i'm using Stripe plugin for Grails ,Grails version 2.5.1 i can't make any successful transaction i always get There was an error processing your credit card. as shown in the controller , i noticed that Charge method is not defined as shown in the screenshot
i tried to import com.stripe.Stripe but i'm getting unable to resolve class com.stripe.Stripe.
Here is the action:
def charge(String stripeToken, Double amount) {
//Stripe.apiKey = grailsApplication.config.grails.plugins.stripe.secretKey
def amountInCents = (amount * 100) as Integer
def chargeParams = [
'amount': amountInCents,
'currency': 'usd',
'card': stripeToken,
'description': 'customer#sample.org'
def status
try {
status = 'Your purchase was successful.'
} catch(CardException) {
status = 'There was an error processing your credit card.'
redirect(action: "confirmation", params: [msg: status])
The question was about Grails 2.5.x. The plug-in is not available for Grails 3.x.x. I got it working and posted an online tutorial. There is a full, working Grails 3.2.3 application available for download. It also implements a shopping cart. The page is: http://www.databaseapplications.com.au/stripe_payments.jsp
Try this,
In build config add:
plugins {
compile "org.grails.plugins:stripe:2.8"
In your controller:
package stripesample
import com.stripe.model.Charge
import com.stripe.exception.CardException;
class CheckoutController {
def index() {}
def charge(String stripeToken, Double amount) {
def amountInCents = (amount * 100) as Integer
def chargeParams = [
'amount': amountInCents,
'currency': 'usd',
'card': stripeToken,
'description': 'customer#sample.org'
def status
Charge chargeStatus
try {
chargeStatus = Charge.create(chargeParams)
println chargeStatus
status = 'Your purchase was successful.'
} catch(CardException) {
println status
status = 'There was an error processing your credit card.'
render view: "confirmation", model:[msg: status,chargeObject:chargeStatus]
In your main layout file:
<g:javascript src="stripe-v2.js" />
In your credit card form View:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="layout" content="main"/>
<stripe:script formName="payment-form"/>
<g:form controller="checkout" action="charge" method="POST" name="payment-form">
<div class="payment-errors"></div>
<div class="form-row">
<label>Amount (USD)</label>
<input type="text" size="20" autocomplete="off" id="amount" name="amount"/>
<stripe:creditCardInputs cssClass="form-row"/>
<button type="submit">Submit Payment</button>
Create another view in the same controller folder in my case checkout/confirmation.gsp
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Data: </p>
Run grails clean
and then,
Run grails run-app
If you need to test a sample app you can clone my app here: Sample App
i did "refresh dependencies" in eclipse , and all worked fine
I want to be able to use a Stimulus Controller in multiple places in a web app. I want do something like this:
<div data-controller="mycontroller">
<OneComponent />
<SomeOtherComponent />
<div data-controller="mycontroller">
<NewComponent />
But the controller just seem to connect to the first Component and not in the second. Is it possible to use it as I'm intending to?
Stimulus controllers can be reused. See this sample.
Possible problems that may prevent this from working is if there is a JS error, or that you expect elements in nested components to be used in the parent component, if they have not been rendered yet.
const application = Stimulus.Application.start()
application.register("hello", class extends Stimulus.Controller {
connect() {
console.log("connect to", this.element.getAttribute("data-language"))
static get targets() {
return [ "name" ]
greet() {
if (this.element.getAttribute("data-language") == "es-ES") {
console.log(`¡Hola, ${this.nameTarget.value}!`);
} else {
console.log(`Hello, ${this.nameTarget.value}!`);
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/stimulus/dist/stimulus.umd.js"></script>
<div data-controller="hello" data-language="en-US">
<input data-hello-target="name" type="text" value="John">
<button data-action="click->hello#greet">Greet</button>
<div data-controller="hello" data-language="es-ES">
<input data-hello-target="name" type="text" value="Jose">
<button data-action="click->hello#greet">Saudar</button>
I tried lot,googling even took help from laracast.com/discuss but could not solve the issue. why the session flash is not working? please drop your suggestion. Here is my code of all_controll.php
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use DB;
use App\Quotation;
use App\Model\students;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
//use Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use App\Http\Requests;
use App\Http\Controllers\Session;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect;
class all_control extends Controller
public function index()
return view('index');
public function insert_students(Request $request)
$std = new students();
$std->name = $request->input('name');
$std->email = $request->input('email');
return redirect('/index');
public function getform()
return view('form');
public function postform()
$roll = Input::get('roll');
$ct_number = Input::get('ct');
'name' => $roll,
'age' => $ct_number
Flash :: Session ("key",
"You have done successfully!!!!");
//Session::flash('message','You have done successfully!!!!');
return Redirect::route('getform');
//return redirect('/index');
and my form.blade.php code is given below
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name=description content="">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<!-- Bootstrap CSS -->
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
<div class="container">
echo Session::get('key');
<form action="{{ URL::route('postform') }}" method="post" role="form">
<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}">
<legend>Form Title</legend>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="">name</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="roll" id="roll" placeholder="Input...">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="">Marks of Physisc CT</label>
<input type="number" class="form-control" name="ct" id="ct" placeholder="Input...">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Hit the Button</button>
You can use the built in redirect() helper which will flash the data to the session by using ->with().
public function postform(Request $request)
$roll = $request->roll;
$ct_number = $request->ct;
'name' => $roll,
'age' => $ct_number
return redirect('index')->with('key', 'You have done successfully');
Inject Request into your method and use it instead of Input. Input was used in laravel 4 while injecting the Request class is the recommended way in laravel 5.1
I have also faced same issue with you.
My solution is to include use Flash; on top of the controller that you wanted to use the Laracasts Flash plugin.
Hope this helps.
return redirect()->route('posts.index')->with('success_msg', 'Post deleted successfully');
Here Success_msg is used to display msg on redirected page.
I am using Grails 2.3.6 with the WebFlow plugin installed. I am trying to get a proof-of-concept working with a SubFlow. After reviewing the example SubFlow documented here, I am having difficulty getting a simple SubFlow to work.
Note: I am a new comer to Grails and WebFlow in general.
This is my project structure:
HelloController renders this page:
DemoController renders this page:
However, when I click the Go To Sub Flow button on the HelloController's page, I get a 404:
If I supply /hello/hello/subflowDemo.gsp, the page renders but it is not the page from DemoController.
What am I doing wrong?
package helloworld
class HelloController {
def helloFlow = {
hello {
on("goToSub").to "subflowDemo"
subflowDemo {
subflow(controller: "demo", action: "demo")
Hello world!
<g:submitButton name="goToSub" value="Go To Sub Flow" />
package helloworld
class DemoController {
def demoFlow = {
demo {
This is the demo screen!
You have to complete the Flow Cycle. I believe subflow's state cannot be the end state for the Main flow. So End the flow in the main flow.
The following code changes worked for me,
class HelloController {
def helloFlow = {
hello {
on("goToSub").to "subflowDemo"
subflowDemo {
subflow(controller: "demo", action: "demo")
on("gotomainflow").to "endstate" // have a transition to endstate
endstate {
endstate.gsp in views/hello/hello/endstate.gsp
Came Back to main- endstate
class DemoController {
def demoFlow = {
demo {
on("gotomainflow").to "gotomainflow" //have the transition which calls a event
gotomainflow() // this event will trigger the event in the main flow
demo.gsp in views/demo/demo/
This is the demo screen!
<g:submitButton name="gotomainflow" value="Go To Main Flow" />
I am using grails mail plugin. When I submit my form, it will send an email from aaa#example.com to textField name="email successfully but how can I send an email with a layout...not blank like this picture http://www.4shared.com/photo/uT2YUCfo/Capture__2_.html or maybe some CSS..
<g:form action="send">
<table style="width:500px">
<td>Your Email Address </td>
<td><g:textField style="width:250px" name = "email"/></td>
<td>Your Name</td>
<td><g:textField style="width:250px" name = "user"/></td>
<td><input type="submit"/></td>
def send = {
sendMail {
to params.email
from "aaa#yahoo.com"
subject "Test Reset Password"
render "Email Terkirim"
Well you could actually use a layout for emails, similarly how you would use layouts for view pages. What you would want to do is create a new layout and a view file for your email body content.
Layout: eg. ../views/layouts/emailLayout.gsp
<%# page contentType="text/html" %>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
a {color: #348eda;}
View eg. ../views/emails/welcomeEmail.gsp
<%# page contentType="text/html" %>
<g:applyLayout name="emailLayout">
Your Welcome ${welcome.username}
And to send the mail heres an example
def sendWelcomeMail(User user, String url){
def rtn = [success:false]
if(user) {
def fooBar = [
username: user.username,
email: user.email,
url: url
sendMail {
async true
to fooBar.email.trim()
subject "Welcome Email"
body(view: '/emails/welcomeEmail', model: [welcome: fooBar])
rtn.success = true
return rtn
It isn't going to pick up a grails layout. And you don't really want it to. You should construct your email in a fashion that it could be a stand alone web page with no other dependencies. All the static resources used should be accessible via a public URL.
When I navigate to the page, why is the send() function being called automatically?
I want to be able to view the gsp page, fill in a few text fields, and THEN call the submit with an action of "send"
This is my gsp file
<%# page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<meta name="layout" content="main"/>
<title>Contact Form</title>
<g:form name="contactForm" action = "send">
<g:render template = "contactFormFields"/>
<g:actionSubmit value = "submit" action = "send"/>
This is the contactFormFields template
<g:select name = 'subject' from = '${EmailService.options}' noSelection='Topic'/>
Contact Name: <g:textField name = "contact"/>
Contact Number: <g:textField name = "phone"/>
Contact Email: <g:textField name = "email"/>
Aditional Information:
<g:textArea name = "information" rows="5" cols="40"/>
class EmailServiceController {
def defaultAction = "contactService"
def send() {
to "mygroovytest#gmail.com"
from params.email
subject params.subject
body params.information
domain class
class EmailService {
static constraints = {
def options = new ArrayList()
options.push("Qestions about service")
options.push("Feedback on performed service")
options.push("Why am I doing this")
gsp that calls the service
<div class="banner">
<h1>My HVAC company</h1>
Contact me today!
Have Me Contact You!
You don't have a contactService action in your EmailServiceController so it's probably treating send() as the default action when you link to the controller with no action name. Try adding an empty contactService action
def contactService() { }