NHAPI PID 13.1 Segment home phone is not able to get created - hl7

Please Help me on this :
I have stuct on this line.I'm not getting pid 13.1 Which is a Home Phone-Telephone number.Please tell me how to get this segment created.
I'm using :
adtA04.PID.GetPhoneNumberHome(0).PhoneNumber.Value = "(456)120-1478";
Note: Phone number is not the correct segment here.

homePhone = a01.PID.GetPhoneNumberHome(0).TelecommunicationUseCode.Value;
businessPhone = a01.PID.GetPhoneNumberBusiness(0).TelecommunicationUseCode.Value;


Can't receive coming from Contacts on IOS Flutter

I am using share_handler package. I'm handling a vcf file when I tap on share contact on android side. However, on the IOS side, the media is empty. I shared a screenshot. There is no file or string in media value.
I fixed with editing share_handler package. First of all I forked package to this repo
and I have edited this native code on this commit.
While debugging, I realized that the incoming data is of text type, but because the append method gave an error, the else part was working. I wrote a searialization in this part and returned the phone number.
if let item = data as? String {
} else {
let contact = try CNContactVCardSerialization.contacts(with: data as! Data)
let go = contact.first?.phoneNumbers.first?.value.stringValue ?? "number"

MSMessage message.senderParticipantIdentifier.uuidString not converting to name

I'm in the final stages of an iMessage extension and have one last lingering issue that I thought was a problem with the simulator but now I have the app working on test devices it's not resolved itself.
When I create a message caption the following code works to change the partipipantIdentifer into their name:
layout.caption = "$\(conversation.localParticipantIdentifier.uuidString)"
However when viewing the message at the recipient's end this code:
self.titleLabel.text = "$\(self.message!.senderParticipantIdentifier.uuidString) sent:"
doesn't display the senders name it just displays their UUID string. What am I missing to convert the sender UUID to their name? Does anyone know if this is this possible or not?
The "$(participantIdentifier)" syntax only works within MSMessageLayout. When setting the UILabel.text you can only get the uuid.

Array data values load correctly in simulator but returns Nil values on phone

Hello folks and thanks for your help,
I am currently running an Xcode 8 project using swift 3 and Firebase Database. I am pulling over data from a CLLocationSearch using Core Location Data from a previous table Search UI. The data comes over and populates the "StoreUI" where I have this function addBtn that kicks off the code below to send the data to Firebase Database.
My issue is as follows: When I run the app with xCode's simulator, everything works fine. The data pulls together, fills the array properly, and when I break the code after setting up the array, I see all the proper values before it eventually posts to firebase. Again, using the simulator everything works 100%.
However, when I run the app from the phone, nothing happens in the array. All the values come back as nil for each segment resulting as 8 nil values in my array. Because the array has nil values it will crash the app during the post command.
What am I doing wrong, or what do I need to do, to get this running correctly both in the simulator and the phone testing?
So far I tired moving the variable setup outside the function, but I get the same results. I was thinking of moving the "let post" code into it's own function, but I am not sure that will help.
Thanks again for your help!
#IBAction func addBtn(_ sender: AnyObject) {
// Save Store Info.
let uniqueRef = storeRef.childByAutoId()
geoFire = GeoFire(firebaseRef: geoRef)
let lat = storeData?.placemark.coordinate.latitude
let long = storeData?.placemark.coordinate.longitude
let post : [String: String] = ["StoreName" : (storeData?.name)!,
"subThouroughfare" : (storeData?.placemark.subThoroughfare)!,
"Thouroughfare" : (storeData?.placemark.thoroughfare)!,
//"subLocality" : (storeData?.placemark.subLocality)!,
"locality" : (storeData?.placemark.locality)!,
"subAdministrativeArea" : (storeData?.placemark.subAdministrativeArea)!,
"administrativeArea" : (storeData?.placemark.administrativeArea)!,
"postalCode" : (storeData?.placemark.postalCode)!,
"phoneNumber" : (storeData?.phoneNumber)!
let key: String = uniqueRef.key
geoFire!.setLocation(CLLocation(latitude: lat!, longitude: long!), forKey: key)
This was an issue with coding my 3rd party developer did, having issues with the MKMapItem. He has fixed my issue and this case is closed.

Swift 2 country code for a phone number

I am trying to get the country code from iPhone user. I am not sure is there any information about the country and how some applications (like Viber) suggest dial code.
I got this far:
let currentLocale = NSLocale.currentLocale()
let a = currentLocale.localeIdentifier
I tested this on simulator and it returns "en_US". Can someone advice how should I get dial code for a country based on this (or at least country code, which I will send to server to get dial code).
Based on suggestion from Pekka, this is how country identifier can be loaded:
// Setup the Network Info and create a CTCarrier object
let networkInfo = CTTelephonyNetworkInfo()
let carrier = networkInfo.subscriberCellularProvider
// Get carrier name
let countryCode = carrier?.isoCountryCode
return countryCode
Also, it is important to import CoreTelephony class
import CoreTelephony
After that dial code for a country can be get from http://country.io/data/
Also be aware that this will not work on iOS simulator, since it doesn't provide carrier.

what does _serverConnectionDiedNotification mean?

_serverConnectionDiedNotification. Info
-- notification=NSConcreteNotification 0xd931a30
{name = AVController_ServerConnectionDiedNotification;
object = <AVController: 0xce7e340>},
AVController = <AVController: 0xce7e340>, currentTime = 2189.59
when i play a movie with movieplayercontroller,i get a black screen,and find this notification in console of my ipad,it seems like that i lost my connection to sever.
Is it ?or you can give me some advice if you could.
thank you
it's a private API,it seems illegal to use it or get it.
