Second foreign_key to speed up query - ruby-on-rails

Say you creating an imdb type site for TV Shows. You have a Show with many attached episodes and a bunch of people
Right now I link people to episodes though a contribution table - but if I want to make a list of all the shows they are on, I have to go through episodes.
Since this query takes a long time I was thinking about adding show_id to the contributions table. Is this common practice to increase performance or is there another way I haven't thought of?

Since this query takes a long time
Have you run a SQL explain plan to show why this is the case? What is the actual SQL query that is being run, and are you doing things like ordering or running subqueries within it?
If I understand your structure it is something like this:
|people| n---1 |contribution| 1---n |episodes| n---1 |shows|
A sql select of the sort:
select distinct
from shows s,
episodes e,
contribution c
where c.people_id = <id>
and c.episode_id =
and e.show_id =
should really not have performance issues unless there are no indexes on the tables or the tables are massive.

Here's a way using where id in ( ... ) to select all shows a specific person appeared in
.where(person_id: personId)
You may also want to try exists
Shows.where("EXISTS(SELECT 1 from contributions c
join episodes e on = c.episode_id
where c.person_id = ? and e.show_id =")


Rails: Collect records whose join tables appear in two queries

There are three models that matter here: Objective, Student, and Seminar. All are associated with has_and_belongs_to_many.
There is an ObjectiveStudent join model that includes columns "ready" and "points_all_time". There is an ObjectiveSeminar join model that includes column "priority".
I need to collect all of the objectives that are associated with a given student and also with a given seminar.
They need to also be marked with a "priority" above zero in the seminar. So I think I need this line:
obj_sems = ObjectiveSeminar.where(:seminar => given_seminar).where("priority > ?", 0)
Finally, they need to also be objectives where the student is ready, but has not scored above 7. So I think I need this line:
obj_studs = ObjectiveStudent.where(:user => given_student, :ready => true).where("points_all_time <= ?", 7)
Is there a way to gather all the objectives whose join table records appear in both of the above queries? Note that neither of the lists return objectives; they return objective_seminars, and objective_students, respectively. My end goal is to collect the objectives that meet all of the above criteria.
Or am I approaching this all wrong?
Bonus question: I would also love to sort the objectives by their priority in the given seminar. But I'm afraid that would add too much to the database load. What are your thoughts on this?
Thank you in advance for any insight.
In order to get Objectives you'll need to start your query from that.
In order to query with an AND condition the associated tables, you'll need inner joins with these tables.
Finally you'll need a distinct operator to only fetch each objective once.
The extended version of what (I think) you need is:
Objective.joins(objective_seminars: :seminar, objective_student: :student).
where(seminars: seminar_search_params, strudents: student_search_params).
where('objective_seminars.priority > 0').
where('objective_students.ready = 1 AND points_all_time <= 7').
order('objective_seminars.priority ASC').
Now for the database load it all depends on your indexes and the size of your tables.
The above query will translate to the following SQL (or something similar).
SELECT DISTINCT objectives.* FROM objectives
INNER JOIN objective_students ON objective_students.objective_id =
INNER JOIN students ON = objective_students.student_id
INNER JOIN objective_seminars ON objective_seminars.objective_id =
INNER JOIN seminars ON = objective_seminars.seminar_id
WHERE seminars_query AND
students_query AND
objective_seminars.priority > 0 AND
objective_students.ready = 1 AND points_all_time <= 7 AND
objective_seminars.priority ASC
So you'll need to add or extend your indexes so that all 5 tables queries can have an index helping out. The actual index implementation is up to you and depends on your application's specific (read - write load, tables size, cardinality etc)

Is there anyway to make a lesser impact on my database with this request?

For the analytics of my site, I'm required to extract the 4 states of my users.
#members = list.members.where(enterprise_registration_id:
# This pulls roughly 10,0000 records.. Which is evidently a huge data pull for Rails
# Member Load (155.5ms)
#invited = #members.where("user_id is null")
# Member Load (21.6ms)
#not_started = #members.where(" not in (select enterprise_member_id from quizzes where quizzes.section_id IN (?)) AND enterprise_members.user_id in (select id from users)", )
# Member Load (82.9ms)
#in_progress = #members.joins(:quizzes).where('quizzes.section_id IN (?) and (quizzes.completed is null or quizzes.completed = ?)',, false).group(" HAVING count( > 0")
# Member Load (28.5ms)
#completes = Quiz.where(enterprise_member_id: registration.members, section_id:
# Quiz Load (138.9ms)
The operation returns a 503 meaning my app gives up on the request. Any ideas how I can refactor this code to run faster? Maybe by better joins syntax? I'm curious how sites with larger datasets accomplish what seems like such trivial DB calls.
The answer is your indexes. Check your rails logs (or check the console in development mode) and copy the queries to your db tool. Slap an "Explain" in front of the query and it will give you a breakdown. From here you can see what indexes you need to optimize the query.
For a quick pass, you should at least have these in your schema,
enterprise_members: needs an index on enterprise_member_id
members: user_id
quizes: section_id
As someone else posted definitely look into adding indexes if needed. Some of how to refactor depends on what exactly you are trying to do with all these records. For the #members query, what are you using the #members records for? Do you really need to retrieve all attributes for every member record? If you are not using every attribute, I suggest only getting the attributes that you actually use for something, .pluck usage could be warranted. 3rd and 4th queries, look fishy. I assume you've run the queries in a console? Again not sure what the queries are being used for but I'll toss in that it is often useful to write raw sql first and query on the db first. Then, you can apply your findings to rewriting activerecord queries.
What is the .completed tagged on the end? Is it supposed to be there? only thing I found close in the rails api is .completed? If it is a custom method definitely look into it. You potentially also have an use case for scopes.
I unfortunately don't know ruby on rails, but from a postgresql perspective, changing your "not in" to a left outer join should make it a little faster:
Your code: not in (select enterprise_member_id from quizzes where quizzes.section_id IN (?)) AND enterprise_members.user_id in (select id from users)", )
Better version (in SQL):
select blah
from enterprise_members em
left outer join quizzes q on q.enterprise_member_id =
join users u on = q.enterprise_member_id
where quizzes.section_id in (?)
and q.enterprise_member_id is null
Based on my understanding this will allow postgres to sort both the enterprise_members table and the quizzes and do a hash join. This is better than when it will do now. Right now it finds everything in the quizzes subquery, brings it into memory, and then tries to match it to enterprise_members.
You could also create a partial index on user_id for your first query. This will be especially good if there are a relatively small number of user_ids that are null in a large table. Partial index creation:
CREATE INDEX user_id_null_ix ON enterprise_members (user_id)
WHERE (user_id is null);
Anytime you query enterprise_members with something that matches the index's where clause, the partial index can be used and quickly limit the rows returned. See for more info.
Thanks everyone for your ideas. I basically did what everyone said. I added indexes, resorted how I called everything, but the major difference was using the pluck method.. Here's my new stats :
#alt_members = list.members.pluck :id # 23ms
if list.course.sections.tests.present? && #sections = list.course.sections.tests
#quiz_member_ids = Quiz.where(section_id: # 8.5ms
#invited = list.members.count('user_id is null') # 12.5ms
#not_started = ( #alt_members - ( #alt_members & #quiz_member_ids ).count #0ms
#in_progress = ( #alt_members & #quiz_member_ids ).count # 0ms
#completes = ( #alt_members & Quiz.where(section_id:, completed: true).pluck(:enterprise_member_id) ).count # 9.7ms
#question_count = Quiz.where(section_id:, completed: true).limit(5).map{|quiz|quiz.answers.count}.max # 3.5ms

Using distinct in a join

I'm still a novice at SQL and I need to run a report which JOINs 3 tables. The third table has duplicates of fields I need. So I tried to join with a distinct option but hat didn't work. Can anyone suggest the right code I could use?
My Code looks like this:
/* This following JOIN is the issue. */
WHERE REVENUE_DATE >= :from_date
AND REVENUE_DATE <= :to_date
I also tried a different variation to get a DISTINCT.
/* I also tried this variation to get a distinct */
Please can anyone help? I would truly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
select distinct
c_revenue c,
m_customer mc,
m_salesman ms
c.customer_code = mc.customer_code
AND mc.salesman_code = ms.salesman_code
AND ms.comp_code = '00'
AND Revenue_Date BETWEEN (from_date AND to_date)
group by
c.customer_code, ms.salesman_name
The above will return you any distinct combination of Customer Code, Salesman Code and SUM of Revenue Amount where the c.CustomerCode matches an mc.customer_code AND that same mc record matches an ms.salesman_code AND that ms record has a comp_code of '00' AND the Revenue_Date is between the from and to variables. Then, the whole result will be grouped by customer code and salesman name; the only thing that will cause duplicates to appear is if the SUM(revenue) is somehow different.
To explain, if you're just doing a straight JOIN, you don't need the JOIN keywords. I find it tends to convolute things; you only need them if you're doing an "odd" join, like an LEFT/RIGHT join. I don't know your data model so the above MIGHT still return duplicates but, if so, let me know.

How do I decrease sql query execution time in my rails app?

I have query as
select i.shipping_charges, i.shipping_carrier, i.shipping_method,
i.tracking_number, i.origin_zip_code, i.origin_city,
i.origin_country, i.weight_value, i.weight_unit,
i.delivery_date, i.shipping_date, i.shipping_description,
i.delivery_zip_code, i.delivery_street_add, i.item_id,
i.start_at, i.end_at,
from (items it
left join item_shipping_details i on = i.item_id)
left join users u on = it.alert_user_id
where it.user_id=4 AND in (35,602,1175,1176,1177,604,1178,1174,
AND (it.alert_user_id is null OR u.user_type in (2,3))
AND (it.outbound != true OR it.outbound is null)
It takes 8ms in postgresql to run.
Please tell any other alternative solution to this?
A couple of things were odd or straight out nonsensical about your query.
Primary table in the FROM list was items, but you don't have a single column of it in the SELECT list main table. The way you had it, it would at best add a bunch of rows with only NULL values, while confusing the query planner. You want neither of that.
I reversed the order and made item_shipping_details the primary table. This will be much faster.
The LEFT JOIN between items and item_shipping_details was contradictory, because additional clauses require a row from both tables anyway. Simplified to plain JOIN.
Also makes the order of appearance of the first two tables irrelevant again.
Removed the brackets around the first JOIN, as that served no purpose.
Simplified (it.outbound != true OR it.outbound is null) to it.outbound IS NOT TRUE
SELECT i.shipping_charges, i.shipping_carrier, i.shipping_method,
i.tracking_number, i.origin_zip_code, i.origin_city,
i.origin_country, i.weight_value, i.weight_unit,
i.delivery_date, i.shipping_date, i.shipping_description,
i.delivery_zip_code, i.delivery_street_add, i.item_id,
i.start_at, i.end_at,
FROM item_shipping_details i
JOIN items it ON = i.item_id
LEFT JOIN users u on = it.alert_user_id
WHERE IN (35,602,1175,1176,1177,604,1178,1174,1165,1179,
AND it.user_id = 4
AND it.outbound IS NOT TRUE
AND (it.alert_user_id IS NULL OR u.user_type IN (2,3))
Should considerably increase execution time ... performance. :)
Assuming you meant decrease query execution time, turning on indexing for the appropriate columns can greatly speed up result retrieval.
IN (35,602,1175,1176,1177,604,1178,1174,1165,1179,
YES "Subqueries" there are many ways:
Use JOIN() and less INCLUDE() in association.
Try to avoid subqueries and find([array])
Use cache
There may be more better options you may find below in rails doc

using SQL aggregate functions with JOINs

I have two tables - tool_downloads and tool_configurations. I am trying to retrieve the most recent build date for each tool in my database. The layout of the DB is simple. One table called tool_downloads keeps track of when a tool is downloaded. Another table is called tool_configurations and stores the actual data about the tool. They are linked together by the tool_conf_id.
If I run the following query which omits dates, I get back 200 records.
SELECT DISTINCT a.tool_conf_id, b.tool_conf_id
FROM tool_downloads a
JOIN tool_configurations b
ON a.tool_conf_id = b.tool_conf_id
ORDER BY a.tool_conf_id
When I try to add in date information I get back hundreds of thousands of records! Here is the query that fails horribly.
SELECT DISTINCT a.tool_conf_id, max(a.configured_date) as config_date, b.configuration_name
FROM tool_downloads a
JOIN tool_configurations b
ON a.tool_conf_id = b.tool_conf_id
ORDER BY a.tool_conf_id
I know the problem has something to do with group-bys/aggregate data and joins. I can't really search google since I don't know the name of the problem I'm encountering. Any help would be appreciated.
Solution is:
SELECT b.tool_conf_id, b.configuration_name, max(a.configured_date) as config_date
FROM tool_downloads a
JOIN tool_configurations b
ON a.tool_conf_id = b.tool_conf_id
GROUP BY b.tool_conf_id, b.configuration_name
