Unable to share url on whatsapp for iPhone - ios

I have the code below which i am using to share the url on whatsapp using whatsapp url scheme, but when i do this i see empty message on the whatsapp message screen.
let itunesLink = "http://google.com";
let text = itunesLink.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(NSCharacterSet.URLPathAllowedCharacterSet());
let url = NSURL(string: "whatsapp://send?text=\(text!)")
When this code runs, i see the contacts and after i select the whatsapp account option i dont see the url and see the empty screen.

I am always confused why there are so many allowed characters in these sets. I suspect you may need to add more percent-encoding. This is what I use to encode URLs embedded in URLs:
let set = NSCharacterSet(charactersInString: ".-0123456789#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~")
let text = itunesLink.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(set)
Because "/" is an allowed character in a URL Path, URLPathAllowedCharacterSet includes "/", and the "/" in itunesLink will not be percent-encoded, using the original program. That might be confusing Whatsapp. It certainly confuses me.


Choose what share actions get what content with UIActivityViewController

I am currently using UIActivityViewController to share an url to other apps. This part works fine.
But when I'm sharing to an app like iMessage, Whatsapp or Mail. I would like to add a string.
Sharing -> airdrop: https://www.google.com
Sharing -> iMessage: "Hi there, checkout this cool website: https://www.google.com"
I tried to do it by adding both an Url object and a String into the UIActivityViewController like so:
let url = URL(string: "https://www.google.com)
let text = "Hi there, checkout this cool website: \(url)"
let items: [Any] = [url, text]
let controller = UIActivityViewController(
activityItems: items,
applicationActivities: nil)
DispatchQueue.main.async{self.present(controller, animated: true, completion: nil)}
^not the actual code, but enough to draw a picture
This does work with Airdrop, it opens the url.
It also works in Mail, it uses the string containing the url.
It doesn't work however in iMessage. iMessage takes both and combines them like so:
https://www.google.com Hi there, checkout this cool website: https://www.google.com
Does anyone have any suggestions for me to keep the functionality for Airdrop/Mail etc. But for it to also work on iMessage?
Use a UIActivityItemSource. The UIActivityItemSource is told the identifier of the requesting process, so you can refrain from handing the URL to Messages and hand it just the string, which is sufficient.

run iOS app from web (angular)

I'm developing an iOS app
i have a payment page designed by angular
user click on a payment button in ios app and i run a url page with few paramaters :
price is money user has entered in textfield and package-name id the schema name i should send it to web page that runs my app (return to app with running that string) i have declared in info.plist
then after been successful or unsuccessful payment. it should return to app by clicking on “return to app” button on web site.
actually angular runs the packageName i have sent with url like this way : http://packageName://
i tried to implement this by universal link like this way : packageName:// but wont open this link because of special chars in url.i used encoding method to encode chars but not successful because url removes the chars :// then i tried app site association method which i faced cannot parse app site association file
so i have few question for you :
1_is there any trick to run url with special chars ??
2_what would you do if you were me ??
3_i tried apple-app-site-association too but can not parse error which i have a question about this method how could this file opens my app? this way : applink:http://msite.com ?? because it contains spacial chars in it again
excuse my awful English at the end
talk to me before voting down
update :
var encodedChars="openMyApp" //schema name
let url="http://test.com/#/payment/\(id)/\(price!)/\(encodedChars)"
UIApplication.shared.openURL(NSURL(string: url)! as URL)
angular code :
if (this.accounting.packageName === 'openMyApp') {
this.url = this.accounting.packageName + '://';
} else {
this.url = 'http://' + this.accounting.packageName;
<a class="btn btn-default" title="" href="{{url}}"></a>
I have implemented custom url scheme for my app. If i write some thing like this
in safari and press enter, my app is opened.
My angular + backend developer is using this line of code to open my app using custom url scheme. he is sending parameters along the scheme which i can read
this.document.location.href = 'myappname://appname.com/login?name='+id+'&id='+token;
Follow these 2 simple steps, i hope this will help you.
1.How to implement custom url schemes
Official docs
Helpful link
2.How to handle custom URL scheme with params in app delegate
handle the custom url and read params in appDelegate in this function
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
if let query = url.query {
//that's my logic. yours url may be different
let components = query.components(separatedBy: "=")
let me know if you need any help

Link to iTunes Music in Swift

I like to forward app to iTunes or Apple Music (like done for Instagram or FV) when user clicks a button, below code gives found nil error. Is there a way to do that? Or even better play previews in my app.
var url = NSURL(string: "itms://itunes.apple.com/us/album/ne-olacak-dj-funky-c-vs-ogün-dalka-single/id1202943921")
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url! as URL) {
UIApplication.shared.openURL(url! as URL)
This method expects URLString to contain only characters that are allowed in a properly formed URL. All other characters must be properly percent escaped. Any percent-escaped characters are interpreted using UTF-8 encoding.
and you need to encode it before passing it to NSURL, you can do this via stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters
let url = URL(string: "itms://itunes.apple.com/us/album/ne-olacak-dj-funky-c-vs-ogün-dalka-single/id1202943921".addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)!)
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url! as URL) {
UIApplication.shared.open(url!, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
for that error you need to follow this
This is a new enforced security measure that apple has implemented on any app that is build in iOS 9.
The only solution so far is to add an entry in the info.plist file with the Key LSApplicationQueriesSchemes and add "itms" and any other url scheme that your app will be linking to in this array.

iMessaged-based invitations for GameCenter for iOS 10

I'm trying to update my app to work correctly with the new features of GameCenter in iOS10.
I create a new GKGameSession on device1, get a share URL, and all that works fine. I send the share URL out via a share sheet to device 2.
Device2 clicks the link, the device briefly displays 'Retrieving...' and then launches my app. Great! But, now what? Is there context information available for this URL that I can somehow access? Otherwise I have no way how to respond when the app is launched.
Previously you'd get a callback to something adhering to the GKLocalPlayerListener protocol, to the method player:didAcceptInvite:, and you could join the match that way. But with these iCloud-based messages, the player might not be even logged into GameCenter, right? This part seems to have been glossed over in the WWDC presentation.
Also, as of today (12/28/2016) there is no Apple documentation on these new methods.
Since the GKGameSessionEventListener callback session:didAddPlayer: only fires if the game is already running, to be sure you can process this callback every time requires a work around. I've tested this and it works.
When you send out an iMessage or email invite to the game, don't include the Game Session Invite URL directly in the message. Instead use a registered URL that will open your app when opened on a device on which your app is installed. Check here to see how:
Complete Tutorial on iOS Custom URL Schemes
But add a percent escaped encoding of the game invite URL as a parameter to this URL thusly (I'm assuming the registration of a url e.g. newGameRequest but it will be best to make this quite unique, or even better - though it requires more setup, try Universal Link Support as this will allow you to direct users who don't have your app installed to a webpage with a download link)
let openOverWordForPlayerChallenge = "newGameRequest://?token="
gameState.gameSession?.getShareURL { (url, error) in
guard error == nil else { return }
// No opponent so we need to issue an invite
let encodedChallengeURL = url!.absoluteString.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters:.urlHostAllowed)
let nestedURLString = openOverWordForPlayerChallenge + encodedChallengeURL!
let nestedURL = URL(string: nestedURLString)!
send the URL in a message or email or WhatsApp or whatever. Then in your app delegate, add the following:
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
var success = false
if let queryString = url.query {
if let urlStringToken = queryString.removingPercentEncoding {
let token = "token="
let startIndex = urlStringToken.startIndex
let stringRange = startIndex..<urlStringToken.index(startIndex, offsetBy: token.characters.count)
let urlString = urlStringToken.replacingOccurrences(of: token, with: "", options: .literal, range: stringRange)
if let url = URL(string: urlString) {
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
UIApplication.shared.open(url, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
success = true
return success
Now you can be sure the session:didAddPlayer: will be called. What's the betting this workarround is good for about 2 weeks, and they fix this in the next release of iOS showcased at WWDC 2017 ! Update: this problem hasn't been fixed - so the workaround above remains good!
I agree, the lack of documentation is frustrating. From what I can see, we have to:
add <GKGameSessionEventListener> protocol in the class' header
Then session:didAddPlayer: fires on the joining player's device after accepting an invite link.
Unfortunately, I'm not surprised to hear your results. I hadn't tried all of those scenarios, but GKTurnBasedMatch had similar shortcomings. The way I got around it there was: I added a list of player statuses to match data (invited, active, quit, etc). I gave the player a view of "pending invitations." When they opened that view, I would load all of their matches and display the entries where the player was in invited state. With GKGameSession, that should work too.
Or, it might be easier if you could maintain a local list of sessions that you are aware of. Whenever the game becomes active, pull the entire list of sessions from the server and look for a new entry. The new entry would have to be the match the player just accepted by clicking the share URL.

How to send a custom app url scheme through MFMessageViewController

When I create a MFmessageViewController, I want to set the body of the text as the custom url scheme of my app, so the recipient of the text can open the app from the text. I can't get the text to appear as a URL though, only a string? Does anyone know how to do this?
NSString *bodyString = #"<a href='http://www.site.co.in/pathtolink'>Touch Me</a>\n";
Set the bodyString as Email Body, hope it would help you.
