MediaWiki Wiki Custom footer depending on category - footer

I was wondering if there was a way, to show certain parts of my footer, only when in certain categories.
E.g. a email link (mailto) only when in the Category:FAQ
I am using a custom Skin.

With help of this snippet a CSS class is added to your body tag for every category the current page belongs to. You could then display or hide certain elements with help of the corresponding class.

If you are using your own, custom skin, you can just check what categories your current wikipage belongs to, by calling
OutputPage::getCategories(). This will probably affect caching, though.
if (in_array( 'FAQ', $out->getCategories() ) {
// do something
edit: #Florian points out below, that you should use OutputPage methods to output stuff, rather than echoing them, so I removed that unfortunate example. And as #Florian also points out, if you want this effect to persist also for users who might have selected another skin than your custom one, you'll have to use a hook, e.g.SkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec.


How to use same scripts in views

I have a view for creating an entity by filling a form. That form contains several inputs and 2 datatables table. i write a considerable amount of JavaScript code for initialization and validation of the inputs. For editing the entity, i need the 95% of inputs and JavaScript codes.
First, I tried to move the common codes to a partial view but some of them worked and some of it didn't work. For example the tables not initialized.
As a second approach, I can also write a lot of if-else to check the current page (between Create and Edit) and do proper action.
How can i have two views and common codes in both? Is there a better or functional approach?
save your javascript code as js file. Drag and drop its link where you want to use it :)
You can use the same view for Create and edit functionality.
And regarding the inputs, you can take one property in the model which will indicate whether to show or not to show that input on UI.
For eg. Public string displayInput=[none/block]
You need to set the value of displayInput field properly when you want to show all fields and when you want to hide some fields.

Orchard CMS conditionally hide widget and suppress zone

I am trying to conditionally suppress a widget from its driver. I basically have logic that if met, should display the widget and if not, should suppress it. The widget loads properties from the current page content item, and based on some properties should display or hide. I've got all the logic working, the only part left is suppressing the actual output.
I've tried returning null from the driver, however this simply outputs an empty widget (with its wrapper). How do I completely remove the widget from view?
Finally, the zone that this widget is placed in should suppress if none of the conditional widgets display.
Is this type of flexibility possible in Orchard? Preferably from my custom module not my theme, I'm trying to separate functionality from styling.
Here is the context of my situation and what I am trying to accomplish. I'm sure there is a much cleaner way to do this within Orchard than how I have naively designed it the first go-around: My client's copywriters tag pages as they see fit (using the Tags module/part). I have created 2 custom content types, "Testimonials" and "Offers", both with tags themselves among other properties [these are managed by a different team of copywriters].
On most "inner pages" of the website (I'm using a layer to determine the appropriate pages), the page's sidebar gets a "Testimonial" widget and a "Offer" widget. These widgets both operate the same, although independently of each other:
They grab the tags of the current page, then pull a random [Testimonial|Offer] that has any matching tags as well. There are 4 cases that can happen given any inner page: a testimonial is displayed and the offer is hidden (testimonial tag matched, offer tag didn't), the testimonial is hidden and the offer is displayed, both the testimonial and offer displays, and finally neither displays. The first 3 use cases are working great, the 4th is what I'm having difficulty with, as the sidebar [zone] still displays even if both widgets do not (returning null from their respective drivers).
A bit of context about widgets: widgets are supposed to be pieces of contents that are visible on some or all pages of the site, and that provide information that is not directly related to the main content item on the page (if there is such a thing).
As a consequence, what you are describing should not be implemented as widgets (all that you had to do to make it work attests to that further), because they are really part of the content item. Instead, you should have implemented a part or a field. You can then simply place the shape for this part of field, using placement, by specifying a top-level zone: <place the_shape_name="/the_zone_where_you_want_it:1"/>
Unfortunately I've had to use a bit of a hack so that I could move on with the project as I'm under an aggressive deadline, but if there is a better method and/or solution I'll test as I get the chance and mark as the answer.
To get it to work, I overwrote the Widget.Wrapper.cshtml file within my theme. There, I assigned a variable to the Display(Model.Child) call, and if the result is an empty string simply return. This removes any empty widget wrapping tags. (I personally feel Orchard should behave this way by default):
var child = Display(Model.Child);
// -- NOTE: shape tracing breaks this logic!
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(child.ToString())) {
Then simply replace the #Display(Model.Child) between the header and footer with #(child)
I then added the following method to my Layout.cshtml file.
Func<dynamic, IHtmlString> CollapsableZone = x =>
var display = Display(x);
string zoneName = x.ZoneName;
if (string.Equals(display.ToString(), string.Format("<div class=\"zone zone-{0}\"></div>", zoneName.HtmlClassify()), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
return new HtmlString(string.Empty);
return display;
Simple function that assigns the display call to a variable, checks if it is an empty zone tag, and returns. I then create variables for each zone assigned to the value of the function above. I replace all the #if (Model.ZoneName != null) with #if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(zoneVariable)), and replace the calls to #Zone(Model.ZoneName) with #(zoneVariable).
This is working for the time being. It is quite a hack and brittle solution but I've had to move on to other things.

How can I modify the queryset in the change list view depending on a parameter I set in the URL

My problem is the following and it is related to the change list view of the admin interface.
I have a workorder model with several fields to caracterize the work order.
They are : type, nature, scheduling_type (and others).
When I see the list view, I would like to be able to change the filter (thus be able to create complex ones depending on the values of the different fields of the workorder model - the ones above and dates for example).
I have found post showing how to modify the default queryset (using managers for example) but I can't find a post that will use a value that is given in the url (ex. admin/workorder/planned_corrective). When the parameter planned_corrective is found, it must be used to select the appropriate queryset or manager and render the corresponding list.
As a add on, I want from that list to be able to use the standard admin options (like list filters, search ...) on that query.
Hope it is clear and thanks in advance for your help.
It sounds like you're after a RESTful interface.
You could accomplish much of this just by being clever with your - ie, defining admin/workoder/planned_corrective and every other possible parameter that could be encoded in the URL.
A lot of this can also be accomplished just by adding a get-absolute-url method to your models.
Or, you could the effort into using something like the django-rest-interface in your app.

How to un-filter in Grails?

I'm working on a Grails application. There is a domain class "participant" - within the view there is a possibility to select some filters. Those filters get applied through the corresponding controller. Once the filter has been applied to the selection, the result gets posted.
Now the problem is, that I don't know how to revert those filters or clear them. Obviously, a simple HTML reset button within the view won't work as the filtered result are POSTed.
Could anyone tell me, how to clear the filters used? I don't want a hardcoded href which redirects the user to the normal "list" action. Any idea(s)?
There are many ways to do what (I think) you want to do. One idea is to create another action in the same controller as the filter action that returns the list you want. I could try to give you an example but from the code you posted it isn't clear which view you're coming from, which view should be shown after clearing the filter or where the hardcoded id (1) id coming from. Also, is it possible that the code you posted had been modified in an attempt to solve this? The getParticipants method doesn't appear to be called at all.
If you wanted to answer some of these questions: starting view, target view (after clearing filters), controller involved and where the id is coming from, I could try to give you a better answer.
Thanks for the extra info. Here's one possible solution. I didn't try this so the syntax may not be exact but it'll get you started:
It looks like what you would get without the filters is all the participants for a Conference. If that's correct then you can add an action like this to ParcipantController.groovy
def clearFilter = {
def conference = Conference.get(
def participants = conference.participants
render(view:'list', model:[participants: participants,
participantsTotal: participants.size(),
canWrite: accessRightsService.canWrite(request.beholder, conference)])
Then you can add a tag to your page instead of the hard-coded anchor tag like this:
Clear Filter
I hope that helps,

How to sort data as I want in a VirtualExplorerTreeview (VirtualShellTools)

This is probably a very "dumb" question for whoever knows VirtualShellTools but I only started using it and couldn't find my answer in the demos' code. Please note that I'm also unfamiliar with virtualtreeview.
I use a VirtualExplorerTreeview to display a directory structure, linked with a VirtualExplorerListview to display a certain type of files in the selected directory as well as specific informations about them
I've been able to point them at the right place, link them as I wanted, filter everything in the listview, and looking at the demos I have a pretty good idea about how to add my own columns and draw it to display my custom data.
My issue lies with the Treeview: I would like to sort the directories displayed in the order I want; specifically, I want "My Docs" and other folder to appears first, then drives, then removable media. Looking in the TNamespace property I found how to distinguish them (Directory and Removable properties), but I don't know how to implement my own sort/what event I need. I tried CompareNode but that doesn't even seem to be called.
If you want to do everything yourself, then set toUserSort in the TVirtualExplorerTree.TreeOptions.VETMiscOptions property. That causes the control to just use the DoCompare method inherited from the virtual tree view, and that should call the OnCompareNodes event handler.
A better way is to provide a custom TShellSortHelper. Make a descendant of that class and override whichever methods you need. Create an instance of that class and assign it to the tree's SortHelper property. (The tree takes ownership of the helper; free the old one, but not the new one.) If the items are being sorted on a column that that class doesn't know how to compare, then handle the tree's OnCustomColumnCompare event.
To help you figure out exactly which methods you need to override or events you need to handle, set a breakpoint in TCustomVirtualExplorerTree.DoCompare and step through to see what gets called in various situations.
