd have to use sorting:
SELECT task_id, task_group_id, task_name, completed, priority
FROM tasks WHERE user = ? and task_group_id = ? and completed = 0 ORDER BY priority ASC
you can use some sort of foreign key to a task_group table to actually group certain tasks together if they're multipart, and then build a query to find all the ones that are either complete or incomplete. The weightage assigned would still be correct, because the tasks don't refer to each other by ID.

Setting objects (not users) inactive after period of time in asp.net mvc

This question is mainly to verify my current idea. I have a series of objects which I want to be active for a specified amount of time. For instance objects like ads which are shown in the ad space only for the amount of time bought, objects in search results which should only pop up when active, and frontpage posts which should be set to inactive after a prespecified time.
My current idea is to just give those type of objects a StartDate and EndDate and filter the search routines to only show results which fall in the range StartDate < currentDate < EndDate.
Is this the normal structure or should there be some sort of auto-routine which routinely checks for objects which are "over-time" and set a property "inactive" to true or something. Seems like this approach is such a hassle since I need a checker which runs say, every 5 minutes, to scan all DB objects. Seems like a bad idea to me.
So is the first structure the most commonly used or are there any other options? When searching on google or SO the search queries only return results setting users inactive.
Unless you are dealing with a seriously large number of objects, a date filter is definitely the best method.
The only reasons to implement a check like you describe are if the filter query takes too long or you have a cache that really needs to be updated as soon as anything goes inactive. Neither of those is likely to apply for a normal web application.
