Mongolab Herkoku Deploy Problems - ruby-on-rails

I can't connect my mongolab account to heroku. I have attempted to connect all of the ways in the documentation. It gives me an error and says it cant connect. Any ideas? I am using the below to connect it. Also my app is run in ruby on rails.
mongo -u my_dbuser_account -p my_dbuser_password

Log in And click your database, there will be a button 'add database user'. Add a dbuser. And use this dbuser's name and password to connect your database using mongo shell.


PostgreSQL error: could not connect to database template1: could not connect to server:

I'm running into the following error after uninstalling and installing several times I just can't seem to get postgresql working. I am trying to setup the coding environment for ruby on rails 6 on windows 10. I have followed the following articles and have made it all the way to creating a user where i get the following errors.
links to how i got here
Error I'm getting when i type
sudo -u postgres createuser abc -s
Error Message;
createuser: error: could not connect to database template1: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
Thanks in advance!
Here's how I solved my problem for anyone that might be having similar issues.
Make sure that your windows 10 is updated to be able to run WSL2
First follow the link below to get Ruby and Rails installed.
Setup PostgreSQL from the link above,
the link below also help me setup PostgreSQL;
If your having trouble logging into Postgres make sure that you create a user in Postgres that allows the user to be able to CREATEDB. So if your user is JohnDoe make sure that you give permission for JohnDoe to create database.
Links to help you out with granting permission.
Make sure that you are starting your postgresql server.
sudo service postgresql start
And to Stop
sudo service postgresql stop
After User has rights to create the database, then you can go ahead and type in
rake db:create

Unable to deploy Rails app to Heroku Postgres DB using Rubymine

I am using Rubymine to connect to an Heroku hosted Postgres DB.
I was able to connect a few weeks ago, but now I am getting this error whenever I try to connect:
'The specified user/password combination is rejected:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "X3v...'
My Heroku DB URL is:
I am using JDBC to connect. In the "Data Source Properties" dialog box the (partial) URL is:
And I have added my username and password to the User and Password fields.
In the advanced tab I have added
ssl = true
sslfactory = org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory
I'm not sure what I have missed.
I understand this is not a solution, but it's works for me:
Take away the current connections to databases.
Driver Rollback and its settings to default.
sudo service postgresql restart
Now again connect.
I guess, but not sure, system uses same driver for the various editors (Idea, DataGrip, pgadmin3). It's setting a bottleneck.
If you have better solution, please write it here.
I'm not sure if this is still relevant, but you misinterpreted URL
In URL schema first gous user, then password
so you mixed username with password

Syncing Heroku and localhost databases

Hey so I am following the One Month Rails guide to learning Ruby and I have hit a wall on one of the lessons. I have just finished uploading an image with Paperclip, and as I finished my work on my localhost and checked it on Heroku, something went wrong. The pin/image appears to have been pushed to my Heroku account, the only problem is that the username and password that works for my localhost:3000 won't work for my Heroku account. The same password should work for both, but for some reason something is wrong. I wish I could give you the action that is going on in my terminal, but the ruby rails is the only thing that has a continuous status flow. The problem may have been when I switched my password after not using my account on localhost for a few weeks, but i thought that once i "git pushed" that to heroku master, it would've synced. I have tried heroku run rake db:setup which didn't seem to do too much as well as wrestled by way through "Importing a Heroku Postgres Database with PG Backups", but I had some trouble working through that. Any ideas? Thanks for the help.
Your 'database.yml' should not be sent to Heroku, they take care of that, creating a new database.yml config file with the proper DB access details.
Try logging into your Heroku instance and deleting the file.
Edit: nevermind, assumed you were not able to connect to the DB, not to login into the website.
So if I'm understanding you correctly, you've deployed your application to Heroku and the login (to your application) that was working locally doesn't work on Heroku.
Deploying your application doesn't deploy data. Assuming you've run heroku run rake db:migrate then your database schemas will at least match.
At this point, you've got a couple of options.
Use a seeds.rb file which you can load with heroku run db:seed to setup some 'seed' data so that you can login.
Push your local database to Heroku - either via heroku db:push or using heroku pg:transfer provided by
Use heroku run console to create your user account via the command line
User.create(email: '', password: 'somepassword', password_confirmation: 'somepassword')
I'd be inclined to go with the later option.
How did the user get in their in the first place? Perhaps going back to that step in the tutorial - just remember, if you are using rails console locally to use heroku run console on Heroku.

Rails and PostgreSQL: Role postgres does not exist

I have installed PostgreSQL on my Mac OS Lion, and am working on a rails app. I use RVM to keep everything separate from my other Rails apps.
For some reason when I try to migrate the db for the first time rake cannot find the postgres user. I get the error
FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist
I have pgAdmin so I can clearly see there is a postgres user in the DB - the admin account in fact - so I'm not sure what else to do.
I read somewhere about people having issues with PostgreSQL because of which path it was installed in, but then I don't think I would have gotten that far if it couldn't find the db.
Actually, for some unknown reason, I found the issue was actually because the postgresql role hadn't been created.
Try running:
createuser -s -r postgres
Note that roles are the way that PostgreSQL maintains database permissions. If there is no role for the postgres user, then it can't access anything. The createuser command is a thin wrapper around the commands CREATE USER, CREATE ROLE, etc.
Recently i got this problem immediately after installing postgres.
If it comes immediately after installation, you might be missing the default user, postgres.
In that case, you can create default user postgres using below command.
createuser -s -U $USER
Ex: createuser -s -U $USER
enter your required role name: postgres
enter password for your the user:
It will prompt you to enter required database role name and password
Once you complete the process, you can login to the postgres console using below command
psql -U 'your_database_name'
Ex: psql -U postgres
Here, You need to enter the password if you have given any, while creating the user.
Hope it helps :)
I was on OSX 10.8, and everything I tried would give me the FATAL: role "USER" does not exist. Like many people said here, run createuser -s USER, but that gave me the same error. This finally worked for me:
$ sudo su
# su postgres
# createuser -s --username=postgres MYUSERNAME
The createuser -s --username=postgres creates a superuser (-s flag) by connecting as postgres (--username=postgres flag).
I see that your question has been answered, but I want to add this answer in for people using OSX trying to install PostgreSQL 9.2.4.
This message pops up, when the database user does not exist. Compare the manual here.
Multiple local databases cannot be the explanation. Roles are valid cluster-wide. The manual again:
Note that roles are defined at the database cluster level, and so are
valid in all databases in the cluster.
You must be ending up in another database-cluster. That would be another server running on the same machine, listening to a different port. Or, more likely, on a different machine.
Could it be that the message comes, in fact, from the remote server?
I met this issue right on when I first install the Heroku's thing. After one morning trial and error i think this one line of code solved problem. As describe earlier, this is because postgresql does not have default role the first time it is set up. And we need to set that.
sovanlandy=# CREATE ROLE postgres LOGIN;
You must log in to your respective psql console to use this psql command.
Also noted that, if you already created the role 'postgre' but still get permission errors, you need to alter with command:
sovanlandy=# ALTER ROLE postgres LOGIN;
Hope it helps!
In the Heroku documentation; Getting started whit rails 4, they say:
You will also need to remove the username field in your database.yml
if there is one so: In file config/database.yml remove: username:
Then you just delete that line in "development:", if you don't pg tells to the database that works under role "myapp"
This line tells rails that the database myapp_development should be
run under a role of myapp. Since you likely don’t have this role in
your database we will remove it. With the line remove Rails will try
to access the database as user who is currently logged into the
Also remember to create the database for development:
$createdb myapp_development
Repleace "myapp" for your app name
The installation procedure creates a user account called postgres that is associated with the default Postgres role. In order to use Postgres, you can log into that account. But if not explicitly specified the rails app looks for a different role, more particularly the role having your unix username which might not be created in the postgres roles.
To overcome that, you can create a new role, first by switching over to the default role postgres which was created during installation
sudo -i -u postgres
After you are logged in to the postgres account, you can create a new user by the command:
createuser --interactive
This will prompt you with some choices and, based on your responses, execute the correct Postgres commands to create a user.
Pass over a role name and some permissions and the role is created, you can then migrate your db
Could you have multiple local databases? Check your database.yml and make sure you are hitting the pg db that you want. Use rails console to confirm.
My answer was much more simple. Just went to the db folder and deleted the id column, which I had tried to forcefully create, but which is actually created automagically. I also deleted the USERNAME in the database.yml file (under the config folder).
In Ubuntu local user command prompt, but not root user, type
sudo -u postgres createuser username
username above should match the name indicated in the message "FATAL: role 'username' does not exist."
Enter password for username.
Then re-enter the command that generated role does not exist message.
I ended up here after attempting to follow Ryan Bate's tutorial on deploying to AWS EC2 with rubber. Here is what happened for me:
We created a new app using "
rails new blog -d postgresql
Obviosuly this creates a new app with pg as the database, but the database was not made yet. With sqlite, you just run rake db:migrate, however with pg you need to create the pg database first. Ryan did not do this step. The command is rake db:create:all, then we can run rake db:migrate
The second part is changing the database.yml file. The default for the username when the file is generated is 'appname'. However, chances are your role for postgresql admin is something different (at least it was for me). I changed it to my name (see above advice about creating a role name) and I was good to go.
Hope this helps.
After a bunch of installing and uninstalling of Postgres, here's what now seems to work consistently for me with Os X Mavericks, Rails 4 and Ruby 2.
In the database.yml file, I change the default usernames to my computer's username which for me is just "admin".
In the command line I run rake db:create:all
Then I run rake db:migrate
When I run the rails server and check the local host it says "Welcome aboard".
You might be able to workaround this by running initdb -U postgres -D /path/to/data or running it as user postgres, since it defaults to the current user. GL!

How do I check the records of my heroku database?

I've just deployed my application to heroku and pointed my custom domain to the heroku servers. How can I check the records in my heroku database?
You can use heroku run rails console and look at your records with Model.all or any other method.
If you want to backup the database look at heroku PG backups, you then can import your database on your local machine and look at it there. Depending on your db adapter you could use sqlite browser for sqlite3 or phpmyadmin for MySQL.
I found a similar question like this and here is what #Chowlett says:
"You could run heroku pg:psql to fire up a Postgres console, then issue \d to see all tables, and \d tablename to see details for a particular table."
You can also type select * from tablename; to view the table contents.
How to view current database schema for Heroku app in Terminal?
heroku db:pull to pull your production DB locally to take a peek in it.
I'll give the method for connecting via a GUI tool
Run the following command to get the database credentials from Heroku:
heroku pg:credentials DATABASE_URL
Then you can use a GUI tool like PG Commander or PGAdmin to connect to the db
Heroku now has an add-on named PostgreSQL Studio (currently free & in beta) that would let you access your database from within the browser, without having to use CLI, much like PHP MyAdmin.
To attach this add-on to your application,
heroku addons:create pgstudio
Then go to the list of add-ons on Heroku, select PostgreSQL Studio, authorize it, select the database to connect with from the dropdown list of all databases and it will take you to the web-based interface to handle your selected database.
You may refer to this official article on Heroku:
The easy answer is:
heroku pg:info
You can also download a client side Postgres, like Postico, and using the information provided in that URL to enter password and database name etc, then you can create locally, just like phpMyAdmin.
I use the admin_data gem, works well in Heroku.
You can use heroku dataclips that allows to run queries online. Here you can find documentation
Connect to the database using Sequel Pro. You can find your ClearDB url using heroku config command. The structure for connecting is as follows:
CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL => mysql://[username]:[password]#[host]/[database name]?reconnect=true
