What is the cryptogram in the ApplePay token? - ios

I'm currently working on ApplePay and we are decrypting the token on our own server.
The decryption of token is done but there is a few things I don't quite understand. From the Getting-Started-with-Apple-Pay we know that:
"The payment token encapsulates the
information needed to complete a payment
transaction, including the device-specific
account number, the amount, and a unique,
one-time-use cryptogram."
But from the Payment Token Format Reference, there are 8 things contained in a token:
We get the accountNumber and the amount, but which one of those is the cryptogram?
Is it the last one, paymentData, since the other 7 really don't look like cryptogram? If not, how could we get this cryptogram?
I'd also like to ask what should we do after we get the cryptogram? Should we send the cryptogram and accountNumber to the acquirer?
Thank you!

If you look at the Payment Token Format
You will see that the token contains a paymentDataType string and a paymentData dictionary.
If the paymentDataType is "3DSecure" then the paymentData dictionary will contain a key onlinePaymentCryptogram which is the cryptogram string.
This must be submitted to your payment gateway if you are submitting a 3-D Secure transaction.


Incomplete Linkedin OAuth 2.0 access token response

My question is about OAuth2 access token response from Linkedin api. When I'm trying to get this token I recieve the following response:
But the thing is that according to OAuth2 documentation (in 5.1 paragraph) there should be at least one more required parameter - "token_type".
So the question is: could it be somehow customized so the linkedin API will return this parameter with access token response or it is just a departure from the rule and this parameter won't be returned?
Thanks in advance.
I have run into the same issue. According to LinkedIn Docs:
A successful Access Token request will return a JSON object containing the following fields:
access_token — The access token for the user. This value must be kept secure, as per your agreement to the API Terms of Use.
expires_in — The number of seconds remaining, from the time it was requested, before the token will expire. Currently, all access tokens are issued with a 60 day lifespan.
they respond with
which violates the standard.
Currently I am using Spring Security 5.0.3 and to fix the issue, I had to monkeypatch one class:
I will not post the whole class, only a significant part:
public static BearerAccessToken parse(final JSONObject jsonObject)
throws ParseException {
// Parse and verify type
AccessTokenType tokenType;
try {
tokenType = new AccessTokenType(JSONObjectUtils.getString(jsonObject, "token_type"));
} catch (ParseException ex) {
tokenType = AccessTokenType.BEARER;
if (!tokenType.equals(AccessTokenType.BEARER))
throw new ParseException("Token type must be \"Bearer\"");
I hoped to get answer from Linkedin member since they stated on their site that stackoverflow is a proper place for asking such questions. But since there is no answer from them and I didn't find any relevant information regarding this question I believe that it is just the way they implemented OAuth 2.0 protocol.

Bigcommerce - How to request Authorization Code/Access Token

In my application, the user when installs the app, needs to fill a registration form. I need to save the access_token along with the user instance.
So, if the user is unregistered, I redirect to the signup form ie. I dont save the access_token, but at this time, the app is registered. Which means, suppose when the store admin logs back in to the app, he does not get the auth code again, but gets signed_payload.
Since, I dont want to store, unregistered users on my database, I prefer calling a api, that would grant me auth code and/or access_token.
Is there any such call I can make?
To answer your question, the access token can only be obtained at the point of the initial app install, when the user installs the app for the very first time. This is the only time that BigCommerce will send the information required to obtain the access token.
Therefore your app should always save the access_token at the point of install. Your registration page should be prompted after obtaining and saving the access token. If for some reason the user installs the app and does not complete the registration, then you should simply just check on your end if the registration was finished or not, and if it wasn't then you should display it during the app load phase as a requirement before displaying your main app dashboard.
Since you didn't specify a programming language, I'm going to illustrate one in Python.
There are two parts you mentioned, registration/access token and signed payload.
The initial callback flow would look something like this:
def auth_callback():
# Put together params for token request
code = flask.request.args['code']
context = flask.request.args['context']
scope = flask.request.args['scope']
store_hash = context.split('/')[1]
redirect = app.config['APP_URL'] + flask.url_for('auth_callback')
# Fetch a permanent oauth token. This will throw an exception on error,
# which will get caught by our error handler above.
client = BigcommerceApi(client_id=client_id(), store_hash=store_hash)
token = client.oauth_fetch_token(client_secret(), code, context, scope, redirect)
bc_user_id = token['user']['id']
email = token['user']['email']
access_token = token['access_token']
The flow using a signed payload would look something like:
def load():
# Decode and verify payload
payload = flask.request.args['signed_payload']
user_data = BigcommerceApi.oauth_verify_payload(payload, client_secret())
if user_data is False:
return "Payload verification failed!", 401
bc_user_id = user_data['user']['id']
email = user_data['user']['email']
store_hash = user_data['store_hash']
When initially creating a user in your database, you can also denote the sign up date through a function of your code and then do a periodic cron job to check if they have a registered account with you. There's not an endpoint where we store whether they completed registration with you since that is a function of your app.

Temporarily store relevant public and private keys (after a successful key-exchange) in a WebAPI scenario

I have written an API to implement the Diffie Hellman key exchange and now wanted to store my "server" private/public keys in a secure and expirable way so that I can access them on the subsequent api calls.
The idea is to have the client initiate the exchange of the keys, then have the client send me an encrypted message based on his privatekey that I can decrypt on the server because I have my related privateKey.
My problem is where to store securely the list of various public/private server keys in a way that I could reuse it when referenced at later stage.
My initial idea would be to have some sort of static list that contains
KeyID (Guid - autogenerated)
Expiration Date (DateTime - now + 20 seconds)
ServerPublicKey (byte[] - resulted from successful key exchange)
ServerPrivateKey (byte[] - resulted from successful key exchange)
On completion of the KeyExchange I could return a KeyID to the client caller and then on subsequent API calls, he should pass an encrypted message using his clientPrivate key. By also passing me the KeyID, I could quickly identify what is the related serverPrivateKey and Decrypt the message.
Is this the right and most secure approach?

iOS verify app store purchase id by developer

How can I check purchase id which was sent by user to me from his orders list?
For example, he can send something like: M1VYXX7VX7 (as written in his purchases list in appstore) and ask to return his purchase (may be he had deleted his app accidentally),
But when I get order information inside of my code (through SKPaymentTransaction) I have no access to that identifier. Then only ID i have looks like: 1000000020706713.
So is there any ways to validate that purchase ID using information which was sent to me by app store?
Read Verifying Store Receipts in the In-App Purchase Programming Guide. According to the documentation:
To verify the receipt, perform the following steps:
Retrieve the receipt data. On iOS, this is the value of the transaction's transactionReceipt property. On OS X, this is the entire contents of the receipt file inside the application bundle. Encode the receipt data using base64 encoding.
Create a JSON object with a single key named receipt-data and the string you created in step 1. Your JSON code should look like this:
"receipt-data" : "(receipt bytes here)"
Post the JSON object to the App Store using an HTTP POST request. The URL for the store is https://buy.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt.
The response received from the App Store is a JSON object with two keys, status and receipt. It should look something like this:
"status" : 0,
"receipt" : { (receipt here) }
If the value of the status key is 0, this is a valid receipt. If the value is anything other than 0, this receipt is invalid.
Read the article for more details.

How to get the Google user ID (email) when using Google Account OAuth API

I am new to OAuth, and want to get the user ID (an email address) from Google using OAuth.
But I don't want to get the user's Google Contacts Information.
We can get google Email address only not the contacts by making the scope of request token Like :
Now do a authorized call to get the response like :
var responseText = oAuthConsumer.GetUserInfo("https://www.googleapis.com/userinfo/email", consumerKey, consumerSecret, token, tokenSecret);
Here by saying authorized call mean to make the HTTP Get request with required paramaters in header.
header string should contain: realm, consumerKey, signatureMethod, signature, timestamp, nounce, OAuthVersion, token
Please refer to http://googlecodesamples.com/oauth_playground to verify your code and to see the correct header string parameters
