Very slow deceleration in UIScrollView just in certain cases - ios

I am struggling with aligning a screen to a certain Views inside a UIScrollView. I would like to have same behaviour as paging (same fast and smooth deceleration) but with alignment to a custom views instead of stoping on multiples of the scroll view’s bounds. I have implemented delegate method scrollViewWillEndDragging(_:withVelocity:targetContentOffset:) in order to define my own scroll view’s bounds location. I have also set decelerationRate to UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast.
It work mostly as desired except the cases when alignment animation is very slow. To be more precise, sometimes, after the dragging is finished, the scrolling animation decelerates to final point very slowly. It finally reach the correct point but after a longer while. I am not able to track down the cases when it happens. I am able to say that everything works fine when final velocity of dragging is zero. Thus, it happens only in some cases when dragging is finished with nonzero velocity.
I wonder if somebody had same problem since I wasn't able to google anything useful. Can you help me please?

I have solved this problem by implementing delegate methods scrollViewDidEndDragging and scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating. Then by using information from scroll view’s pan gesture I found out about translation and I determined final scroll view’s bounds location using setContentOffset method on scroll view.


Enlarging swipe angle in which a horizontal swipe is recognized in nested UITableView

I am trying to build a UI in iOS in which there is an outer paging UIScrollView inside of which are multiple UITableViews, each representing a page. The problem I am encountering is that the angle at which I must swipe to trigger the outer paging UIScrollView to scroll horizontally is too narrow. Here is a screenshot showing what I mean.
Essentially a user has to swipe at a near-perfect horizontal angle in order for the UITableView to ignore the gesture and pass it along to the outer UIScrollView, thereby triggering a horizontal page movement. This behavior quickly becomes annoying.
I have done extensive research on stack, to no avail. Some people suggest setting directionalLockEnabled, but that has no effect here (the inner UITableView has its direction locked, it's just too greedy with the angles it interprets as going in its direction). Others suggest modifications to the contentSize, but the contentSize of the views is, in point of fact, correct. Still others suggest using Gesture Recognizers, but those seem to have a delay before they kick in.
Can anyone suggest how to accomplish the behavior in the image above?

Fast custom animation using CADisplayLink causes stroboscopic effect. How to avoid it?

Horizontally scrolling UIScrollView with reused page views (so that there are only few page viewcontrollers which are being reused similar way like UITableView cells). So that they are able to be updated with new content and reused I need to know exact position of UIScrollView's content view (offset). This works great.
Now I need to implement custom scrolling animation - I mean to programatically move the content view, so that user touches some buttons, and the scroll view scrolls to desired position with this custom animation. The movement can be very quick and very far. I can not use Core Animation for this, as I could not track position during animation (CA reports you only start and end of the movement). So I decided to use CADisplayLink, and calculate each UIScrollView content for each position. This works great too.
The only problem is, that sometimes I see stroboscopic effect - say I am moving the content to the right, and it looks like it is moving to left. If I look at builtin animation within UISCrollView using setContentOffset:animated:, the animation is smooth and nice. Does anyone know, how to get rid of this stroboscopic effect?
Most likely your issue is that timestamp is a double and you're assigning it to a float
Floats have 7 digits while Doubles have 15-16 digits.
So in other words you're experiencing data loss. By using double you should see a silky smooth animation.

How to call scrollViewDidScroll: the same way UIScrollView does, but during custom animation?

I have a very large horizontally scrolling UIScrollView which is reusing its subviews (moves and updates them when they are out of visible area, similar like UITableView is reusing cells). This relies on scrollViewDidScroll: delegate call, which gives me actual contentOffset, and here I decide when to reuse particular subview. So far so good.
Sometimes I need to change contentOffset programatically, but with custom animation (inertia and bounce back to the final position). I can do this quite easily using core animation.
The problem is, that during custom animation scrollViewDidScroll: delegate method is not called -> I must do it manually so that subviews reusing works. I tried to call it with timer firing each 0.02 sec. Now there are two problems:
I must get UIScrollView contentOffset using [[_scrollView.layer presentationLayer] bounds].origin.x because during animation normal _scrollView.contentOffset does not change.
However info from presentationLayer is not sufficient for exact syncing - sometimes it is bit late.
problem is when the new contentOffset is far from current position. It looks like built-in UIScrollView animation is CAKeyframeAnimation, and scrollViewDidScroll should is called on key frames positions. But I am not able to get these.
If I rely on timer which is not synced with key frames, views are reused on wrong places and I can not see them at all during animation.
Can anyone shed some light on how and when exactly UIScrollView calls scrollViewDidScroll during setContentOffset:X animated:YES? Is it possible to reproduce it without breaking appstore rules?
First of all, I wouldn't use an NSTimer with a delay of 0.02 secs - that's not what timers are supposed for. Try using a CADisplayLink, it fires once per frame.
In your callback method you can - if your custom animation is running - run your own physics code and call -setContentOffset:animated: respectively. This even allows you to ease exponentially which CA won't let you.

How to drag a view inside UIScrollView with scrolling near edges?

I'm trying to create some sort of timeline view like in video editors: media elements in a row, which are UIView's. I can successfully drag these views inside currently visible part of scroll view using UIScrollView touch events like touchesBegan and touchesMoved. I want to scroll the scroll view once subview is dragged to one of the scroll view edges. The best I can think of now is to create a timer that will scroll the view while user holds the subview with the finger near scroll view edge.
There's a lot of questions here on the same topic, but I was unable to find one that covers scrolling.
Is there a good way to do this? Should I use gesture recognizers instead?
Thank you in advance.
Actually what you want IS a timed event. As soon, as the user is at the edge of the scrollview, you start a timer, which regularly increases the contentOffset. If you don't like your animation results (i guess you're using setContentOffset:animated:?), just try another timing and distance of animation.. I guess you have to try some different settings. What I would try first is 1px at a time. Perhaps every 0.3 second?
If that doesn't work you could also try another "extreme". Start a single animation, when the user reaches the edge, which animates the contentOffset until the end of the contentSize. But over a large timespan so the movement is slow. If the user stops dragging, or moves out of the edge, stop the animation at the current position. That would even be a solution without a timer, because the animation would be your timer itself.
I seriously doubt gesture recognizers would part of a good solution to this since they tend to be most helpful with discreet gestures.
I don't think I can improve on your general direction based on the assumption, implied above, that you are looking for continuous/gradual scrolling.
What I suggest instead is that you consider designing this to use a paged scrolling approach. When your user drags the object to the edge of the scrollview, cause the scrollview to move one page in that direction (by setting the contentOffset to move in that direction according to the bounds of the scrollview). When that even occurs, move the object slightly out of the "hot zone" at the edge of the scrollview so that the user is forced to explicitly express that they want to move another page, or something along those lines - that is, since the design approach depends on this "paging events" you need to implement some sort of gestural system for the user to keep paging.
I suppose you could use a timer in that same situation, so that if the user maintains the position and touch for another second, you would page again.

Triple Nested UIScrollView paging issue

I have an iPad app that needs to allow the user to navigate through groups of images. Each group is laid out in its own vertical UIScrollView (paged) so the user can swipe up and down down to see each image. Each of the group UIScrollViews is placed in a single (only one exists in the app) outer horizontal UIScrollView (also paged). This works great.... I can swipe up and down to view the images in a group and swipe left and right to go to the next or previous group.
The problem started when I needed to add zooming for each image. I accomplished this by placing each image inside its own UIScrollView. When the image is zoomed I can pan around the image and when I get to the top or the bottom of the zoomed image the group's vertical UIScrollView pages to the next or previous image as expected. Unfortunately the outer horizontal scrollview will not page to the next group when the image is zoomed and I pan to the leftmost or rightmost edge.
Is there a better(more correct) approach than triple nesting UIScrollViews or can I somehow forward touches to the outer horizontal scrollview?
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
hope i'm not too late but I think I have a solution for your problem.
Here you can find an Xcode project demonstrating the scrollview setup you have, your problem and the proposed solution:
Basically the solution was to add 1 pixel to the contentSize.width of the vertical scrollviews. This forces the vertical scrollview to scroll a little when you pan to the edge of the zoomed image. It scrolls a little and then continues to the next vertical scrollview.
If you download the project you will see that I've created some scrollviews in the viewDidLoad method. There, I create one horizontal scrollview containing 3 vertical scrollviews, each containing 5 images. Each image is actually incapsulated in a scrollview to enable per-image zooming. In total... triple nested scrollviews.
I've also left some colored borders so that I can easily see how each scrollview scrolls.
the magenta = horizontal scrollview
the white = vertical scrollview
the blue = the image scrollview (the one that contains the image and allows for zooming)
the red = the UIImageView
You will see that I've tagged each image scrollview with value 10. This is used in the implementation of - (UIView*)viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView delegate method where I return nil unless the event came from one of the image scrollviews.
If you have any questions about the project I made feel free to ask.
In the end, I would like to say that this browsing method is a little quirky for me as I sometimes scroll in the unwanted direction. Often I think I flick my finger vertically only to find the scrollview going left or right because it interpreted some tiny horizontal movement I had.
The problem I found with paging enabled for both horizontal and vertical movement is that the scrollviews are direction-locked, or so it seemed to me.
Today I've investigated the problem even more. These are my conclusions:
it's not a problem with zooming, it's a problem with having larger content in the innermost scrollview than the visible area(you can try this by zooming or simply initializing the content size larger than the bounds). This enables panning inside the inner-most scrollview and completely changes the behaviour of the touch events.
the bounce for a scrollview flag affects the behaviour of the panning(dragging) gesture when it reaches the edges of the content. If bounces=false then your panning gesture will stop at the edge, not forwarding the drag event up the chain (and thus not scrolling the parent scrollviews to show you other images). If bounces=true then, when you reach the edge and continue to drag the events will be forwarded to the parent scrollview and that scrollview will also be dragged. However, I've found that the dragging while bouncing reduces the distance dragged by aproximately 50%. This also happens in the Photos app.
if you start the dragging while the innermost scrollview is at the edge of the content then the scrollview is smart and will forward all events to the parent scrollview.
for some reason, triple nested scrollviews are problematic as the events are simply not forwarded between the topmost and middle scrollviews while panning inside the innermost scrollview. I have no idea why.
My solution with that +1 pixel to the content size, partially solves the problem.
EDIT 2013
Boy, these scrollviews are something out of this world :(
After more than a year of searching (just kidding... it was actually 2 days) I think I found a good elegant solution to the triple nested scrollviews.
I created a test project here:
Inside the app, there is a switch which you can use to test with/without the fix.
The setup I am using in my app is a little different than this question. I have 1 vertical paged scrollview. Inside it, I have multiple horizontal paged scrollviews.
Inside some of the horizontal scrollviews I have another vertical paged scrollview.
Without the fix, once you get to the page with the inner-most scrollview you are pretty much stuck there as the vertical scrolling gestures are not forwarded to the outer-most scroll.
The fix is a custom UIGestureRecognizer that you need to add to the inner-most scrollviews. This recognizer follows touch events and if it detects a drag beyond the contentArea, then it will temporarily disable the rest of the scrollview's recognizers. This is the only method I discovered to make the scrollview forward the events up the chain
The gesture recognizer code is very rough with limited customization but should get the job done. At the moment I am focused on the app I develop, but will continue to update the repository.
PS: I haven't tested what happens with zoom but I see no reason why this method should not work (or be adapted to work).
