How to make tweaks to a Docker base image? - docker

How would one go about making tweaks to a docker base image before or during docker build?
For instance, the rails Docker base image as-is will install Ruby 2.2. What if we want Ruby 2.1.5? Or, what if we want Ubuntu 12.04 instead of 14.04?
Another way of looking at this is how to create custom containers by tweaking the upstream of base images.

You can't and shouldn't. A docker image once built mustn't be changed since the idea is to have a consistent environment for our applications.
You can create your own docker file based on the rails image (most publicly available images will have their Dockerfile available to view too) and change the step that installs rails to suit you. Of course this will be a NEW image.


Docker best practice: use OS or application as base image?

I would like to build a docker image which contains Apache and Python3. What is the suggested base image to use in this case?
There is a offical apache:2.4.43-alpine image I can use as the base image, or I can install apache on top of a alpine base image.
What would be the best approach in this case?
FROM apache:2.4.43-alpine
<Install python3>
FROM alpine:3.9.6
<Install Apache>
<Install Python3>
Here are my rules.
rule 1: If the images are official images (such as node, python, apache, etc), it is fine to use them as your application's base image directly, more than you build your own.
rule 2:, if the images are built by the owner, such as hashicorp/terraform, hashicorp is the owner of terraform, then it is better to use it, more than build your own.
rule 3: If you want to save time only, choice the most downloaded images with similar applications installed as base image
Make sure you can view its Dockerfile. Otherwise, don't use it at all, whatever how many download counted.
rule 4: never pull images from public registry servers, if your company has security compliance concern, build your own.
Another reason to build your own is, the exist image are not built on the operation system you prefer. Such as some images proved by aws, they are built with amazon linux 2, in most case, I will rebuild with my own.
rule 5: When build your own, never mind from which base image, no need reinvent the wheel and use exis image's Dockerfile from if you can.
Avoid Alpine, it will often make Python library installs muuuuch slower (
In general, Python version is more important than Apache version. Latest Apache from stable Linux distro is fine even if not latest version, but latest Python might be annoyingly too old. Like, when 3.9 comes out, do you want to be on 3.7?
As such, I would recommend python:3.8-slim-buster (or whatever Python version you want), and install Apache with apt-get.

Building a docker image on EC2 for web application with many dependencies

I am very new to Docker and have some very basic questions. I was unable to get my doubts clarified elsewhere and hence posting it here. Pardon me if the queries are very obvious. I know I lack some basic understanding regarding images but i had a hard time finding some easy to understand explanation for the whole of it.
Problem at hand:
I have my application running on an EC2 node (r4.xlarge). It is a web application which has a LOT of dependencies (system dependencies + other libraries etc). I would like to create a docker image of my machine so that i can easily run it at ease when I launch a new EC2 instance.
Do i need to build the docker image from scratch or can I use some base image?
If i can use a base image, which one do I select? (It is hard to know the OS version on the EC2 machine and hence I am not sure which base image do i start on.
I referred this documentation-
But it creates from an Ubuntu base image.
The above example has instructions on installing apache (and other things needed for the application). Let's say my application needs server X to be installed + 20 system dependencies + 10 other libraries.
yum install gcc
yum install gfortran
wget <abc>
When I create a docker file do i need to specify all the installation instructions like above? I thought creating an image is like taking a copy of your existing machine. What is the docker file supposed to have in this case?
Pointing me out to some good documentation to build a docker image on EC2 for a web app with dependencies will be very useful too.
Thanks in advance.
First, if you want to move toward docker then I will suggest using AWS ECS which specially designed for docker container and have auto-scaling and load balancing feature.
As for your question is concern so
You need a docker file which contains all the packages and application which already installed in your EC2 instance. As for base image is concern i will recommend Alpine. Docker default image is Alpine
Why Alpine?
Alpine describes itself as:
Small. Simple. Secure. Alpine Linux is a security-oriented,
lightweight Linux distribution based on musl libc and busybox.
Let's say my application needs server X to be installed + 20 system
dependencies + 10 other libraries.
So You need to make dockerfile which need all these you mentioned.
Again I will suggest ECS for best docker based application because that is ECS that designed for docker, not EC2.
Amazon ECS lets you easily build all types of
containerized applications, from long-running applications and
microservices to batch jobs and machine learning applications. You can
migrate legacy Linux or Windows applications from on-premises to the
cloud and run them as containerized applications using Amazon ECS.
You can use a base image, you specify it with the first line of
your Docker file, with FROM
The base OS of the EC2 instance doesn't matter for the container.
that's the point of containers, you can run linux on windows, arch
on debian, whatever you want.
Yes, dependencies that don't exist in your base image will need to
be specified and installed. ( Depending on the default packager
manger for the base image you are working from you might use dpkg,
or yum or apt-get. )

Is it necessary to have an base OS for docker image?

I am using Windows OS but to use docker I use CentOS VM over Oracle VM Virtualbox. I have seen a Dockerfile where centos is used as base image. First line of my Dockerfile is
FROM centos
If I check the Dockerfile of CentOS on Docker Hub then first line is
FROM scratch
scratch is used to build an explicitly empty image, especially for building images. Here I can understand that if I start traversing upward using "FROM " line then finally I will end up at "scratch" image. I can see that scratch can be used to create a minimal container.
Question: If I want to create some bigger applications using web server, database etc, then is it necessary to add a base OS image?
I have tried to search for mysql and tomcat and noticed that it finally uses a OS image.
My understanding of Container was that I can "just bundle the required software and my service" in the container. Please clarify.
Your understanding is correct, however "just bundle the required software and my service" may be cumbersome, especially if you also have some shell scripts that make further use of other support programs.
Using some base image that contains already all the necessary stuff is more convenient. You can share the same base image for several services and due to docker's layered images will have no overhead regarding disk space.

Different images in containers

I want to create separated containers with a single service in each (more or less). I am using the php7-apache image which seems to use a base image of debian:jessie, php7 and apache. Since apache and php in this case are pretty intertwined I don't mind using this container.
I want to start adding other services to their own containers (git for example) and was considering using a tiny base image like busybox or alpinebox for these containers to keep image size down.
That said, I have read that using the same base image as other containers only gives you the 'penalty' of the one time image download of the base OS (debian jessie) which is then cached - while using tiny OSes in other containers will download those OSes on top of the base OS.
What is the best practice in this case? Should I use the same base image (debian jessie) for all the containers in this case?
You may want to create a base image from scratch. Create a base image from scratch.
From docker documentation
You can use Docker’s reserved, minimal image, scratch, as a starting point for building containers. Using the scratch “image” signals to the build process that you want the next command in the Dockerfile to be the first filesystem layer in your image.
While scratch appears in Docker’s repository on the hub, you can’t pull it, run it, or tag any image with the name scratch. Instead, you can refer to it in your Dockerfile. For example, to create a minimal container using scratch:
This example creates the hello-world image used in the tutorials. If you want to test it out, you can clone the image repo

How do I create docker image from an existing CentOS?

I am new to and not sure if this is beyond the scope of docker. I have an existing CentOS 6.5 system. I am trying to figure out how to create a docker image from a CentOS Linux system I already have running. I would like to basically clone this existing system; so I can port it to another cloud provider. I was able to create a docker image from a base CentOS image but I want to basically clone my existing system and use going forward.
Am I stuck with creating a base CentOS from scratch and configure it for docker from there? This might be more of a VirtualBox/Vagrant thing, but am interested in
Looks like I need to start with base CentOS and create a Dockerfile with all the addons I need... Think I'm getting there now....
Cloning a system that is up and running is certainly not what Docker is intended for. Instead, Docker is meant to develop your OS and server installation together with the app or service, making DevOps even more DevOpsy. By starting with a clean CentOS image, you will be sure to install only what you need for the service, and have everything under control. You actually don't want all the other stuff that might produce incompatibilities. So, the answer here is that you definitely should approach the problem here the other way around.
