ios swift 2.1 - unable to send Patch request with body - ios

I'm trying to write a http rest client for my webservice and i need to send some PATCH requestes with data in the body.
I'm using the JUST library for sending requests ( )
My express application just doesn't see the request.
Here's some code (i'm testing in playground, and everything went fine with other kind of requests like put, post...)
headers = ["accept":"application/json","content-type":"application/json","authorization":"key"] //key is ok
var data = ["id":3, "quantity":6]
var r = Just.patch("", headers:headers, data:data) //1233 is a cart Id
The method Just.patch returns an HTTPResult Object.
this says 'OPTIONS 200'
Also this object should contain a json, but it's 'nil'.
On the server-side, my express applications doesn't receive the request (it just logs an 'OPTION', but nothing else).
Could this be a playground-related problem? Or a just-related one?
Thanks for any suggestion

I managed to contact the library's author via twitter and he fixed the bug and answered me in less than 24h!
Here's the new release of the library.


Order of object properties is changed while posting data from ionic native http client

I am working on ionic app which will be used on android and iOS platforms. App uses one endpoint to post user data to the backend. Data posted on a backend is as follows:
"name": "Citizen Foo",
"emailAddress": "",
"role": "citizen"
For security purpose every request which is being sent is validated. In order to do this client sends authorization header with every request. Backend creates one for every request and matches it with one sent by client and then only responds otherwise throw an exception. For creating the authorization header, data sent over post request is also a part of the logic. I have simplified this logic becuase the actual problem is different but this part is important to understand the problem.
Following is the sample code on client side:
var sRequestBody = JSON.stringify(data);
var requestBodyBytes = this.getByteArray(unescape(encodeURIComponent(sRequestBody)));
var authHeader = md5.base64(requestBodyBytes);
var headers = {};
headers['Authorization'] = authHeader;
return Observable.fromPromise(, data, headers));
Then, backend which is web api, calculates authorization in the same way and matches it with one send by client and gives the response if it matches.
var rawContent = await content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();
var stringContent = content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
var hash = md5.ComputeHash(rawContent);
var authorization = Convert.ToBase64String(hash);
if (authHeader != authorization)
When the above call is made from android,
value of dataString on client is
"{"name":"Citizen Foo","emailAddress":"","role":"citizen"}"
value of stringContent on server is
"{""name"":""Citizen Foo"",""emailAddress"":"""",""role"":""citizen""}"
and it allows request coming from android app.
When the same is run on iOS and the post user call is made,
Value of dataString on client is
"{"name":"Citizen Foo","emailAddress":"","role":"citizen"}"
Value of stringContent on server is
"{""name"":""Citizen Foo"",""role"":""citizen"",""emailAddress"":""""}"
and it does not allow requst coming from iOS app.
And the only reason it is happening is because of the way user object is serialized/received at the backend when request is made from iOS. Order of properties while sending is name,emailAddress,role. While it is received with order name,role,emailAddress. Thus, the authorization value calculated on server side is different than authHeader coming from client and the call is terminated.
stringContent was added on server side just to debug and understand what is being received at server. Order of the object properties on client is different than object properties received on server side. Is there a way to maintain the order of object properties when the request is made from iOS platform? Direction in any way to solve this problem is appreciated.
One solution that worked for us is this:
response = await, JSON.stringify(postBody), {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
So key points here are:
utf8 as data serializer
body has to be stringified
header 'Content-Type': 'application/json' has to be set

Using Doubleclick Bid Manager API

I am writing a Python program to read line items from Doubleclick Bid Manager using its API, but facing issue while making a query to getlineitems.
To Authenticate, here is my code:
authorize_url = flow.step1_get_authorize_url()
# After entering the verification for code,
code = raw_input('Code: ').strip()
credential = flow.step2_exchange(code)
I successfully get my credential as a oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials object.
Then using following parameters, I make a http request.
params = dict(
api_key='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' # client secret from the API JSON file
url = ''
r = requests.get(url = url, params=params)
But my request returns 404; not found code. Per the API guidelines (, you need to make following HTTP request.
Any help will be appreciated.
I don't know much about python, but since the call is a POST request, should you be using requests.get()? Is there a method?

Restful post API from iOS

We want to call an restful post API from iPhone. Can you give me a sample code snippet for this?
My API URL is http://machinename/asyh/restful.php/1/VideoStreaming
Post parameter name is file_chunk.
The API will append the data received in file_chunk parameter to file in the server.
I have called the same API from C#. But I don't know how to invoke it from iOS. Please help me.
The server code is given below (it's in PHP). The restful webservice is is written in PHP using synfony framework.
$fileChunk = $request->getPostParameter('filechunk');
$vodFolder = 'D:\\web\\entertainment\\';
$vodFile = $vodFolder . "";
$fh = fopen($vodFile, 'a');
fwrite($fh, $fileChunk);
nice tutorial

Post request not working

i've got an android app and a really simple web service that make an insert in a DB with 3 values.
the titanium code is most like the example given on the docs
var xhr = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient();
xhr.onload = function(e) {};'POST','');
"type":'From Nexus'
and the web service is just
$sql="insert into foobar (latitude,longitude,type) values ('$latitude','$longitude','$kind')";
$res=mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
now, when i try the webservice giving the values with the browser it works good, but with the app I get no results at all, any suggestions? tha app doesn't crash or log any error
You must use PHP function json_decode to get values.
Try adding the header like this:
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
You should also do a var_dump($_POST) in your PHP to see what's in it, not sure you'll get your stuff in separated variables...
When I see a problem like this, I setup 'Charles' or a similar proxy and have the device send it's request through the proxy. Then you can see if the device is send what is expected.
You could also try
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
The code is right, the problem was on the framework itself, at that day the post method wasn't working.
Nowadays it has been fixed.

Twitter O-Auth Callback url

I am having a problem with Twitter's oauth authentication and using a callback url.
I am coding in php and using the sample code referenced by the twitter wiki,
I got that code, and tried a simple test and it worked nicely. However I want to programatically specify the callback url, and the example did not support that.
So I quickly modified the getRequestToken() method to take in a parameter and now it looks like this:
function getRequestToken($params = array()) {
$r = $this->oAuthRequest($this->requestTokenURL(), $params);
$token = $this->oAuthParseResponse($r);
$this->token = new OAuthConsumer($token['oauth_token'], $token['oauth_token_secret']);
return $token;
and my call looks like this
$tok = $to->getRequestToken(array('oauth_callback' => ''));
This is the only change I made, and the redirect works like a charm, however I am getting an error when I then try and use my newly granted access to try and make a call. I get a "Could not authenticate you" error. Also the application never actually gets added to the users authorized connections.
Now I read the specs and I thought all I had to do was specify the parameter when getting the request token. Could someone a little more seasoned in oauth and twitter possibly give me a hand? Thank You
I think this is fixed by twitter by now or you might have missed to provide a default callback url in your application settings, which is required for dynamic callback url to work as mentioned by others above.
Any case, I got this working by passing the oath_callback parameter while retrieving the request token. I am using twitter-async PHP library and had to make a small tweak to make the library pass the callback url.
If you are using twitter-async, the change is below:
modified getRequestToken and getAuthenticateURL functions to take callback url as parameter
public function getRequestToken($callback_url = null)
$params = empty($callback_url) ? null : array('oauth_callback'=>$callback_url);
$resp = $this->httpRequest('GET', $this->requestTokenUrl, $params);
return new EpiOAuthResponse($resp);
public function getAuthenticateUrl($callback_url = null)
$token = $this->getRequestToken($callback_url);
return $this->authenticateUrl . '?oauth_token=' . $token->oauth_token;
And pass the callback url from your PHP code.
#Ian, twitter now allows and has made some other recent changes.
#jtymann, check my answer here and see if it helps
Twitter oauth_callback parameter being ignored!
even me to was getting 401 error.. but its resolved..
during registering your application to twitter you need to give callback url...
like http://localhost:8080.
i have done this using java...
so my code is: String CallbackURL="http://localhost:8080/tweetproj/index.jsp";
where tweetproj is my project name
and index.jsp is just one jsp page...
Hope this may helps u...
After the user authorizes the application on and they return to your callback URL you have to exchange the request token for an access token.
Twitter does not honor the oauth_callback parameter and will only use the one specified in the registered application settings.
It also doesn't allow for or localhost names in that callback, so I've setup which is setup for in DNS so you can safely use;
