Xcode Error ITMS 90096 - I am not using any launch screens - ios

I have removed the launch screen file and removed all references from the info.plist file and in the main settings of the project the launch screen text field is empty.
What should I do?

Based on other related questions, the ITMS 90096 error means your app isn't optimized for the iPhone 5.
Since you are supporting iOS 7 you must provide all of the appropriate launch images. You will need ones for 3.5" and 4" devices at a minimum. You should also provide ones for the 4.7" and 5.5" devices as well if you want happy users. And if your app is a universal app then you also need the iPad launch images.
You don't need a launch screen (unless you want native support for the iPad Pro*) but you must provide launch images.
* No longer true as of Xcode 8.


ios - Lower app's resolution

I'm developing a game with a cocos2d. It was using Default.png images to identify resolutions. Now I switched my launch screen's to .xib file. Now my app run's at native resolution on all devices. But on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus I expect some perfomance issues, so I'm looking for ways to lower app resolution but still use .xib launch screen.
How do I accomplish this?
You can't. Once you setup a launch screen, your app will run at full device resolution for all possible devices. You can't provide a launch screen and have your app run at "iPhone 5" size on iPhone 6 devices, for example.
Your only option is to stick with launch images and have no launch screen.
Of course if you need to support full sized iPad Pro support, that requires the use of a launch screen. (Not true any more as of Xcode 8).

iOS app layout on iPhone 6

I have currently developed an iOS app. The deployment target is 7.1 and I am targeting iPhone5/5s and iPhone6/6s as main devices.
After I have finished development, my app got rejected stating that it does not support the device screen size of the iPhone6.
I have tested this app using the iPhone6 simulator and my real iPhone 6 and everything looks correct and scaled.
I am using AutoLayout
I have set constraints
I was using a LaunchScreen but after i read many posts i deleted the LaunchScreen and added Launch Images with all the sizes and with the correct default names.
The app review team provided me with screenshots that shows my app running on an iPhone6 however with the layout dimensions of an iPhone5s (the layout is not scaled, there is a large white border)
Could you please guys provide me with any tips?
I was using a LaunchScreen but after i read many posts i deleted the LaunchScreen and added Launch Images
That's the problem. You must use a launch screen, because otherwise your app does not run natively on iPhone 6; instead, it is treated as an iPhone 5 and scaled up, exactly as Apple's screenshots showed you. Apple will no longer accept that; you must run natively, so you must use a launch screen.
You need to add launch images of the below resolutions to support iPhone6. Pl. refer to the below url which clearly specifies the dimension of the launch images to be used.

iOS Splash Screen not showing up on device - strange issue

I am making a test sprite kit game, and when I run it on the device, the splash screen doesn't show up although it does work on the simulator.
Here are some screenshots:
Normally I set the target to iOS 7.1 and later, so I use a .xib file and LaunchImage file in xcassets.
I have put 2 correctly sized splash screens in the iPhone portrait iOS 7&8 section, and have selected "Portrait" under iOS 7 and later. The link from the settings file is definitely going to the correct file.
When I run it on the simulator (presumably all devices are iOS 8), the .xib file is used and it displays that splash screen.
When I run it on my iPhone 4, it displays a black screen. In my other apps, it would choose the image from xcassets and display it, but this is not the case.
Does anyone know how I could solve this problem?
Basically, I have put 4 images into xcassets for a splash screen. I have selected iPhone portrait for iOS 7 and iOS 8.
In the settings pane I deleted the launch screen file reference, so the only reference is to the xcassets launch image (It points to the correct place). I have also deleted the LaunchScreen.xib file.
But when I run the app on the device and the simulator, no splash screen shows up.
I faced similar issue and fixed by Restarting the Mac and iPhone
Uninstalling the app from Simulator/ iPhone helped to fix this issue.
I was having the same problem, and I finally figured out a solution. I want my launch screen to show up on ALL devices capable of running iOS 7 or later, when running my landscape-only Sprite Kit game. Most devices that run iOS 7 can be upgraded to iOS 8 or greater, except for the iPhone 4 (which is stuck with iOS 7.1), and the launch screen wasn't appearing on my iPhone 4 test device. Then I stumbled across Apple Tech Note TN2244. As described in the Tech Note, once you edit the info.plist to enable landscape orientation for iOS 7.0+ iPhone launch images, the correct launch image will appear. As a side note, if you disable the launch image asset catalogs as suggested, the XCode Swift compiler gives you warning messages -- but you don't really need to disable launch image asset catalogs, and if you configure them properly the warnings will disappear and landscape launch images will now work just fine on all devices, including iPhone 4.
Your app's launch image is displayed as soon as your launch your app. Hence the name. It is removed when the appDelegate appDidFinishLaunching: method runs. If you are app has very little to load, your image might get displayed and removed before you have time to see it.
If you want to manually set a longer display time for your launch image, you can add this code to the appDidFinishLaunching: in the appDelegate.m file:
4 being the number of seconds.

Cordova iPhone app appearance on iPad

So I'm working on a Cordova-based app for both iOS and Android. The iOS portion of it is meant to run only on iPhones and iPod Touches.
When I last submitted my app for reviewal, I got this rejection message from them:
2.10: iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
Thing is, here is what my app looks like in an iPad:
I hunted around for another app that is also running on the iPad at iPhone sizes, and I found FourSquare:
As far as I can tell, they're running at the same resolution.
I did a $(window).width() and .height() call in my app, and I get 320x480, which as far as I can tell is the resolution of the original iPhone.
I found this other SO question here that addresses a similar (I think) problem: 2.10 iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
But when I check my settings ([project target] > App Icons and Launch Images), "Launch Images Source" is set to LaunchImage, and "Launch Screen File" is blank. (my experience with native iOS settings and storyboards is limited, so I'm not sure if I'm correctly implementing the solution prescribed in the linked SO question).
I also found this other one here: Make an iPhone specific app work on iPad to meet Apple requirements
It talks about editing one's .plist file to remove all references to iPad. I found two entries in mine, 'CFBundleIcons~ipad' and 'Main nib file base name (iPad)', both of which have no values (the value column is empty). Should I remove those? I'd run them to try, but I'm slightly afraid I might explode something beyond repair (plus the time taken to try, submit for review, and wait for Apple to get back to me is infinity+5 seconds, and the project's already behind schedule as is :( ).

"You must provide a screenshot for 5.5-inch Retina display, because your app binary supports 5.5-inch Retina displays" while building in Xcode 5.1

I've updated an old app with a minor bug fix. The app was compiled using Xcode 5.1.
(No way to use assets catalog or to add iPhone 6 and 6 Plus images.)
But still when I try to submit it to review I'm getting this error:
You must provide a screenshot for 4.7-inch Retina display, because
your app binary supports 4.7-inch Retina displays.
You must provide a
screenshot for 5.5-inch Retina display, because your app binary
supports 5.5-inch Retina displays.
The easiest fix would be to upload 4.7 & 5.5 pics which is fine but I'm more worried about the "because your app binary supports 4.7-inch Retina displays" part.
Although it feels like a bug in iTunes connect, any one found a workaround for this?
We've had the same issue yesterday although our app did not state support or optimization for iPhone 6(or +).
Using Xcode 6.1 to build the IPA, we've simply re-scaled relevant images, and had no further issues submitting the app.
Some developers are not encountering the issue with their app's submission, while having no 4.7/5.5 inch scaled screenshots, meaning there's a possible flag in the binary which enforces this limitation.
The longer version
Apple now demands screenshots for the new screen sizes, without being dependent on the actual app binary.
As per the Developer portal, if an app states it supports iPhone 6, it must provide at least one properly* scaled image ( * proper size is listed in the link above).
All current releases to the app store should support the latest device, including iPhone 6 and the 6+, by default, therefore the error message is terrible. There is no actual relation to the binary. Just a new iTunes Connect limitation.
This is a recently added limitation by apple as our previous release to the App Store using Xcode 6.0 did not require us to add these new scaled images.
I had this issue too and I discovered that it was because I had inadvertently set the "Launch Screen File" (General Project Settings) to the name of Main.storyboard. When I cleared that out I was able to Submit for Review successfully.
