Is it possible to request partial models with ActiveResource? - ruby-on-rails

We have a suite of applications that make heavy use of ActiveResource to provide data across the system. We also override model#as_json a lot to provide additional 'readonly' data for use by the client. This additional data is provided on every resource request and is creating performance issues, especially if we only want basic subset of the model data. Is it possible to request 'variants' of the return data (similar to how HTTP allows for basic info via HEAD requests, and whole response via GET requests)?
# Full response in JSON
def as_json(opts)
"connected_person_name" =>
# A Partial response in JSON
def basic_as_json(opts)
super(opts).slice("id", "name", …)
Ideally, I'd like to be able to have a controller respond_to { |f| … } style block choosing which JSON method to call based on some parameter of the request. I could include this an attribute, but as it's configuration for the request, and not a model attribute, this seems like the wrong place to put it. I feels like this should be part of the request header, but i haven't seen anything that covers my needs.


Rails: Passing API JSON Response to View, without Model

Disclaimer: I'm doing something which may qualify for Code Smell of 2015 Award. Using rails 4.2, no javascript or anything like that.
I have a form into which users input their data. With this data I call a third-party API which will remain nameless. :)
I have no model, I'm not persisting anything. (Part of a larger app, not a one-pager.) Thus when faced with presenting the user with the response, I find myself stuck on how to render the data properly into a view. The response contains an array of hashes which I obviously intend to present the user.
I render the form into widgets/new, etc, create and process the request, etc, but then what?
I thought maybe I could make use of decorators to do my dirty work but not sure how to actually get the user off to the respective view. I don't care which view. Call it a widget_path.
WidgetsController < ApplicationController
def new
render :new
def create
# preparing request
# data = response, each_serializer, WidgetSerializer, root: false
# data =, WidgetSerializer))
# #data =
# redirect_to ??_path ... and take your #data with you
What do I do?
Your idea of Model is unfortunately corrupted by Rails itself (sorry).
A model is business logic not an ActiveRecord::Base (not necessarily). Controller methods shouldn't be big, ~5 lines long is probably the maximum with a ~100 lines max per controller file. Try to stick with this and it will automatically correct good chunck of code smells.
Anyway, you may handle this with a Model, as a PORO (plain old ruby object).
class MyApiResponse
attr_reader :myapikey
attr_reader :whatever
def initialize(myapikey, whatever)
#myapikey = myapikey
#whatever = whatever
def get
#_response ||= JSON.parse(run_api_stuff(myapikey))
So in controller you would do something like
def create
myapiresponse =, whatever)
#response = myapiresponse.get
Last but not least, you can't pass what you obtained through the API in the redirect. You are subject to HTTP limits so, you have a limit on GET params size, a limit on session and you can't redirect to a POST. You have 3 options
Best is store last api request for given user in the database and fetch it back through an ID (which will travel through the redirect)
Store it in session if request is really small (and you must ensure it is small!)
Perform the API request again after the redirect, horrible. Otherwise perform the API request only after redirect, not sure if this is an option though

How to set variables across models for a single request in rails?

The scenario: I need to give models access to API tokens stored in the session.
Background: I have an API-driven rails 3 application utilizing DataMapper(DM) and a DM adapter to interface with the API. Each DM model has a corresponding REST-ish API endpoint much like you get with rails scaffolding. The API requires various headers for requests, including API tokens, keys, ids etc. The headers have nothing to do with the requested data, they exist for authorization and tracking purposes only. A number of these tokens are stored in the session. I want a clean way to make these API headers available to any model during a request.
Possible solutions:
1. Passing session variables from the controller to the models
The obvious answer is passing the tokens in a hash or other object from the controller to the models. A controller action might have the following: #user = User.find(params[:id], api_headers).
The problem is needing to override any model method to accept the additional api_headers object. Not counting methods defined by Rails and DataMapper, there are hundreds of methods already defined in the application models that would need to be rewritten. So I'm ruling out a rewrite, and this also doesn't seem like a good solution since it would require overriding a ridiculous number of DM methods like the User#find example above.
2. Some metaprogramming hack
I could catch any ArgumentError's on DM's base class and check if the last argument is the api_headers object, then set the values as instance variables and invoke the requested method. This thought exercise already has me cringing at dealing with optional arguments etc. If given long enough I could probably create a functional Frankenstein that should get me fired but probably wouldn't.
3. Use a singleton (current preferred solution)
In the application controller set a before_filter to dump the session-stored API headers into a singleton ApiHeaders object. Then any model making an API request can get that singleton with the required API headers.
An additional after_filter* on the application controller would set all attributes to nil on the ApiHeaders singleton at the end of the request to prevent leaking headers between requests.
This is currently my preferred solution but I don't like that the API header values could potentially carry over into other requests if the after_filter doesn't get invoked. I don't know in which scenarios this might happen (in an application error perhaps?) which raises concerns. All I know is the values don't necessarily die with the request.
4. Custom code
Drop support of DataMapper and the custom API adapter and manually make all API calls, passing through all required API headers. Besides the fact I don't have time for this level of rewrite, why use a framework at all if you have to throw a huge chunk out to support a custom auth scheme?
What's the cleanest way to get these pesky API tokens from the session into the bowels of the application where they can be sent with each API request? I'm hoping for a better solution than those listed above.
* An alias for after_action
I set the current user and the request information on my User model using the request_store gem which is just a tiny shim over thread local storage with a bit of clean-up.
This makes the information available from any of my models via the User class. I have User.current, User.request and User.location available wherever I need it.
Your controller just has to set User.current and User.request once it has authenticated the user.
Example User model:
# models/user.rb
require 'request_store'
class User
def self.current[:current_user]
def self.current=(user)[:current_user] = user
def self.request[:current_request]
def self.request=(request)
# stash the request so things like IP address and GEO-IP based location is available to other models[:current_request] = request
def self.location
# resolve the location just once per request[:current_location] ||= self.request.try(:location)
Use Thread.current, which is passed in from request to model (note, this breaks if, inside your request, you use sub-threads). You can store the attribute you want to share in a cattr_accessor or in rails cache:
in a cattr_accessor
class YourClass
cattr_accessor :my_var_hash
# and in your controller
# set the var
YourClass.my_var_hash = {} if YourClass.my_var_hash.nil?
YourClass.my_var_hash[Thread.current.object_id] = {}
YourClass.my_var_hash[Thread.current.object_id][your_var] = 100
... and in your model
lvalue = YourClass.my_var_hash[Thread.current.object_id][your_var]
Note, if you use this method, you will also want to make one of the hash values a timestamp, and do some housekeeping on getting, by deleting old keys, b/c you'll eventually use up all your system memory if you don't do the housekeeping
with cache:
# in your controller
#var = Rails.cache.fetch("#{Thread.current.object_id}_var_name") do
return 100 # do your work here to create the var value and return it
# in your model
lvalue = Rails.cache.fetch(("#{Thread.current.object_id}_var_name")
You can then set the cache expiration to 5 minutes, or you can wildcard clear your cache at the end of your request.

Generate XML dynamically and post it to a web service in Rails

I am currently developing a Rails app in which I need to dynamically send XML request to an external web service. I've never done this before and I a bit lost.
More precisely I need to send requests to my logistic partner when the status of an order is updated. For instance when an order is confirmed I need to send data such as the customer's address, the pickup address, etc...
I intended to use the XML builder to dynamically generate the request and Net:HTTP or HTTParty to post the request, based on this example.
Is that the right way to do so? How can I generate the XML request outside the controller and then use it in HTTParty or Net:HTTP?
Thanks for your help,
That method will work just fine.
As for how to get the XML where you need it, just pass it around like any other data. You can use the Builder representation, which will automatically convert to a String as appropriate, or you can pass around a stringified (to_s) version of the Builder object.
If, for example, it makes sense for your model (which we'll call OrderStatus) to generate the XML, and for your controller to post the request:
# Model (order_status.rb)
def to_xml
xml =
... # Your code here
# Controller (order_statuses_controller.rb)
def some_method
#order_status = OrderStatus.find(:some_criteria)
... # Your code here
http ="")
response ="/some/path/here", #order_status.to_xml)
You may want to wrap the HTTP calls in a begin/rescue/end block and do something with the response, but otherwise it's all pretty straightforward and simple.
Make XML with Builder, then send it down the wire.
In your case it sounds like you may need to send several different requests as the order evolves; in that case:
Plan out what your possible order states are.
Determine what data needs to be sent for each state.
Decide how to represent that state within your models, so you can send the appropriate request when the state changes.
Where my example uses one method to generate XML, maybe you'll want 5 methods to handle 5 possible order states.

Rails: Routes, Controllers, Views, Oh My(exclamation)

I'm failing to understand the correlation between routes, controllers, and views (and how they connect to each other).
So, I've got my controller with the index,show,new,create,destroy methods. And the corresponding
GET /entries(.:format) entries#index
POST /entries(.:format) entries#create
GET /entries/new(.:format) entries#new
GET /entries/:id/edit(.:format) entries#edit
GET /entries/:id(.:format) entries#show
PUT /entries/:id(.:format) entries#update
DELETE /entries/:id(.:format) entries#destroy
How come if I add a new method vote_up or vote_down, for example, and the views with matching action names, it doesn't work.
1) What is the proper way to add new actions and connect them to views?
2) Bonus What is the proper way to make these methods ajax-compatible (render a partial with ajax)? What happens if the user doesn't have js enabled?
I may expand/evolve this question based on the answers I get.
I'm tired of googling things like custom action route rails and the like to hodge-podge my apps. It's draining and poor form and I'm finally getting to the level to comprehend the lingo--I've been self taught please try to be understanding if you can for a young padawan.
Here's how to think of it, from the beginning:
1) The one and only thing your app does is respond to HTTP REQUESTS.
The most typical kinds of requests are:
GET - the user types something into the URL bar of their browser and hits enter.
POST - the user submits a form.
There are also other kinds of HTTP requests, most importantly PUT, PATCH and DELETE. Rails follows the REST pattern, which means it assigns specific meanings to these HTTP verbs.
2) When any request comes into your app, it has to be routed to a Controller Action.
Your routes.rb file is a set of instructions for the Rails Router (ActionDispatch) that tells the router where to send requests. The "standard" rails resource is given as a shortcut, like this:
resources :things
This means the following:
GET /things => things#index
GET /things/:id => things#show
GET /things/new => things#new
GET /things/edit/:id => things#edit
POST /things => things#create
PUT /things/:id => things#update
DELETE /things/:id => things#destroy
These are considered the standard RESTful actions - nothing else is set by your resources :things declaration. So, if you want the controller to perform other non-standard actions, you have to add them manually.
If you want to perform an action on a specific record, the best way is to use:
resources :things do
member do
get 'vote_up'
This tells the router that if someone makes a GET request to /things/123/vote_up that it should trigger the ThingsController vote_up action.
All of this is spelled out in great detail in the Rails Guide, you should read the whole thing.
3) Your controller's job is to send a response to the request.
Normally this means something like loading a record from the database and rendering the view for that record.
Each controller action ends by sending the response back to the incoming request. This response can be either a render call - which means send back some data in some format - or a redirect call - which basically makes a new request for you and therefore you get the response of that other request.
In Rails a redirect is effectively sending the request to a different controller action.
A Render call sends data as a response to the request.
When you call render :new, this is a shortcut to render :template => :new, which loads the app/views/things/new.html.erb (or whatever) template, sends it the data from the controller (normally your instance variables) and evaluates this using the template language (erb, haml, etc.) This results in a big string of HTML, which the controller then delivers to the browser.
Want to see what this for yourself? Try ending a controller with render :text => 'Hello World', or even:
render :inline => '<!DOCTYPE html><head><title>Inline Wow!</title></head><body>Mind blown.</body></html>'
See what happens.
When responding (rendering) you can send "normal" HTML templates, with a whole page worth of information in it (head, body, etc.), or a partial that is used by Ajax. You can also send raw data such as JSON or XML. It's all actually just text, and depending on the content of that text (and the HTTP headers that come with it) the browser, script, or client application handles it accordingly.
Again, see the Rails Guide.
4) When the request is made by a browser you probably want to send back HTML. If the request is made by Ajax you probably want to send back JSON.
In the case of a custom action like vote_up you might not want to show a template at all, but just redirect. So, you might have something like this:
ThingsController < ApplicationController
def vote_up
#thing = Thing.find(params[:id])
redirect_to #thing
Now, one of the benefits of the router is it will give you URL helpers. If you've created the route and action as shown before, on your "show thing" page you could have a URL like this:
link_to 'Vote up this thing!', vote_up_thing_path(#thing)
That would create a link to things/123/vote_up, and if someone clicked on it it would run the code in the vote_up action on the ThingsController, and then redirect back to the show thing view.
5) Your templates send messages to the controllers using links and forms. Links make GET requests, forms make POST requests.
If you want to start having AJAX requests, that's fine. In that case, you just need to make the request in Javascript, and handle the response. So, for instance, you could put something like this in your template:
= link_to 'Vote up this thing', vote_up_thing_path(#thing), :id => 'vote-up-button'
Then in Javascript (with jQuery) you could have a function like this:
$('a#vote-up-button').click( function(event){
url: this.attr('href'),
type: 'GET',
success: function(){...},
error: function(){...}
In this case the jQuery Ajax method is just making a get request, and then running a callback function based on the response it got.
6) The structure of your controller/routes does not affect what kind of requests you can make, only what action will respond to what HTTP method on what URL.
What you do INSIDE your controller action determines whether you are ready to respond to javascript or html requests etc.
While rails is certainly able to handle multiple request formats in a single controller action, using the respond_to block, as a matter of practicality I find things work much more smoothly when you choose to have routes only respond to one format or another.
IE: I would make your normal page load requests (index, show, new, edit) just HTML requests, and then I would make any additional AJAX actions you want to add be Javascript only -- ie. they respond with JSON instead of HTML. You don't have to do this, of course, but your life will be easier if you do.
I hope this gives you a clearer sense of what is happening in your app. Welcome to Rails, you're joining a great community!
Welcome to the ROR world. :)
Routes, controllers, and views work together to translate a HTTP request into a response of some kind (be it HTML, JSON, or XML). Each attacks a different piece of the problem.
Starting from the end, views are the templates in the rails world and they typically are ERB. ERB is just one templating system, others can be used as well, like haml. Their job is to take some data given to them by the controller and produce formatted output, again typically HTML, JSON, or XML.
But how do you know which view to render for a particular request? How do you get data into your view so that it can do all the fancy dynamic stuff you need? This is where controllers come in. Controllers are ruby classes with the job of examining the parsed HTTP request and any related parameters, fetching data from the database (or wherever), and then passing that data to a view. A controller will typically have several different methods, each corresponding to a different task (e.g. create, show, update, etc).
Lastly, Routes are a DSL for parsing HTTP requests and dispatching a parsed HTTP request to a particular controller method. They are the glue that Rails uses to route URLs to methods, hence the name, routes.
Regarding your specific questions:
1) To create a new action, you have to add a route, a controller method, and a view. So for instance if you wanted to get a count of your entries, you could add a route like:
get '/entries/count' => "entries#count"
This tells ROR to call the count method in the entries controller when that URL is received. Your controller method in this case would be something simple like:
def count
#cnt = Entries.count
Then last, you'd make a view in app/views/entries/count.html.erb that had something like:
<p>Count: <%= #cnt %></p>
2) Ajax compatible code really just a way of asking "what if the requested format for this request is JSON?". For this, you'll want to use respond_to method. In a way, respond_to is a formal way of specifying a different view to handle the formatting of the request. To continue with the example above, you could do:
def count
#cnt = Entries.count
respond_to do |fmt|
fmt.html # This just renders the default template
fmt.json { render json: { count: #cnt } }
N.b. - All code above freehanded. :)
If you have the RESTful controller:
resources :entries do
collection do
get :vote_down
get :vote_up
this will generate 2 additional routes:
GET /entries/:id/vote_up(.:format) entries#vote_up
GET /entries/:id/vote_down(.:format) entries#vote_down
You can easily change HTTP method to GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
Also, check "Adding More RESTful Actions" in the routes documentation.

Is there any gem to send request to some service in xml format

I want to send request to some third party service in xml and also expecting response in xml. I'm searching for some gem or any idea how to do this.
Thing which is in my mind is to
make some partail _example.xml.builder
onclick from my view to some button send ajax request to controller action and use render_to_string to render that xml doc and then
Save it in some variable
and then call to that service method in same action
But it is not proper thing as I expect there should be some thing more efficient than my suggested thing
RoR doesn't natively use XML so some degree of conversion is required.
Having said that, XML generation is very simple in RoR applications. There are several ways of doing this, my favourite being constructing the required data as a Hash (which is native to Ruby) then the_hash.to_xml.
The XML conversion can also be defined in a model Class if you wish a consistent result:
class Example < ActiveRecord::Base
# ensure that only column1, column2, etc are output as XML
def to_xml(options = {})
super( options.merge( select(:column1, :column2, etc) ) )
Then in your controller:
poster = Example.find(123)
request ='', 80)'/path', poster.to_xml)
Hopefully the above demonstrates a simple example of posting XML data to a remote host. As you mentioned, a more complicated XML can be constructed using xml.builder
HTH and good luck.
