Integrating Password Manager Into iPhone App - ios

I've noticed a few iPhone apps have started to allow you to use your password manager to sign in. Slack is an example of this:
It looks like there's a link that's triggering a partial version of the share toolbar in Safari which lets you access your favourite password manager's widget. That's all I've been able to figure out so far though.
My question is, how have they got this functionality into their app? I'm primarily developing things using React Native, but if it needs a custom component then that's not a problem.

This is now supported natively by iOS 12+ (and by react-native 0.60+) without the need for an extension.
Documentation for enabling it on iOS is located here on Apple's site.
TLDR is to set the UITextContentType values of .username and .password for your inputs and, optionally, add an associated domain entitlement so your app can share passwords with your website.
The prop for enabling it in React Native is documented here. TLDR there is to provide an autoCompleteType on your TextInput component. The two OSes should handle that properly, though again you will have to add an associated domain if you want to share passwords between your website and app.

You can take a look at generic-password-app-extension which gives you access to password managers. It's provided by the creators of Last Password and 1Password.
You'll obviously need to wrap it with a native component so you can trigger it from your JS code.


Can we have multiple dynamic links point to single app?

I want to know whether we can have multiple dynamic links to point to my react native ios app.
Say, I am using already registered with my app, and I also have apple-site-association file setup aswell.
Now, for marketing purposes I would like to have another format of the dynamic link that looks more professional, like
But in xcode I can only setup one firebase url. How to use both the formats at the same time?
You can add multiple domain entitlements to your apps:
As long as both your app and the firebase console are aware of a domain, dynamic links should work!

IOS Deeplinking- Pass msg from email to your app

Existing user of the app will send email to other user.
Other user may have app installed or not installed on their device.
The email will contain some token. Now I want to pass that token to my app. I have read that by deep-linking, its possible. But how will I handle the case when other user have not installed my app yet in their IOS device.
Any help is appreciated.
What you're describing is called Deferred Deep Linking (Deep Linking refers to using a link to open your app, even directly to a specific piece of content, and Deferred means that it works even if the app isn't installed first).
Unfortunately there's no native way to accomplish this yet on either iOS or Android. URL schemes don't work, because they always fail if the app isn't installed. Apple's new Universal Links in iOS 9 get closer, but you'd still have to handle redirecting the user from your website to the App Store
A free service like (full disclosure: they're so awesome I work with them) can handle all of this for you though. Here's the docs page covering exactly how to create email links like you described:

Application inside another application in iOS

How do you import or display an application inside another application?
It is like, it will be a part of the app where you can use it's functionalities. Maybe in full screen or not in full screen. My thoughts are these are web based and is being opened in a UIWebView to use the functionalities.
Extensions? It's more like "piggybacking".
Here's an example:
I'll post an answer regrouping my answer and also #Popeye one that seems valid too.
There may be a few ways to do it, each ones of them may act differently.
The other app offers a public SDK/API/WebServices
As an example, I'll take FaceBook API, that allow you to login giving you a UIViewController (that you can customise), and allowing you to ask for some data through their WebServices (like who are the friends, etc.). You're still inside your app.
The other app offers you a private SDK/API/WebServices
Same as the other one, but it more like a parternship. You're still inside your app.
URL Schemes
The other app gives you a few way to interact with it. They check if the app is installed, and launch it with some parameters, or if not, they may redirect it to the app in the Store, their website, etc. More info about URL Schemes from Apple Doc. You have to check their documentaion to know how to interact with it.

How to use Keychain in iPhone?

I am working on an iPhone/iOS app using phonegap and I am new to this iOS/iPhone environment. It has a login page with two text fields "email" & "Password".Now i want to save email. i.e When I logged out it should remember the email address so it doesn't have to be input again.
I went through many links and found that I can implement this functionality using Keychain.
I found few examples but those are in native c.
Since am using phonegap, can anyone explain me how to implement keychain in phonegap.
And do I have to include any plugins for that?

How to share a link from the app using other applications

I want to share a link from my app using other applications installed on my iPhone such as Gmail, Facebook, DropBox, WhatsApp etc. In android there is a straight way to do so, just fire an intent and it automatically shows the installed apps through which we can share whatever we want. Is there any such way in iPhone ?
On iOS , app is more separated from each other. The only way to pass data from one app to other is using the URL mechanism. As one example, an app register url scheme "open-me://",you invoked openURL with "open-me://my-link" then that app will launched. That app will define the detail of the URL so it could understand the content.Continue with the example we are using, the text you passed could be either "open-me://A?data=my-link" or "open-me://A?message=my-link". So there are no general solution for all apps.Typically third party app will provide a SDK to make these things easy.
If you don't mind using a kind of large third party library, ShareKit is a good choice. It supports quite some apps.
If you want to know more about this topic,for example sharing files between app. You could start from reading the class reference of UIDocumentInteractionController.This UI component will show a list of app installed on your device which support the URL scheme.
